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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY] [BIG BONUSES] Fizcal Accounting - Signature and Social Media Campaign on: August 09, 2017, 12:47:17 PM

Help spread the word of Fizcal and we’ll reward you with bonus Fiz Tokens.

Below are ways you can earn bonuses

Translation Bounty

This is now sold out

Bitcointalk Signature campaign

This campaign will run from 9th August - 19th December

Help spread the news of the Fizcal ICO and earn bonus Fiz Tokens for each post.

The signature will need to have the following
1.   Fizcal logo
2.   Link to and our facebook ( and twitter accounts (@fizcal_ltd)
3.   The start date of the Open Sale pre-ICO 7th November
We pay the following bonuses

1. Full Members earn 12 FIZ per post (capped at 50 members)
2. Senior Members earn 25 FIZ per post
3. Hero and Legendary Members earn 35 FIZ per post


  • You must be registered on
  • High quality posts may receive additional bonuses purely at our discretion
  • Bonuses are capped at 200 posts throughout the campaign
  • Of the 200 posts, retweets are capped at 50
  • To be eligible you must post at least 12 times throughout the campaign
  • Spam posts will be disqualified/not included in count total
  • Signature needs to be present until the campaign ends
  • Posts need to be constructive and relevant
  • We reserve the right to disqualify members if they are in breach of the above
  • Duplicate accounts by the same user are not allowed
  • We will monitor your posts and add them to the

To sign up to the signature campaign please send an email to providing your bitcointalk username and the email address you registered with on the website.

Please note that the email you put in your email to must be the same as the email you registered with on the Fizcal website.
This is to ensure that we can credit your account with the bonus coins at the end of the campaign.
Your email address will remain hidden at all times.
Choose the appropriate signature for your level of membership below


Full Members:



[center][b][font=Calibri][url=][color=#01bbfe][color=#019afe]FIZCAL[/color] [color=#020202]▬[/color] Accounting on the Blockchain [color=#020202]▬[/color][/color][/url] [url=][color=#019afe][pre ICO Nov 7 - Nov 20][/color][/url]
[color=#caf1ff].[/color][color=#a2e6ff].[/color][color=#7adbff].[/color][color=#51d1fe].[/color][color=#29c6fe].[/color][color=#01bbfe].[/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe]Triple[/color][/url]  [color=#020202][/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe]Entry[/color][/url] [color=#020202][/color]  [url=][color=#01bbfe]Accounting[/color][/url] [color=#01bbfe].[/color][color=#29c6fe].[/color][color=#51d1fe].[/color][color=#7adbff].[/color][color=#a2e6ff].[/color][color=#caf1ff].[/color]
[url=][color=#01bbfe]ANN Thread[/color][/url]  [color=#020202]▬[/color] [url=][color=#019afe]Telegram[/color][/url] [color=#020202]▬[/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe]Twitter[/color][/url] [color=#020202]▬[/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe][/color][/url][/b][/center]

Senior Members:



[td][url=][font=century gothic][size=20pt][b][color=#000][u]FI[color=#05a2c3]Z[color=#000]CAL[/u][/b][/size][/font][/url][/td]
[td][center][b][size=11pt][color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]ANN Thread[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Twitter[/size][/url] [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Telegram[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color][/size]
[url=][font=tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000]●[/color] [i][color=#05a2c3]Accounting on the Blockchain [/i] [color=#000]●[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b][/center][/td]
[td][left][url=][b][font=Century gothic][size=10pt][color=#05a2c3][pre ICO 7th November - 20th November 2017] [color=#000][/size][/font]
[font= tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000][i] Triple Entry Accounting ●[color=#05a2c3] AI Efficiency[/i][/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/left][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Hero/Legendary Members:



[td][url=][font=century gothic][size=26pt][b][glow=#05a2c3,2][color=#fff][u] FI[color=#81c784]Z[color=#fff]CAL [/u][/b][/size][/font][/url][/td]
[td][center][b][size=11pt][color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]ANN Thread[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Twitter[/size][/url] [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Telegram[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color][/size]
[url=][font=tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000]●[/color] [i][color=#05a2c3]Accounting on the Blockchain [/i] [color=#000]●[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b][/center][/td]
[td][left][url=][b][font=Century gothic][size=10pt][color=#1362a5][pre ICO 7th Nov - 20th Nov] [color=#000][/size][/font]
[font= tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000][i] Triple Entry Accounting ●[color=#05a2c3] AI Efficiency[/i][/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/left][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Fizcal Twitter Campaign

This campaign will run from 9th August  - 19th Decmeber

Use twitter to help us spread the work about Fizcal and the upcoming ICO.
So if you have at least 30 followers check out the details below to join the twitter campaign and earn bonus Fiz coins.

Steps to Join

1.   Follow us on twitter @fizcal_ltd
2.   Ensure that you have an account on
3.   Send us a message from your twitter account providing your registered email, this is so we can add your bonuses to your account

How to earn Bonuses

1.   Retweet @fizcal_ltd and earn 7 FIZ per retweet (maximum 2 tweets a day)
2.   Retweets and memes or tweets from @fizcal_ltd and earn 7 FIZ per retweet (max 2 a day)
3.   All retweets must be at least 2 hours apart to qualify
4.   Malicious/Spam accounts will be disqualified

Fizcal Facebook Campaign

This campaign will run from 9th August  - 19th December

Use facebook to help us spread the work about Fizcal and the upcoming ICO.
So if you have at least 30 friends check out the details below to join the twitter campaign and earn bonus Fiz coins.


Steps to Join

1.   Like our facebook page (
2.   Ensure that you have an account on
3.   Send us a message from your facebook account providing your registered email, this is so we can add your bonuses to your account

How to earn Bonuses

1.   Make a post promoting our fizcal page and earn 15 FIZ per post (maximum 1 post a day)
2.   like memes or posts from our facebook page and earn 5 FIZ per like (max 1 a day)
3.   All posts must be at least 1 hour apart to qualify
4.   Malicious/Spam accounts will be disqualified

Fizcal Meme Campaign

Campaigns runs 9th August  - 19th December

Help spread the work of Fizcal and the Fizcal ICO using funny and relevant memes and earn bonus Fiz Coins.
We will pay 150 Fiz Tokens for every retweeted meme.
We will pay more for popular memes.

Here’s how to earn bonus Fizcoins

1.   Create a Meme and post it to your twitter account
Tweets must include and following hashtags #wager, #wagermemes
2.   Post the meme to the bitcointalk main thread link here
3.   Ensure your details including your bitcointalk username has been emailed to us( so we can credit the correct account.

Here are some example texts

Crypto on the Balance Sheet with Fizcal
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Audit more frequently with the whole Data Set using Fizcal
Learn more at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Imagine the world of Accounting connected via the Blockchain
Image the power of Fizcal
Visit us at to learn more
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Triple Entry Accounting using the Blockchain
The power of Fizcal
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Artificial Business Intelligence using Fizcal
Learn more at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Biometric Secure Accounting with Fizcal
Check out our upcing ICO at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Say goodbye to centralised Accounting systems with Fizcal
Visit us at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / [BOUNTY] [BIG BONUSES] Fizcal Accounting - Signature and Social Media Campaign on: August 09, 2017, 11:11:23 AM

Help spread the word of Fizcal and we’ll reward you with bonus Fiz Tokens.

Below are ways you can earn bonuses

Translation Bounty

This is now sold out

Bitcointalk Signature campaign

This campaign will run from 9th August - 19th December

Help spread the news of the Fizcal ICO and earn bonus Fiz Tokens for each post.

The signature will need to have the following
1.   Fizcal logo
2.   Link to and our facebook ( and twitter accounts (@fizcal_ltd)
3.   The start date of the Open Sale pre-ICO 7th November
We pay the following bonuses

1. Full Members earn 12 FIZ per post (capped at 50 members)
2. Senior Members earn 25 FIZ per post
3. Hero and Legendary Members earn 35 FIZ per post


  • You must be registered on
  • High quality posts may receive additional bonuses purely at our discretion
  • Bonuses are capped at 200 posts throughout the campaign
  • Of the 200 posts, retweets are capped at 50
  • To be eligible you must post at least 12 times throughout the campaign
  • Spam posts will be disqualified/not included in count total
  • Signature needs to be present until the campaign ends
  • Posts need to be constructive and relevant
  • We reserve the right to disqualify members if they are in breach of the above
  • Duplicate accounts by the same user are not allowed
  • We will monitor your posts and add them to the

To sign up to the signature campaign please send an email to providing your bitcointalk username and the email address you registered with on the website.

Please note that the email you put in your email to must be the same as the email you registered with on the Fizcal website.
This is to ensure that we can credit your account with the bonus coins at the end of the campaign.
Your email address will remain hidden at all times.
Choose the appropriate signature for your level of membership below


Full Members:



[center][b][font=Calibri][url=][color=#01bbfe][color=#019afe]FIZCAL[/color] [color=#020202]▬[/color] Accounting on the Blockchain [color=#020202]▬[/color][/color][/url] [url=][color=#019afe][pre ICO Nov 7 - Nov 20][/color][/url]
[color=#caf1ff].[/color][color=#a2e6ff].[/color][color=#7adbff].[/color][color=#51d1fe].[/color][color=#29c6fe].[/color][color=#01bbfe].[/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe]Triple[/color][/url]  [color=#020202][/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe]Entry[/color][/url] [color=#020202][/color]  [url=][color=#01bbfe]Accounting[/color][/url] [color=#01bbfe].[/color][color=#29c6fe].[/color][color=#51d1fe].[/color][color=#7adbff].[/color][color=#a2e6ff].[/color][color=#caf1ff].[/color]
[url=][color=#01bbfe]ANN Thread[/color][/url]  [color=#020202]▬[/color] [url=][color=#019afe]Telegram[/color][/url] [color=#020202]▬[/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe]Twitter[/color][/url] [color=#020202]▬[/color] [url=][color=#01bbfe][/color][/url][/b][/center]

Senior Members:



[td][url=][font=century gothic][size=20pt][b][color=#000][u]FI[color=#05a2c3]Z[color=#000]CAL[/u][/b][/size][/font][/url][/td]
[td][center][b][size=11pt][color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]ANN Thread[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Twitter[/size][/url] [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Telegram[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color][/size]
[url=][font=tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000]●[/color] [i][color=#05a2c3]Accounting on the Blockchain [/i] [color=#000]●[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b][/center][/td]
[td][left][url=][b][font=Century gothic][size=10pt][color=#05a2c3][pre ICO 7th November - 20th November 2017] [color=#000][/size][/font]
[font= tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000][i] Triple Entry Accounting ●[color=#05a2c3] AI Efficiency[/i][/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/left][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Hero/Legendary Members:



[td][url=][font=century gothic][size=26pt][b][glow=#05a2c3,2][color=#fff][u] FI[color=#81c784]Z[color=#fff]CAL [/u][/b][/size][/font][/url][/td]
[td][center][b][size=11pt][color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]ANN Thread[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Twitter[/size][/url] [color=#000]●[/color]  [url=][size=7pt][color=#000]Telegram[/size][/url]  [color=#000]●[/color][/size]
[url=][font=tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000]●[/color] [i][color=#05a2c3]Accounting on the Blockchain [/i] [color=#000]●[/color][/size][/font][/url][/b][/center][/td]
[td][left][url=][b][font=Century gothic][size=10pt][color=#1362a5][pre ICO 7th Nov - 20th Nov] [color=#000][/size][/font]
[font= tahoma][size=10pt][color=#000][i] Triple Entry Accounting ●[color=#05a2c3] AI Efficiency[/i][/color][/size][/font][/b][/url][/left][/td][/tr][/table][/center]

Fizcal Twitter Campaign

This campaign will run from 9th August  - 19th Decmeber

Use twitter to help us spread the work about Fizcal and the upcoming ICO.
So if you have at least 30 followers check out the details below to join the twitter campaign and earn bonus Fiz coins.

Steps to Join

1.   Follow us on twitter @fizcal_ltd
2.   Ensure that you have an account on
3.   Send us a message from your twitter account providing your registered email, this is so we can add your bonuses to your account

How to earn Bonuses

1.   Retweet @fizcal_ltd and earn 7 FIZ per retweet (maximum 2 tweets a day)
2.   Retweets and memes or tweets from @fizcal_ltd and earn 7 FIZ per retweet (max 2 a day)
3.   All retweets must be at least 2 hours apart to qualify
4.   Malicious/Spam accounts will be disqualified

Fizcal Facebook Campaign

This campaign will run from 9th August  - 19th December

Use facebook to help us spread the work about Fizcal and the upcoming ICO.
So if you have at least 30 friends check out the details below to join the twitter campaign and earn bonus Fiz coins.


Steps to Join

1.   Like our facebook page (
2.   Ensure that you have an account on
3.   Send us a message from your facebook account providing your registered email, this is so we can add your bonuses to your account

How to earn Bonuses

1.   Make a post promoting our fizcal page and earn 15 FIZ per post (maximum 1 post a day)
2.   like memes or posts from our facebook page and earn 5 FIZ per like (max 1 a day)
3.   All posts must be at least 1 hour apart to qualify
4.   Malicious/Spam accounts will be disqualified

Fizcal Meme Campaign

Campaigns runs 9th August  - 19th December

Help spread the work of Fizcal and the Fizcal ICO using funny and relevant memes and earn bonus Fiz Coins.
We will pay 150 Fiz Tokens for every retweeted meme.
We will pay more for popular memes.

Here’s how to earn bonus Fizcoins

1.   Create a Meme and post it to your twitter account
Tweets must include and following hashtags #wager, #wagermemes
2.   Post the meme to the bitcointalk main thread link here
3.   Ensure your details including your bitcointalk username has been emailed to us( so we can credit the correct account.

Here are some example texts

Crypto on the Balance Sheet with Fizcal
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Audit more frequently with the whole Data Set using Fizcal
Learn more at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Imagine the world of Accounting connected via the Blockchain
Image the power of Fizcal
Visit us at to learn more
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Triple Entry Accounting using the Blockchain
The power of Fizcal
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Artificial Business Intelligence using Fizcal
Learn more at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Biometric Secure Accounting with Fizcal
Check out our upcing ICO at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

Say goodbye to centralised Accounting systems with Fizcal
Visit us at
#fizcal #FIZ #ico #accounting

3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] [ICO] [FZX] Fizcal - Blockchain Accounting - Token Sale 6th June 2018 on: August 09, 2017, 07:59:13 AM
Download whitepaper here

4  Economy / Service Discussion / coinchat sucks on: July 23, 2013, 12:00:13 AM
no one should use they are bad mmkay
banning people just for being friends with other people who did nothing wrong
i want some of the drugs they bought off of the road that a spider webbed cause its much better than anything ive watched cheech and chong take in all there movies combined
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