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1  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / on: December 13, 2014, 11:13:39 PM
There is several sites .org, .net, .com etc all with different layouts. Which is legit? looks professional full of ads

2  Economy / Gambling discussion / What is your favorite type of gambling? on: December 08, 2014, 04:03:44 PM
I enjoy live dealer roulette, poker, and leveraged trading.

Why - Each of these games can be mastered/beaten by learning various techniques.

3  Economy / Gambling / 50:1 (50x) Futures Trading Leverage @ 796! on: December 02, 2014, 03:50:06 PM
796 is the first futures exchange to ever offer > 20:1 leverage! This is even more than the top Chinese exchanges.

The way it works is simple

1. Choose 2% initial margin
2. Place up to 50 btc buy/sell order on 1 btc margin - After your order is filled every $1 increase/decrease in bitcoin value earns $50 worth of btc (subject to 0.03% transaction fee)

Since all transaction are completed in BTC there is no need to interact with fiat.

Warning - With high leverage comes high risk while rewards can be great so can losses
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Multi-Coin Faucet? on: November 01, 2014, 09:18:39 PM
Any decent ones?
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / node.js coins on: September 17, 2014, 12:27:52 PM
Which is the best?
6  Economy / Gambling / Value Betting on: September 17, 2014, 01:03:12 AM
Team X current tie average this season is 1/3 and bookmaker A offers 5.1. Would you take this bet based on the fact it provides value? 1/4 > 1/3 = profit of 1.1 unit over the course of 4 bets
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Bitcoin Community Reaction to Apple Pay Integration on: September 12, 2014, 06:46:36 PM
Bitcoin Community Reacts to Apple's Payment Processor

Pay privacy: only merchant and your bank know who you are. Bitcoin: there is no bank and merchant only sees money, not your personal data.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Altcoin Giveaways? on: August 31, 2014, 12:03:05 PM
On which forum are these held nowadays?
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / BCPB's Hashlet Investment on: August 23, 2014, 06:34:47 AM
Assuming Hashlet's purchased through the zenmarket automatically subtract fee's before payment whereas if purchased from GAW they subtract maintenance fee from account funds.

The difference is $0.08 which is the daily maintenance fee

Below are the stats from my first hashlet purchase from GAW's website

As you can see the maintenance fee is subtracted from current balance instead of automatically figured before daily payment if purchased from GAW. IMHO it's much more convenient (and faster) to purchase from Zenmarket unless placing a large enough order to qualify for GAW's discount.

Today at 4:32 AM   Payout   0.00062335 BTC   
Today at 4:30 AM   Maintenance Fee      -0.00015712 BTC
Today at 3:49 AM         -0.03151629 BTC
Today at 3:49 AM         -0.03153228 BTC
Today at 2:16 AM   Fund Account   0.06608 BTC   
Yesterday at 5:01 AM   Payout   0.00067603 BTC   
Yesterday at 4:58 AM   Maintenance Fee      -0.00015744 BTC
Last Thursday at 2:55 AM   
10  Economy / Gambling / Invest in a Provably Fair Bitcoin Lottery Today 111+ BTC Jackpot on: August 18, 2014, 12:22:31 AM
The original reason for this thread was to find invest-able BTC lotteries.

I'd like to invest in a few bitcoin lotteries.

Does such a site exist?

Here is the result

Current jackpot over 111BTC

Investments are added directly to the 6 correct number jackpot. For every ticket purchase 50% of house profit (4% total house profit) is given to investors (2% or 0.02mBTC/ticket). Based on previous draws an average of 20-100 winners can be expected for each draw. Generally these wins are on 2/3 correct numbers. Drawings are held 3x a week Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. Assuming this means an average of 100 to 1,000 tickets per week you can expect 2-20+ mBTC to be paid to investors each week.

Investing/Divesting is a bit complicated so let me try to explain it in 4 simple steps.

1) First and foremost profit/earnings are paid to your account balance and can be withdrawn at anytime without divesting.

2) In order to earn 50% profit 1.5 times the investment must be earned. So for example if 1BTC is invested to earn 1.5BTC you actually need to to accumulate 1.5BTC in profit.

3) Here is an example of divesting. 10BTC is deposited and 1.5BTC in profit is earned. You may divest 9BTC for a total profit of 0.5BTC. This is because profit is always calculated on a 1.5x basis. Leaving the total 10 btc invested will eventually net 15BTC in profits. However the total of 15BTC must be earned as commission before withdrawal.

4) Wont I lose BTC if the jackpot is won?

Here is what the owner has to say

Thanks for trying to explain.  I guess my confusion is this, how can investors lose?  Is the risk that on a six number draw where there isn't enough BTC in the pot so investor money is used that someone then wins the investors lose some/all of their funds?

Investors don't take risk as even if someone hit the biggest jackpot they still will receive profit until they receive all their investment plus 50%

They also have a free faucet lottery with more than 1BTC in prizes.

Please consider my referral link

Also note Yet Another Bitcoin Lottery has been running since September of 2013
11  Other / Meta / Why Is CoinURL Banned From Bitcointalk? on: August 14, 2014, 09:04:24 PM
Other than to prevent people from earning fractions of a mBTC by providing helpful links why is this?
12  Economy / Games and rounds / A Lottery/Raffle You Can Enter For FREE! Please Read on: August 13, 2014, 04:43:27 AM
A Lottery You Can Enter For Free

Yes 100% FREE

How could this possible be free? -

I get paid commission when someone download/installs free programs (anything from music player, video codec, or even games) from an affiliate link. How these companies earn money is through upgrades and corporate sales etc.

How do I enter? -

Step 1. Pm me with your country of residence. All offers are connected to certain regions so this information is needed in order to send the correct download. Some countries may not be available.

After completing step 1 you will receive a pm containing up to 10 links to games or software (Unique links are generated to track each persons entries). If your worried about malware, nasty viruses, or anything else Sanboxie can help (not affiliated) alternatively check google for other popular sandbox programs.

Step 2. Choose one or more to download/install/play More installs = more entries (games must be played and software must be opened after installation). After this is done I will check for commission via the affiliate tracking system and add you to the list x times depending on how many entries were earned.

Prize Money? -

Each entry is worth from 0.5 to 1.5 mBTC depending on the offer. If 20 entries are placed 10 to 30 mbtc is the reward.

Reward Structure -

Vote below for the best option

1. 20 entrants receive 5% in the case 1 mbtc

2. 10 entrants receive 10% in this case 2 mbtc

3. 5 entrants receive 20% in this case 4mbtc

4. 3 entrants receive 33% in this case 6.66 mbtc

Should we allow one person to win multiple times? Vote Below

For example lets say someone completes 10 entries which results in multiple wins throughout the drawing process.

Is it fair to allow this person to win more than once?

Is it fair NOT to allow thiss per to win more than once?

You decide

When is the drawing?

After 10-30 mBTC prize money depending on how popular this becomes.

Drawing Day - will be used to generate a number between 1 and the total number of entries. The resulting number will be removed and drawing will continue depending on which reward structure is most popular.

And finally all winners will be paid prize money.

Drawing and payment can be recorded/uploaded to youtube.

If you would rather complete offers for a fixed revshare percentage I can arrange this to.
13  Economy / Gambling / More options for totals sportsbook on: July 27, 2014, 01:44:41 AM
Most sports books offer over/under bets @ 2.5 (football/soccer).  Betcoin has a much wider range from 1.5 to 6.5.

Do any other bitcoin sports books offer these non traditional bet options?
14  Economy / Gambling / Is DirectBet the only racebook? on: July 20, 2014, 12:33:15 AM
Can't find any others
15  Economy / Securities / Securities for non mining related company? on: July 16, 2014, 08:43:03 PM
99% of the companies on Havelock and Cryptostocks are based on mining. Most of which pay out a decent rate when compared to or similar cloud mining sites.

The problem with this is if bitcoin should crash down to say $100ish (gasp) dividends going forward will be worth 1/6 of what it would be today. This is especially important for those who are reinvesting.

If a company were paying dividends on earnings of a store, app, etc those earnings would be in dollar's, euro's, Pound's or whatever major currency then converted to bitcoin for payment x times per month. No matter what the price of bitcoin be it $100, $600, or $10,000. Where as if a mining company pays dividends it will always be worth x percent of BTC1. Does that make sense?

The only companies I've been able to find fitting this criteria are Unitely and Nitepass on cryptostocks. Which unfortunately both are a bit sketchy since I was unable to find the Nitepass app and Unitely's app didn't have any reviews. If they were actually generating $1,500-4,000 in revenue as claimed wouldn't you expect at least one person to rate the app over the last 4 months? Not to mention the suspiciousness of both companies being practically the exact same concept and located in the same province. Add in all the bad rep about cryptostocks owner. Just doesn't appear to be a good investment.

So, other than the above two is anyone offering securities/bonds/shares in a non mining or even non bitcoin based company?

16  Economy / Service Discussion / Is Safe on: July 14, 2014, 05:09:39 PM
17  Economy / Gambling / Most fun yet unusual games? on: July 12, 2014, 05:45:34 PM
First lets define unusual as per the context of this thread. Unusual - as in not the usual LOL. It doesn't have to be strange or odd just different from Dice/card/casino/craps/roulette/ect games offered by most/all the btc casino's.

My vote goes to Sic Bo. It's quite entertaining and only 2 BTC casino's offer it.
18  Economy / Gambling / Which Live Dealer Casino's Offer a No Deposit Bonus? on: July 03, 2014, 10:12:09 PM
I couldn't find any. If there are none which regular casino offers the best NDB?
19  Economy / Gambling / Bitcoin Sic Bo? on: June 26, 2014, 11:31:41 PM
Which gambling sites have Sic Bo?
20  Economy / Scam Accusations / Coinbase Stealing You're Bitcoin on: April 10, 2014, 04:26:48 AM
Maybe some of you will remember back in the 80's or 90's there was a movie about a hacker that had been steeling small fractions of a cent from every bank transaction somewhere out west. Said hacker ended up making 100's of millions of dollars before getting caught or fleeing to some tropical paradise. Well it went something like that anyways can't quite remember the exact details.

Coinbase is doing the exact same thing! Over the last week I sent 2 small quantities of btc to coinbase as follows



Of the first deposit I sold 0.1318 after which coinbase cleared/stole the resulting balance of 2195 satoshi

The second was similar only this time 0.05819 was sold and they stole 864 satoshi.

Now consider this happening 100 thousand times! That's BTC2195 and BTC864 respectively.

For each individual it's like oh no big deal the "dust" is gone from my account. However collectively they are stealing thousands possibly 10's or 100's of thousands of btc on a weekly/monthly/annual basis!!!
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