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1  Local / Mining (India) / Simply tell me the cost of 0.1THs hashrate on: January 07, 2021, 02:40:40 PM
Anyone who mines BTC or has done so in past...

What is the cost incurred to attain 0.1THs of hashrate on BTC?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Need 500 waves coin loan! on: November 08, 2020, 03:10:02 AM
I want to take 500 waves coin for collateral of 62.5 BNB.
I'll return the amount in 2 weeks, like on 20 Nov.

Since I'm noob to this, what is the repayment rate and all?
3  Local / Alt Coins (India) / CHF dfinity airdrop claim on: September 27, 2020, 02:33:08 PM
Just a heads up for those who had applied for Dfinity airdrop wayyy back in 2018.

They will soon be having mainnet launch on 30th Sept and airdrop will follow, find your coinlist ID and get set.
4  Local / Off-Topic (India) / Pajeet on: August 20, 2020, 02:54:10 PM
Didn't realise Indians will start using this term against fellow Indians to spite them.

Is it cause they genuinely fail to grasp it or simply to appeal more to the Western members on the forum?
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / [CLOSED]SELLING 20USD WORTH BAT TOKENS on: August 09, 2020, 03:37:28 AM
I would be willing to accept payments in BTC; VISA/MASTERCARD; Skrill; Neteller and such.

Rate would be decided when u contact me.

Only widely Trusted Users can receive my BAT first.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / [CLOSED]buying BTC WORTH 20USD for BAT TOKENS ONLY on: August 09, 2020, 03:35:18 AM
I would be willing to accept payments in BTC
Rate would be decided when u contact me.

Only widely Trusted Users can receive my BAT first.
7  Local / Off-Topic (India) / UPSC RESULTS 2020! on: August 05, 2020, 02:23:23 PM
Has anyone from the Forum qualified in UPSC exams in your knowledge this year or in the past?

Even non-CSE exams!
8  Economy / Reputation / RETALIATORY VINDICTIVE TRUST ABUSE by DT on: February 26, 2020, 04:34:01 AM
This is to point out that I have been negged by a DT member of the forum in what is explicitly a blatant disregard for any conventional wisdom on the concerned issue.

Apparently, holding a view grounded in facts borne out by actions contrary to that of a Paid Signature Holder of the stature of DT makes one a Trust Abuser and anyone dealing with him/her will have damaging consequences.  Roll Eyes

1. The issue is that I had negged FJ for this following reason flagging it as Shady, Slow and Irresponsible IMO.

2. The Trust Abusing DT member then proceeded to neutral tag me without a reference with nearly the same accusations as they are now. Since it was a neutral I ignored it and was advised by others to not pay heed to it as well. (suchmoon, ibminer) (As a pun I even put a different version in my Sign space.  Wink)

3. FJ recently has apparently again dealt in a shady manner and this is also implicitly agreed to by various august members of this forum community too in this case for which I have attached the link. Various members have also expressed there opinion on this in the Gambling section thread too.

4. After I UPDATED my neg to reflect the latest FJ fiasco after a spat with Hhampuz. Lauda decided to UPGRADE my tag to red trust here.

which prior to this was this

This neutral had been again updated recently although the same thing has been there since the earlier issues stated in point 1.

5. Not only that but apparently to prevent any red trust appearing on FJ the DT member did put me in the excluded list (as if I am ever becoming a DT member, but the thought of it amuses me  Grin).

I now proceed to ask members of this forum to point out if I am deserving of the TAG and how then is it justified.

Since this is un-self-moderated opinions from everyone will be welcomed and paid heed to without any malice.
9  Other / Politics & Society / Nancy Pelosi Rips SOTU, an act of Constitutional Defiance or Mal-intent ? on: February 05, 2020, 04:29:50 AM
The way Ms. Pelosi tore up SOTU simply points at her immediate reaction to Trump ignoring her handshake (IMHO).

It simply shows how fragile the Dem ego is; maybe they nvr expected Trump to win in the first place and then continue to be in office with a second term staring at them in the face with their own stupid acts. I think they'll lose with a better margin despite the sevaral shortcomings on part of Trump Admin.

In your opinion does it bode well for the impending elections?
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Can someone recommend GOOD ETH and ERC20 mixer ? on: March 25, 2018, 06:57:27 PM
I need names of good ERC20 and ETH mixers, that have been used by reliable members of this forum.
11  Local / Alt Coins (India) / [ANN][ICO]🚀InsChain - Insurance of the future ⭐️⭐️⭐️ on: February 28, 2018, 02:32:35 PM
इन्स्चैन समुदाय में शामिल हों

इन्स्चैन स्केलेबल ब्लॉक-चेन, इंटरनेट  ऑफ़ थिंग्स (आईओटी) और कृत्रिम बुद्धि के आधार पर दुनिया का पहला अनुकूलन योग्य एकीकृत बीमा मंच है। हमारा स्मार्ट इंश्योरेंस प्लैटफॉर्म बीमा कार्यों के आवेदन स्तर को सक्षम बनाता है और यह ब्लॉकचैन के बुनियादी ढांचे पर तटस्थ (ईथरकॉम, कपड़े, बीसीओएस, चाइनालिजर और अन्य सार्वजनिक चेन और गठबंधन चैनों सहित और इसके आगे भी) बीमा उत्पादों के डिजिटलीकरण के रूप में पारंपरिक बीमा प्रक्रिया के लिए प्रौद्योगिकी-आधारित परिवर्तनों को लाकर, बीमा व्यवसाय प्रक्रिया के मॉड्यूलरीकरण और बेहतर दक्षता, हमारा स्मार्ट प्लेटफ़ॉर्म इसको ऐसा बनाता है और उपयोगकर्ताओं और निवेशकों को उनके पैसे का मूल्य लौटाता है।

इन्स्चैन एक ब्लॉकचैन आधारित बीमा परियोजना है जो वरिष्ठ अमेरिकी अधिनियमों, जोखिम प्रबंधन प्रबंधकों और बीमा, निवेश, कृत्रिम बुद्धि और बड़े-डेटा में प्रथम श्रेणी के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा स्थापित है।

इंश्यैन मंच नए बीमा व्यवसाय मॉडल जैसे पी-2-पी बीमा के साथ-साथ पारंपरिक बीमा वर्कफ़्लो प्रक्रियाओं की एक श्रृंखला का समर्थन करता है जो हामीदारी से निपटने का दावा करता है। इन्स्चैन मंच विशेष रूप से बीमा उद्योग के दिक्कतों को संबोधित करने के लिए बनाया गया है।

इंश्यैन प्रबंधन टीम के पास संबंधित क्षेत्रों में व्यापक और गहरा अनुभव है, जैसे कि बीमा, बीमांकल और ब्लॉकचैन प्रौद्योगिकी। हम पारंपरिक बीमा उद्योग के बाधाओं को दूर करने और ब्लॉक-चेन-आधारित बीमा आवेदनों का उपयोग करके बीमा प्रक्रिया में विश्वास और सुरक्षा की सामान्य कमी को दूर करने का प्रयास करते हैं।

हमारी ताकत कृत्रिम बुद्धि और ब्लॉकचैन प्रौद्योगिकियों को पारंपरिक व्यवसाय मॉडल को बदलने के लिए बीमा व्यवसाय के साथ मिलान करने की हमारी क्षमता में है। हमारा मिशन इन्शुरन्स में विश्व-गुरु बनना है, खासकर बीमा क्षेत्र में ब्लॉकचैन के आवेदन में।

आईसीओ जानकारी


12  Local / Alt Coins (India) / 🔥【ANN】【ICO】⭐EFFECT.AI Decentralized Network for A.I⭐Powered by NEO🔴【Bounty】 on: February 08, 2018, 02:35:58 PM

13  Local / Alt Coins (India) / [ANN] [CROWDSALE 24 JAN] Blockport: The first social crypto exchange on: January 18, 2018, 07:06:20 PM

3 मिनट में पूर्व बिक्री ख़त्म!

क्राउड-सेल जनवरी 24th 2018 15:00 सीईटी पर शुरू होता है। हमारी वेबसाइट पर श्वेतसूची के लिए अभी साइन-अप करें:

ब्लॉकपोर्ट क्या है?

ब्लॉकपोर्ट एक पहला सामाजिक क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंज है जो हाइब्रिड-विकेंद्रीकृत वास्तुकला पर आधारित है।

हमारे व्यापार मंच से आपको कई सार्वजनिक एक्सचेंजों पर व्यापार करने की सुविधा मिलती है, जबकि आपकी निजी कुंजी

आप ब्लॉकआउट टोकन (बीपीटी) के साथ अन्य सदस्यों के व्यापारिक गतिविधियों का पालन करने या कॉपी करने के लिए भुगतान कर सकते हैं।

किसी भी अपडेट के लिए, कृपया टेलीग्राम समुदाय से जुड़ें .


क्रिप्टो की जटिलता शुरुआती कारोबार शुरू करने के लिए मुश्किल बनाता है। मौजूदा प्लेटफार्मों में प्रवेश के लिए उच्च बाधाएं आती हैं, क्योंकि उन्हें अक्सर उपयोगिता, पारदर्शिता और शिक्षा की कमी होती है। नतीजतन, कई लोग क्रिप्टो अर्थव्यवस्था को अपनाने के लिए निराश हैं


हम एक उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंज का निर्माण कर रहे हैं जो एक हाइब्रिड-विकेन्द्रीकृत आर्किटेक्चर के साथ सामाजिक व्यापार को जोड़ता है ताकि लोगों को सुरक्षित रूप से क्रिप्टो आस्तियों का व्यापार कर सकें। हम क्रिप्टो अर्थव्यवस्था और एक पारंपरिक और विकेंद्रीकृत समाज की तरफ बढ़ने के लिए वित्त की पारंपरिक दुनिया के बीच की खाई को दूर करते हैं।

हर कोई क्रिप्टो व्यापर कर सकता है| 

ब्लॉकपोर्ट ट्रेडिंग प्लेटफॉर्म शुरुआती और उन्नत व्यापारियों दोनों के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। जब आप ब्लॉकपोर्ट प्लेटफॉर्म का उपयोग करते हैं, तो क्रिप्टो-करेंसी के साथ व्यापार या अनुभव का कोई पूर्व ज्ञान आवश्यक नहीं है।

अपनी पहली क्रिप्टो-करेंसी खरीदें और तुरन्त उन्हें अपने व्यक्तिगत डैशबोर्ड के माध्यम से एक्सेस करें

अनुभवी व्यापारियों का पालन करें और उनकी चालें कॉपी करें|

ब्लॉकपोर्ट मंच पर अन्य अनुभवी व्यापारियों से जानें। उपलब्ध व्यापारियों की सूची के माध्यम से ब्राउज़ करें, अपने जोखिम संकेतकों की जांच करें, और उनके व्यापारिक गतिविधियों का पालन करें या कॉपी करें।
एक बार जब आप पर्याप्त आत्मविश्वास महसूस कर लेते हैं, तो आप खुद को कारोबार शुरू कर सकते हैं और ब्लॉकपोर्ट टोकन (बीपीटी) को एक पुरस्कार के रूप में अर्जित कर सकते हैं जब अन्य सदस्य आपका पालन करेंगे।

कई एक्सचेंजों पर व्यापार करें|

हमारे व्यापार मंच कई क्रिप्टो एक्सचेंजों के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। इससे आप एक एकल डैशबोर्ड में विभिन्न बाजारों से लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

जब आप एक व्यापार शुरू करते हैं, तो हमारा ट्रेडिंग इंजन सर्वोत्तम मूल्यों को प्राप्त करेगा और कई ऑर्डर में आपके ऑर्डर वितरित करेगा।

आप निजी कुंजी के मालिक हैं |

ब्लॉपोर्टपोर्ट आपको ब्लॉकचैन पर एक निजी वॉलेट में अपने धन की मेजबानी करने में सक्षम बनाता है। आपको अपने निवेश के प्रभार रखते हुए।

जब आप एक व्यापार शुरू करते हैं, तब तक आपका धन आपके बटुए कभी नहीं छोड़ेगा, जब तक कि एटॉमिक स्वैप सफल न हो। नतीजतन, आप धोखाधड़ी और हैकिंग के लिए कम संवेदनशील होते हैं।

14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / GEMS PROTOCOL | Decentralized Mechanical Turk | on: January 08, 2018, 12:49:10 PM
I've been looking at the lastest ICOs for over the past few months and it has been a pleasure to read up on GEMS, after having gone through their very carefully curated WhitePaper;
I've found that the industry base that they are Targetting by their main use case, i.e. the GEMS Platform for a Mechanical Turk is in a definite need of Decentralised platform, which will allow users to create DApps and handle micro tasks which are easily and independently verifiable.
Currently, the market has two major players; namely Amazon Mechanical Turk and Crowdflower. They both act as Centralised platforms to bring together people who are adept at handling processes which normally mechanised systems cannot, but the lack of an independently verifiable system is clearly visible.
The freshness that the GEMS platform will bring to the market is a definite YES for any investor looking for such opportunities.
To have a deeper look, do check out their website at .

Any suggestions or discussions are very welcome.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BUG BOUNTY] [ANN] | Gimmer | Automated Crypto-Trading DApp | on: January 07, 2018, 05:39:41 PM
The Bounty Campaign will now be handled by Rok420
This thread is shifted to :

We are happy to announce the Gimmer Bug Bounty programme, which will continue till the end of the Token Sale.


As announced prior in our Bounty Thread, we have allocated 1% of the GMR Tokens sold for the Phase-2 of the Bounty. This will have upto a total of 1,000,000 GMR Tokens at Hard Cap sales.

The allocation will be :
Bug Bounty : 30% (Upto 300,000 GMR)
Referral Bounty : 30% (Upto 300,000GMR)
Bot Wars (Gimmer Contest) : 20% (Upto 200,000 GMR)
Discretionary Bounty : 20% (Upto 200,000 GMR)
The bounty judges will determine the size of the stakes reward (which can convert up to 10 ETH max. for an individual), based on their evaluation of both the likelihood and impact of the bug.

Low:  Upto 1000 stakes
Medium: Upto 3000 stakes,
Severe: Upto 7000 stakes,

Please send your bug reports to, with the subject “BUG BOUNTY” and do join us on our Bug Bounty Telegram Channel. As soon as your bug report is received, our bounty judges will evaluate the severity of the bug and will contact you.

Most of the rules on the Ethereum Foundation bug bounty program apply:

First come, first served.
Issues that have already been submitted by another user or are already known to Cappasity are not eligible for bounty rewards.
Public disclosure of a vulnerability makes it ineligible for a bounty.
Paid auditors of the code are not eligible for rewards.
Determinations of eligibility, score and all terms related to the award are at the sole and final discretion of Gimmer.


Find bugs in all contracts related to the Gimmer crowdsale. You may find them in our GitHub repository.
Test  and search for bugs there. It is important to do testing on computers that comply with the minimum configuration.
Test the platform. Provide us with the information on ways to disable or disrupt the security system and its database.
Find an attack on the website or via a user account. Please describe the way attackers deceive contributors.
If none of the above describes your request, you still have a chance to receive a reward by sending the found vulnerabilities to us.

Files that should be scavenged for bugs:

Manages PreSale and Crowd Sale transactions. Highest priority to bugscavenge, as the code is mostly new and directly related to our specific token sale rules.  

Automated tests for both the Token Sale and GMR Token contracts. Coverage tests using this file can achieve 94% coverage (100% seems impossible at the moment as there are lines in the contract that can never be executed because of date limitations).

Contract file for the GMR token. Basically a MintableToken with the addition that it can only be traded after minting is complete. Code for the GimmerToken is mostly Zeppelins with the addition of the trading block, so for this file in particular we were already covered by Zeppelins.

Latest PDF Documentation for the contracts:

Be WARNED that leaking any vulnerability of the platform on any social media platforms or channels will lead to cancellation of Bounty and might also invite legal action.

We would be happy to reward you Bug Bounty in the form of GMR tokens if you find out vulnerabilities which would affect the Gimmer ITO launch, in case those backdoors are left open.

16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / [ANN] Token Sale: 1st Feb 2018 | Gimmer | Automated Crypto-Trading DApp on: December 19, 2017, 04:10:31 AM
The thread has shifted to a NEW ANN

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY] [ANN] | Gimmer | Automated Crypto-Trading DApp | 1600 ETH Now LIVE! on: December 17, 2017, 06:25:03 PM
The Bounty Campaign will now be handled by Rok420

The thread has shifted to


We would like to reward our supporters with a chance to earn Gimmer Tokens (GMR) by participating in our bounty campaigns during the Gimmer Token Sale and even Post-Token Sale.

4% ( up to 4,000,000 GMR worth 1600 ETH ) of the total amount of GMR Tokens (sold at Hard Cap) will be available for the bounty campaign. The bounty tokens will be separate from the GMR tokens available in the token sale. The bounty program will not take away any funds raised in the token sale.

The BOUNTY Campaign will be bifurcated into TWO parts, Phase-1 will be during the Token Sale period, while the Phase-2 will be post-ICO.

Phase-1 will have 3% ( up to 3,000,000 GMR worth 1,200 ETH ) of the total amount of GMR Tokens (sold at Hard Cap) available and will consist of the following 8 campaigns: signature and reply campaign - 20% (600,000 GMR)
Content, Videos, Blogs and Media publications - 15% (450,000 GMR)
Translation - 10% (300,000 GMR)
Facebook Bounty - 15% (450,000 GMR)
Twitter Bounty - 15% (450,000 GMR)
Graphics Creation - 10% (300,000 GMR)
Telegram - 5% (150,000 GMR)
Discretionary (YouTube & LinkedIn)- 10% (300,000 GMR)

Phase-2 will have 1% ( up to 1,000,000 GMR worth 400 ETH ) of the total amount of GMR Tokens (sold at Hard Cap) available. It will be conducted post_token Sale and will consist of interesting campaigns such as Bot Wars (Most profitable Bot); Debugging Bounty; Referrals and much more. So STAY TUNED even after the Token Sale.

Terms and Conditions of the Bounty Program

Please fill out the dedicated forms in this thread to join our Bounty Campaign.

The Bounty program starts on the 26th of November, 2017 and will run until the end of Token Sale on February 28th, 2018.

You will receive GMR token for performing bounty program activities. Bounties will be distributed throughout the Bounty Program assuming the task has been deemed complete by the Gimmer Bounty team.

For support and questions on the bounty campaign please contact us at

The Translation and BTT signature campaigns require permission from the Bounty Manager.

Please send an email to and put “Translation” in the subject line to receive approval to proceed.

Gimmer reserves the right to alter the rules of the program to best serve the development and sustainability of the Gimmer Token Sale and Bounty programme.

We do not tolerate swearing, racism, or other bad behavior and participants found to be engaging in bad behavior; will be disqualified. All content must be handled in a professional manner.

Rewards will be confirmed every two weeks.

We will send out tokens as quickly as possible with all bounties being sent to your Ethereum wallet within 5 weeks of the close of the token sale. Campaign- 20% 600,000 GMR

Signature Campaign

To take part in the bounty campaign please complete this FORM.

The signature codes are below, the avatar is found HERE.



   [    ]

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[size=11px][url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#FFF]TOKEN SALE[/color] [color=#2BA]01/FEB/2018[/color].[/url]  |  [url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#FA1]ANN THREAD[/color].[/url]  |  [url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#F60]BOUNTY THREAD[/color].[/url]  |  [url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#7E0]SUBSCRIBE[/color].[/td]
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[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#0BF]TELEGRAM[/url]
- [url=][color=#19F]FACEBOOK[/url]
- [url=][color=#46E]INSTAGRAM[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#D13]YOUTUBE[/url]
- [url=][color=#48B]LINKEDIN[/url]
- [url=][color=#0BF]TWITTER[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#46E]DISCORD[/url]
- [url=][color=#F40]REDDIT[/url]
- [url=][color=#333]GITHUB[/td]
[td]  [/td]




   [    ]

[td]  [/td]
[td][left][url=][font=Arial Black][size=21px][color=#000]Gimmer  [color=#FA1]♦[/color]  [color=#2BA]♦[/color]  [color=#F60]♦[/color]
[font=Arial][size=11px][b]AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING[/td]

[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial][size=21px][b][url=][color=#000]The smart way to invest in digital currencies![/url]
[size=11px][url=][color=#333]TOKEN SALE [color=#2BA]01/FEB/2018[/url]  |  [url=][color=#FA1]ANN THREAD[/url]  |  [url=][color=#F60]BOUNTY THREAD[/url]  |  [url=][color=#282]SUBSCRIBE[/td]
[td]  [/td]
[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#0BF]TELEGRAM[/url]
- [url=][color=#19F]FACEBOOK[/url]
- [url=][color=#46E]INSTAGRAM[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#D13]YOUTUBE[/url]
- [url=][color=#48B]LINKEDIN[/url]
- [url=][color=#0BF]TWITTER[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#46E]DISCORD[/url]
- [url=][color=#F40]REDDIT[/url]
- [url=][color=#333]GITHUB[/td]
[td]  [/td]



[center][font=Arial Black][url=][color=#F60]♦[/color] [color=#2BA]♦[/color] [color=#000][u][color=#FA1]GIMMER[/u][/color] [color=#2BA]♦[/color] [color=#F60]♦[/color][/url]  [font=Tahoma][b]|  [url=][color=#000]THE [color=#48B]SMART[/color] WAY TO [color=#48B]INVEST[/color] IN DIGITAL [color=#48B]CRYPTOCURRENCIES[/color]!   [ [color=#000]TOKEN SALE[/color] [color=#48B]01/FEB/2018[/color] ][/url]
[url=][color=#000]// [u][color=#282]ANN THREAD[/color][/u] //[/url]  [url=][color=#000]♦ ♦  [color=#FA1]AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING[/color]  ♦ ♦[/url]  [url=][color=#000]// [u][color=#282]BOUNTY THREAD[/color][/u] //[/url]
[color=#000]- [url=][color=#2BA]TELEGRAM[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]FACEBOOK[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]INSTAGRAM[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]YOUTUBE[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]LINKEDIN[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]TWITTER[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]DISCORD[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]REDDIT[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]GITHUB[/url] -[/center]



[center][url=]♦ ♦ [u]GIMMER[/u] ♦ ♦  |  THE SMART WAY TO INVEST IN DIGITAL CRYPTOCURRENCIES!   [ TOKEN SALE 01/FEB/2018 ][/url]
[url=]// [u]ANN THREAD[/u] //[/url]  [url=]♦ ♦  AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING  ♦ ♦[/url]  [url=]// [u]BOUNTY THREAD[/u] //[/url]
- [url=]TELEGRAM[/url] - [url=]FACEBOOK[/url] - [url=]INSTAGRAM[/url] - [url=]YOUTUBE[/url] - [url=]LINKEDIN[/url] - [url=]TWITTER[/url] - [url=]DISCORD[/url] - [url=]REDDIT[/url] - [url=]GITHUB[/url] -[/center]




The signature must be held until the END of the Token sale Feb 28th, 2018.

You need to make at least 2 constructive posts and 5 replies each week.

A proper post should contain over 20 words and replies should have over 8 words.
Post must be relevant and constructive; low quality, spamming & copying will not qualify.
If you are banned while participating, your bounties will not be rewarded.

The number of GMR stakes will be displayed in the spreadsheets link below. Gimmer holds discretion on what content will be rewarded. Accounts with negative trust ratings will not be rewarded.

Posts in the following boards will qualify:
       Bitcoin Discussion / Development & Technical Discussion / Mining / Technical Support / Project Development
       Economics / Marketplace / Trading discussion
-Alternate cryptocurrencies
       Altcoin Discussion / Announcements (Altcoins) / Mining (Altcoins) / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Speculation (Altcoins)

The table below outlines the stakes per week for each rank.

Users will receive the following amount of GMR stakes depending on their rank per week.

GMR stakes per week
-Jr. Member: 200
-Member: 500
-Full Member:1000
-Sr. Member: 1800
-Hero Member:2800
-Legendary: 3500

If you also use the avatar you will receive an additional 10% of GMR stakes.

You can monitor your stakes HERE.


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have to rescind this Campaign, but the stakes earned prior to today will be rewarded.

Content, Videos, Blog and Media Publication Bounty – 15 % 450,000 GMR

Gimmer rewards writers, content creators, and publishers with GMR tokens for creating quality content.

Content can take many forms and be distributed through many channels, such as, media publications, journals, blogs, video, and more.

Gimmer will exercise discretion around what will qualify; all content is open to evaluation.

To Join send a link of your published content, blog, video, article, etc., complete this FORM.

Content must be original. Do not copy others.

You may use any of our official images, logos, graphics and other branding items found on our website.

Articles must be longer than 600 words & Videos must be of at least 60 seconds.

The content must contain at least 1 link to To achieve beyond average quality a link to as well as one other link to Twitter or BitcoinTalk needs to be present.

The article or description must also contain a link to your BTT profile to prove your authorship.

Blogging platforms like Medium, Steemit, Newbium, etc., are allowed, but only 3 posts per person are accepted on these platforms.

Gimmer rewards YouTube Creators and those who engage with our channel and content.

For videos the topics must include one of the following :
-Raise or answer questions about Gimmer.
-Highlight features of Gimmer and why people should participate in the Gimmer Token Sale
-Create a positive comparison with other token sales or ICOs (token uses, team, business model, etc.)

Keep in mind longer videos typically would warrant a higher quality rating.

If you would like to interview with the team please fill out the form and mention this.

For quality interviews, you will receive a 1,500 GMR stake Bonus.

Videos will be awarded according to channel subscribers and a minimum views equal to 30% of the subscribers.

Content will be ranked accordingly and GMR stakes awarded :

Top Quality: 7,500
High Quality: 3,500
Good quality: 2,000
Average Quality: 500
Poor Quality: 200

Your GMR stakes are displayedHERE.

Translation Bounty – 10% 300,000 GMR

To apply for Gimmer Translation, please fill form HERE.

Translations are required for but not restricted to the following languages Mandarin, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, Punjabi, German, Malay, Vietnamese, Korean, French, Turkish, Italian, Thai, Persian, Polish, Ukrainian, Romanian, Dutch, Hungarian, Greek, Czech and Swedish.

Translations must be original and made by the user only.

Using Google Translate and other tools is strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification.

The number of your GMR stakes will be displayed in the Spreadsheet given below.

GMR distribution :

White paper: 5,500 GMR stakes
Website: 3,500 GMR stakes
ANN Thread: 2,500 GMR stakes
Bounty Thread: 2,500 GMR stakes
Executive Summary: 1,000 GMR stakes

Facebook Bounty – 15% 750,000 GMR

To take part in the Facebook Bounty campaign, apply in this FORM and review, like and follow our Facebook page.

Must have at least 200 friends/followers if using a page. The number of friends/followers must be visible.

You need to make at least 2 constructive posts and 5 replies each week on Facebook.

For your Facebook activities to qualify, you need to choose at least one of the three topics types below:
Raise/answer questions about Gimmer.
Encourage/highlight reasons why people should participate in the GMR Token Sale.
Do a positive comparison with other token sales or ICOs (token uses, team, business model, etc.).

You should put visit in the comments.

To be considered valid, Facebook posts should contain 20 words or more and replies should be 8 words or more to be eligible.

Share posts from the Gimmer Facebook page at least 3 times a week.

The posts must not be removed from your page till the end of the bounty campaign and must be public.

You must be the owner of the accounts you use and they must be original.

Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted. Using multiple accounts is not allowed.

The number of your tokens will be displayed in the spreadsheet.

The participants need to post their activity on the Bounty thread beginning on 26/11/2017 as WEEK 1; weeks run from Sunday to Saturday.

Participants will receive different amounts of GMR according to the number of friends/followers.

Facebook Campaign Report Example :

Facebook url: *URL of your Facebook account*
Spreadsheet: *Your Sheet #*
Followers: *Number of your followers*
Posts: *Links to your posts about Gimmer*
Likes+Shares: *Links to your Likes+Shares of the Gimmer official account posts*

The GMR stakes will be rewarded weekly as :

200+    : 100 GMR stakes
1,000+  : 500 GMR stakes
3,000+  : 1,000 GMR stakes
10,000+ :2,500 GMR stakes
25,000+ :4,000 GMR stakes
100,000+:7,500 GMR stakes

Twitter Bounty– 15% 750,000 GMR

To take part in the Twitter Bounty campaign, apply in this FORM.

Follow us on Twitter.

Your account must be public and have at least 200 followers.

You need to make at least 2 tweets and 4 retweets each week.

For your content to qualify, you need to choose at least one of the three contents types below:
Raise / answer questions about Gimmer
Highlight reasons why people should participate in the Gimmer Token Sale.
Do a constructive comparison with other token sales or ICOs (consider token uses, team, business model, etc.).

Posts must contain 80 characters or more to be eligible.

The tweets should link to Gimmer Twitter and also contain relevant tags such #ICO #GMR #gimmer, etc.

The tweets must not be removed from your personal Twitter until the end of the Bounty campaign and must be public.

Twitter accounts must be original and owned by you. Fake, dead, inactive, and bot accounts will not be accepted.

Users with multiple accounts will be disqualified.

The number of your GMR stakes is displayed in the spreadsheet given below.

The participants need to post their activity on the Bounty thread beginning on 26/11/2017 as WEEK 1; weeks run from Sunday to Saturday.

Twitter Campaign Report Example

Twitter username: *Your Twitter account name*
Spreadsheet: *Your Sheet #*
Twitter url: *URL of your Twitter account*
Followers: *Number of your followers*
Tweets: *Links to your tweets about Gimmer*
Retweets: *Links to your retweets of the Gimmer official account tweets*

The amount of GMR stakes is based on the number of followers.

The GMR stakes will be rewarded weekly as :

200+    : 100 GMR stakes
1,000+  : 500 GMR stakes
3,000+  : 1,000 GMR stakes
10,000+ :2,500 GMR stakes
25,000+ :4,000 GMR stakes
100,000+:7,500 GMR stakes

Your GMR stakes will be displayed in spreadsheet given below.

Graphics Bounty– 10% 300,000 GMR

This applies to all Content related to Graphics.

This would include, but not be limited to designing Banners, Image Posts, etc.

Even creating interesting memes and Telegram stickers will count.

Gimmer will exercise discretion around what will qualify; all content is open to evaluation.

To Join send a link of your Graphics content, banner, image posts, etc., complete the form [ur=]Here[/url].

Content must be original.Do not copy others.

You may use any of our official images, logos, graphics and other branding items found on our website.

Asset Link:

Content will be ranked accordingly and GMR stakes awarded :

Top Quality: 7,500
High Quality: 3,500
Good quality: 2,000
Average Quality: 500
Poor Quality: 200

Your GMR stakes are

Telegram Bounty– 5% 150,000 GMR

Join ourTelegram channel and get 10 GMR stakes.

Total bounty allocated will be divided to the number of participants.


Application Form:


Telegram Referral Bounty:

Your referral should mention your Telegram id.

For every 5 referrals, your Stakes multiply.

Discretionary Bounty - 10% 300,000 GMR

Gimmer reserves 10% of the bounty for discretionary purposes.

This can include any other activity that contributes to the growth of Gimmer and the long-term sustainability of the Gimmer Platform.

Activities could include but are not limited to, in-person interviews, bonuses for large followings, email lists and referrals, or other exceptional activities and more.

This would also entail your tasks in the field of Content, Design and Video in any form.

If you are interested in participating in the bounty program and have a suggestion you feel warrants a discussion please fill out this FORM.

Monitor your GMR stakes in the spreadsheet given below.

So, put on your thinking caps.

LinkedIn Bounty (Subsection of Discretionary)

Earn Tokens as a Reward for following Gimmer LinkedIn Page and sharing Gimmer Posts and Announcements.

Stakes will be awarded according to number of followers :

20+ Connections: 5 stakes
200+ Connections: 30 stakes
500+ Connections: 50 stakes
Influencer: 75 stakes

How to Apply:

1. First of all Follow our LinkedIn Page here: LinkedIn
2. Make a post about the Gimmer Token Sale and include one Link of the Website or a link to an article about Gimmer.
3. Fill this Form: Register HERE

YouTube Bounty (Subsection of Discretionary)

Earn Tokens as a Reward for subscribing Gimmer YouTube Page and liking, sharing YouTube videos.

Stakes will be awarded according to the number of followers :

5+ Followers: 5 stakes
100+ Followers: 30 stakes
1000+ Followers: 250 stakes
3000+ Followers: 500 stakes

How to Apply:

1. First of all Follow our YouTube Page here: YouTube
2. Like and Share all videos of Gimmer.
3. Fill this Form: Register HERE


It will be conducted post-Token Sale and will consist of interesting campaigns such as Bot Wars (Most profitable Bot); Debugging Bounty; Referrals and much more.

Further details on this will be updated in the following weeks.

Gimmer Referral Programme has STARTED!

Hello All!

If someone uses your referral link to contribute to the Gimmer Token Sale, for every 1 ETH contributed, you will receive 50 points.

How to obtain referral BONUS ?

Please register and login to Gimmer Dashboard; obtain your unique referral id and get your friends to use it to buy GMRs.

How does it work ?

If someone buys GMR tokens using your referral link,for every 1 ETH, you will receive 50 points.

When will I receive my GMR Referral tokens?

The points earned by you will be converted to GMR tokens and distributed after 5 weeks. Your tokens will be in proportion to other referrals. This means that the more your referrals buy GMR, the more GMRsyou stand to gain.

Thank you to everyone involved - Sincerely The Gimmer Team.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / ICO Discussion on Experty on: December 15, 2017, 08:38:49 AM

My friend Chris Bernard shared this to me and all his followers. If i saw the same vision as him, as in how great this project is, he asked me to share this to my friends and contacts.

So here we go :

Hey guys. If you have missed out, make sure to take part of this amazing project. Either as a user or an investor.
( Not financial advice, just my own personal opinion )

This is something the world has been waiting for, a way to connect professionals with regular folks.

Give you and i, the chance to speak to experts in all types of fields, with a fee per minute.

Let me give you an example.

Instead of hiring a lawyer to answer some basic questions, you could call up an expert in that specific field of law, talk for how many minutes you might need, and get away with tenth of the cost. Or even less.

Why pay 300$ for a full hour when you will only use 10 minutes of it?

Do you hate money?

If not?

Use Experty.

* Link below is my friend OhHeyMatty's review of Experty

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in any way with Experty, i am however in love with the project and will be offering my own consultation to clients via their app.
19  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / [ANN] Token-Verkauf: 3. Jan 2018 | Gimmer | Automatisierte Krypto-Trading DAp on: December 09, 2017, 12:56:51 PM

GIMMER BOUNTY KAMPAGNE jetzt AKTIV! Lies mehr darüber im Bounty-Thread.
20  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / [BOUNTY] [ANN] | Gimmer | Automatisierte Krypto-Trading DApp | 4000ETH AKTIV!! on: December 09, 2017, 10:33:11 AM


Wir möchten unseren Unterstützern gerne die Möglichkeit geben Gimmer Tokens (GMR) zu verdienen indem sie sich während des Token-Sales und sogar nach dem Token-Sale an unserer Prämien-Kampagne beteiligen.

4% (bis zu 4,000,000 GMR, 4000 Ether wert zum Hardcap) der Gesamtmenge an verkauften GMR Token werden für die Bounty-Kampagne zur Verfügung stehen. Die Bounty-Token werden getrennt von den im Token-Sale verfügbaren Token. Das Bounty-Programm wird keine der gesammelten Mittel aus dem Token Sale in Anspruch nehmen.

Die BOUNTY Kampagnebesteht aus ZWEI Teilen: Phase-1 während des Token-Sales, und Phase-2 nach dem ICO.

Für Phase-1 werden 3% (bis zu 3,000,000 GMR, 3000 Ether wert) der gesamtmenge an GMR Token (verkauft beim Hardcap) verfügbar sein und wird aus den folgenden 8 Kampagnen bestehen: Signatur und Reply-Kampagne - 20% (600,00 GMR)
Content, Videos, Blogs und Medien Publikationen - 15% (450,000 GMR)
Übersetzungen - 10% (300,000 GMR)
Facebook Bounty - 15% (450,000 GMR)
Twitter Bounty - 15% (450,000 GMR)
Graphics Creation - 10% (300,000 GMR)
Telegram - 5% (150,000 GMR)
Ermessensspielraum  - 10% (300,000 GMR)

Für Phase-2 werden 1% (bis zu 1,000,000 GMR, 1000 Ether wert) der gesamtmenge an GMR Token (verkauft beim Hardcap) verfügbar sein. Es wird nach dem Token-Sale audgeführt und wird aus interessanten Kampagnen bestehen wie Bot-Wars (profitabelster Bot), Debugging Bounty; Referrals und vielen mehr. Also BLEIBE AUF DEM LAUFENDEN auch nach dem Token-Sale.

Bedingungen und Konditionen für das Bounty-Programm

Bitte fülle die dafür vorgesehenen Formulare in diesem Thread aus um mitzumachen. Neuigkeiten zum Bounty-Programm werden hier gepostet.

Das Bounty-Programm beginnt am 26. November 2017 und läuft bis zum Ende des Token-Sales am 31. Januar 2018.

Man erhält GMR Token für das Ausführen der Bounty-Programm Aktivitäten. Die Prämien werden durch das Programm ausgezahlt, vorausgesetzt die Aufgabe wird vom Gimmer Bounty-Team als vollständig erachtet.

Für Support und Fragen bezüglich der Bounty Kampagne kontaktiere uns bitte unter

Die Übersetzungs- und BTT Signatur-Kampagne erfordern die Erlaubnis des Bounty-Managers.

Bitte sende dazu eine Mail an und füge “Translation” in die Betreffzeile ein um eine Genehmigung zu erhalten.

Gimmer behält sich vor das Recht vor, die Regeln des Programms zu verändern um der Entwicklung und Nachhaltigkeit des Gimmer Token-Sales und des Bounty-Programmes bestmöglich zu dienen.

Wir tolerieren kein Fluchen, Rassismus oder andere negative Verhaltensweisen. Der Inhalt muss in einer professionellen Art und Weise gehandhabt werden.

Prämien werden alle 2 Wochen bestätigt.

Wir werden alle Token so schnell wie möglich mit allen Prämien innerhalb von 5 Wochen nach Ablauf des Token-Sales auf dein Ethereum Wallet senden. Kampagne - 20% 600,000 GMR


Um an der Signatur-Kampagne teilzunehmen, fülle bitte dieses FORMULAR aus.

Die Signatur-Codes befinden sich unterhalb, das Avatar befindet sich HIER.



    [    ]

[td]  [/td]
[td][left][url=][font=Arial Black][size=21px][color=#000]Gimmer  [color=#FA1]♦[/color]  [color=#2BA]♦[/color]  [color=#F60]♦[/color]
[font=Arial][size=11px][b]AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING[/td]

[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial][size=21px][b][url=][color=#000]The smart way to invest in digital currencies![/url]
[size=11px][url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#FFF]TOKEN SALE[/color] [color=#2BA]03/JAN/2018[/color].[/url]  |  [url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#FA1]ANN THREAD[/color].[/url]  |  [url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#F60]BOUNTY THREAD[/color].[/url]  |  [url=][glow=#333,0][color=#333].[color=#7E0]SUBSCRIBE[/color].[/td]
[td]  [/td]
[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#0BF]TELEGRAM[/url]
- [url=][color=#19F]FACEBOOK[/url]
- [url=][color=#46E]INSTAGRAM[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#D13]YOUTUBE[/url]
- [url=][color=#48B]LINKEDIN[/url]
- [url=][color=#0BF]TWITTER[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#46E]DISCORD[/url]
- [url=][color=#F40]REDDIT[/url]
- [url=][color=#333]GITHUB[/td]
[td]  [/td]


SR. MEMBER Signatur:


    [    ]

[td]  [/td]
[td][left][url=][font=Arial Black][size=21px][color=#000]Gimmer  [color=#FA1]♦[/color]  [color=#2BA]♦[/color]  [color=#F60]♦[/color]
[font=Arial][size=11px][b]AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING[/td]

[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial][size=21px][b][url=][color=#000]The smart way to invest in digital currencies![/url]
[size=11px][url=][color=#333]TOKEN SALE [color=#2BA]03/JAN/2018[/url]  |  [url=][color=#FA1]ANN THREAD[/url]  |  [url=][color=#F60]BOUNTY THREAD[/url]  |  [url=][color=#282]SUBSCRIBE[/td]
[td]  [/td]
[td]  [/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#0BF]TELEGRAM[/url]
- [url=][color=#19F]FACEBOOK[/url]
- [url=][color=#46E]INSTAGRAM[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#D13]YOUTUBE[/url]
- [url=][color=#48B]LINKEDIN[/url]
- [url=][color=#0BF]TWITTER[/td]
[td][left][font=Arial Black][size=2px]
[size=10px][color=#FA1]- [url=][color=#46E]DISCORD[/url]
- [url=][color=#F40]REDDIT[/url]
- [url=][color=#333]GITHUB[/td]
[td]  [/td]



[center][font=Arial Black][url=][color=#F60]♦[/color] [color=#2BA]♦[/color] [color=#000][u][color=#FA1]GIMMER[/u][/color] [color=#2BA]♦[/color] [color=#F60]♦[/color][/url]  [font=Tahoma][b]|  [url=][color=#000]THE [color=#48B]SMART[/color] WAY TO [color=#48B]INVEST[/color] IN DIGITAL [color=#48B]CRYPTOCURRENCIES[/color]!   [ [color=#000]TOKEN SALE[/color] [color=#48B]03/JAN/2018[/color] ][/url]
[url=][color=#000]// [u][color=#282]ANN THREAD[/color][/u] //[/url]  [url=][color=#000]♦ ♦  [color=#FA1]AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING[/color]  ♦ ♦[/url]  [url=][color=#000]// [u][color=#282]BOUNTY THREAD[/color][/u] //[/url]
[color=#000]- [url=][color=#2BA]TELEGRAM[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]FACEBOOK[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]INSTAGRAM[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]YOUTUBE[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]LINKEDIN[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]TWITTER[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]DISCORD[/url] - [url=][color=#F60]REDDIT[/url] - [url=][color=#2BA]GITHUB[/url] -[/center]


MEMBER Signatur:

[center][url=]♦ ♦ [u]GIMMER[/u] ♦ ♦  |  THE SMART WAY TO INVEST IN DIGITAL CRYPTOCURRENCIES!   [ TOKEN SALE 03/JAN/2018 ][/url]
[url=]// [u]ANN THREAD[/u] //[/url]  [url=]♦ ♦  AUTOMATED CRYPTO-TRADING  ♦ ♦[/url]  [url=]// [u]BOUNTY THREAD[/u] //[/url]
- [url=]TELEGRAM[/url] - [url=]FACEBOOK[/url] - [url=]INSTAGRAM[/url] - [url=]YOUTUBE[/url] - [url=]LINKEDIN[/url] - [url=]TWITTER[/url] - [url=]DISCORD[/url] - [url=]REDDIT[/url] - [url=]GITHUB[/url] -[/center]


JR: MEMBER Signatur:


Die Signatur muss bis zum ENDE des Token-Verkaufs am 31. Jan 2018 behalten werden.

Es müssen mindestens 2 konstruktive Posts und 5 Antworten auf Beiträge geschrieben werden.

Die Posts qualifizieren nur wenn mindestens eins der folgenden Themen gewählt wird:
- Stelle Fragen über Gimmer
- Ermutige andere und führe Gründe auf weshalb Sie am Gimmer Token-Verkauf Teilnehmen sollten.
- Mache einen Vergleich über andere Token-Verkäufe vs Gimmer  (sprich über Funktionen, Pros vs Cons, etc.)

Ein ordentlicher Post sollte über 40 Worte enthalten und Antworten über 25 Worte.
Der Post muss relevant und konstruktiv sein; schlechte Qualität, Spam & Kopien kommen nicht in Frage.
Wer während der Partizipation ge-banned wird, wird nicht belohnt.

Die Anzahl der GMR Anteile werden in den Spreadsheets angezeigt. Es liegt im Ermessen von Gimmer zu entscheiden, welches Content belohnt wird. Accounts mit negativem Trust-Rating werden werden nicht belohnt.

Posts in folgenden Boards werden belohnt:
- Bitcoin:
        Bitcoin Discussion / Development & Technical Discussion / Mining / Technical Support / Project Development
- Economy
        Economics / Marketplace / Trading discussion
- Alternate cryptocurrencies
        Altcoin Discussion / Announcements (Altcoins) / Mining (Altcoins) / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Speculation (Altcoins)
- Lokal

Nutzer werden, abhängig von Ihrem Rang, pro Woche folgenden Betrag an GMR Anteilen erhalten:

GMR Anteile pro Woche:
-Jr. Member: 200
-Member: 500
-Full Member:1000
-Sr. Member: 1800
-Hero Member:2800
-Legendary: 3500

Wenn auch das Avatar verwendet wird, erhöht sich der Anteil um 10%.

Die Anteile werden HIER angezeigt.

Bitcointalk REPLY ONLY Kampagne

Gimmer belohnt die BTT Community für aktives Engagement am BTT ANN Thread.

Unsere Unterstützer die momentan in einer anderen Kampagne involviert sind, können GMR Token Anteile verdienen wenn sie bei unserer REPLY ONLY Kampagne mitmachen.

Melde dich dazu HIER an.

Es müssen wöchentlich mindestens 5 konstruktive Posts oder Antworten auf Beiträge geschrieben werden.

Die Posts qualifizieren nur wenn mindestens eins der folgenden Themen gewählt werden:
- Stelle Fragen über Gimmer
- Ermutige andere und führe Gründe auf weshalb Sie am Gimmer Token-Verkauf Teilnehmen sollten.
- Mache einen Vergleich über andere Token-Verkäufe vs Gimmer  (sprich über Funktionen, Pros vs Cons, etc.)

Ein ordentlicher Post sollte über 40 Worte enthalten und Antworten über 25 Worte.

Der Post muss relevant und konstruktiv sein; schlechte Qualität, Spam & Kopien kommen nicht in Frage.

Wer während der Partizipation ge-banned wird, wird nicht belohnt.

Du solltest mindestens 25 Posts/Antworten während der gesamten Kampagne schreiben.

Die Anzahl der GMR Anteile werden im Spreadsheet des Bounty Programms angezeigt. Gimmer entscheidet, welcher Content belohnt wird.

Accounts mit negativem Trust-Rating werden nicht belohnt.

REPLY ONLY Kampagne Report-Beispiel:

BTT url: *URL deines BTT Profils*
Spreadsheet: *Dein Sheet #*
Posts: *Links zu deinen Posts/Antworten über Gimmer*

User erhalten wöchentlich folgenden Betrag an GMR Anteilen abhänig von Ihrem Rang.

GMR Anteile pro Woche
-Jr. Member: 30
-Member: 75
-Full Member:200
-Sr. Member: 500
-Hero Member:750
-Legendary: 1000

Deine Anteile werden HIER angezeigt.

Kontent, Videos, Blog und Medien-Publikations Bounty - 15% 450,000 GMR

Gimmer belohnt Autoren, Content Creators und Herausgeber mit GMR Token für die Erstellung von hochqualitativem Content.

Der Inhalt kann viele Formen annehmen und durch viele Kanäle verbreitet werden wie Publikationen, Journale, Videos, Blogs und mehr.

Es liegt im Ermessen von Gimmer zu entscheiden, welcher Inhalt  belohnt wird. Alle Inhalte werden evaluiert.

Um teilzunehmen, sende einen Link zu deinem veröffentlichten Content, Video, Blog, Artikel, etc. und fülle DIESES Formular aus.

Das Content muss Einzigartig sein. Kopiere niemanden.

Du kannst jedes unserer offiziellen Bilder, Logos, Grafiken oder anderes Branding von unserer Webseite verenden.

Artikel müssen länger als 600 Worte enthalten  und Videos mindestens 60 Sekunden lang sein.

Der Content muss mindestens 1 Link zu enthalten. Um überdurchschnittliche Qualität zu erreichen muss auch ein Link zu Twitter oder BitcoinTalk vorhnaden sein.

Der Artikel oder die Beschreibung muss auch einen Link zu deinem BTT Profi enthalten, um deine Urheberschaft nachzuweisen.

Blogging Plattformen wie Medium, Steemit, Newbium, etc. sind erlaubt, es werden aber nur maximal 3 Post pro Person auf diesen Plattformen akzeptiert.

Gimmer belohnt YouTuber und jene die sich an unserem Kanal und unserem Content bteiligen.

Videos müssen eines der folgenden Themen enthalten:
- Wirf Fragen auf oder Beantworte Fragen.
- Hebe Funktionen von Gimmer hervor und sprich darüber weshalb man am Gimmer Token-Verkauf teilnehmen sollte.
- Erstelle einen Positiven Vergleich zwischen anderen Token-Verkäufen oder ICOs (Verwendung der Token, Team, Business Modell, etc.)

Bedenke, dass längere Videos üblicherweise eine qualitativ höhere Bewertung gewährleistet.

Wenn du gerne ein Interview mit uns machen möchtest, melde dich bei uns.

Für qualitative Interviews erhältst du einen 1,500 GMR Bonus.

Videos werden den Abonnentenzahlen entsprechend und einem Minimum von 30% Views der Abonnenten belohnt.

Das Content wird entsprechend eingestuft und mit GMR Anteilen belohnt:

Top Qualität: 7,500
Hohe Qualität: 3,500
Gute Qualität: 2,000
Mittlere Qualität: 500
Schlechte Qualität: 200

Du kannst deine Anteile hier überprüfen.

Übersetzungs-Bounty - 10% 300,000 GMR

Gimmer belohnt die Übersetzung von Whitepaper, Website, ANN Thread und Bounty Thread.

Um eine Sprache für die Übersetzung zu reservieren bewerbe dich mithilfe dieses FORMULARS.

Übersetzungen sind für folgende Sprachen erforderlich (jedoch nicht beschränkt): Mandarin, Spanisch, Englisch, Hindi, Arabisch, Portugiesisch, Bengali, Russisch, Japanisch, Punjabi, Deutsch, Malaysisch, Vietnamesisch, Koreanisch, Französisch, Türkisch, Italienisch, Thai, Persisch, Polnisch, Ukrainisch, Rumänisch, Niederländisch, Ungarisch, Griechisch, Tschechisch, und Schwedisch.

Die Übersetzungen müssen einzigartig sein und dürfen nur vom Nutzer erstellt werden.

Die Benutzung des Google Übersetzers und anderen Tools ist strengstens untersagt und führt zur Disqualifikation.

Die Anzahl deiner angerechneten Token wird HIER aufgeführt.

Übersetzer haben maximal 6 Tage Zeit. Wenn du mehr Zeit brauchen solltest, schicke uns bitte eine Anfrage. 

Bitte sende den Link oder das Dokument an

Andere Vorschläge sind willkommen.

GMR Verteilung:

White paper: 5,500 GMR Anteile
Website: 3,500 GMR Anteile
ANN Thread: 2,500 GMR Anteile
Bounty Thread: 2,500 GMR Anteile

Facebook Bounty - 15% 750,000 GMR

Um an der Facebook-Bounty Kampagne teilzunehmen, fülle dieses FORMULAR aus und bewerte, like und teile unsere Facebook Seite.

Du brauchst mindestens 200 Freunde/ Follower wenn du eine Seite benutzt. Die Anzahl an Freunden/ Followern muss sichtbar sein.

Du musst wöchentlich mindestens 2 konstruktive Posts und 5 Antworten auf Facebook verfassen.

Um für deine Facebook-Aktivitäten zu qualifizieren, musst du mindestens drei der unten aufgeführten Themenfelder auswählen:
Wirf Fragen auf oder Beantworte Fragen.
Hebe Funktionen von Gimmer hervor und sprich darüber weshalb man am Gimmer Token-Verkauf teilnehmen sollte.
Erstelle einen Positiven Vergleich zwischen anderen Token-Verkäufen oder ICOs (Verwendung der Token, Team, Business Modell, etc.)

Du solltest “besuche” in die Kommentare schreiben.

Schreibe einen Satz über eine positive Funktion von Gimmer eine Funktion des Trading-Bots auf die du dich freust.

Um als gültig zu qualifizieren, sollten Facebook Posts mindestens 50 Worte enthalten und Antworten mindestens 20 Worte.

Teile Beiträge aus der Gimmer Facebookseite mindestens 3x jede Woche.

Die Beiträge müssen öffentlich sein und dürfen bis zum Ende der Gimmer Bounty-Kampagne nicht von der deiner Seite entfernt werden

Es sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass die Beiträge nicht alle in einem Wisch gemacht werden, und eine Inhaltsangabe ist erwünscht.

Du musst der Besitzer der Accounts sein die du benutzt, und diese müssen Original sein.

Fake, tote, inaktive oder Bot-Accounts werden nicht akzeptiert. Die Verwendung mehrerer Accounts ist nicht gestattet.

Die Anzahl deiner Tokens werden HIER aufgeführt.

Gimmer behält sich das Recht vor, zu bestimmen welche Aktivitäten als gültig angesehen werden.

Die Teilnehmer müssen Ihre Aktivitäten ab dem 26/11/2017 als 1. Woche  im Bounty Thread posten; Wochen laufen von Sonntag-Samstag.

Teilnehmer erhalten unterschiedliche Beträge an GMR Anteilen entsprechend der Anzahl Ihrer Freunde/Follower.

Facebook Kampagne Report-Beispiel:

Facebook url: *URL deines Facebook Accounts*
Spreadsheet: *Dein Sheet #*
Followers: *Anzahl deiner Follower*
Posts: *Links zu deinen Posts über Gimmer*
Likes+Shares: *Links zu deinen Likes+Shares der offiziellen Gimmer Account Posts*

GMR Anteile werden wöchentlich wie folgt angerechnet:

200+         : 100 GMR Anteile
1,000+      : 500 GMR Anteile
3,000+      : 1,000 GMR Anteile
10,000+    : 2,500 GMR Anteile
25,000+    : 4,000 GMR Anteile
100,000+  : 7,500 GMR Anteile

Twitter Bounty - 15% 750,000 GMR

Um an der Twitter Bounty-Kampagne teilzunehmen, bewerbe dich HIER.

Folge uns auf Twitter.

Dein Account muss öffentlich sein und mindestens 200 Follower haben.

Du musst wöchentlich mindestens 2-mal Tweeten und 4-mal Retweeten.

Um zu qualifizieren, muss dein Content mindestens 2 der folgenden Themen gewidmet sein:
- Wirf Fragen auf/ beantworte Fragen zu Gimmer
- Hebe Gründe hervor, weshalb man am Gimmer Token-Verkauf teilnehmen sollte.
- Erstelle einen Positiven Vergleich zwischen anderen Token-Verkäufen oder ICOs (Verwendung der Token, Team, Business Modell, etc.)

Der benutzerdefinierte Tweet sollte einen Link zu und auch relevante Hashes wie #ICO #Gimmer etc. enthalten.

Ein Post muss mindesten 100 Zeichen enthalten um zu qualifizieren.

Alle Tweets sollten zum Gimmer Twitter Account verlinkt sein und relevante Tags wie #ICO #GMR #gimmer, etc. enthalten.

Alle Tweets dürfen nicht von deinem persönlichen Twitter Account vor dem Ablauf des Token-Verkaufs entfernt werden. Alle Tweets müssen öffentlich sein.

Es sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass die Tweets nicht alle in einem Wisch gemacht werden, und eine Tabelle des Contents ist erwünscht.

Du musst der Besitzer der Twitter  Accounts sein, die du benutzt und diese müssen Original sein.

Fake, tote, inaktive oder Bot-Accounts werden nicht akzeptiert. Die Verwendung mehrerer Accounts ist nicht gestattet.

Benutzer mit mehreren Accounts werden disqualifiziert.

Die Teilnehmer müssen Ihre Aktivitäten ab dem 26/11/2017 als 1. Woche  im Bounty Thread posten; Wochen laufen von Sonntag-Samstag.

Twitter Kampagne Report-Beispiel.

Twitter benutzername: *Dein Twitter Account Name*
Spreadsheet: *Dein Sheet #*
Twitter url: *URL deines Twitter Accounts*
Followers: *Anzahl deiner Follower*
Tweets: *Links zu deinen Tweets zu Gimmer*
Retweets: *Links to deinen Retweets zu offiziellen Gimmer Account-Tweets*

Die Anzahl an GMR Anteilen ist abhängig von der Anzahl an Followern.

GMR Anteile werden wöchentlich wie folgt angerechnet:
200+        : 100 GMR Anteile
1,000+     : 500 GMR Anteile
3,000+     : 1,000 GMR Anteile
10,000+   :2,500 GMR Anteile
25,000+   : 4,000 GMR Anteile
100,000+  : 7,500 GMR Anteile

Die Anzahl deiner angerechneten Token wird HIER aufgeführt.

Grafikerstellung Bounty - 10% 300,000 GMR

Dies beinhaltet alle Arten von  Aufgaben im Bereich Content, Design und Video.

Dies beinhaltet, ist jedoch nicht eingeschränkt auf das Designen von Banner, Image-Posts, etc.

Sogar das Erstellen von interessanten Memes und und Telegram Stickern zählt.

Gimmer behält sich das Recht vor, zu bestimmen welcher Content als gültig angesehen wird.

Um teilzunehmen, sende ein Link zu deinem grafischen Content, Banner, Bild-Post, etc. in diesem Formular ein. 

Das Content muss einzigartig sein. Kopiere niemanden.

Du kannst jedes unserer offiziellen Bilder, Logos, Grafiken, und anderes Branding von unserer Webseite verwenden.

Der Link zu unserem vorhanden Content:

Der Content wird entsprechend eingestuft und mit GMR Anteilen belohnt:

Top Qualität: 7,500
Hohe Qualität: 3,500
Gute Qualität: 2,000
Mittlere Qualität: 500
Schlechte Qualität: 200

Deine angerechneten GMR Anteile werden HIER aufgeführt.

Telegram Beitritt Bounty - 5% 150,000 GMR

Tritt unserer Telegram-Gruppe bei und erhalte 10 Anteile!

Die gesamte zugedachte Prämie wird durch die Anzahl der Teilnehmer aufgeteilt.

Tritt durch diesen Link bei:

Bitte hinterlasse eine konstruktive Nachricht im ANN Thread die ganz einfach ein Merkmal von Gimmer beschreibt oder eine Frage darüber.


Spreadsheet für Anteile:


Deine Empfehlungen sollten deine Telegram ID schreiben.

Je 5 Empfehlungen werden deine Anteile im Telegram Bounty multipliziert.

Also wenn du 25 neue Mitglieder wirbst... bekommst du 5mal mehr Anteile.

Bounty Ermessensspielraum - 10% 300,000 GMR

Gimmer legt 10% der Prämien als Ermessensspielraum zur Seite.

Dazu zählt jede Aktivität die zum Wachstum und der langfristigen Nachhaltigkeit der Gimmer-Plattform beiträgt.

Aktivitäten können folgende Bereiche beinhalten, sind aber nicht darauf Beschränkt: Persönliche Interviews, Prämien für besonders große Followings, Email-Listen, Referrals oder andere besondere Aktivitäten und mehr.

Wenn du daran interessiert bist, in diesem Bounty-Programm teilzunehmen und einen Vorschlag hast, fülle dieses FORMULAR aus.

Deine angerechneten GMR Anteile werden HIER aufgeführt.

Also, Setzt eure Denk-Mützen auf!


Phase-2 wird nach dem Token-Verkauf durchgeführt und wird aus interessanten Kampagnen bestehen wie beispielsweise Bot-Wars (profitabelster Bot); Debugging Bounty; Referrals; und Vieles mehr.

Weitere Details diesbezüglich werden in einigen Wochen aktualisiert.

Das Gimmer Referral Programm ist LIVE!

Hallo an Alle!

Wenn jemand durch deinen Referral-Link am Gimmer Token-Verkauf teilnimmt, bekommst du 50 Punkte für jedes ETH das Sie beitragen.

Was muss ich tun, um den Referral-GMR-Bonus zu erhalten?
Bitte registriere dich und logge dich im Gimmer Dashboard an; klicke auf Freund einladen, um deine einzigartige Referral-ID zu erhalten.

Wie funktioniert es?
Wenn jemand am Gimmer Token-Verkauf mit durch deinen Link teilnimmt, bekommst du 50 Punkte für jedes ETH das Sie beisteuern.

Wann bekomme ich meine GMRs?
Die Punkte die du verdienst werden in GMR umgewandelt und 2 Wochen nach dem Ende des Token-Verkaufs verteilt. Die Menge an GMR die du bekommen wirst, wird proportional zu den anderen Referral- Beiträgen. Das bedeutet, dass je mehr Menschen sich durch deinen Link am Token-Verkauf beteiligen, desto höher wird deine GMR Auszahlung sein.

Vielen Dank an alle Involvierten - Herzliche Grüße, Das Gimmer Team.

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