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1  Economy / Web Wallets / What happened to on: September 04, 2015, 05:59:24 AM
What happened to

When I check for an address, I get the following error: Got error 157 'Unknown error code' from NDBCLUSTER

Any one have any information on this issue?
2  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Commonwealth Governments Urged to Regulate Bitcoin on: August 27, 2015, 12:39:09 PM
Commonwealth governments should regulate bitcoin to address the risks associated with digital currencies without stifling innovation.

This was one of the recommendations put forward by the Commonwealth's Virtual Currencies Working Group during a three-day conference held in London this week.

After hearing from the banking sector, academia, virtual currency operators, users and law enforcement agencies, the group urged governments to re-consider their legislative response to virtual currencies such as bitcoin and strengthen law enforcement to counter criminal use.

To check the complete news article, visit here:

This may lead to more volatile price for Bitcoin in coming days.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Bitcoin XT May End Up Splitting the Cryptocurrency Community on: August 25, 2015, 02:09:39 PM
Critics of Bitcoin XT say that the developers should just use a different name like other cryptocurrency systems, instead of trying to replace “Bitcoin.”

Even though the Bitcoin Foundation has played vital role in developing and popularizing the cryptocurrency, introducing a new blockchain may end up dividing the community. Furthermore, there is no “official” organization of this totally decentralized system and no one has the authority to “upgrade” the existing Bitcoin blockchain, critics say.

Check this interesting article at:
4  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The blackmail of Ashley Madison users has already begun on: August 21, 2015, 05:32:59 PM
According to multiple media reports on Friday, blackmailers have started trawling the database, widely available online, in an attempt to extort the users on it.

Here's the part of the message they received:

Unfortunately your data was leaked in the recent hacking of Ashley Madison and I now have your information. If you would like to prevent me from finding and sharing this information with your significant other send exactly 2.00000054 bitcoins (approx. value $450 USD) to the following address...

You can check the complete news here:

Once again underground people start spoiling Bitcoin's reputation.
5  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / The Stanford University Offers Cyber Security Graduate Certificate Program on: August 20, 2015, 01:01:13 PM
The Stanford University Offers Cyber Security Certificate Program to Study Crypto Currencies

The Cyber Security graduate certificate program requires participants to pass four courses from among six topics, including "Computer and Network Security," "Technology and National Security" and "Crypto Currencies: Bitcoin and Friends." The latter course is being taught by Dan Boneh, a professor of computer science at the Stanford School of Engineering.

You can find more information here:

This must be a good move in Crypto Currency World.
6  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / 5000 Bitcoins for a Pizza - The most famous story in Bitcoin history on: August 19, 2015, 05:49:14 AM
The Pizza Purchase

The first retail purchase on May 22, 2010 is probably the most famous story in Bitcoin history. Jacksonville, Florida Bitcoin “miner” Laszlo Hanyecz pays 10,000 Bitcoins that he mined himself for two pizzas. At the time, Bitcoin did technically have an exchange rate of a few cents, but who knew that? The purchase price for the pizza was approximately U$25. Selling 10,000 units of unknown computer code for two real pizzas seemed like a great deal at the time.

“It wasn’t like Bitcoins had any value back then, so the idea of trading them for a pizza was incredibly cool,” Mr. Hanyecz told the New York Times recently.

The year of 2010 sees many first for Bitcoin, including the first escrow transaction (October 16), the first mobile transaction (December Cool and the first time Bitcoin’s total value exceeded US$1 million on November 6, with each bitcoin trading for approx. US$0.50. Bitcoin is now a real currency.

You Can find this interesting story along with "Top 10 Greatest Moments in Bitcoin History" here:

And the Original Pizza Story Started here:
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Greece to Receive 1,000 Bitcoin ATMs on: August 18, 2015, 02:34:37 PM
Bitcoin service provider and exchange Cubits has partnered with Greek bitcoin exchange BTCGreece to install 1,000 bitcoin ATMs and help small and medium sized businesses move money.

To more on this news read here:

This may boost Bitcoin price in coming days.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / A yearlong trip around the world — using only Bitcoin on: August 18, 2015, 06:21:23 AM
Felix Weis has gotten used to blank stares anytime he tries to pay for something. Since January, the 28-year-old freelance computer programmer from Luxembourg has been on a trip around the world using only bitcoin.

Don't miss this interesting and inspirational article here:

9  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / An ongoing debate is threatening to tear bitcoin in two on: August 17, 2015, 03:35:32 PM
An ongoing debate wracking the bitcoin community became significantly more heated this weekend after two high-profile developers released a competing version of the codebase — risking splitting the digital currency in two.

Check this interesting story here:

What you think about Bitcoin Future? Who will win the race, Bitcoin Core or Bitcoin XT?

10  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Africa’s first Bitcoin academy on: August 17, 2015, 10:47:01 AM
South Africa's first Bitcoin academy has opened its doors for organizations and individuals wanting to learn more about Bitcoin and the Blockchain. The new learning academy is also the first of its kind in Africa.

Check the rest of the story:
11  Bitcoin / Legal / NYDFS Receives 22 BitLicense Applications! Is this helpful BTC in near future? on: August 15, 2015, 07:27:26 AM
As per the Coindesk article The New York State Department of Financial Services Receives 22 Initial BitLicense Applications! Is this helpful Bitcoin in near future?

I think if more companies involve with Bitcoin, it should be boost BTC price in near future.

What you think?
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Is Wordpress Cause for Bitcoin Exchange Goes Down? on: March 27, 2015, 02:39:11 AM
The bitcoin exchange  has gone down, and 42 bitcoins is reported missing. The site has a note posted saying “ is down for a bit.” Attempts are being made to resurrect the site, and details will be posted as they become available.

WordPress is a blogging platform. Using it for something as serious as handling the transfer of thousands of dollars, or potentially hundreds of thousands or more, is absolutely a failure in logic. Even if you had to begin with a WordPress platform to get off the ground, you should not have continued using it once money started flowing. Either a proprietary solution developed in-house or a solution licensed from a veritable vendor would have been more appropriate.

The culprit seems to be WordPress in every way, since the hacker was able to use it to upload adminer.php, a well-known database management tool which allowed him to modify the site’s database at will. He then sent MySQL calls for non-existent accounts to have their balances changed. At some point, the site’s “secondary accounting system” was able to stop him, but he was able to recover from this roadblock and continue by converting the fake balances to other coins, an obvious oversight in the architecture of the exchange.

The site's owners blames Wordpress for their failure, diverts responsibility away from the site’s owners.
13  Local / Alt Coins (India) / [एन] BitNet VPNCoin |वितरण अधिक चैनल | | नि: शुल्क वीपीएन नियम on: October 02, 2014, 07:30:12 AM
आधिकारिक वेबसाइट

आप अधिक सिक्के चाहते हैं तो आप यह सस्ता, बाहर की जाँच करनी चाहिए हमारे पीआर प्रबंधक द्वारा होस्ट ट्विटर पर, यह भी पालन करना सुनिश्चित करें और हमारी परियोजना के बारे में जागरूकता बढ़ाने के लिए उसे retweet और रखना भविष्य giveaways के बारे में जानकारी दी. --- अद्यतन 28 सितंबर

हम अब हमारी टीम के लिए एक पीआर मैनेजर को शामिल किया है, वह उसका पीछा करने के लिए सुनिश्चित करें कि भविष्य में giveaways मेजबानी शायद ही ट्विटर से संपर्क करें क्रिप्टो लेख साइटों पर हमारे उत्पाद के बारे में इस शब्द का प्रसार और होगा --- अद्यतन 27 सितंबर ---

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अच्छी खबर (नवीनीकृत 24 सितम्बर)
वितरण के नियम अब बदल गया है. अधिक सिक्कों! हर दो दिन इसे वितरित!

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-Activity*20Activity*40="सिक्के आप के लिए भेजा".
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5. We will update the shareholder list:"".
6.हम शेयरधारक अद्यतन करेगा आप भेजने के दौरान कारोबार नहीं है. [निवेश जोखिम है]

2 दौर

QQ वितरण, पहले से ही शुरू कर दिया
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अधिक सिक्कों के लिए  नई QQ समूह अंतरराष्ट्रीय उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए: 334271394
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सबसे सस्ता सूत्र नहीं रह वैकल्पिक cryptocurrencies वर्गों में अनुमति दी जाती है. अब से, इस तरह के धागे को पोस्ट करने या जवाब देने पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया जा रहा में परिणाम सकता है. मौजूदा धागे. बंद कर दिया जाएगा विशेष रूप से, आप लोगों को अपने धागे में असाध्य पदों पोस्ट करने के लिए किसी भी प्रोत्साहन देने की अनुमति नहीं है. तुम एक धागे में सस्ता पेज को परोक्ष और कड़ी giveaways कर सकते हैं, लेकिन आप अपने धागे को जवाब देने के लिए लोगों को किसी भी बोनस नहीं दे सकते हैं आदि उनके पते, उपयोगकर्ता नाम, जो पोस्ट लोगों को भुगतान करने की पेशकश नहीं कर सकते हैं. इसी प्रकार सूत्र पहले से ही गैर altcoin वर्गों में खेलों और राउंड तक ही सीमित हैं, लेकिन सस्ता संबंधित पोस्ट मात्रा मैं अभी पूरी तरह से यहां उन पर प्रतिबंध लगाने का फैसला किया है कि altcoin वर्गों में इतनी अधिक है.

The Bounties

-LOGO Ds    100'000+n*2,000
      प्रथम पुरस्कार        60'000
      द्वितीय पुरस्कार     25'000
      तृतीय पुरस्कार       15'000
      प्रतिभागी              n*2,000

-Design विषय: BitNet (vpncoin नहीं लोगो)
-छवि प्रारूप: PNG और PSD
-Activity समय 2 सप्ताह
-विजेता का फैसला करने के लिए एक वोट लेने (विकास टीम एक पसंदीदा विकल्प है)

आपरेशन मैनुअल (2014 अद्यतन 26 सितंबर) (प्रथम नाम DVPN, हम BITNET के लिए नाम बदल गया था) (updated september 26th 2014)

फ्रेंच अनुवाद गयी   By @ROBERTO  --September 27th 2014
बहासा इंडोनेशिया अनुवाद   By@BlackMarket   --September 28th 2014
पोलिश अनुवाद:
By Servantes --October 2, 2014

इतालवी अनुवाद डेटा:
भी स्पेनिश करना होगा.  By SamuelN  --October 2, 2014
रूसी अनुवाद
By Oldriga --October 2, 2014

14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [GIVEAWAY] 10000 BEK per person! on: January 08, 2014, 02:28:55 PM
I'll give 10000 Bernankoin (BEK) to the first 50 persons to add me as referral on Cryptsy

You need to add my trade key: 2dab6b3c7381dc7e6685fc35ccbf61c153dee407

In Dashboard there is the "My referrals" section. In the "I was referred by" section you can add the trade key.

In the interest of fairness, this cannot be a new cryptsy account and must have a minimum of 5 trades.

Post a screen shot which includes your stats and you got your reward!

you can download wallet here:
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / HELP Bernankoin (BEK) to add on CoinedUp!!! on: January 06, 2014, 03:57:42 PM
Hi, Bernankoin (BEK) lovers - Please vote and Comment at Reddit to add Bernankoin (BEK)

Vote and Comment here:
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [DIME] giveaway , 10000 coins , 100 per user | First Come First Serve on: December 31, 2013, 09:51:15 AM
Hello, Just post your DIME Wallet to get 100 coins each.

Start Posting your DIME Wallet address and enjoy!!
17  Economy / Reputation / Tadakaluri's Reputation Thread on: July 23, 2013, 04:56:56 PM
Hello Friends,

Here I have started my reputation thread.

Please post your comments about any trades with me.  I must be appreciate it very much.

18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Tadakaluri's Reputation Thread on: July 23, 2013, 04:48:32 PM
Hello Friends,

Here I have started my reputation thread.

Please post your comments about any trades with me.  I must be appreciate it very much.

19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [WTS] 12000 QRK All for @0.1 BTC or 10 XPM on: July 21, 2013, 10:49:13 PM
I want to sell 12000 QRK for 0.1 BTC or 10 XPM (for all).  If any one interested, Please contact me or PM me.

Edit: Half gone....... Available 6000 QRK for 0.05BTC or 5 XPM (for all).

If any one interested to buy, please PM me.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Can Any one suggest Best Setting for XFX Radeon HD6670 on: June 13, 2013, 02:45:06 AM

Please any one suggest me best settings to get maximum Hash rate from my 6670 card.

Following is my System Config:

CPU: i5 2500 3.2GHz

MBoard: DH67

Memory: 8GB

OS: Win 7 SP1

Graphics Card: XFX Radeon HD6670 1 GB GDDR5

At present I get only 120 Khash/s from GUIMiner + 30 Khash/s from Scrypt Miner GUI (In total 150+ Khash/s)

Please let me know is this enough from this GPU or can I get more with better settings.

Any suggestion are welcome and thanks in Advance.

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