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1  Local / Mining (Deutsch) / ZTEX Firmware reflash on: June 12, 2013, 01:55:09 AM
Hi Leute.

Kurze Frage, kurze Antwort:

Wer hat bereits einmal eine ZTEX 1.15y Firmware neu geflasht und kann mir einen kurzen Pointer geben, wie ich durch die Dokumentation durchfinde bzw. welche Schritte ich gehen muss?

Habe ein Board mit 4 FPGAs, einer davon möglicherweise defekt. Neue Paste ist druff, daher wäre Firmware Flash die nächste Möglichkeit.
2  Bitcoin / Mining / 7970 awesomeness: Mining and playing games at the same time on: June 08, 2013, 12:21:46 AM
Just a fun thread: I accidentally forgot to close Cgminer and started one of my favourite games today. With a single 7970, i was still easily playing a FLUENT game. Not ME3 or BF3, mind you, rather a less hungry MMORPG.

The only effect: CGMiner dropped to 510Mhash/s. That was all.

These cards are crazy...
3  Local / Biete / [Gruppenkauf] Quad Chip ZTEX like FPGA Boards on: May 20, 2013, 10:25:36 AM
Hi Leute!

Puffmais hat ein Angebot gemacht, bei dem ein Quad-chip FPGA CLuster im ZTEX Design aufgelöst wird. Es gibt bereits einen sehr guten Preis von 4,75BTC.  Ich will diesen nochmal drücken und habe mit Puffmais besprochen, dass wir es schaffen könnten, bis auf 4BTC auf einen FPGA zu kommen, wenn wir 20 Stück abnehmen.

Die Threads zu Puffmais' Angebot findet ihr hier

Es handelt sich um ZTEX like Quads OHNE Kühler und Lüfter. Es ist also nötig, dazu noch Kühler für ca 15-20€ pro Stück zu kaufen. Unter Umständen kommen sie mit Kühler, aber ohne Lüfter. Dann wäre nur noch ein 90 oder 120mm Lüfter für die Kühlung erforderlich. Die Boards bringen zwischen 840 und 880MH/s mit vier Spartan 6 Chips.

Vergleichbare Boards gehen im Moment für 6-7 BTC über den Tisch, minimal 5BTC für Großabnehmer.
Zur Zeit macht ein Board ca 1.2 BTC pro Monat bei 40w. Auf Terracoins angesetzt, auf die letzten 2016 Blocks gerechnet macht man ca 120-130% in BTC, also ungefähr 1.4-1.5 BTC. Ich denke, im August wird ein grösserer Spike auf uns zukommen, daher ist die schnelle Amortisation wichtig, was nur bei günstigen FPGA Angeboten funktioniert.
Ich rechne daher pessimistisch mit einer fast Verdoppelung des Netzwerks bis September wie folgt: Monat 1 1.3BTC, Monat 2 1.15 BTC. Monat 3 1 BTC, Monat 4 0.75BTC. Es kann auch ganz anders kommen und der FPGA bringt immer noch 1BTC im September, das wäre Spekulation. Daher: 4BTC ist ein kaum zu schlagendes Investment in FPGAs im Moment.

Ich würde es so machen: Wir kaufen ab 10 Boards. Ich nehme im Moment erstmal nur einen. Sollten wir auf 20 Stück kommen, verhandele ich nochmal die genauen Details, nehme noch einen Zweiten. Vielleicht kriegen wir noch einen Discount UNTER 4BTC. Ich hole die FPGAs persönlich bei Puffmais ab sobald sie angekommen sind, prüfe sie auf äusserliche (!) und dann versende ich sie wohin ihr sie haben wollt. Shipping und Fahrtkosten (Sprit) rechne ich mit 0.1BTC für jede Order ab. Technische Tests vor dem Versand oder Verkauf nehme ich nicht vor, ich organisiere nur den Gruppenkauf.

Ab 10 Boards:
4.25BTC pro Board zzgl. 0.1BTC Shipping und Handling pro Bestellung

Ab 20 Boards
4BTC pro Board zzgl. 0.1BTC Shipping und Handling

Wenn du höher als 500€ versicherten Versand willst, kommen nochmal 3,50€ dazu und ich würde einen Rückschein dazu packen, also nochmal 0.05 BTC zur Bestellung dazu.

Escrow können wir gerne machen, User dafür könnt, übernimmt der Käufer. Problem dabei: Puffmais wird das Geld für die Bestellung vorstrecken müssen. Solltet ihr also Bedenken haben, fragt dort nach, was Fotos und zufriedene User angeht. Für meine eigene Verifizierung fragt Puffmais nach unserem Verhandlungsstatus. Ansonsten bin ich gerne für nen Cafe und ein Treffen zu haben, wenn sich jemand ein Bild machen will. Allerdings müssen wir schnell handeln.

Wie nun vorgehen?

Wenn du Interesse hast, wäre es optimal, wenn du Folgendes tust:

Melde dich mit Namen und Anzahl. Optimalerweise hast du auch eine Adresse, auf der die entsprechenden BTC sind, damit wir keine Probleme mit Nichtzahlern haben. Wenn du eine Adresse angibst, dann bitte eine Adresse, von der du signieren kannst! Nur so kann ich Zahlungen richtig zuordnen. Eine Zahlungsadresse gibt es aber erst, falls wir die 10 Stück zusammen kriegen. Nochmal: Bitte sende nur von Adressen, mit denen du auch signieren kannst. Eine eindeutige Zuordnung ist sonst nicht möglich und verkompliziert das ganze unnötig.

Bei Fragen, hier in den Thread. Ich würde das hier einige Tage mal stehen lassen und dann sehen wir weiter ob wir hier ein Schnäppchen machen können.

4  Bitcoin / Hardware / Solar Mining on: April 29, 2013, 11:12:22 AM
Hi everyone,

Is anyone here using Solar power for mining?

I sat down with a friend yesterday and we found that we could find small Solar panels that could be integrated in a home circuit with around 200w at 500 Euros. Is anyone doing this? We thought that if this works, we should think about building something awesome with this. Generally, it could mean free electricity for one graphics card or 6-7 FPGAs.

5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Address and transaction confusion on: April 28, 2013, 12:20:03 PM
Hi everyone, i have a specific question:

I have bought a few private keys and gotten transactions on a number of different adresses.

Now I want to make a transaction to someone, have 8 different adresses loaded with BTC but want to send them from ONE adress, and later want to sign from that adress.

Do i just hit send? Or is there something I might fuck up here?Cheesy
6  Economy / Services / Executive, Business and Life Coaching - For BTC and LTC! on: April 25, 2013, 05:10:35 PM
Are you at a point in your life or career, where you want to change things? Make things better, solve a big problem in your life, make a big decision?

I can help you. I am well and experienced business, productivity and performance coach and from my take on it, probably one of the first that will accept BitCoin.

Before you read further, what can I do for you? Why should you care? Well, if you are absolutely happy, nothing to change in your life, absolutely content with the way your career, hobbies, skills development and so on are going right now: You don't have to care.

If you are not sure yet, consider the following questions:

  • Is there something in your life, that you really want to change but feel you couldn't change it yet? Something you might need some assistance with to just get going?
  • Do you stand on front of a major challenge or decision?
  • You want to further your career but are unsure how?
  • You want to make a major step in an uncertain future?
  • You need to make a major decision? In your life, your career, an investment decision, a job decision, something else you just can't decide on?
  • You want to get better at what you do, but are not yet sure how?
  • You have the feeling that SOMETHING is missing in your life or career? That there has to be something more?

If you have answered any of the questions with a yes, I can probably help you with that.
I use time tested methods that have been successfully used with top executives all around the world. My former clients include doctors, young startup CEOs, students, creative people, people in tec and just normal people at home.

I will offer these services at 0.5BTC per hour or alternatively, 1BTC per session.

So now you might ask, WHY am I offering these services on this forum?

I like the idea. I like the idea of decentralization of money, I like the idea of a currency that I can trade with the tick of a smartphone.  And I believe that I can do good when offering these services here. You will find that the services are listed below market value for executive coaching: This is because I believe Bitcoin will be big.

I do not require anything from you, other than payment. I can coach via Skype and 70% of my clients have never met me before, it works just fine. You have no need to disclose your name, in that case I will just call you Josh, Amy or Mr Montmartre Wink
I am using a method called solution focused brief coaching. It is incredibly effective and I have a rate of 92% of people reporting progress on their area of development after the first session. The majority of people, I only coach twice and then we have achieved the goal of coaching. The SFBC method which guides my practice, even allows me to coach you even if you do not want to disclose what your problem is. It is that useful.

If you are interested to get started on creating solutions instead of having problems or if you have questions, shoot them here in the thread or via PM. I want to be as transparent as possible and as much as my previously signed NDAs will allow me for further info.

7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / AMD 7970 LTC Mining, CGminer, Crash on LTC, not on BTC on: April 23, 2013, 11:46:43 PM
Hi everyone.

I have a new Gigabyte 7970, the big version with 1100mhz core clock.

Card gets up to 730mh/s with cgminer on Bitcoin with 1180/1030 with temperatures above 90°, probably enough to make an omelette. Core voltage is unfortunately locked at 1.256v.

I have used this setting before for LTC on cgminer:

cgminer --scrypt -o -u Schrankwand.1 -p x --shaders 2048 --thread-concurrency 8192 -I 13 -g 2 -w 256

I have MSI Afterburner running and set core clock to 1100 and increased Memclock slightly to 1600 stable. But that seems to be it. I get about 600kh/s and it does crash after some minutes.
I believe this card should be able to run at FAR higher ratings than this, especially considering that it is voltage locked at 1.256.

Problem description: While card runs stable at high hash rate and above 90° core temp at bitcoin, it near crashes on LTC within 5 minutes, showing complete screens in blocks, sometimes in blue, sometimes in white. Stripes, vertical, actually. On LTC it never even reaches high temp, maximum is 70° before crash.

Any help? Something I am totally fucking up here?

Drivers version is 8.982-120727a-144338C-Rage 6.

System is running on windows 8.

8  Economy / Speculation / Statistics -- Difficulty vs. BTC price on: April 23, 2013, 07:03:48 PM
Hi everyone.

Does anyone have a download of historical prices and difficulties? Optimally weekly, monthly or maybe even daily in a csv or other table format?

I would like to do some statistics on it to see whether or not for example difficulty and price correlate with each other long and short term, what events have been total outliers and so on.

Any suggestions for that?
9  Other / Beginners & Help / FPGA mining - lazy person wants a guide on: April 19, 2013, 09:44:27 AM
Hi everyone,

let me make it quick. I am thinking about building an FPGA rig. I am not completely stupid, able to build my own computer and so on.

I am thinking about building an FPGA rig, for fun. Just with one or two units at first. Maybe more later. This is more for me getting into this than being super profitable at first.

So, does anyone have an answer to:

What you need to start? The packages and variations confuse me.

How does a really good demo look like? Do you have a system set up that is paraded on the net where one can learn about every part necessary, from ground up? Maybe a video where someone assembles a rig from the start?

This is nerd heaven for me, so I would be totally grateful for someone pointing to one of these. I have taken my stabs at vendor sites (Enterpoint to Ztex), some blogs and youtube videos. But I don't yet get it. While I ordered an ASICs miner from BFL and am praying that they ship one day, the whole "Build your own electronics supercomputing rig" is kind of more fun to me... Nothing against lazy hashing, but, the whole "mining" feeling comes better with building rigs, I think Wink

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