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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [AFFILIATE][ICO] ADSHARES - decentralized market for ADS (get 2% of sold tokens) on: July 13, 2017, 04:34:45 PM
This is the first advertising campaign in Adshares Network.

We invite you to participate in our bounty campaign. You will receive up to 2% of value of sold ADST tokens.

To participate in the bounty all you have to do is advertise one or more of the following bounty links:

Replace YOUR-ETHER-ADDRESS with ether address that should receive payouts. You can use short url services.

You will receive 1% or 2% of ether from purchases which were made after following your link.
-   2% for purchases before reaching our minimal target
-   1% for purchases after reaching our minimal target

Here are additional requirements that must be met to receive reward:
  • Token buyer must hold coins for at least 7 days
  • Our minimum funding target must be reached
  • Do not spam or misrepresent what our project is about

What can you do to? Almost anything. Be creative as we will do payouts based on your effectiveness. Here are some ideas:
  • Put your bounty links in your signature
  • Translate our announcements and put your bounty links in it
  • Write publications about our project eg. on steemit, on your website or blog
  • Make a video about Adshares
  • Make some memes
  • Share bounty link on your social media accounts
  • Talk about Adshares in various groups related to ico’s
  • Follow our twitter profile
  • Tweet your bounty link (can be shortened) with our handle @adsharesNet
  • Join our telegram group for news

How it works?
All token purchases made in our trading app after visiting bounty links have your payout address attached. Every successful bounty is recorded on blockchain and everyone can independently validate if we paid out all promised bounties. You don't have to do anything to claim your reward it will be send to you automatically according to blockchain records.
Transaction fee will be deducted from payout value so we will not be able to process really small rewards.

You can track your progress here:
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN][ICO][ends 01/12] AdShares - P2P market for programmatic ADS on: June 30, 2017, 10:59:03 AM
First of all, 5 things that are special about this ICO and then you can read details.

1. Website owners pay up over 50% of the money they earn to adnetworks like FB and Google to find them ads to display. This project will make it go as low as 1%.
2. Normal ads are easily blocked by adblockers because they all come from same sources (domains), Adshares ads will come from the website itself so they will not be blocked easy.
4. Small websites owners can get paid very small amounts, they don't need to wait until they earn minimum 100$ for example.
4. This ICO has a buyback possibility, so you can sell anytime and get your money back if you think the project this not developing fast enough.

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [LTC] Checking if block hash is valid for given difficulty on: April 18, 2013, 07:12:54 AM

How litecoin checks if block hash matches difficulty?
I understand how it works for bitcoin. Bitcoin hashes have leading zeroes for example 000000002c05cc2e78923c34df87fd108b22221ac6076c18f3ade378a4d915e9 is valid hash for difficulty 1. When difficulty icreases more leading zeroes are needed.

Litecoin hashes don't have leading zeroes and hash a4ef2ee56356014853936c6c5f50baeeaa74c0db90e973e2ae5bc9d0d840cdf1 was accepted for difficulty 1.065.
Later on with difficulty 364.365 even greater hash d55ad6397da22574b63ae03d54dee8b58e0777cdc531252808371fc25bd296b3 was accepted.

So how do I check if block hash is valid for litecoin?
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