I've been trying hours to get my Gigabyte R9 280X to go over 600 Kh/s in BAMT. Below are my settings in cgminer BAMT. Load fluctuates between 80%-95%.
Core 1055 Mhz
Memory 1500 Mhz
Voltage 1.075v
Temps are fine and I can get to 720 Kh/s in Windows 7 but I want to use BAMT. **Note: I have 3 more cards but just testing one to get the settings right.
"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://us.clevermining.com:3333",
"user" : "1EuPLSx44QyMyz9AD****",
"pass" : "x"
"auto-fan" : true,
"auto-gpu" : true,
"temp-cutoff" : "95",
"temp-overheat" : "81",
"temp-target" : "77",
"gpu-fan" : "0-100",
"intensity" : "13",
"vectors" : "1",
"worksize" : "256",
"kernel" : "scrypt",
"lookup-gap" : "2",
"thread-concurrency" : "8192",
"shaders" : "0",
"api-port" : "4028",
"expiry" : "120",
"gpu-dyninterval" : "7",
"gpu-platform" : "0",
"gpu-threads" : "2",
"gpu-engine" : "1055",
"gpu-memclock" : "1500",
"gpu-powertune" : "20",
"log" : "5",
"no-pool-disable" : true,
"queue" : "1",
"scan-time" : "60",
"scrypt" : true,
"shares" : "0",
"kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin"