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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / derpina, a cryptocurrency tipping bot for Mattermost on: August 16, 2020, 05:13:41 AM
Doing my part for a widespread cryptocurrencies adoption, I proposed to my company to implement a system where any employee can "tip" another one using cryptocurrencies.
The idea being that if you help a coworker, deliver before it's due, impress someone with something you've done, (s)he can tip you with coins, which is less awkward than giving you $1.
When it comes to money exchanges, at least here in France, things are always complicated and there's almost no way to bring innovation in this field. For this reason I made it "fun" and chose DOGE as the tipping asset. Note that this can be changed only by modifying the configuration file.

We use as our messaging solution, and the software I wrote uses Mattermost's outgoing webhooks to summon the bot.

So here's the result of a couple of days of golang programming

Feedback very welcome, feel free to use and modify it as you wish.
2  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / mnemocheck, checks that your seed phrase matches an address on: June 29, 2020, 07:04:05 AM
I've always had this small doubt that those seed words I wrote down and encrypted might have a typo, or be wrong, and I obviously didn't want them to hang around in clear text or via the network for anything to snoop it.

So I wrote mnemocheck, basically a Dockerfile along with a small bip-utils based python script that derivates the first public address from the mnemonic, it reads them from stdin and the container should be launched with --network none. It knows about Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, Ethereum and XRP (actually what bip-utils supports).
Use it with caution, only pipe on a local, trusted machine, and using encryption tools like GPG, password-store or OpenSSL with the right algorithms.

Here it is
3  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Goxplorer, a Bitcoin blockchain parser package written in golang on: November 11, 2019, 02:56:16 PM

A couple of weeks ago I started a toy project in order to dig into blocks structure, and one thing leading to another, it evolved into a pretty usable block file parser Go package.
I am aware of btcsuite, but TBH I found its documentation really hard to read and the project way too large for the simple task I wanted to achieve, so I took the opportunity.

So here it is, I present you Goxplorer (pun intended), it supports pretty much all locking mechanisms including natives and P2SH embedded SegWit ones. It has the ability to add callbacks for every parsed transaction and/or block, which makes it fun to play with.

It still needs more documentation and testing, but I thought you might find it useful.

Hope you like it,


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