Since bitcoin has gotten known by some as "The anonymous currency for hackers, drug-(ab)users and criminals." I'd like to create a poll on how many actually have a drug/crime-related use of bitcoin.
I don't know what you think of actually creating a poll like this, I guess it could be a bad idea if the results get taken too seriously. Like "5% of bitcoin users do drugs!" or "3% of bitcoin users are criminals. Bitcoin should be made illegal!". For those with sophisticated thinking we know that this poll means nothing, attention gets drawn by the name of the topic. Perhaps only drug-users even read the thread. Well, I will try to come up with a good topic-name so that hopefully doesn't happen.
And then I wonder, am I really the only one interested in this?
I remember a thread in the mining sub-forum where the poll was something like "What is the better use of electricity?" and at least 3 options were available. They were something like "Bitmining", "Growing weed" and "Both". I recall "Both" being the most voted on.
I guess this is not especially strange, no one voted for just "Growing weed" but seriously, this is the bitcoin forum, who would not vote on bitmining?
The thread quickly led into a discussion about what was the most profitable but I don't remember the outcome.
Sadly, I can't find the thread with the search function. Is it possible that the thread could have been deleted?
Anyway, I would really like to have as many people as possible participate in this poll.
I'm probably going to nerd-rage on my F5 when I've pressed post. I really find this interesting!
If someone notices any faulty grammar in any of my posts, please tell me! I'm from Sweden and Swedish is my main-language but since I barely passed any of my Swedish-classes throughout school and prefer a language globally used I'd rather learn proper English (which classes I've always aced somehow).