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1  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Coinsmarket - spam? on: April 24, 2018, 01:36:36 AM
Hi Leute,
Wer von Euch hat coins eingefroren auf der Coinsmarket Exchange? So wie ich es aus anderen Posts lesen kann, ist es wohl mehr und mehr unwahrscheinlich, das wir irgendwie unsere Bitcoins oder andere wertvolleren Coins aus dieser Exchange bekommen. Reportet ihr das irgendwo hin, das hier offensichtlich ein Betrug vorhanden ist? Was ist Eure Meinung?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Need your help - searching real use cases for bitcoin or other crypto currencies on: March 28, 2018, 10:13:20 AM
I want to collect existing use cases for crypto currencies and also for bitcoin. Means, looking for cases where are crypto currencies and/or also Bitcoin already in active use and accepted. One great example is e.g. They actively accepting bitcoin as payment method.

Please also indicate, from where you have the information and also provide some supporting links. Thanks a lot!
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Some great news about Bitcoin & Co acceptance - Germany as a fore runner! on: March 28, 2018, 09:48:23 AM
Hello Bitcoiners,

here a great article to share about Bitcoins broader adoption. These are great news into the right direction for Bitcoin acceptance growth.

"The German National Tourism Board has announced that it accepts cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin for its services. The organization promotes German travel destinations with offices in 32 countries around the world. GNTB also intends to implement blockchain technologies in its finances. “We want to be a global innovation driver in the tourism industry,” its chairperson recently stated. 

Also rear: 80,000 New Merchants in Europe Gain Option to Accept Crypto

Accepting Bitcoin to Drive Innovation
Services offered by the German National Tourism Board (GNTB) can now be paid in cryptocurrency. The organization which promotes Germany as a travel destination accepts bitcoin payments from March this year, according to a press release. It also announced “medium-term” plans to test blockchain technologies in the processing of its international financial transactions."
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / crypto currencies and taxation - did you take care of it already? on: February 16, 2018, 10:54:20 PM
Hello All,
I was wondering, how you guys are dealing with the topic of taxation of any gains by dealing with altcoins and bitcoins. I am aware of, that some of you have no problem, as there is no tax due in your country. But in regions like the US or Europe this is another story. Particularly having conducted some trades on exchanges makes it a lot more complicated as just have bought some bitcoins and not touched for at least a year. Are there any analytics tools out, which could be helpful? How to deal with loses? For example how can I proof I lost e.g. coins at coinsmarket exchange, in case they will not come back? Actually I do not even have a screenshot of my balance there as the shut down was not expected on my side. Any advice appreciated!
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / How much Gas (today) required to ensure a sure transaction in Ethereum network? on: December 08, 2017, 10:32:26 AM
Hello Guys, can someone tell me, how much Gas I would need to set for the moment to ensure a transaction is going through? With Crypto Kitties the world has obviously changed and I do not want to have my etherum transaction stuck. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Higher Transaction speed + lower fees on: December 06, 2017, 12:52:26 AM
Does anyone of you have a resource/links, where I could find some comparison of highest transactions rate plus also having the transaction fees compared of current existing protocols? What is the current project, which can claim having the highest speed on transactions? Which one having the lowest fees? Any suggestions appreciated, thanks!
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / What is your strategy in terms of POS coins? on: December 04, 2017, 06:53:58 PM
I was just very much impressed, when I just checked my coinsmarket balance, finding some additional 50,x DMD coins in my wallet. At the current price of 12$ this made me really happy. Not sure it is a mistake or it actually is the result of couple of weeks staking through coinsmarkeet. As coinsmarket is not give all staking rewards to the balances, it is actually hard to say. But it leaded me to look more in detail into the DMD coin overall.
It is arround already since 2014, Diamond (DMD) main ability is to send money anywhere in the world instantly, securely and at near zero cost. Moreover, DMD Diamond aims to empower people to achieve financial freedom by making every DMD Diamond coin an interest bearing asset with high annual interest rate.

They are claiming, that there is up to 25% on staking rewards yearly, but my reward was much higher, which I do not understand. As there are actually not that many coins, the prices is quite decent at 12$ per coin.

So this coin looks very promising.

But I also was trying embercoin and B3, which was just disasterous, as they are giving a lot out on POS reward, but their values are right to zero. I tried also PIVX, but never managed the wallet to go staking  Sad. Deeponion is working nice, but not such much on staking rewards and actually almost nothing, as I obviously do have not enough coins in the wallet. 

So what is your strategy, when you select an POS coin? What should be mainly considered, to get some ongoing passive income through staking.
8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Some new forks coming up for bitcoin??? on: November 26, 2017, 07:07:23 PM

Hi Folks,
Just received this email from QoinPro. Not sure, whether this is official, but isn't it strange that there are so many forks now coming up for Bitcoin. Is this the reason for the bullish ride today of Bitcoin?

Here the message in quotations:
"We've had BCH (Bitcoin Cash), BTG (Bitcoin Gold) and BCD (Bitcoin Diamond) and more forks are coming. Forks planned for December 2017 and January 2018 are:
•   Dec 17, 2017 - Super Bitcoin (#SBTC)
•   Jan 2, 2018 - Bitcoin Cash Plus (#BCP)
•   Jan 28, 2018 0 B2X reattempt by the community (#B2X)"

9  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / [BOUNTY][ICO - 7. Okt] GoMineWorld™ - gehe einfach spazieren und bekomme Tokens! on: October 04, 2017, 06:09:21 PM

GoMineWorld™ Bounty Kampagne

Dauer: 6 Wochen.

Der verfügbare gesamte Bounty Pool sind 4300 000 GMW Token.

Blogs und Medien - 645 000 (15%) GWM Token.

Wir suchen nach hochwertigen Artikel. Das heißt, wenn ihr einen Blog habt oder einen Kanal auf YouTube, dann stellt bitte sicher, dass jeder über uns etwas erfährt. Nur hochwertige Inhalte!

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-   Minimum Anzahl von Abonnenten sind 500.

Alle Blogs und Medien Beiträge werden in 3 Typen separiert und werden entsprechend belohnt:
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Twitter - 645 000 (15%) GWM Token.
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indisch -
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romanisch - Tszunami98
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Legendary 3 Stake/Woche

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Wir werden stichprobenweise alle unsere Teilnehmer überprüfen.


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GoMineWorld™|Mache einen Spaziergang und bekomme eine Kryptowährung | ICO 7. Oktober 2017


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                                     ██ █▀████   ██████ █▀██ ████ █
                                            █     ██▀▀█     ██  ██ ████▀
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                          ██  ██████                   █▀██████
                        ██████   ██▀██                    ▀▀█
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                    ██████████████  ███ █            
                   ██████ █ ██       █████ ▀████ █
                   █████  ███  █    ██ █   █▀██████
                    ▀████▀█    █████     ▀█  █▀██
                  █████ █     ███▀█    ███████
                  ████████ ████   ████ ████
                  ███████   ████  ████  ████
                  ███████████████ ██████
                    █████ █████ █ ██████
                     ███ █████████ ███
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                                                   ███  ████ ██   ██   █ █████
                                                   ██████   ██     █████ █ █▀██
                                               ████ █▀███ ███   █████████   █
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                                             █▀█████████ ██████ ███████   ██
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                          ██  ██████                   █▀██████
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                     ███ █████████ ███
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Telegram Bounty - 215 000 (5%) GWM Token.

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E-Mail Bounty - 215 000 (5%) GMW Token.

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10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Why is NEM so beaten? on: September 20, 2017, 02:44:57 PM
I was just researching on NEM but I did not found any substantial information, why it is currently so under pressure. Any ideas, information someone can share?
11  Other / Meta / Where can I see my Bitcointalk Userid? I want to participate on the onion airdro on: August 12, 2017, 02:26:56 PM
When I go into my profile I only see my name and username, but no Bitcointalk userid? I am completely confused. Hopefully someone can help me. Thanks a lot!
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / wallet who has one? I have a question on this one.. on: August 10, 2017, 10:45:43 AM
I have set-up this wallet in my early days with cryptocurrencies. Now here my question: I have my seed, but it has only 11 words. Does anyone know, whether this is correct with 11 words? I thought seeds are normally with 12 words. I did not find any information on their webside. Now I would like to use the wallet but scared, that I might have not my private key really. So before I do all over again, can someone tell me, whether my seed with 11 words is complete for Thanks
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Has anyone experience with Bitcoin Generator? on: August 09, 2017, 10:30:32 AM
This bitcoin generator add popps up recently when you do some faucets. Has anyone tested it? It sounds to be too good on potential gains. But I am scared of any scam... Any experience sharing very much appreciated.
14  Economy / Exchanges / Lake BTC vs. e.g. Kraken leveraging exchanges different Bitcoin rates on: August 04, 2017, 08:28:11 PM
I have just realized, that at the china exchange LakeBTC the bitcoin price is much higher than at Kraken (over a 100$). Does anyone have some experience in trading by leveraging those price differences of the exchanges. Does it work out, or would I just loose too much on fees?
15  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / ACT free token program on: July 22, 2017, 10:15:06 AM
Mal eine Frage, ich habe gestern den Fragekatalog ausgefüllt für die freien ACT token. Aber leider habe ich bisher überhaupt keine Rückmeldung erhalten. Hat jemand Erfahrung damit gemacht? Dauert es, bis man weiß, ob man die Fragen richtig beantwortet hat? Freue mich über Infos. Danke!
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