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1  Economy / Trading Discussion / Dwolla: story of account suspension on: July 27, 2012, 03:50:50 PM
Created a Dwolla account in June 2011 and used it for a few MtGox transactions (both deposits and withdrawals)--went pretty well.

After about a year of inactivity in July 2012 I made a bank transfer of a small amount to Dwolla. The transfer clears and when I try to send the funds to MtGox it asks me to verify my account by submitting my SSN. After submitting my SSN, they say it's wrong (which it isn't) and ask for a photo ID. So I submit the photo ID, and a few minutes later I get an email saying my account is permanently suspended.

A day later I call Dwolla support and tell them the issue, and they say the "SSN doesn't match our records." I asked them the sources against which they checked my information and they refused to answer. I asked if they checked it against a third party source and responded neither affirmatively nor negatively and said they "can't disclose that information." The name, number, and other information I submitted were completely correct. Furthermore, they asserted that their sources "are not wrong."

Fortunately they were able to manually transfer the funds back into my bank account.

Never again will I touch Dwolla. This is absolutely ridiculous. This is just a warning to anyone who gets a notification that account verification with an SSN is necessary.
2  Economy / Speculation / What just happened on: September 11, 2011, 04:05:50 PM
Of course, I leave bitcoin for a few weeks and I come back to see that the price is $4 with spikes like this.

Have we been goxed again or do we have some big players constantly selling and buying into each other
3  Economy / Speculation / Let's recap on what we've seen in the past few months on: September 02, 2011, 03:54:58 AM
We started at $32.

We saw a seemingly stable 17.
It went down.

We had a seemingly stable 13.
It went down.

Stable 10.
Guess? Ah, you're right, it went down.

Now we're at 8. Guess what will happen?

Honestly, anyone who thinks it will go up is too optimistic.
4  Economy / Speculation / What do you expect to happen to bitcoin in a year's time on: August 24, 2011, 10:08:26 PM
Say you invested $1000 to buy a little under 100 bitcoins at current prices, and completely forget about bitcoin and come back in exactly one year.

What do you expect the price to be? The community? The bitcoin itself?
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Utility for checking IXCoin difficulty amongst other things, within the client on: August 14, 2011, 08:19:12 PM
Download here

THIS WORKS FOR BITCOIN TOO, you will just have to change all IXCoin variables to Bitcoin in the DOS code

Installation instructions:
1. Download .bat file
2. Right click-->edit
3. Change "IXCoindirectoryhere" to the program files directory of IXCoin. For example, mine is F:\IXCoin:
4. Go to IXCoin.conf and add the following to the end of the code:
5. Done. Run batch file.

MS-DOS Code:

set LOCATION=IXCoindirectoryhere
set PING=PING -n 1 -w 700
set LONGPING=PING -n 1 -w 1000
set tempfile=%HOMEDRIVE%\getinfo.txt
tasklist > %tempfile%
ECHO Checking if IXCoin is open...
%PING% > nul
type %tempfile% | find /i "ixcoin.exe" > nul
ECHO IXCoin is open
goto :open
) ELSE (
ECHO IXCoin is closed
goto :close

%PING% > nul
ECHO Getting info...
start /d "%LOCATION%" ixcoin.exe getinfo
%PING% > nul
echo Y|del %TEMPFILE% > nul

%PING% > nul
ECHO Starting IXCoin in server mode...
start /d "%LOCATION%" ixcoin.exe -server
%PING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...10 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...9 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...8 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...7 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...6 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...5 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...4 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...3 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...2 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Waiting...1 seconds
%LONGPING% > nul
ECHO Getting info...
start /d "%LOCATION%" ixcoin.exe getinfo
%PING% > nul
echo Y|del %TEMPFILE% > nul
6  Other / Meta / Why was this forum moved to on: August 12, 2011, 07:32:01 PM
7  Economy / Marketplace / Safe to accept PayPal if payment is gifted? on: August 09, 2011, 11:26:48 PM
I was wondering if it is safe to accept PayPal payments if I require the buyer to mark the payment as a gift. As per PayPal's terms they do not offer buyer protection for any transactions marked as gifts.
8  Economy / Speculation / Next rally? on: August 09, 2011, 05:25:42 AM
Do you think we'll have another rally or is Bitcoin kinda just screwed now.
9  Economy / Marketplace / Tradehill's new withdrawal by check option!!!! on: August 08, 2011, 04:03:17 AM

And no fees either!!!
10  Economy / Speculation / Lesson learned. on: August 04, 2011, 03:00:04 AM
Always have a little bit of money in Dwolla. Especially during a sell panic like this one and coins are running cheap.

Uh, my deposit is expected to clear in 6 days. Woohoo.

My last one took 2 days, meh.
11  Economy / Economics / What the hell on: August 03, 2011, 02:00:05 AM
I come back and the price per bitcoin is $11.8? What just happened
12  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / An address showed up in my wallet that is not mine on: August 01, 2011, 11:40:23 PM
Is this even possible?
In my wallet I saw a strange address under "Your Bitcoin address:"
I keep all of my address organized, and I know I have never seen that particular one before.
I looked through both my sending and receiving addresses and it was not present.
More interestingly, I looked up the address in Bitcoin block explorer and it says the address does not exist in the network.
13  Economy / Speculation / What just happened on: July 31, 2011, 01:31:46 PM
Am I reading this right

High 14.2
Low 2
14  Economy / Economics / Buying coins over market price on MtGox on: July 29, 2011, 02:06:36 AM
I just started a buy order for 3 BTC at $16.something each so that I could fill all the $50 in my account. I was hoping that I could get exactly 3 BTC (minus fees) and raise the highest buy price to $16. I was hoping to get things going again, and that other people would see the high order and follow suit and maybe we could have another rally.

Anyways...I ended up getting 2.99 BTC as expected but I have $10 left. I later found that I bought all these coins at $13.4, which is completely not what I intended for.

I'm going to add another $450 to my account and start buying up some more coins...and hopefully get a rally started.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / [BTC bounty] Help me with Sapphire Trixx and voltage control on: July 19, 2011, 03:42:14 AM
Does this happen to anyone with v4.0.2?

It's really ridiculous, I've tried reinstalling but it didn't fix it. Funny thing is it worked a few days ago but one day I noticed it stopped auto-applying my volts at startup and noticed that I can no longer drag the voltage slider.


If you can fix this problem on v4.0.2 I will send you some coins.
16  Economy / Services / Computer Hardware Technical Help: 0.01 - 1.00 BTC on: July 12, 2011, 10:31:02 PM
ANY computer hardware-related problems that you are having, whether it's about setting up your mining rig, building a PC, troubleshooting GPU problems, etc, I can help you out.

Note that I am NOT limited to mining-specific problems, I'll offer help in anything related to computer hardware.

PM me with the issue you're having (or post it in this thread) and I'll see if I can help you out.

If I solve your problem, I'll charge anywhere between 0.01 BTC and 1.00 BTC. Depending on how difficult it is for me to resolve the problem.

(You pay me only if I fix it)

17  Economy / Economics / Speculators, speak up. on: July 11, 2011, 02:59:26 AM
Rarely do I see the voices of any speculators here.

What price are you buying at? 7/10/2011
What price do you plan to sell?
What do you expect the price to increase to?
In what time frame are you expecting all of this to happen?
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / New computer, new wallet on: July 08, 2011, 10:03:46 PM
So I got a new computer and I formatted my old drive. Before doing that I sent the remaining BTC to my new wallet. Does that mean my wallet is permanently erased from the Bitcoin network?
19  Economy / Marketplace / TradeHill's security seal was removed? on: July 06, 2011, 09:57:25 PM

20  Economy / Marketplace / We need a PayPal-like Bitcoin service on: July 05, 2011, 08:54:36 PM
I was thinking about this:
A simple online service that provides the protection of PayPal, but for Bitcoin transactions. This would allow sellers/buyers to identify themselves and would potentially remove the mutual trust issue (since Bitcoin is anonymous in the first place).

Imagine if every user had a user ID, and every transaction was associated with a transaction ID. If someone wants to sell BTC to someone else without the risk of getting scammed, he could send x BTC to that user ID, where it would go to a dedicated BTC address where the funds would go through the Bitcoin-PayPal service. Then, the buyer could send the USD to the same service to the transaction ID so that all the funds are stored in the service. Then both the BTC and USD could be released instantly and simultaneously, thus removing the mutual trust issue and at the same time preventing transaction reversing.

The protection is there because if USD is not sent to the transaction ID within, say, 24 hours, the BTC would automatically get refunded to the sender.

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