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| high school buddies from a tiny Canadian town say that they will flip the switch on the world’s first bitcoin ATM next week. It will operate near the entrance of a downtown Vancouver coffee house.
Built by a Nevada company called Robocoin, the machine will trade bitcoins for cash and vice versa. Bitcoin is the world’s most popular digital currency, and it exists only on the internet, but it can be traded for traditional dollars and euros. Though bitcoin began as niche technology embraced mostly by internet geeks, it is gradually spreading not only to everyday people, but into the everyday world.
To buy bitcoins with the Robocoin ATM, you need to do a palm scan and then stuff the machine with as much as 3,000 Canadian dollars per day (roughly US$2,900). The machine then makes a trade on Canada’s VirtEx exchange and moves them into your online bitcoin wallet. The palm scan is to prevent people from doing more than $3,000 worth of transactions, as that would run afoul of Canada’s anti-money-laundering laws, says Mitchell Demeter, one of the Robocoin’s new owners.
| Coco Noir Eau de Parfum Vaporisateur Spray 100ml
Chanel Coco Noir to zapach inspirowany nocnym obliczem Baroku i Wenecją. Niezwykle wyrafinowany, uwodzicielski i jednocześnie pełen orientalnych niuansów.
Nuty zapachowe:
-nuta głowy: grejpfrut, mandarynka, różowy pieprz, bergamotka, pomarańcza, brzoskwinia, ambrette.
-nuta serca: lilia, orchidea, jaśmin, drewno cedrowe.
-nuta podstawy: paczula, piżmo, drewno sandałowe, bób tonka, geranium rosat.
Akceptuję płatności Bitcoin-wg.aktualnego kursu na Mt.Gox
Koszt wysyłki za granicę-EU 60zł =(15€)
| McIntosh schürft in seiner Freizeit nach Bitcoins. Wie der Chemieprofessor in Altersteilzeit feststellen musste, ist die Förderung der Währung sehr anstrengend - trotz der virtuellen Natur des Zahlungsmittels, und selbst wenn der Computer bei diesem Vorgang die Hauptlast trägt.
Immer mehr Anhänger der digitalen Währung, die sich jeglicher Regulierung entzieht, setzen leistungsstarke Computer dazu ein, um virtuelle Bitcoin-Geldeinheiten zu schöpfen. McIntosh hat seinen Spezialrechner im Keller seines Hauses in Morris im US-Bundesstaat Minnesota untergebracht. Die Maschine, die eigens dafür angefertigt wurde, um Bitcoins ausfindig zu machen, habe etwa 1.500 Dollar gekostet, erzählt der Professor. Er habe den Computer dort unten direkt neben den Schornsteinzug gestellt, damit all die Hitze, die er erzeugt, besser entweichen kann.
|łużby federalne zatrzymały właściciela serwisu Silk Road, Rossa Williama Ulbrichta i przejęli sam serwis. Ross oskarżony jest o przemyt narkotyków, hackerstwo oraz pranie pieniędzy. Silk Road, założony w 2011 roku i dostępny wyłącznie za pośrednictwem sieci TOR umożliwiał sprzedaż narkotyków. Miał 957,079 zarejestrowanych kont, a płatności możliwe były tylko w Bitcoinach.
| Ein Bericht von der europäischen Bitcoin-Konferenz in Amsterdam - von Aaron Koenig
Die größte europäische Bitcoin-Konferenz in diesem Jahr fand von Donnerstag bis Samstag in einem Off-Theater in Amsterdam statt, in dem sonst Impro-Comedy gespielt wird. Wieder einmal ging es um neue technische Entwicklungen, neue Geschäftsideen und natürlich das leidige Thema Regulierung. Nach wie vor herrscht in der Bitcoin-Szene eine optimistische Aufbruchstimmung, die Jeff Garzik, einer der Core Developer, auf einem der Panels gut auf den Punkt brachte: „Bitcoin ist weit mehr als ein Zahlungssystem – es ist eine Revolution“.
Johann Gevers von Monetas führte das in einem beeindruckendem Vortrag genauer aus: über viele zehntausend Jahre lebten Menschen dezentral in kleinen Gruppen, in denen jeder jeden kannte und man sich vertrauen konnte. Durch technische Fortschritte wie die Erfindung der Landwirtschaft leben Menschen seit einigen tausend Jahren in größeren Städten und Staaten zusammen, wodurch das Vertrauensmodell kleiner Gruppen nicht mehr funktioniert und zentralistische, hierarchische Organisationsformen - mit all ihren Nachteilen - die Norm wurden.
Diese in der Menschheitsgeschichte recht kurze Periode wird nach Johann Gevers Ansicht durch den erneuten technischen Fortschritt - wie verschlüsselte Kommunikation über das Internet und Bitcoin - jetzt wieder durch intelligente dezentrale Organisationsformen abgelöst. Wir erleben nach Auffassung vieler der Konferenzteilnehmer gerade einen fundamentalen Paradigmenwechsel, und dezentrales Geld wie Bitcoin ist dabei ein sehr wichtiges Element.
| Die Sparkasse Ulm kann Zinsversprechen an ihre Kunden nicht mehr einhalten und löst damit Unruhe im öffentlich-rechtlichen Bankenlager aus. #sparkasse #zinsen #ulm #scala
Das Institut hat von 1993 bis 2005 ein Produkt mit dem Namen "Scala" vertrieben, bei dem die Zinsen stufenweise steigen. Nach 20 Jahren bekommen die Kunden dabei zusätzlichen zum aktuellen Zinsniveau, das derzeit nahe null liegt, einen Aufschlag von 3,5 Prozent. Für die Sparer ist dies im aktuellen Niedrigzins-Umfeld ein sehr attraktives Angebot, für die Sparkasse Ulm aber ein großes Problem.
Die Rechnung ist ein bisschen Bullshit, da Bitcoins mit Grafikkarten gemined werden und die keine FLOPS generieren, in denen die Leistung von Prozessoren beschrieben wird. Der Umkehrschluss, den sie dort allerdings ziehen, ist immer noch ziemlich beeindruckend. Und der ganze Rechenwahn alleine für die Gier. The bitcoin network hashrate estimate on passed 1 exaFLOPS (1,000 petaFLOPS) this week – over 8 times the combined speed of the top 500 supercomputers. […] The fastest computer, Sequoia, would measure at about 1.6% of the bitcoin network. Their combined speed is 48 petaFLOPS, roughly equivalent to 5% of the bitcoin network. In fact, the top 500 supercomputers have a combined speed of 12% of the bitcoin network.
| erste Bitcoin-Fonds der USA ist auf den Markt gekommen. Das "Bitcoin Investment Trust" genannte Finanzvehikel der Investmentfirma Second Market soll institutionellen Investoren und besonders solventen Privatpersonen ein unkompliziertes Investment in die virtuelle Währung erlauben. Solvent heißt, dass private Investoren laut Bericht der New York Times mindestens über eine Million US-Dollar Vermögen verfügen oder in den vergangenen zwei Jahren ein Jahreseinkommen von jeweils mindestens 200.000 US-Dollar gehabt haben müssen.
Dank Einhaltung dieser von der US-Wertpapieraufsicht SEC gesetzten Schwelle kann Second Market ohne langwierigere Prüfungen mit dem Fonds an den Start gehen und auf dem eigenen, außerbörslichen Zweitmarkt Geld sammeln. Als Vorteil des Fonds führt Second Market an, dass sich die Investoren nicht mit Wallet-Anwendungen, unzuverlässigen Bitcoin-Wechselbörsen und der sicheren Speicherung ihres Guthaben auseinander setzen müssen. Mindest-Einlage sollen 25.000 US-Dollar sein.
| Die USA meinen, von Bitcoins gehe "Gefahr für die nationale Sicherheit" aus. Devisenexperten warnen vor unkalkulierbaren Risiken. Regulierer versuchen, den Wildwuchs zu beschneiden. Geschäftsleute kämpfen um den Reibach. Die notorischen Winklevoss-Zwillinge sind dabei einmal mehr nur Zweite.
Die Internetwährung Bitcoin ist ungeachtet zahlreicher Untergangs-Prophezeiungen einfach nicht kaputt zu kriegen. Zwar sind Fiskus und Finanzregulierer alarmiert und versuchen, das große Geld-Verschieben im Cyber-Raum in den Griff zu bekommen. Und doch hat keine andere kryptografische Währung jemals so lange existiert und war so verbreitet wie die Bitcoins - die Geldmenge im virtuellen Paralleluniversum wächst immer weiter. Und laufend entstehen neue Börsenplätze, Finanzprofis basteln an neuen Ideen für Anlagemöglichkeiten.
|łeczność Bitcoina nie jeden raz zaskakiwała swoimi oryginalnymi pomysłami. W kwietniu na forum bitcointalk pojawił się pomysł zakupu małego kraju i ogłoszenia go pierwszym na świecie krajem w którym Bitcoin byłby oficjalną walutą. Z kolei na początku września Sean’s Outpost – schronisko dla bezdomnych i najbardziej znana organizacja charytatywna w społeczności Bitcoin wpadła na pomysł zakupu nieruchomości i utworzenia Satoshi Forest, czyli sanktuarium dla bezdomnych.
|ährungs-Fonds erhält Zulassung der US-Börsenaufsicht, darf vorerst aber nur an wohlhabende Investoren verkauft werden
Die 2004 in New York gegründete Online-Börse SecondMarket, wo bereits lang vor ihren offiziellen Börsenstarts Aktien von Facebook, Tesla, Zynga und Twitter gehandelt wurden, wendet sich nun der virtuellen Währung Bitcoin zu. So sollen mit einem diesen Donnerstag neu aufgelegten "Bitcoin Investment Trust" Investoren "einfach und verlässlich" auf die Preisentwicklung der Bitcoins investieren können. Denn wie CEO Barry Silbert in seinem Blog erklärt, sei generell ein hohes Interesse an alternativen Währungen und insbesondere für Bitcoin zu beobachten, weshalb SecondMarket "eine zentrale Rolle dabei spielen will, seinen Kunden mit Bitcoin verbundene Investments verfügbar zu machen".
| Zinsen, Inflation, Euro-Urteil und drohende Steuererhöhungen: Auf die deutschen Sparer kommt der größte Vermögenseingriff der Geschichte zu. Die beängstigenden Pläne von Banken und Politik. Während Sie diese Zeilen lesen, schwindet Ihr Vermögen – wie ein Eisblock bei Zimmertemperatur. Es ist kein schlechter Witz, Sie wurden weder ausgeraubt, noch haben Sie Ihren Geldbeutel verloren. Das Vermögen schmilzt, ohne dass Sie es merken: Sie werden enteignet!
Enteignet? Von wem? Die Antwort darauf ist gar nicht so einfach, es spielen viele mit beim bösen Spiel mit den Sparern. Notenbanker, Politiker mit Steuererhöhungsfantasien oder die Risiken der Euro-Krise. „Die Politik der negativen Realzinsen läuft auf eine gigantische Enteignung der deutschen Sparer hinaus“, sagt Thorsten Polleit, Chefvolkswirt von Degussa. Damit nicht genug: 136 deutsche Wirtschaftsprofessoren warnten vorvergangene Woche in einem flammenden Appell vor Staatsfinanzierung der Europäischen Zentralbank – weil die auf Antrag eines Krisenstaats bereitsteht, unbegrenzt dessen Anleihen aufzukaufen, wenn er nur die richtige Laufzeit wählt. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht wird in seinem noch im Herbst anstehenden Beschluss die Frage der Fragen beantworten müssen, ob das rechtens ist.
Crypto currency has taken the world by storm, quickly transforming from an underground niche to a news-headlining, digital stock market on steroids with investors begging to buy in. Bitcoin announced itself to the world with a meteoric rise to $266 per coin. However, this was quickly followed by a spectacular fall to $60. Since then the market has calmed down and settled on a price around the $80 mark. There are numerous stories of average people mining Bitcoin (more on this below) in the early days and returning to find they were millionaires when the coin went mainstream. Others invested at the right time and made profitable trades during the huge price swings, which at times fluctuated up to 200 per cent a day. In late 2011, when a friend first introduced me to Bitcoin, I didn't understand exactly what I was doing but I enthusiastically built a computer system out of old parts and started mining. Over the course of the following two years I collected coins and was ecstatic when I sold them at $13 each. However joy turned to despair when the Bitcoin bubble hit and prices went from a meagre $10 a coin to a peak of $266 in a few short months. Detractors will say digital currencies have no intrinsic value and all investments are overvalued or worthless. Backers will tell you that the rapid adoption indicates digital currencies are undervalued and growth will continue over the coming years. Both have valid arguments, but it is clear to see that these currencies are growing in real world uses. Most people have heard of the drugs and weapons available for purchase on sites such as Silk Road, but there are a plethora of other businesses accepting Bitcoin. Everything from pizza to clothing is available for purchase and with Bitcoin ATMs already in production there are promising signs for a bank-free future. However this is only a drop in the ocean of what is required to break free from government controlled currencies. Origins Bitcoin was architected and created by someone using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. His major motivation appears to be his dis-trust of the way traditional currencies are managed using a centralized model. Bitcoin is the proposed solution to his problem. Satoshi released a very complete and functional Bitcoin 0.1 beta in 2009, but by mid-2010 he had begun preparing Gavin Andresen as his successor. Then as if satisfied that his job was complete, he simply walked away. Investigations haven't successfully uncovered Satoshi's identity, but many theories exist as to who the mystery mathematical genius might be. Potential Satoshi candidates include Andresen himself, any number of international governments attempting to undermine other currencies and, more interestingly, Shinichi Mochizuki. Mochizuki is a mathematical genius who claimed to solve the audaciously difficult ABC Conjecture and, just like Satoshi, he's both a fluent English speaker and walked away after publishing his proof. Whether or not Mochizuki or Andresen are Satoshi might never be known, but whoever Satoshi is might be sitting on a fortune. In the first year of Bitcoin production nearly a quarter of the coins produced have never been used, this is equivalent to a mind blowing one million Bitcoin's or 132 million Australian dollars at the current exchange rate. Some or all of these coins may be waiting to be claimed by Satoshi, if he should ever return. Beyond Bitcoin Bitcoin is not the only digital currency; there are a number of other coins offering twists on the de-centralized ideas first introduced by Satoshi. All crypto coins work in a similar way, a mathematical proof of work - called a block - it's then posed to a de-centralized network of clients, called miners. The miner that solves the block first gets sent the block reward; this is how the currency is printed. To prevent the currency being printed too quickly, a difficultly component regulates how hard each block is to solve. The difficulty is adjusted based on how fast blocks are solved over a predefined time period. If a large number of miners are mining, blocks are solved more often and the difficulty is increased. If mining is then reduced, the difficulty is lowered as each block is taking longer to solve. All crypto coins are a limited resource; once all the coins have been mined, no more currency is generated. However, each coin can be subdivided an almost-limitless number of times. Transactions When money is sent from one person to another a transaction occurs. This transaction is not instant but requires confirmations from the network of other peers; this is how crypto currencies achieve a de-centralized design. Each time a block is solved, a confirmation occurs. Bitcoin requires 120 confirmations for new blocks to be confirmed at which time the coins can be spent. If John sends Jane one coin, it requires 120 blocks to be solved before the coin can be spent from the wallet of Jane. Jane doesn't have to spend her coin all at once, she can spend fractions of them in independent transactions. The smallest possible transaction is one hundred-millionth of a coin named a Satoshi. The wallet itself is based on public key infrastructure, the wallet address is the public key while the owner keeps the private key encrypted to protect any coins inside. Decentralisation The peer-to-peer distributed nature of crypto currencies makes them hard to shut down. Like BitTorrent, as long as peers can connect to each other, the network continues to run. This makes it mostly immune to Denial Of Service attacks. While the network is resistant to attacks, the coin exchanges and overall coin prices are not. Denial of service attacks have been successfully used to manipulate the price of Bitcoin, allowing attackers to take advantage of market instability. First attackers knock an exchange offline, investors then panic and sell their currency. These panic sales lower the overall currency price and attackers then buy the coin at reduced prices. When the attack stops, investors buy more coins and the price gradually stabilizes at which time attackers sell their coins at a higher price. These attacks were evident during the huge market swings of early April 2013 when the biggest exchange, Mt. Gox, was offline for sustained periods. Mining Before coins can be transferred to exchanges they must first be mined. There are two main ways to mine coins, the first is to solo mine, which involves a single miner solving the block and taking the entire block reward. The more popular method is to pool mine which involves individual miners working together to solve the block. Pool mining works by splitting the block up into thousands of individual shares, the reward is then distributed to the miners proportionate to the amount of shares each miner contributed to solving the block. When the difficulty is low, solo mining is a popular option as blocks can be solved quickly and the miner can take the entire block reward for themselves. As the difficulty rises it takes longer to solve the block and pooled mining is much more profitable. Mining is possible with both regular computer processors (CPUs) and graphics cards (GPUs). However CPU mining has become unprofitable in recent times. GPU's are able to mine faster than CPU's by a factor of 10 or more. For example, when mining Bitcoin, an Intel Core i7 2600K CPU can achieve around 50 'mega hashes per second' (MH/s) while a GPU like the AMD 7950 can achieve around 600 MH/s. 'Hashes' is the term used to define the block-solving power of a device or the combined power of devices. In recent times application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) have come into play. These ASICs are specifically designed for mining Bitcoin, making them much more efficient than even the most powerful GPU's on the market. Currently ASICs are capable of hash rates of over 50 GH/s, a ridiculous 700x faster than an AMD 7950. Their impact on Bitcoin has been huge: the hash rate of Bitcoin almost doubled between February 2013 and April 2013. The massive spike of the network hash rate sharply increased the difficulty - making it nearly impossible for GPU miners to compete. The knock on effect has been a large redirection of GPU mining towards alternate currencies. Of all the alternate coins released, Litecoin is undoubtedly the most successful. Others to achieve moderate success are Feathercoin and Freicoin, although both have had their problems. Freicoin introduced some innovative concepts but isn't overly profitable and Feathercoin is mined sporadically during peaks and troughs of difficulty after a promising start. Boom and bust Names like YAC (yet another coin), BBQ and Nibble sound more like hungry animals than digital currencies, but these are real names of recent alternate coins. Most new coins are clones of Litecoin, using the same "scrypt algorithm" with small changes of difficultly, block reward, currency cap and transaction time. Although there has been some innovation with Freicoin utilizing demurrage in attempt to promote circulation of the currency and PrimeCoin introducing a prime number generating proof of work. A large number of these new coins are referred to by insiders as "pump and dump" coins. This implies that the coins aren't designed for long term use but instead make their creators a quick buck. The average peak lifetime of most new coins is around two-to-four weeks. A new coin is released and heavily mined for the first week while the difficultly is low: this is the pump stage. The coins are then sold dirt cheap in huge amounts: this is the dump. After 2 weeks of this cycle the coin is abandoned in favour of the latest currency, some don't even have solid support for a week. With so many coins being dumped and so few buyers, simple economics dictates the price will go down, and it does, rapidly. The crypto coin community has a negative view towards the flood of new coins as it's widely believed having too many coins will devalue Litecoin and Bitcoin. The great leveller - power consumption Anyone toying with the idea of mining crypto currency needs to take a few things into consideration and most important for those in Australia is power consumption. With electricity prices rapidly increasing and the growing difficulty of most currencies, power costs can eat away over 80 per cent of potential profits. For example an AMD 7950 generating 600 MH/s might earn $58 a month but uses roughly 175W of power. In Adelaide the power cost would be $41.58 based on 33c per kWh, this leaves an actual profit of only $16 per month. Choosing the right graphics card is critical to maximizing mining profits. If you are running a small system, buying older 5000 and 6000 series AMD cards might be the cheapest option. However more serious miners may choose GPUs such as AMD 7950 cards as they generate large hash rates, consume less power and come with a warranty. As a guideline of potential mining profits we have compared an Intel 2600K, Gigabyte 7950 OC, Gigabyte 7790, Gigabyte 6950 OC, Gigabyte 5850 and Gigabyte 680 OC. At the moment AMD graphics cards are much more efficient than Nvidia cards, but we have included a Gigabyte 680 OC for comparison sake. The hash rates are recorded from our testing system. Exact hash rates may vary depending on configuration and hardware. The profit per month has been formulated using Litecoin at the exchange rate of $2.81, difficulty of 883 and power at 33c per kWh.
HELSINKI: The humble toaster could become a security threat in the future due to the virtual currency Bitcoin. For the uninitiated, Bitcoins are a cryptography-based digital currency, which allows users to send and receive money with a degree of anonymity without using traditional commerce networks, in effect cutting out middlemen such as banks. Many governments are also wary of their use as Bitcoin value is determined separately from them. Their uptake has rocketed over the past few years. While hanging out in Helsinki with F-Secure, the firm's chief research officer Mikko Hypponen, never one to mince his words, said that the increasing value of Bitcoins is enticing criminal gangs to rework traditional malware targeting businesses to turn infected machines into Bitcoin mines. Bitcoin mining refers to the way Bitcoins are actually earned. In a normal situation, a user runs an algorithm on their computer to authenticate transactions on the Bitcoin platform. This is legal and the person running the process is rewarded with Bitcoins for their trouble. However, turning hoards of machines into your own army to generate huge numbers of Bitcoins is not. As such the crooks love it, as Hypponen explained. "Bitcoins have been skyrocketing in value. At the moment the value per Bitcoin is currently $134. As this started happening and people started realising there's actual money in Bitcoin, people started mining them pretty seriously," he said. "A big deal about crypto currency [such as Bitcoin] is the mining part. You can actually use other computers to mine and because of this, botnet-based mining is becoming a real problem. About a year ago we spotted a botnet not spreading malware or phishing, it was just mining bitcoins." Hypponen went on to explain that Bitcoins' financial allure has already made established cyber criminals rethink their strategies and adapt some of the biggest, most dangerous botnets in the world to mine Bitcoins. "ZeroAccess used to monetise itself with click fraud. They got on the machine and made it click on adverts to earn money. They changed their tactic in spring and went fully into Bitcoin mining. Some of our estimates suggest it is earning $58,000 a day. That's real money and something they will want to move to the real world," he said. This is where the toaster idea comes in. Hypponen added that many of the gangs are so enthralled by Bitcoin's potential they've started experimenting with the idea of turning non-traditional devices into mines. "[When mining Bitcoins] the user is irrelevant, it's the GPU, the computer and the network connection they need. This is especially interesting when you look at automation. I have a pebble watch, it has a GPU, it could mine Bitcoins, so does my fridge and my toaster – these are going to be used to mine Bitcoins," he said. "We accepted toasters would eventually have computers, but didn't think it would be a problem – who would want to write malware for a toaster right? Well now they have a reason." This may be a far-fetched example of how far the threat could go, but as recent hacks of IP-based lightbulbs have shown, the home of the future could be open to all kinds of attacks, even burnt toast.
| gewaltigen Kursausschlägen, einem straffen Aufwärtstrend und Warnungen durch Politiker sorgt die Internetwährung Bitcoin für immer mehr Aufsehen. Doch die Konstruktion des Bitcoinsystems hat Charme, gerade vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Geldpolitik. "Bitcoins sind digitales Gold, die Hartwährung des 21. Jahrhunderts", glaubt Oliver Flaskämper, der die Handelsplattform betreibt. Die Vor- und Nachteile der Bitcoins, wie sie entstehen und warum sie schon bald für Profi-Anleger und Konzerne relevant sein werden, erklärt er bei FINANCE-TV