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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] $PAC Coin X11 Algo MININGPOOL on: February 20, 2018, 08:32:43 AM
$PAC has been added to the pool :

Feature :
- Dedicated Server powered by AWS
- No registration is required
- Flats fee = 0.9% with no hidden fees
- Payout regularly every 3 hours
- Use your_wallet_address as the username
- Use w=worker01 as your password, if you had more than 1 mining device
- Dedicated port for each coins, so you don't need to use symbols (c=xxx)
- Only one stratum followed by dedicated port ; <-- stratum for $PAC

Support :
- Discord ==>
- Telegram ==>

More info/wallet :
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / BUY SELL B2X Here at Telegram Exchanger on: January 07, 2018, 02:03:30 AM
Hello Bitcointalk community, I’m the admin of We were one of the first pools to have B2x mining available during the fork. We provided a Bot wallet to store your B2x coins since at the time of the fork there was no official wallet. Miners were successfully able to mine and store their coins safely. After the Segwit team released their official wallet. The miners successfully withdrew their mined coins to their local wallet.

Now, we are also offering a bot where you can exchange b2x for LTC. You can buy b2x or sell your B2x with LTC.

Buyer fee: is 0% of acquired B2x
Seller Fee: 2% of acquired LTC

When you open the bot and start it will grant you a LTC address as well as a b2x address to deposit B2x if you want to sell it, or LTC if you want to buy B2x.

It will also show you the last rate price. However, this was not set by the exchange, it is simply just the last trade that was successfully filled.

If you place another trade, then the rate will change.

To access the exchange click and chat with:  @B2XChangeBot on telegram
Please only private chat with bot, not in the Group chat

PDF Tutorial: , OR

To access your WalletBot click and chat with: @B2XWalletBot
Please only private chat with bot, not in the Group chat

To access your NotificationMiningBot click and chat with: @FrogNotifyMeBot
Please only private chat with bot, not in the Group chat

List of commands for the @B2XChangeBot are bellow.

/start - registration command
/balance - show balance and address of B2X and LTC
/b2xin - show B2X pending deposits
/b2xout - show B2X withdraw history
/ltcin - show LTC pending deposits
/ltcout - show LTC withdraw history
/showbought - show executed buying history
/showsold - show executed selling history
/showbuy - show active buy order
/showsell - show active sell order
/showbid - show list of market bids
/showask - show list of market asks
/showtrades - show list of market trades
/wdb2x - withdraw B2X
/wdltc - withdraw LTC
/buy - place buy order
/sell - place sell order
/cancelbuy - cancel a buy order
/cancelsell - cancel a sell order

For any questions, you can reach us on our telegram group which you can find the link for it on our pool homepage.

or you can reach the Telegram group directly:

Admins are available 24/7 to answer all your questions.

The telegram group has over 1000 members who are actively helping each other with any issues and questions that come up.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Available now you can sell/buy your B2x with LTC !!!!!!! on: January 07, 2018, 01:26:12 AM
Hello Bitcointalk community, I’m the admin of We were one of the first pools to have B2x mining available during the fork. We provided a Bot wallet @B2XWalletBot (Telegram Bot) to store your B2x coins since at the time of the fork there was no official wallet. Miners were successfully able to mine and store their coins safely. After the Segwit team released their official wallet. The miners successfully withdrew their mined coins to their local wallet.

Now, we are also offering a bot where you can exchange b2x for LTC. You can buy b2x or sell your B2x with LTC.

Buyer fee: is 0% of acquired B2x
Seller Fee: 2% of acquired LTC

When you open the bot and start it will grant you a LTC address as well as a b2x address to deposit B2x if you want to sell it, or LTC if you want to buy B2x.

It will also show you the last rate price. However, this was not set by the exchange, it is simply just the last trade that was successfully filled.

If you place another trade, then the rate will change.

To access the exchanger bot click and chat with:  @B2XChangeBot (Telegram Bot)
Please only private chat with bot, not in the Group chat

PDF Tutorial: , OR

To access your WalletBot click and chat with: @B2XWalletBot (Telegram Bot)
Please only private chat with bot, not in the Group chat

To access your NotificationMiningBot click and chat with: @FrogNotifyMeBot (Telegram Bot)
Please only private chat with bot, not in the Group chat

List of commands for the @B2XChangeBot are bellow.

/start - registration command
/balance - show balance and address of B2X and LTC
/b2xin - show B2X pending deposits
/b2xout - show B2X withdraw history
/ltcin - show LTC pending deposits
/ltcout - show LTC withdraw history
/showbought - show executed buying history
/showsold - show executed selling history
/showbuy - show active buy order
/showsell - show active sell order
/showbid - show list of market bids
/showask - show list of market asks
/showtrades - show list of market trades
/wdb2x - withdraw B2X
/wdltc - withdraw LTC
/buy - place buy order
/sell - place sell order
/cancelbuy - cancel a buy order
/cancelsell - cancel a sell order

For any questions, you can reach us on our telegram group which you can find the link for it on our pool homepage.

or you can reach the Telegram group directly:

Admins are available 24/7 to answer all your questions.

The telegram group has over 1000 members who are actively helping each other with any issues and questions that come up.

Happy Trading & Mining.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Baikal Miner A2000 income $20 a day (most profitable coin for now) on: December 04, 2017, 11:59:16 AM
If You have Baikal A2000 , it's time for you to make $20 a day with this miner to make your investment come back quick.

Here i want to help you guys who is needed help right now.

1. Open account with or exchanger

2. Create new wallet address for Bitpaycoin with ticker name BP , you can check the trades here : , or

3. Once you have address, just setup your Baikal A2000 Pools now with ;

URL : stratum+tcp://
Algo : X15
User : Your_Wallet_Address_from_Exchanger
Pass : x

You can check your progress mining results here :

4. Enjoy and happy selling!

If you thinks this thread help you, please feel free to donate some BP coins at the address below Smiley
My BP address : BTcFBvdUNwnN1HE6j1pdbHoNUFyRxkvqQJ
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] FREE TELEGRAM Bot for ALTCOIN - BittreX on: October 18, 2017, 12:08:35 PM

Manual Instruction to sync Telegram with Bittrex :

1. Add telegram username : @SarapanCryptoBot

2. Input your registration with format :
/reg YourName#Your-Email-Address
( At the moment, is one month free of charge. so you are ready to go.)

3. Login into your BITTREX -> Settings -> API Keys :
Click Add New Key,  Only Turn ON ( Read info and Trade limit only ).
Write down your API key & Secret Key into notepad first.

4.On your telegram, setup API key with format :
/apikey Bittrex_APiKey

5.On your telegram, setup API secret with format :
/apisecret Bittrex_ApiSecret

6. On your telegram setup BotBalanceLimit ( Your AVAILABLE BALANCE Bitcoin @bittrex ) :
/botbalancelimit Your_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_Bitcoin_@bittrex
(Min. balance recommendation to start is : 0.034 BTC)

You are all setup now, within your Bittrex and Telegram.

Trading Instruction by Telegram

1. Everymorning @ 08.05 AM (GMT +7 Jakarta, Indonesia Time)
you will get report around 5-10 trading pair coins that recommended to buy,

Money Management = Your input /botbalanceLimit x 30% RISK x 5% allowed trade per coin,
example if your input botbalancelimit 1BTC, then it will look like this ;
MM per coin = ( 1 BTC x 30% RISK ) x 5%/ Coin = 0.3 BTC x 5% / coin = 0.015 BTC trade / per coin

Here is some commands you can use with example below :
IF you just want to trade one coin only, please use format :
/buy Coin_Symbol %_TakeProfit
(ex: /buy ETH 6 - means you buy pair ETH/BTC with TakeProfit 6% from initial buy)
Note : if you not fill the number after coin symbol, it means you agree with 5% by default TakeProfit

If you want to trade all coins that recommended into list, please use format :
( means: you buy all coins that in the list, with default TakeProfit 5% from initial buy of each coin)

if you want to sell one coin only, please use format :
/sell Coin_Symbol
(ex: /sell ETH - means you manually close the order, before it hits your auto TakeProfit)

if you want to sell all coins that you buy from #buysarapan2 before, please use format :
( means: you sell all coins manually directly, without waiting it hit your TakeProfit 5% by default)

Here is THE commands you can use without Money Management :
IF you just want to trade one coin only, please use format :
/xbuy Coin_Symbol Size_of_BTC %_TakeProfit
(ex: /xbuy ETH 0.01 7% - means you buy pair ETH/BTC with TakeProfit 7% from initial buy)
Note : Trading without Money Management is more risky if you DO NOT KNOW HOW IT WORK,

Disclaimer : Trading cryptocurrency is very risky, Please acknowledge that you will use this bot for your personal use and you agree that all the outcome are subject to your own decision. Author/developer will not responsible for any loss made during the trading. Please invest what you are afford to lose. Have a good day, If you find these useful, please share for others.

Credit to : Team Developer Litkoin (LTK).
6  Local / Mining (Bahasa Indonesia) / Telegram group utk miner Indonesia on: September 30, 2017, 07:24:05 AM
Hi agan2 di sene, saya barusan buat telegram group untuk diskusi buat miner indonesia.

Sudi kiranya buat temen2 yang pengen gabung, curhat, dan sharing2 info berguna seputar mining crypto boleh bergabung di sene :

Ayok kita sukses bersama sebagai miner indonesia, biar miner indonesia tambah sukses dan jaya. Amin

Salam hangat,
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