PoS Coin Website - http://poscoin.community/
PoS Coin Website - http://powerofstaking.com/
PoS Coin Website - http://poscoin.epizy.com/
PoS Coin Website - http://[Suspicious link removed]/
PoS Coin Server Email - poscoin800@gmail.com
PoS Coin Whitepaper - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JF1IA2ewjsS86Td83boGf1tnbAKXskfeqgUm7tItiFw
PoS Coin Source Code - https://github.com/posdevv/pos
PoS Coin Explorer - https://www.coinexplorer.net/POS
PoS Coin Telegram - https://t.me/ROI_800_POSCOIN
PoS Coin Twitter ( News Feed )- https://twitter.com/scoin800
Newspaper - The PoScoin800 Daily - https://paper.li/scoin800/1534161607#/
PoS Coin YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm8nr5IWec3hDErlwsiR1Pw
PoS CoinMarket - Coingecko - https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/pos-coin
PoS CoinMarket - Coinpaprika - https://coinpaprika.com/coin/pos-proof-of-stake-coin/
PoS CoinMarket - Coinlib - https://coinlib.io/coin/POS2/POS+Coin
CAT.EX - https://www.catex.io/trading/POS/TRX
Fibercoin Exchange - https://fiberchange.com/market/FBC-POS
Nova Exchange - https://novaexchange.com/
TradeCX - Cryptocurrency Exchange - https://tradecx.io/markets(edited)
Desktop Wallets
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