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1  Bitcoin / Project Development / Altcoins + Artificial Intelligence (New Project 2024) on: March 04, 2024, 10:57:01 AM
Hello everyone,
I have been involved with cryptocurrencies since 2012, and today I would like to share something very special. Wink

I am collaborating with a team of experts in the field of artificial intelligence to identify and analyze small altcoins with significant growth potential.

Our latest success story involves strategically entering BTC at $16,200 during the last halving cycle (the minimum was $15,500), thanks to our analyses.

I want to create a group of up to 5 highly motivated individuals to participate and expand the current models to maximize returns on altcoins as well.

- You don't need to be a technical expert, but you must understand cryptocurrencies, exchanges, and markets.
- A minimum of half an hour each day at any time
- The project will last from a few weeks to a few months.

Currently, the group includes individuals with expertise in AI, Python, advanced SEO, and marketing.

To find successful altcoins before anyone else, using various methods that we will discuss along with AI. No money is needed to join, only the sharing of skills, discoveries, insights, and data.

On a daily basis, the project will proceed as follows:

- Shared Excel sheet to fill in according to the rules we will explain together
- Occasionally, coordination calls to discuss progress.

In this project, I don't want too many people because we prefer "quality over quantity."

To qualify, send us a private message:

- Who you are and why you want to participate
- What added value you could bring to the group
- How much time you plan to dedicate to the project.

P.S. If you're not willing to send a PM and introduce yourself, it's better not to apply Wink
2  Local / Progetti / Altcoin e Intelligenza Artificiale (Nuovo Progetto 2024) on: March 04, 2024, 10:53:56 AM
Ciao a tutti,
lavoro con le crypto dal 2012 e oggi vorrei condividere qualcosa di molto speciale. Wink

Sto collaborando con un team di esperti nell'ambito dell'intelligenza artificiale per individuare e analizzare le piccole altcoin con un enorme potenziale di crescita.

L'ultimo caso di successo riguarda l'ingresso mirato di BTC a 16.200$ durante l'ultimo ciclo di halving (il minimo è stato di 15.500$), grazie alle analisi fatte.

Vorrei creare un gruppo di massimo 5 persone altamente motivate per partecipare ed estendere i modelli attuali al fine di massimizzare le rendite anche sulle altcoins.

- Non serve essere un tecnico, ma devi capirne di criptovalute, exchange e mercati.
- Minimo mezz'ora al giorno in qualsiasi fascia oraria
- Il progetto durerà da qualche settimana a qualche mese.

Al momento nel gruppo ci sono persone con competenze in AI, Python, SEO avanzata e marketing.

Trovare le altcoins di successo prima di chiunque altro, con vari metodi di cui parleremo e con l'AI. Non servono soldi per entrare ma la condivisione di competenze, scoperte, insights e dati.

Nel quotidiano il progetto si svolgerà come segue.
- Foglio Excel condiviso da compilare in base alle regole che spiegheremo insieme
- Di tanto in tanto qualche call di coordinamento per confrontarsi.

In questo progetto non voglio avere troppe persone perché preferiamo "pochi ma buoni".

Per qualificarti, scrivici un messaggio privato:
- chi sei e perché vorresti partecipare
- qual è il valore aggiunto che potresti offrire al gruppo
- quanto tempo pensi di dedicare al progetto.

P.S. Se non hai voglia di mandare PM e presentarti, è meglio non proporti Wink
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / Coinoxo - Get Price alerts and Portfolio Reports for 250+ Cryptocurrencies on: February 26, 2018, 05:35:40 PM
Have you ever wanted to easily get cryptocurrency price alerts, create your crypto-portfolio, convert altcoins and view the crypto-charts?

Today we launch and here is how it works.

    1) Receive price alerts about 250+ altcoins
    2) Get periodic reports about your current crypto-portfolio
    3) Price calculator: convert USD/BTC to altcoins and vice-versa.
    4) Charts: look at over 250 cryptocurrency charts for different timeframes. You can also show our charts inside your website for free!
    5) Charts of the TOP 20 and WORST 20 cryptocurrencies based on the last 24 hour price movements.

IMPORTANT: You will receive notifications on Telegram, Android/iOS app or e-mail.

Are you ready to signup for free? Visit this page and create a free account:

Alternatively you can search "Coinoxo" in the PlayStore or AppStore.

We have implemented a few limitations to the resources that every user can use to offer a fair usage to everyone, but don't worry!
If you need to set more price alerts, you can earn "points" and upgrade from "Free user" to "VIP user" for free by interacting with our platform.

In order to earn points you can leave comments in the cryptocurrency pages, watch videos, visit daily and engage in other interactions.
It's pretty easy to become a VIP user.

Do you want to advertise or collaborate with Coinoxo? We will be happy to consider your proposals.

Feel free to share any feedback below  Wink
4  Bitcoin / Project Development / 500+ Cryptocurrency Charts, Alerts and Personal Profits || Need Your Feedback on: August 05, 2017, 09:04:31 AM
I'm Marileno, a digital entrepreneur from Italy and with my team we are planning a new cryptocurrency portal about:

1) 500 altcoin charts
2) Personal portfolio of altcoins with profits and losses based on current prices
3) Altcoins price converter
4) Receive price alerts via e-mail, Facebook and Telegram

What are your main complains about these 4 services offered by other sites, so we can develop them in a better way?

1) Is better a linechart or candlestick chart? What timeframes do you like? Frequency of price update( 5/10/30 minutes, 1 hour or daily)?
2) Want to receive a daily report with your profits/losses?
3) Are 500 altcoins enough?
4) Other useful ways to get notifications?

Please give us your feedback and other suggestions or ideas.  Wink
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