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Some 2 years ago I did something stupid, someone left me negative feedback because I didn't have liquid BTC to settle a deal. I pigheadedly decided to buy positive feedback paying with BTC (also becuz I thought anything goes including reselling accounts). Got a tonne of negative feedback about it. Haven't posted much later on. Not in the market for anything currently but I wonder if you can only deal on the Marketplace if you have a pristine positive Trust record.
Wladimir van der Laan is nu de hoofdontwikkelaar van de officiële Bitcoin client, de opvolger van Gavin Andresen. Zie: zijn naam kan men afleiden dat hij een Nederlander is of in elk geval van Nederlandse afkomst is. Heeft iemand meer informatie over deze persoon? 
I currently have negative trust because of some troll who downmodded me without cause. If all my deals had been trusted rightly I would have 2 positives and one negative. I could only get one of the sellers who had a positive experience with me to leave positive trust. The only true negative being because I lacked liquidity at the moment, which I'm sorry for.
I shouldn't be held accountable because some moron called Hollowinfinity left a negative trust message "FUCK OYU SCAMMER! EAT MY SHITSTAINED PIZZA AND SUCK ON MY COCA COLA COCK!". Checkout his trust, he was downmodded severely. The moderators of this forum allow this kind of trust to stand and they won't remove it. AFAIK there is no rule that you can't sell positive trust for BTC.
So I will pay BTC 0.002 to the first person who leaves positive trust on my account. I don't care what you write as long as it is positive. Leave your Bitcoin address. It's easy money, more than $1.5 worth of BTC for only a few seconds effort. Remember: only the first person to leave positive trust will be paid.
If you decide to troll me with negative trust or withdraw positive trust after payment I *WILL* leave negative trust on your account. If someone uses it against me at least I can show what a phony system it is.
Mijn familieleden ridiculiseren mij omdat ik Bitcoins bezit maar ze hebben voor vele honderden euro's aan Oudejaarsloten gekocht. Slim of niet? 
According to the BitPay exchange rate page 1 BTC is worth 261752.2649 Zimbabwean dollars. the Zimbabwean dollar has ceased to exist since 2009 because of hyperinflation. One of those 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollar notes which you can get on eBay for a few US dollars would fetch a huge amount of BTC at that rate. 
Sorry if this has been asked before, I couldn't find an answer searching for it.
If you only have the 12 word Electrum seed but not the passphrase can you recover that somehow from the seed or do you have to also remember the passphrase to be able to send coins?
Which movies should they never attempt to remake or reboot?
A few I can think of:
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2. Blade Runner 3. The Matrix
Het lijkt me een goed idee om de naam Bitcoinkompel te gebruiken ipv Bitcoin miner voor een persoon die Bitcoins delft. Bitcoin miner wordt immers ook gebruikt voor de apparatuur (mining rigs). Een kompel is een andere naam voor een mijnwerker maar Bitcoinmijnwerker bekt niet zo goed nmm. Wat vinden jullie? 
Reden: Bitcoin conference Europe 26-27 september: zou leuk zijn om dan met diverse internationale gasten te praten over Bitcoin, ook voor degenen die niet naar deze conventie gaan. 
Next year all USB Block Erupters will be useless, they won't get a single share, like CPU's now.
Wouldn't it be nice to make them into a key fob to put on your key chain? Or make some fancy jewellery out of them?
They do have a very nice BTC logo on the back and the chips on the front side give them a nice techno look.
Leave your reputation below. Thank you!
When I login on Bitfunder and I click on Login after entering my E-mail address, password and 2-factor the page refreshes and I'm not logged in.
I've tried doing this on both Firefox and Internet Explorer with the same result.
What's the deal? Site hacked or just site problems?
Is there a paper wallet with big QR codes? My Samsung Galaxy S2 can't scan the QR codes of the paper wallet and derivative wallets (such as the Dr. Evil one). My iPad can. It suck a bit if I give my relatives a paper wallet and their phone can't scan the QR code because it is too small.
I have two printers, a Canon MP550 inkjet scanner/printer and a Brother HL1250 laser printer. Paper wallets printed with either of them can't be scanned by the Samsung Galaxy S2 with the Android Bitcoin app.
If Electrum would ever be discontinued in the future and all the servers went offline, could you then still use it to send money by downloading the block chain on your own computer?
Or do you then need to export the private key and import it into another client?
And suppose I lose wallet.dat do I get everything back when I import the seed and can I then recover the private key?
I ask this because I am thinking of using an offline Electrum wallet for saving some coins in. And maybe not access them until years later.
I want to solo mine Bitcoin to help strengthen the network. Not for gaining coins as my computer is quite old and lacks a compatible GPU. I don't care, I want to help Bitcoin.
My computer is powered on more than 12 hours per day, a lot of the time it does nothing but still uses power, the additional electricity usage is nothing. I read that mining through a pool doesn't help strengthening the network but solo mining does. So how can I solo mine?