just done something really stupid
Got an email from
support@localbitcoin.com saying my account had been flagged for fraudulent activity.
checked my account and nothing, opened up electru grabbed an address and then send my funds to the wallet. incoming transaction.
check the support desk no ticket. check back at email and obviously the link contains a hidden phishing address, phew close call but all is safe.
Go to electrum to send my funds back over to LBTC, need them to have online adverts active, upon entering the password all i get is invalid.
Turns out i sent them to a wallet that was generated on the 6th of December on my run around laptop and i don't appear to know the password at the moment tried several combinations but nope..... must have been feeling smart that day and NO i did not right down the seed as i was actually generating the wallet whilst giving my friend a step by step run down on how to setup electrum, why i didn't follow my own instructions of remembering password and keeping a copy of the seed safe i will probably never live down
who's the local brute force expert?