I was so excited about the pillar project - it has great potential and i'm sure that this project will be growing well! Like everything it takes time to do so....
But i got really annoyed by one of the teams summary mail last week, which sounds in some places very ungrateful:
- median amount was 4.35ETH / buyer ( this is insanely low ... )
- only 55 people spent more than 200 ETH
I'm not native speaking english, so got i something wrong or do they complain that the average amount spent was way too low and that ONLY 55 people spent more than 200ETH ?!?! WTF!
Also during the ICO i got a bad taste in my mouth listening to David Siegel begging to spend more money into the ICO and sending the newletter to more and more friends and telling them to spend even more as i did....
To be honest at this time i wasn't sure if i did the right thing to invest into the pillar project - and i'm sure that this behavior is one reason why the tokens price is way lower as it was at the ICO...