The Movement
Fully Decentralized Organization
Round 2 starting Monday 12th March 2018 -- Friday 13th April 2018
If you have any questions please send a private message to MovementAI.
#1 Mon 12 - Sun 18 March
#2 Mon 19 - Sun 25 March
#3 Mon 26 - Sun 1 April
#4 Mon 2 - Sun 8 April
#5 Mon 9 - Sun 15 April
Total available MVT for Round Two: 8,000
1,600 MVT are paid out on each weekend divided by the number of eligible participants
Please note: if a payout didn't occur on the weekend, it will occur within the first half of the week.
* Minimum Bitcointalk activity: 50
* Active Twitter accounts with real followers only.
* Twitter audit must be >90% real followers, last update < 2 months old.
* Users that are on any blacklists, or have negative default trust, are not allowed to join.
How to get started?
1. Follow
2. Make a post in this thread with the following details:
Bitcointalk username:
Twitter Profile Link:
Link to Twitter Audit:
Amount of Followers:
ETH address:
3. Like and/or retweet The Movement's tweets. Comment whenever you are truly interested.
Log your retweets and post your report in this thread (one post only for signup & report).
Fully Decentralized Organization
Twitter Campaign Round 2
Round 2 starting Monday 12th March 2018 -- Friday 13th April 2018
If you have any questions please send a private message to MovementAI.
#1 Mon 12 - Sun 18 March
#2 Mon 19 - Sun 25 March
#3 Mon 26 - Sun 1 April
#4 Mon 2 - Sun 8 April
#5 Mon 9 - Sun 15 April
Total available MVT for Round Two: 8,000
1,600 MVT are paid out on each weekend divided by the number of eligible participants
Please note: if a payout didn't occur on the weekend, it will occur within the first half of the week.
* Minimum Bitcointalk activity: 50
* Active Twitter accounts with real followers only.
* Twitter audit must be >90% real followers, last update < 2 months old.
* Users that are on any blacklists, or have negative default trust, are not allowed to join.
How to get started?
1. Follow
2. Make a post in this thread with the following details:
Bitcointalk username:
Twitter Profile Link:
Link to Twitter Audit:
Amount of Followers:
ETH address:
3. Like and/or retweet The Movement's tweets. Comment whenever you are truly interested.
Log your retweets and post your report in this thread (one post only for signup & report).