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Race : Human Class : Treasure Hunter CP : 300K and climbing
Will update this post as level/CP climbs. Account is linked to a Google account which will be handed over to buyer.
Asking price : USD$180 (I am ok with using escrow but would need some guidance as I have not used it before in my previous exchanges on BCT)
My Background
My name is Derek and I am not ashamed to admit that I am borderline obsessed with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general. I’ve gotten into cryptocurrencies after an article in 2013 that wrote about Bitcoin miners consuming more than USD$150K in electrical costs daily to keep the network operating. I can say that, in my opinion, Bitcoin is an invention that will carry all of us to a new digital age in finance.
I have just turned 39 in January 2014 and I live in Singapore, a city state where the costs of living is one of the highest in Asia, somewhat akin to Hong Kong. A very popular tagline in the 80s was that Singapore’s only natural resource was the people.
Doubtless to say, for someone who learned about Bitcoin, the pull factor was the increasing value of the USD/BTC rate and the fact that anyone could mint Bitcoins. It’s not surprising that the cost of energy in Singapore is also one of the highest in the world (almost SGD$0.28 per kw/h after tax), nonetheless I still went ahead to try my hand at Bitcoin mining just to see if I could leverage on Bitcoin to improve my lifestyle/quality of life.
Mining started with purchasing consumer components locally which consisted of AMD 7970 GPUs which got me started pretty quick and I placed orders for Black Arrow’s FPGA Lancelot modules as well as USB Block Erupters which by end of August 2013 I was running a pretty presentable farm of about 15 GHs. I was also in batch 1 of KNCminer’s Jupiter units and received it in mid-October 2013. It took me a couple of weeks to gather enough friends to collectively venture into the Jupiter purchase and I am very glad that everyone walked away with a healthy profit. All in all, it was a fun hobby getting involved in mining, and making new friends on the forums. It was also profitable I admit, but that was pretty much good luck as the USD/BTC rate shot up in the later part of 2013. Without that spike, I would still be pretty much in the red.
But I digress…
Singapore is a modern society and the percentage of technological/internet penetration in this city state is the 5th in Asia, even higher than Hong Kong surprisingly. Singapore’s GDP per person is the world’s highest at more than $60K in a Forbes report released in September 2013. In May 2013, there were 157K millionaires that resided in Singapore, making it the 10th ranked city in the world of with the most number of millionaires.
With Singaporeans open mindset of adopting stable technology and coupled with the financial prowess of the people, it will not be difficult to have Bitcoin penetrate here to drive adoption and increase the visibility in this part of the world. It also helps a lot that Singapore is akin to a trade hub in the region with many local and international banks situated onsite.
Thus I have taken up an increasing interest in promoting Bitcoin in Singapore and this thread will be somewhat like a diary to track and map the activities that I’ll be embarking on to put the word “Bitcoin” into the regular Singaporean lives.
I have a few ideas that I’m toying with to help make the term Bitcoin get noticed locally. I’ll update the thread here as time goes by.
I’ve also engaged a semi-professional photographer to help shoot some pictures of life in Singapore for those who are interested to know more about us here. I hope he can also help document in photos on my endeavors.
Recently, I’ve also taken part in an interview with a local reporter on Bitcoin mining and I hope that will be printed to aid in messaging to the masses.
~Until the next update.
I would like to sell off my USD$50 iTunes card, unused. (Only to be used with a US iTunes Account) for DOGECOIN.
First buyer at 200,000 DOGECOIN gets it! (Non-negotiable) PM me please.
Regards. Derek
Assuming I have multiple computers in a local network all connected to the Internet.
Can I:
Install a qt wallet for my currency of choosing. Sync it and run it in server mode, accepting user x and password y over z port. Set all the other computers to mine to it using the same user and password.
Will the combined hashing power be aggregated even if all the machines log in using the same user/pasword?
Basically what I am asking is can I do the above as a kind of solo mining operation but combining multiple machines hashing power together.
That wants to buy $10 coins like me? I learned about bitcoin when crashed after hitting $266. I would like to have the feeling of buying $10-50 coins like most of you senior folks. 
It's going to be very hard to keep mining devices online as they won't even be able to pay for themselves in energy costs. Only the ones who are true to the intangible value of bitcoin will stay the day.
Hi everyone,
I just purchased another 2 R9s and have 2 more codes for sale. Both for 2.4 LTC.
PM if interested.
I do not claim to endorse this nor am I confessing that I am practicing this.
An experienced trader-friend once told me :
"Most times it is beneficial doing the opposite of what others are doing in the markets, buy when they are selling, sell when they are buying."
In any case, I've gotten out at the 1.1 to 1k mark and am ready with fiat now. Just watching for an entry point.
Hi I have the above code that came with a R9 280x that I bought today and would like to sell it off for :
1.5 LTC
Please PM me if interested.
watching the exchanges is great entertainment. Somehow I can kind of feel the anguish and ecstacy of people globally, just like a Jedi can sense disturbances in the Force.
Just walked into the data center where I had set up my Jupiter that arrived last Friday and realized that it had turned off! I tried turning it back on and no response at all. The fans on the Seasonic X 1250W wasn't even spinning.
I got worried.
I took the following steps to troubleshoot the issue and realized one of the hashing modules has failed.
- Power on BBB by itself without hashing modules – ok - Power on BBB with ASIC#1 module – ok - Power on BBB with ASIC#1 & ASIC#3 – does not power on - Power on BBB with ASIC#1, ASIC#4 & ASIC#5 – ok - Power on BBB with ASIC#3 – does not power on - Power on ASIC#3 only – does not power on - Power on ASIC#3 without Arctic cooler module – does not power on - Connected PCIE power directly to ASIC#3 power connector – does not power on
Just sent a mail to KNC to ask for a replacement ASIC. Hope it can be done instead of replacing the entire unit.
I hope I'm not the first HW failure for KNC products.
Hi Guys,
I have recently purchased 2x Radeon 7970 and have gotten 2x redemption cards for :
Crysis 3 Bioshock : Infinite
Each redemption card code is for sale at 0.18 BTC each. First come first serve. Upon receiving the BTC, I will scratch the code and send it over.
As far as I know, these games are accessed via the Steam gaming platform. Please be informed before purchasing. If interested, kindly PM to receive address to send BTC to.
Edit : Updated price on 6 June.
Heya everyone, Just registered a few days ago and now found some time to sit down and post an intro. I've recently been introduced to bitcoin and though I know it is not lucrative to mine with gpus now, I still went ahead and gotten myself 2x Saphs 7970s just to try it out. I guess I should be doing more LTC than BTC though. In any case, all I am looking towards will be to recoup the $ I paid for the 2 cards. I have my system hosted somewhere where I don't need to worry about power so I reckon a 6 month turnaround to recoup? Maybe? Though it is tempting to just see if I can put up 4x 7970s since PC building is kind of like a hobby for me, being a gamer when I was younger. It is satisfying to build and see the system running at the end of the day.  Oh I would like to see if there are other Singaporeans who are into mining here too. It would be good to chat about it or group buy somethings.