IFC still easy mining at the starting rate, over 1% total supply *per day* for an entire month, but rate will soon decrease sharply.
This coin is interesting for the accelerated distribution schedule, as well as the 90 Billion target money supply. It's on track to be the first fully distributed coin, and has been very fair and easy for anyone who wants to mine some, even CPU mining on pools. Block reward will drop to 256K in 1 day, and halves monthly.
(Public service announcement, not affiliated with this coin.)
No pre-mine, no insta-mine.
Approximately 6+ month accelerated mining schedule, then will be transaction fee supported.
43 Billion mined so far of total 90 Billion schedule.
Still very easy to get a block, big payouts solo or pool.
SPECS: (announce post at https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=225891.0 )
30 sec block time = 2880 / day.
Block reward halves monthly. (every 86400 blocks)
Difficulty adjusts hourly.
90 Billion total mint schedule, equals roughly 1000:1 money supply ratio on Litecoin
RECOMMENDED TRANSACTION FEE: 2-100+ to ensure fast execution and secure network