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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Which Altcoin to Mine and How? on: August 01, 2018, 10:13:40 AM
As a newbie to crypto, I have been interested in mining altcoin. But I dont know much about hardware and set up requirements. I know there are a lot of articles out there and I need community members to help point me to the right direction by suggesting helpful articles that can help me achieve this goal. Also need suggestions on which altcoin will be best to mine. Thanks
2  Other / Beginners & Help / How to regain access to your accounts if you your Google Auth Device on: July 21, 2018, 11:23:31 PM
I once lost a device with my Google Authenticator...Luckily, I had only 2 accounts on it. It was frustrating thou. So I decided to post this so that some newbies like me will not make the same mistake.

Write down BACKUP CODES!
Most sites provide you with backup codes when you create 2FA. These can be used once in case you do not have access to authenticator. Write them down and store in 2 physically different locations.

Double Device 2FA
You can also set up your 2FA on two devices whenever you enable 2FA or create a new account.

Write down the QR code
Click the "show code" or "can't read the QR code?" and get a text version that you can then write down. Dont forget to label the QR code or text code is (e.g. "2FA for KuCoin").

Keep your username, password, and 2FA phrase/QR code/recovery codes separate. If they are together, then it's no longer 2FA.

While writing your codes down, write it twice in case you overlook something. Write it down, and set up Google Authenticator from the key you wrote down (not the one on the screen), then verify via the code that displays on your phone. All to be on a safe side.
3  Other / Beginners & Help / Security Steps for Crypto Assets on: July 21, 2018, 09:46:50 AM
Get yourself a Ledger Nano S or TREZOR wallet

Always print backups of wallets, really important keys, Google Authenticator backup codes, via a No-Wifi Printer (You can also write them down in a safe book)

Get USB Drives and be sure not to lose or break them.

Get rid of your clipboard manager, auto-upload screenshot app, remote viewer, they are not safe

Install a password manager and protect it with Google Authenticator

Your Computer

Review your Chrome Extensions and remove extensions you don’t use, don’t need, don’t trust. Disable ones you don’t actively use on a daily basis.
Turn off automatic updates
Use incognito mode when accessing super-secure things like banking and crypto
Don’t ever enter your secret-keys into websites using a browser that has extensions
All applications that start on launch should be disabled except you need it.
Do not install or download application from untrusted websites.

Review your Cloud Storage Software
Disable uploading automatically.
Avoid synchronizing your downloads or desktop or home directory

Remember that things that have been uploaded once are there for life, even if you delete it.
If you discover a password or private key in your Dropbox, start by deleting it. Deleting is not enough so immediately change the password or move your funds.
Change your passwords to new, unique, strong passwords
Never reuse passwords.
Enable 2FA.
If already enabled, disable and re-enable 2FA.
Remove your phone number from a 2FA option.
Generate new backup codes and write them down or print via no-wifi printer and securely removed from your device afterwards.

Review your Chrome Settings
  • Unsandboxed plugin access: Ask when a site wants to use a plugin to access your computer.
  • Location: Ask before accessing
  • Camera: Ask before accessing
  • Microphone: Ask before accessing
  • Flash: Block sites from running Flash
  • Popups: Blocked

Clear your cache, settings, history, etc.

Review your Google, Github, Facebook, Skype, Twitter Accounts and disable all apps that you haven’t used in a while, or the apps you dont recognise.
Log out of all devices and Never Use Public Wi-Fi

Always be careful with your crypto assets... Keep them secured.
4  Other / Beginners & Help / My Experience From Crypto Trading on: July 15, 2018, 11:37:26 AM
Start Small
With every investment opportunity, the golden rule must be followed: do not put in more money than you are willing to lose. This is lesson I learnt  the hard way.

This golden rule applies to the world of crypto more than any other industry, given how quickly a cash position can depreciate.

Invest with a little amount of money and test some of the strategies you’ve deemed successful in the past.

Exchange Fees
There are many Websites which are great to start exchanging cryptocurrencies, but be aware of the fees you incur with each transaction.
That was how I heard of a good exchange and quickly moved my bitcoin there without asking of the exchange fees and withdrawal fees... Trust me, that was a very hard  Cry

Creating Multiple Wallets
I also learnt to create multiple wallets and accounts to keep my assets diversified and I recorded the passwords for each on paper.

In conclusion, Don't rushin, Don't fomo, relax, resesearch, learn from others mistakes, and as you continue to progress and grow more comfortable, you can start to invest more.
5  Other / Beginners & Help / Learning Market Trends Before Investing on: July 09, 2018, 05:47:51 PM
Diving directly into the market and setting up crypto wallets, can lead to loss... Rather monitor prices of coins you want to invest in.

Coinmarketcap is a great place to start. Many other web resources offer all the information you need to monitor the performance of the coins you are interested in.

Check the historical charts and analyze how the price has changed, taking note of any patterns between those that have seen substantial returns versus those that have depreciated.

The goal is to grow your investments by introducing cash positions for coins that are expected to appreciate over time. Buying the dip is one of the best strategies to pursue when trying to grow your investments .

The question is how do you know when prices are about to increase again? The answer lies in analyzing the charts and remaining informed about the performance of the cryptocurrency market.

Once you look into the cryptocurrency market, you’re ready to start investing.
6  Other / Beginners & Help / Before Investing In Crypto: Do Some Homework! on: June 27, 2018, 01:29:29 AM
As cryptocurrency continues to expand and solidify its role as the potential future of finance, here’s what you need to know to get started.

Do Your Homework

Get a good foundation before jumping into investing. Set aside time to understand what cryptocurrency is. Like;

-understanding how the blockchain technology works
-difference between how blockchain and the current centralized financial system works.
-the distinctions between cryptocurrency and traditional investment options.

Unlike the stock exchange, cryptocurrency is traded all around the world at all times, making it extremely volatile.

Shape your Investment

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies that you can invest in, but you must understand which one is right for you. Consider this:

Time: Are you investing for the long-term gain or quick return?
Your Pocket: Are you willing to spend thousands of dollars or just a small portion of your savings?

This will help shape your Investment plan.

7  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / How to verify the security integrity of the Ledger Nano S? on: June 22, 2018, 02:45:36 AM
If you buy a ledger Nano from a reseller, You would have to make sure  101% that the device is not tampered with.

So I found an article on the Ledger website that explains it

A really great article it is, but this guide is hard to follow entirely. There are four steps in the article. The first step which is to open the device up to verify that no additional chip has been added was simple to follow. But then the other steps got me completely confused with all the info, commands, codes...

Someone please help with guidelines on how to follow these steps.
8  Other / Beginners & Help / Newbie Interested in Learning on: June 20, 2018, 02:45:26 AM
I registered on bct last year but just activated my account and I think introducing myself is the best way to get started...

My name is Adaeze Omali, I am 20 years old, I have known about Bitcoin for 2 years now and I do have a very small investment in Bitcoin and Ethereum.

I am interested in learning more on blockchain and cryptocurrency. I am open to new ideas and learning from the bitcointalk community. I will start with going through threads in this forum Grin

Please feel free to suggest more educative threads... Thanks all

Best Regards,
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