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1  Economy / Digital goods / [WTB] Amazon GC w/ BTC on: November 10, 2013, 02:08:31 AM
Hi guys! I want to buy a $25 Amazon Giftcode for BTC.08
PM me if you're interested Wink
2  Economy / Digital goods / [WTS] BTC for Amazon GC !!! on: October 27, 2013, 03:15:33 AM
Hello! I want to exchange BTC 0.128 for $25 in Amazon giftcode
Reply or pm me if you're interested!

(Offer will only open for the next 30mins)

Current Mt.Gox exchange rate: 195.40 USD/BTC

[ EDIT: Asking for a $25 amazon giftcode in exchange for btc at Mt.Gox rate ]
3  Economy / Trading Discussion / Cashing Out BTC w/o Bank Account? on: October 27, 2013, 02:58:41 AM
Hi. Is there a place where I can cash out my bitcoins without hooking up to my bank account?
It could also be in gift cards, etc.
4  Other / Off-topic / My laptop just acted weird.. on: September 29, 2013, 09:54:16 PM
I was watching a 50min documentary on youtube and typing in a regular word document when all of a sudden, the screen blacked out for a second and this notification appeared on my screen..
Is this something I need to be concerned about, or just my laptop having a little spasm?
I'm pretty dense in the computer subject so any comments would be helpful. Thanks!
5  Other / Off-topic / Any thoughts on the new IOS 7? on: September 19, 2013, 02:10:05 AM
I can't decide if I want to update my iphone to the new ios 7. I saw a few reviews and quite frankly, I kind of hate it. What do you guys think?
6  Economy / Marketplace / List of Investments on: September 15, 2013, 04:36:20 PM
What are some types of investments that average people could invest in, like stocks and bonds etc.?
7  Other / Off-topic / Does anyone have Revit 2014? on: September 10, 2013, 12:32:32 AM
I have an Autodesk Revit file that can only be opened with the '14 version. Unfortunately, I only have 2013. Can someone convert this file for me?
I'll transfer the file to you and you re-save it with the '13 version.
8  Other / Off-topic / HELP!! Saved .PSD file Not Opening! (closed) on: September 02, 2013, 07:49:50 PM
Can anyone help me open this file?
It says that it's unknown but it's supposed to be a photoshop cs6 file of a project I was working on earlier.
This was my only copy and I can't open it! Please help, my project is due tomorrow Cry
9  Other / Off-topic / [WTB] Credit Card/Thick Card Printer on: August 30, 2013, 08:41:36 PM
I want to buy a printer that could print on thick plastic cards (about the size and thickness of a credit card or a license) without smearing.
If you have one, please let me know with an offer! Thanks Cheesy
10  Economy / Digital goods / [WTB] Facebook Ad Credits/Codes on: August 22, 2013, 05:02:37 AM
Can someone buy me a $50 Facebook Advertising Credit for $5 on here (
I will buy it from you for a $5 Amazon Gift Code (instant delivery) or .061 in bitcoins. Let me know if you're interested! Thanks
11  Other / Off-topic / Are You Fond Of Innovation? on: August 19, 2013, 04:56:39 PM
Catch the latest technology and project inspirations with Sparro International.
Help us out by liking and sharing our newly created page!
You can check it out through HERE
Thanks! Cheesy
12  Other / Beginners & Help / Care to give a quick feedback on my designs? on: August 11, 2013, 05:31:17 PM
Feel free to comment on what you think of my sketch designs for a person's website... which one looks better, etc. ...
Not only this will help you increase your post counts, but it will also help me gain the critical feedbacks that i need!

Thanks and have a lovely day! Grin
13  Other / Beginners & Help / DB Voucher Sale! (CLOSED) on: August 01, 2013, 12:43:35 AM
Selling 0.003 btc worth of advertising credits that can be redeemable on Daily Bitcoins!

Reply to this post if you're interested, or if you too have a voucher you want to sell.
14  Bitcoin / Project Development / How do I make a BTC faucet? on: July 31, 2013, 07:17:06 PM
I'm not too familiar with computer programming (java script, api, etc.) but is there a program like that I can just download but not powered by
15  Economy / Goods / BTC T-shirt! on: July 31, 2013, 06:07:55 PM
Check out this awesome tee my friend made!

Available for purchase here.
16  Other / Beginners & Help / Delete this post on: July 30, 2013, 11:44:21 PM
Someone delete this. I can't seem to do it.
17  Other / Beginners & Help / 0.01 BTC LOAN on: July 30, 2013, 05:52:08 PM
I need to borrow 0.01 btc (no joke) for a day or at least the time that it takes for it to confirm.
I need to withdraw all the amount I have in the Bter exchange ( which is only a few cents over 0.09 BTC and the minimum amount to withdraw is 0.1 btc.
I need it as soon as I can because I will be deleting my Bter account very soon.

Note: I am not a scammer not will I ever be. Even if I steal your 0.01 btc, I won't make much profit from it. The faster this gets done, the faster I can give you your money back.

I like things organized so this is how it will be done:
1) I receive 0.01 btc from you, which will be added to my funds (enough for me to get it up to 0.10 btc)
2) I withdraw it all out to my wallet (Let's say Address B)
3) Once it gets a couple of confirmations, I will give deposit 0.01 back to you
4) You will get you 0.01 btc back from Address B

It's as simple as that! I just need to do this as soon as I can.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions!
18  Other / Beginners & Help / [WTB] WDC for BTC (Taking offers - Need it Now!) on: July 29, 2013, 06:10:41 AM
Hi guys! Just letting you know that I'm buying 1,077.584 WDC for 0.0000890 BTC each on Bter if anyone's interested.

Willing to change it for a greater price! PM me to reply to this post.
19  Bitcoin / Mining speculation / Delete this post on: July 26, 2013, 10:55:18 PM
Can't seem to delete this post Huh
20  Other / Beginners & Help / FREE .1 CGB(or more) for 8th person to comment! on: July 25, 2013, 03:32:46 PM
Giving away .1 CGB for free! Also have another address that has 1 CGB in it, but can no longer access to its client.
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