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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Joining the Bitcoin Revolution: Country by Country on: July 04, 2013, 11:02:12 PM
I started a BTC map. I want to show the approximate bitcoin mining hash power per country. It's not accurate at all, not yet at least, and currently does *not* show even a vague estimate of mining power. Anyone want to help build a more detailed map? I know other threads have maps but I couldn't find one on hash power. Infact the map shown first is the monthly Google searches (x 1000) for bitcoin by country.

The map just below is my amateur guess as to what the relative mining power will be like in 2 months time (scale irrelevant):

References required
(1) Getting started: on a single line or two post your estimate of the top 10+ countries, by timeframe, mining hash power: highest first.

Current: USA, Germany, China, ...
Future+2 months: USA, Sweden, China, ... 

(2) A credible link to an estimate, for a country: post it and I will add it. See units below...
(3) Some links from mining pool data would help!
(4) Any mining pool owners: does your API provide country data? I would like to know. An semi-automatic update would save time.

What to show on the map
(1) I've chosen mining hash power as I am interested to see how the controlling influences change over time, also it will be good to see the whole map light up in time.
(2) Units of power. Green is low for mining, Orange is intermediate, Red is high, Grey is unknown or zero.
(3) Time stamp
(4) Show total power rather than power per head of population is likely the easier way to go, just might be different ways of displaying stats.
(5) Associated spreadsheet. Can post the plain old stats perhaps.

Memo to self: metric number systems
exa   E    1000^6    10^18   1000000000000000000   quintillion
peta   P    1000^5    10^15   1000000000000000   quadrillion
tera   T    1000^4    10^12   1000000000000   trillion    - btw tera means monster in Greek
giga   G    1000^3    10^9   1000000000   billion

Asics for Africa?
It won't be a surprise if certain countries don't feature on the map at all, I just don't know what the situation is in many countries in Africa with bitcoin. A simple search for 'Africa' in this forum yields 0 results.
Someone maybe start a new thread on this one. Not going to be easy.
2  Other / Beginners & Help / 7970 undervolt by what amount to start with on: June 01, 2013, 10:14:42 AM
Just wondering, whats a sensible figure to undervolt by initially? I have read that you can undervolt more over time. Just wondering what a sensible and safe figure to aim at with a new setup. I have a Powercolor Radeon 7970 card, also a Gigabyte one. If anyone has stable settings, please post them with clock speed, mem clock, MH/s. Thanks!
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