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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / [Forager] v20.04 - Profit switching miner (AMD/NVIDIA/CPU) Windows/Linux! on: May 03, 2018, 07:47:20 PM
Forager is an advanced open source multi-pool / multi-algo profit switching miner

It will use profit information from supporting pools to make sure you mine the most profitable algorithm at all times.
You can also use WhatToMine and CoinCalculators virtual pools for profit data and mine to pools which dont provide profit information, or even your custom pools.

Using integration with MSI Afterburner, it will get real time power usage and use this information to calculate how much you pay and adjust the profitability data.

Discord Server

Latest versions:
20.04 - 5/04/2020 (
20.01 - 5/01/2020 (
19.07 - 27/07/2019 (
19.06 - 3/06/2019 (
19.05 - 9/05/2019 (

Main features:
- Supports AMD/NVIDIA/CPU Mining
- Mine single coin or algo or Automatic profit switching on Zpool, Zergpool, NiceHash, MiningPoolHub and others
- Profitability info for all coins on WhatToMine and CoinCalculators
- MSI Afterburner integration for monitoring AMD/NVIDIA/Intel CPU power consumption and PowerLimit support for AMD/NVIDIA
- Fast benchmarking (Most algos hashrate stabilize and finish within 2-3mins)
- GPU Activity watchdog + Hashrate watchdog
- Reporting mining stats to
- Power usage approximation for AMD and CPU when Afterburner integration is off
- Profit display in any fiat currency which is supported by CoinDesk
- SHA256 checksum validation for miner downloads


Issue tracker:

How to start:
Option 1 (recommended):
Install GIT (, open command line and run "git clone" to get latest master version

Option 2:
Download latest Forager release (7zip or self-extracting SFX) and extract

Copy Config-SAMPLE.ini to Config.ini and Edit it with your preferred currencies, wallets and pool users
See Autostart.bat files for launch examples

Option 1:
Remove all files except your customized Autostart.bat, Config.ini and Stats folder
Download latest Forager release (7zip or self-extracting SFX) and extract

Option 2 (if initially installed using GIT):
run "git pull" in Forager folder to get latest master version

Miner list:
Total of 70+ miners, too long to list here
If you want a specific miner - I probably have it already Wink

Pool list:


- Recommended drivers for AMD - 18.3.4/18.6.1.
  you can use to easily find and download specific driver version

- Recommended drivers for NVIDIA on Win 10 - 411.31+ for CUDA 10.
- Recommended drivers for NVIDIA on Win 10 - 398.+ for CUDA 9.2
- Recommended drivers for NVIDIA on Win 7 - 390.65-391.01

- Latest PowerShell core recommended for compatibility/performance:

- Windows 7 will require PowerShell v5 or PowerShell Core installed:

- Recommended MSI Afterburner version is 4.5.0 or newer
  prior versions don't support Intel CPU power usage and may not fully support your GPU

- Avermore and Sgminer X16r/X16s (AMD) during benchmarking submit "fake" shares that get rejected by the pools.
  Ignore this and after benchmarking it will work normally.

- XMR-Stak (AMD and NVIDIA) doesn't support multiple groups per GPU Vendor (2+ AMD or NVIDIA) out of the box.
  Of first run it will create "GroupName-Algorithm.txt" files for each group that you can edit once to include only the relevant GPUs.

Mixed rigs (AMD+NVIDIA) may have problems selecting specific devices. Use at your own risk.

The miners used in Forager come from reasonably reputable sources and tested by community.
There is SHA256 validation for miner downloads to make sure they are not replaced by fake ones.
However, I do not take any responsibility if any of the miners contains harmful code.
Therefore, NEVER keep coin wallets or other sensitive information on the computer you run Forager on.
If you get hacked, loose your coins, burn you video card or cpu, get your personal photos stolen or your cat poisoned - it's your fault.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / New non-beta AMD drivers (24/10/17) with blockchain workloads support on: October 24, 2017, 02:09:45 PM
AMD released a new driver with blockchain workloads support (not beta anymore!) and support for up to 12 GPUs

Important parts of the release notes for miners
GPU Workload
A new toggle in Radeon Settings that can be found under the "Gaming", "Global Settings" options. This toggle will allow you to switch optimization between graphics or compute workloads on select Radeon RX 500, Radeon RX 400, Radeon R9 390, Radeon R9 380, Radeon R9 290 and Radeon R9 285 series graphics products.
Compute Support
Radeon Software now supports compute workloads for up to 12 installed Radeon RX 400, Radeon RX 500 or Radeon RX Vega series graphics products on Windows®10 system configurations.

Switching works without a system restart, I have verified ETH hashrate increase from 24 to 29 in rx 480 after swithcing to "compute"
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