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1  Economy / Gambling / - Review Thread on: July 27, 2015, 07:09:11 PM
I did both a forum and a google search in this domain and didn't see any threads on here, but I wanted to share my experience with everyone here and see if anyone else has had good or bad things to say about them.

So, I'm not much of a gambler, but on occasion I do like to spin the wheels and see how my luck fares.  I happened across while looking for a legit site that has video slots.  I decided to try this place out because they appear to be fully licensed and regulated, and they feature some slots that I like from my local casinos where I live.  They have a sign-up bonus for new users to get 30 cBTC (0.03 BTC) for free upon successful registration.  So I registered and made a deposit of 50 cBTC to play with, but my deposit wasn't showing up!  I waited for over an hour and over a dozen confirmations, and still no credits!  I was worried I may have just been scammed, so I sent a request to their "24/7" support (which is just a place to send them a message and they say they'll get back to you).  Anyway, after a few hours my 0.05 BTC deposit was credited, and to say sorry for the delay, they gave me a 50 cBTC sign up bonus instead of the 30 cBTC bonus!  So I've been playing away and I have to say the video slots on their site are pretty much exactly how they are in real life.  I like to bet low and enjoy playing for hours, and I can do the same on this site.  I don't feel like I'm throwing money down the drain; the slots actually let you play and give decent payouts.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw my 2 satoshis in.  This is not an ad for them, it's honest feedback from a full member who's never started a gambling thread before.  
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Couldn't the gov't buy up some DRK masternodes? on: June 02, 2014, 05:23:28 PM
Just wondering, what's stopping the government from acquiring one or many masternodes and therefore being able to keep a record of all transactions that run through those nodes?  According to the darkcoin website, "all transactions will be routed through these nodes."  The whole concept of needing centralized masternodes to route transactions seems to be the opposite of what a decentralized currency is supposed to do.  Unlike bitcoin, where a transaction goes directly from party A to party B, a darkcoin transaction goes from party A to a centrally controlled node, then to party B.  Doesn't that seem like it's just inviting the government to get some of these nodes to keep track of everything? 
3  Economy / Goods / [WTS] NEFT Vodka - Black Barrels - $95 Free Ship US only on: April 14, 2014, 08:39:24 PM
I have a couple barrels of NEFT Vodka for sale.  For background info on this vodka, check out this thread.  These are the black barrels with the BTC on them.  750 ml barrels, $95 in either BTC or LTC, free shipping to the continental US (no international shipping, sorry).  Shipping via Fed Ex, escrow upon request.  PM if interested, thanks for looking!

4  Economy / Services / Architecture for Bitcoins on: June 15, 2013, 02:55:28 PM
Hi all,

I am a licensed architect interested in building up some business using crypto-currencies.  I'm licensed in Colorado and Texas, but can provide design services nationwide.  Here's what I can do for you:

-Full architectural design from the ground up
-Conceptual or virtual building design
-Space planning/floor plan layout and design
-3D rendering and graphic design

To the early investors, the bitcoin millionaires out there, here's what I can do for you!  Have you ever dreamed of designing and building your own custom home?  I am your man; I can help you find a property, help you design your dream residence and administer over the construction of it to make sure they build it right.  I accept both BTC and LTC.  Here's a picture of my latest design, in Denver, CO:

5  Other / Beginners & Help / Why won't my "total time logged in" go up? on: June 09, 2013, 05:05:35 AM
I want to post in the main forum, and I've been browsing all day to get my time to the minimum required, but my total time logged in is still only showing 1 hr 6 minutes.  Why isn't it going up?   Huh
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