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1  Other / Beginners & Help / MOST INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT BITKOIN on: March 19, 2018, 10:59:05 AM
Do you know that more than 92% of all financial experts of the world in the first years of Bitcoin's appearance recognized him as an absolutely unpromising means of payment? Nevertheless, for almost 10 years now this crypto currency has continued to improve not only, but also to beat all new records!

So let's move on to the facts and start with the best known:

1. In its original form, Bitcoin appeared back in 2008, and its creator is an anonymous author named Satoshi Nakamoto. It is curious that for many years it was not known who this person is or a whole group of mysterious specialists. The most likely scenario is the version according to which the creator of this crypto currency is an American of Japanese descent named Dorian Nakamoto, but ultimately this version has not received reliable evidence.

2. .As you know, the maximum number of Bitcoins is limited to 21 million coins. It is interesting that to date, slightly more than half of this total has been produced. The algorithm itself is usually more and more complicated and reduces the total number of created monets in 2 times every few years, for this reason, the process of mining (extraction of coins) is not the same. So, today around 3000-3600 BTC is produced in one day. It is believed that the last Bitcoin will be produced only in 2140.

3.It is noteworthy that the first million BTCBitcoinsBTC were produced by Satoshi Nakamoto himself and, according to many experts, still belong to him, and to date, by the way, this amount is 4,000,000,000 dollars. Many curious users and annoying journalists try to find these Nakamoto wallets to get on the trail of their creator. However, the mysterious Satoshi is silent and remains calm.

4.BTCBTCBTCIt is very interesting that attempts have been made to create the real physical equivalent of BTCBitcoinBTC. It should have been gold-colored coins with the Bitcoin logo. You see them on numerous images and pictures of this crypto currency. Such coins are called Casascius. Their principle of operation is that it is, in fact, a kind of cold wallets, on which a holographic code of access to the crypto currency is printed. Unfortunately, this technology has not received wide distribution. However, the small island jurisdiction of Oldney (UK) still announced its determined plans to manufacture Bitcoin physical coins.

5.It is noteworthy that only 36% of the total volume of Bitcoin coins was noted in any transactions and payment transactions. All the remaining coins with the number of about 64% of the total number of such coins have never been used. Probably, users hold them with the expectation of an even larger increase in the cost of 1 BTC.

6.To date, Bitcoin's code has more than 80,000 lines of code. And about 72 000 of them are written in the traditional programming language C ++. Interestingly, in the very first version of the Bitcoin working protocol under the number 0.1.0 there were only 14,000 lines of code for all the same C ++. The very crypto currency was originally conceived as a small, modest project, judging by modern standards. For example, the Linux kernel code contains more than 15 million lines of code.

7.Interestingly, the first country in the world that officially banned the use of BTCBitcoinBTC, was not any modern European state or the US, but exotic Thailand. Local authorities with great skepticism reacted to the use of the crypto currency, because it can not be imposed by any state tax. However, after a while this ban was lifted.

In the history of this crypto currency, from the moment when a whole year after its creation, 1 military-technical cooperation could be purchased for only $ 0.04 and up to an impressive $ 8000, which is equal to 1 BTCBitcoinBTC today, there were still a lot of significant and curious events. And maybe, and you yourself can add something interesting to these facts?

2  Other / Beginners & Help / The impact of the crypto currency on the economy on: March 16, 2018, 10:33:25 AM
Crypto-currency is a financial innovation that allows you to bypass existing restrictions, it inevitably affects the volatility of the price level and the entire payment system. This influence is considered in the following areas:

1. Decrease in the share of real money.

2. Changes in monetary aggregates.

3. The oppression of official national currencies.

1. Today, more countries do not take the influence of crypto currency seriously. As a rule, the amount of crypto currency in circulation does not exceed 0.3% of the cash in the scale of one state. Of course, we can not exclude the possibility of a significant increase in this indicator in the future, because as a result of fluctuations in the exchange rate, the amount of crypto currency in circulation can sharply increase.

2. Trade in the virtual space due to the crypto currency inevitably affects the reduction in demand for real money, which leads to a change in monetary aggregates that directly affect the speed of circulation of money. With the widespread use of virtual money, the balance of the central bank will decrease and the effectiveness of interest rate policy will decrease. In addition, replacing money with crypto currency significantly complicates the assessment of monetary aggregates, which in turn prevents them from maintaining at the same level as the expected inflation.

3. The volume of the electronic money market is considered insignificant in relation to world turnover, nevertheless, if we consider the volume of transactions involving crypto-currencies concentrated in the scale of one developing country, this can seriously affect the value of the national currency.
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Top 7 variants of earning crypto currency on: March 13, 2018, 12:46:31 PM
1. Mining -This kind of earning is most likely on hearing. In essence, mining is the processing of transfers of crypto currency between users. For this, the remuneration is paid to the miner. The method is very attractive, because the work is carried out by the technician (computers or special equipment), and the owner receives the money. In other words, I bought a box, put it in the socket, and he begins to earn money for you.
-Mining methods
  1)Combine several video cards into one and collect the farm.
  2)Buy special equipment, imprisoned for the extraction of a specific cryptovoyt, which is called ISIC ("Aisik"), and use it.

Main disadvantages:
- primary investments from several hundred thousand rubles;

- First, the equipment should pay off, and then the profit will go;

- mandatory availability of conditions for the uninterrupted operation of equipment - place for accommodation, heat removal, internet and electricity, air filtration (otherwise mechanical parts quickly fail);

- Certain knowledge.
- payback is tens times higher than investments in bank deposits or real estate;

- minimum time spent for generating income (passive income);

- receipt of a highly liquid commodity in the form of a crypto currency.

2.Trading (High risks)
A trader is a player on the stock exchange, who earns on fluctuations in the rates of crypto-currency.
Volatility in the market is very high. It can grow by tens of percent in a few days and then fall as well.
The very pattern of earnings is simple: at the beginning of growth, buy, at the end of growth - sell. If everything is done correctly, then for a day or two you can make plus 10 - 20% to your capital. Then wait for the fall and buy again. And so on a circle. For a month, it is realistic to double or triple its capital. There are crypto-currencies, which in a few days can jump by 100 - 200 or more percent.
It is important to understand that trading is a job, a profession. First of all, it is necessary to undergo training. Secondly, to form skills - that is, actions brought to automatism by repeated repetitions. And this, as a rule, months.
The main advantage of trading is high profitability. The main disadvantage is high risks. This is a job for professionals with strong nerves (it is work, not a way to invest their capital).

3. Arbitration (risks - average)
Crypto-exchange is a lot, and the difference in exchange rates for them can be quite substantial. It is especially noticeable when sharp jumps of courses begin. In such moments, you can buy on one exchange, then transfer to another and there to sell.
The main advantage of this way of earning - a good profit can be obtained in a short period. But for this there must be a sufficient amount for investment and a well-developed scheme for transferring funds from the stock exchange to the exchange.
Plus this method - a simple algorithm and average risks, minus - exchanges constantly change interest and I / O schemes. Recently, transfers between exchanges could get stuck for hours, and sometimes even for days. That dramatically increases the likelihood of loss.

4. CryptoPIF (risks are average)
Analogues of mutual funds have already appeared in crypto-economics. Managing companies for you collect combined portfolios of crypto-currency and bring them to a specific index. You can only buy this index. Depending on its growth or decline, if you sell it in the future, you will receive or will not receive an income.

Pros - a low entry threshold (thousands of rubles), and do not have to think about what to invest, the minuses - the crypto-currencies in the index, as a rule, are rigidly formed.

5. Trust management (risks are average)
Already by name it is clear that the money will have to be entrusted to the management. To whom? Cryptobroker or crypt. They will decide what to buy, and what to sell, when and how. Their earnings are part of the profits earned from managing your money. Interest is negotiated by each fund individually. The most frequent scheme is 50/50.

Pros - you do not need to think about what to invest in, minuses are usually a high entry threshold (millions of rubles).

Both for cryptoPIFs and for cryptophones, big risks are associated with the lack of a legislative base and a short time for the development of managerial reputations.

6. ICO (risks are high)
The person who came up with ICO, apparently, pursued some sort of marketing goal - wanted to do something similar to the IPO, only in the cryptomir.
Actually ICO is the release of a new crypto currency on the market. And usually it is released under a certain project. That is, some company decides to do something new, but for this it needs funds. And then it makes its own crypto currency. Investors buy it with the expectation that eventually it will be released to the stock exchange and will rise in price. Or later, the company that issued it will buy it back at a higher price. These conditions are prescribed even at issue.

Pros of investing in ICO - high return on invested capital. For example, last year in one of the projects the token went up 500 times.

The main disadvantage of the ICO is that it is difficult to reliably determine whether the team is really going to do what it says if they have enough strength and abilities to do so. In addition, sometimes the money received at the start relax, and any, even the most promising, idea can be blown away, not benefiting either its authors or investors.

7. Bounty (risks are low)
A way for students, schoolchildren and those who have a lot of free time.

Bounty is the participation in the promotion of new projects for a fee in the form of their tokens. When the project goes to the ICO, it should involve the audience, somehow tell about itself. This is allocated funds - a small part of the tokens. They are paid as a reward for "likes", "reposts" in social networks and other types of promotion. For example, for "like" - one token, repost - two, a translation into your language - three, for a detailed text on your blog or website - five. After the ICO, the tokens start to cost something, and the received users can sell them on the exchange. The yield of Bounty depends on the success of the project. You can not earn anything, but you can get a few hundred dollars.

Plus - money in exchange for time, minus - you can not earn.

Experienced bounties make approximately from 1000 to 2000 dollars a month.

4  Other / Beginners & Help / News in the crypto world on: March 13, 2018, 11:13:46 AM
In this topic I want to list the main news for today in the field of crypto currency, it is interesting enough to understand what is happening inside the vast world of crypts, and I'll start with bitcoin:

1.Course of the most popular crypto currency - bitcoin fell during the trading on Friday below the mark of 9 thousand dollars.
-According to Coindesk's data, the bitcoin rate was down 9.1% to $ 8,492. -Experts note that this is due to news about the closure of two crypto-exchange exchanges in Japan - FSHO and Bit Station.
-According to 17:15 Moscow time, the bitcoin rate slowed down and traded at around 9 094 dollars. Capitalization bitkoina at the same time amounted to 153.7 billion dollars.

Next, I want to consider the crypto market

2.Poyavlenie kriptosfery caused a kind of coup, and now threatens 25% of the national currencies will be replaced. The market of crypto-currencies, although very interesting from the point of view of investments, conceals all the various "pitfalls".
According to Thomas Frey, the crypto currency market will exist for a long time. Moreover, he predicts that in the future, by 2030, a quarter of the national currencies will be replaced by virtual currencies.

3. Changing the trade due to the crypto currency
Crypto currency is partly the cause of the destruction of the banking industry, so this should be taken seriously.
According to T. Frey, if Kristin Lagarde, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, claims to be ousting central banks and international banks with crypto-currencies, this is a serious reason to ponder. Among the factors contributing to the appeal of crypto currency is the absence of intermediaries and supervision of cryptographic currencies. Crypto currency works as a peer-to-peer deal, so it's interesting for investors. In this case there are no bank commissions and financial consultants.
5  Other / Beginners & Help / The owner of the largest number of bitcoins on: March 08, 2018, 11:12:30 AM
To date, 14.75 million bitcoins out of 21 million, identified as the unchangeable limit of their number, have already been extracted. Who owns most of the currency? There are several names on hearing.

1.One of them is the twin brothers Wickwosses, who in 2013 bought bitcoins for $ 11 million at the rate of $ 120 per 1 BTC. Since then, Bitcoin has lost in value only twice;
2.One of the biggest owners of bitcoins in the history of crypto currency was Ross Ulbricht (Ross Ulbricht), who earned huge sums on commissions for transactions on a scandalously known underground market;
3.Bitcoin Investment Trust bought most of BTC at the second auction;

There are still hidden in the veil of the mystery of the coin of Satoshi Nakamoto. The real number of coins is unknown to anyone, and they have not been in circulation since the disappearance of their creator in 2011. During 2009 (the first year of mining), more than 1.5 million coins were created, and there are opinions that a large part of them was controlled by Nakamoto. The withdrawal of these coins into circulation can lead to a great panic in the market.

Anyway, in fact, it's not so important who controls most of the bitcoins. It seems that the more the number of currency holders, the more difficult it will be for individual subjects to collect large sums, and this can protect the price in case one of them decides to leave the market.
6  Other / Beginners & Help / Celebrities and Crypto-Currency investments on: March 07, 2018, 08:48:11 AM
In this topic I want to talk about the famous people who actively invest in the crypto currency, mostly citizens of Western countries.
 :)Let's start with people who have a significant financial base :

1.Richard Branson - this English tycoon created the corporation Virgin Group,A wealthy Englishman invested $ 30 million in the BitPay system, created more than 70 jobs for people.
2.Bill Gates - in 1975, Gates, in close collaboration with Paul Allen, created Microsoft. The level of confidence of Bill Gates to the crypto currency is evidenced by the fact that you can pay for the software from Microsoft with the help of bitcoins.
3.he Draper - is an American venture investor, it was he who in 1985 created his company Draper Fisher Jurvetson. It is known that Tim Draper purchased about 30 thousand bitcoins at the auction in the US, his investments at that time amounted to 19 million dollars.

I also want to introduce people from all over sports, cinema, pop industry, as well as science:

1.Ashton Kutcher - this famous Hollywood actor made an investment in BitPay;
2.Lily Allen - world-famous singer;
3.Mike Tyson - made investments in his own network of bitcoin-ATMs;
4.Donald Glover - actor and frame.

Famous companies that actively participate in the support of crypto currency:

1.Goldman Sachs Bank - invested about $ 50 million;
2.Barclays is the first largest bank that started accepting charity from companies and individuals in bitcoins;
3.Visa - this company said that bitcoin has a good future;
4.MasterCard - this payment system deals with investments in a variety of start-ups, including bitcoin;

Summarizing, we see how the crypto currency seamlessly captures all corners of our planet, past those that I have listed there is still a huge number of celebrities actively investing in crypto.
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