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1  Other / Off-topic / Facebook down :l on: January 27, 2015, 06:36:02 AM says that it's down right now, and I can't connect to it.

Not that I care a whole lot.

But it's unexpected though... So, what do you guys think happened? And do you even use Facebook?
2  Other / Meta / Report accuracy changed without me reporting anything? on: January 21, 2015, 03:07:47 PM
When I had checked earlier, the accuracy shown on the reporting page was 100%. I recently reported a post, and as I was doing so, the accuracy shown was 89%. I hadn't reported any posts between the time I checked and when I saw it, and I'm quite sure the time I last reported something was quite some time ago (unless my memory is failing me.)
3  Other / Off-topic / Happy New Years BCT! on: December 31, 2014, 06:01:38 PM
I was meant to make a New Years post several hours ago, but I kind of forgot. Living in Australia, I'd reach 2015 faster than quite a few of you.

Happy New Years to y'all.
4  Other / Meta / Do your own trust ratings show up in 'Trusted' to you always? on: September 22, 2014, 08:25:35 AM
That's one thing I'm unsure about when using the trust system.

If you didn't understand, what I'm asking is whether your given trust ratings to other users show up in 'Trusted' to you always, and to everyone else depending on trust settings (default trust, etc.).
5  Economy / Service Discussion / Random 0.00001 BTC from Laxo Trade? on: September 09, 2014, 01:18:45 PM
Recently got 0.00001 BTC randomly from Laxo Trade. I hadn't used the site, nor known what it was. From what I've heard, it's a HYIP.

On the blockchain, it'll show a transaction from the address 1LaxoTrQy51LnB289VmoSAgN6J6UrJbfL9. The address also has a link next to it that'll go to its website.

If you look at 1LaxoTrQy51LnB289VmoSAgN6J6UrJbfL9's transactions (, you'd see that it has sent 0.00001 BTC to many others.

Have you received the random 0.00001 BTC?
6  Other / Meta / Are you able to find out who has you in their trust list? on: September 02, 2014, 02:33:27 PM
It's just a curious question, that's all. In my opinion, it'd be helpful to know who has put you in their trust list.
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