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1  Economy / Digital goods / for sale/auction on: December 02, 2018, 01:16:13 AM
Bidding starts at 0.025 BTC

2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Windows 7 and RX480 won't mine WTF? on: July 07, 2016, 10:58:01 AM

I have an ASROCK 81 MB, Windows 7 2 RX480s (just trying to get one working) Geth and Ethminer Tells me it sees no GPUs Questions: Tried the 15.x drivers and the 16.x drivers, neither works. Can you really uninstall these damn drivers?
Can anyone share what has worked for them please?
3  Economy / Auctions / BITCOINSUPERNODE.COM domain on: November 08, 2015, 03:53:12 PM


4  Economy / Digital goods / for Sale 3 BTC on: November 04, 2014, 04:03:11 PM

If you are familiar with Bitcoin and you know the potential value of this name and its intrinsic value.

Price is 3 BTC

PM with questions
5  Economy / Computer hardware / 50 Gridseed (5 chip) miners w/PS/Cables/USB hubs/USB Cables Ready to GO USA only on: June 26, 2014, 06:31:10 PM
50 Gridseed miners (5 chip) for sale  Approx 15/Mhs total

Features 50 power cables, 50 usb cables, Power supply, 5 - 10 Port USB hubs

All you need for this is a computer to plug the hubs into and the software, nothing else.

Price is 4BTC

Price includes delivery in the U.S. (sorry not shipping out of U.S.)

If you want escrow we must agree on a provider and you must agree to pay for additional cost of verified shipping (ie. Signature required)

6  Economy / Computer hardware / Before you pay thousands of dollars for a Scrypt Miner on: June 17, 2014, 07:48:24 PM
If your goal is to mine coins and support the community at significant financial loss to yourself then this message is not for you.

If however you want to get a return on your investment at least break even, I suggest you visit this calculator, and plug in the appropriate numbers.

Using just a 7% increase in difficulty you may find your eyes wide open as to what scrypt miners will get you a return on your investment.


None of them will.

7  Bitcoin / Hardware / BFL starts taking pre-orders for 1TH Imperial Monarch Miners on: April 02, 2014, 06:44:19 PM
Just leaving this here.....

performance of plus or minus 20%

Get your 801Gh miners here!!
8  Other / Beginners & Help / Why have embedded photos stopped working? on: March 24, 2014, 02:16:31 AM
Subject line says it all

Why have embedded photos stopped working on this site?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Gauging interest in Renting a 15-20 Mh Scrypt Mining Rig on: March 11, 2014, 08:15:15 PM
Gauging Interest in folks renting a 15-20 Mh Scrypt mining

Strictly Scrypt and cost of 0.9 LTC per Mh per day.

Questions, feedback all appreciated.
10  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTB] Gridseed Units (5 chip) Large quantity on: February 26, 2014, 10:07:11 PM
Looking for 50 Gridseed (5 chip units)

Prefer seller in the U.S. or willing to ship at a reasonable rate (no more than $200)

Must do escrow.

Not interested in retail price. Like to be around $200-$210 per

PM if you are interested.
11  Economy / Auctions / KNC Miner controller Board on: February 15, 2014, 04:50:33 PM

You are bidding on a KNC controller board with the BBB card

Card is tested and known functional

You bid does NOT include the price of freight which I will provide at the end of the auction to the high bidder.

Auction ends at 12 midnight Eastern time.

Card will be shipped Monday 2/17 from the Southeastern US.

Starting bid is BTC1  Bids below that will be respectfully ignored.

If you must have escrow it will be at your expense from a mutually agreed upon party.
This will obviously delay your shipment.

12  Economy / Scam Accusations / Does this look like a scam to you? on: February 13, 2014, 12:34:52 AM
Check this thread out:

I could be wrong but it has all the signs of a scam.

What do you think yeah or nay?

13  Economy / Service Discussion / Butterfly Labs Nimbus Cloud Mining Service $40 a GH on: January 25, 2014, 09:27:06 PM

BFL has now started offering Cloud Mining for $40 a GH

Talk among yourselves.

Try not to laugh
14  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTB] KNC Miner Mercury Offering 2.5 BTC on: January 19, 2014, 03:52:04 PM
If you have a KNC Mercury you want to sell I will pay you 2.5BTC

Escrow is required.

I am in the U.S.

PM with any units you have.
15  Economy / Service Announcements / [ANN] unlimited backup for all your PCs & MACs Bitcoin Accepted on: January 10, 2014, 02:05:11 AM

Pay with Bitcoin when you checkout and get a 10% discount on the already low price.

You can get online backup for ALL your Computers for BTC0.051 a YEAR!

NitroCloud Backup protects your precious files by keeping a copy safely online. It’s hassle-free, easy-to-install, completely secure – and backs up your entire PC or Mac, no matter how many files you’ve got!

Let NitroCloud Home Backup keep your files safe
NitroCloud Home backup works quietly in the background to protect your files as you use your computer. You don’t need any technical knowledge, and it backs up all of your files – no matter how many you’ve got. You can restore your files at any time with one click.

View all your files from any device
Once you’ve backed up your files with NitroCloud Home backup you can view them from anywhere – from any web browser, or from your smart phone and tablet.

You can view your photos and documents, and even listen to your music and watch your movies, wherever you are.

Your data is safe and secure on our military grade data servers
With NitroCloud Home backup you can be sure your files are safe and secure. We keep multiple copies of your files, so you can get to them at any time, and we encrypt them with military-grade encryption, so that they’re completely private.

If you need help at any time our outstanding support comes free!
16  Economy / Services / [ANN] NitroBackup Unlimited Backup for all your PCs and MACs - Accepting BTC on: January 10, 2014, 02:01:48 AM

Pay with Bitcoin when you checkout and get a 10% discount on the already low price.

You can get online backup for ALL your Computers for BTC0.051 a YEAR!

NitroCloud Backup protects your precious files by keeping a copy safely online. It’s hassle-free, easy-to-install, completely secure – and backs up your entire PC or Mac, no matter how many files you’ve got!

Let NitroCloud Home Backup keep your files safe
NitroCloud Home backup works quietly in the background to protect your files as you use your computer. You don’t need any technical knowledge, and it backs up all of your files – no matter how many you’ve got. You can restore your files at any time with one click.

View all your files from any device
Once you’ve backed up your files with NitroCloud Home backup you can view them from anywhere – from any web browser, or from your smart phone and tablet.

You can view your photos and documents, and even listen to your music and watch your movies, wherever you are.

Your data is safe and secure on our military grade data servers
With NitroCloud Home backup you can be sure your files are safe and secure. We keep multiple copies of your files, so you can get to them at any time, and we encrypt them with military-grade encryption, so that they’re completely private.

If you need help at any time our outstanding support comes free!
17  Economy / Service Announcements / [ANN] See all exchanges, Coinbase, Bitpay all one screen on: January 08, 2014, 04:22:50 PM

See all Exchanges, Coinbase Buy and Sell rates, Bitpay Rates

Responsive and Mobile Friendly

More enhancements coming soon.

Adding BTC-E
Adding ability to set alerts (i.e. Tell me when Coinbase is paying $x for BTC, tell me when MtGox Ask rate is $Y)

Any features you would like to see, please reply here.

We have no plans for live charts/bid/asks. Want to keep the site short, sweet and mobile friendly
18  Economy / Service Discussion / Coinbase utterly useless during major market swings on: December 17, 2013, 02:36:20 AM
Coinbase is consistently going offline whenever there is a massive market swing.

Before you decide to use them, know that in the event of a massive sell off or a massive upswing Coinbase will not be there for you.

Been my experience every time.
19  Bitcoin / Hardware / BFL Monarch Update Shipping of first device now Feb 2014 on: December 11, 2013, 07:06:27 PM
From Josh:

First Chips Jan 9th

Slicing and Dicing of Chips Jan 16th

Testing and Firmware Jan 23rd

Mounting of Chips on boards Jan 30th

then shipping can begin.

In the past, not once has BFL and its suppliers been able to accomplish any of the tasks listed above in a week.

Still being quoted at:

"However, this is our second generation, so we have much greater clarity on the process and we feel our timeline to begin shipments towards the end of the year is solid"

My opinion, based on past performance is expect day 1 orders in March.

20  Bitcoin / Hardware / New BFL Product 250GH Miner for $11k available on 12/31 on: December 11, 2013, 12:06:44 AM
Processing Power: 250 GH/s (+/- 10% running variance)
Included accessories: USB Cable and Power Cord

Plug the USB cable into a host computer and run the supplied software. Additional Bitforce SC products can be added to the chain via a USB hub for linear performance multiplication with no overhead cost. Each additional unit is auto-configured and folded into the workforce without any user intervention required.

Weight: 43 lbs.
Dimensions: 4 3/4" x 19" x 26 1/4"

Talk Among yourselves

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