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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / 🔷 [ANN] FreeMarket OneX — Decentralized Anonymous Marketplace on: July 02, 2020, 04:58:01 PM


The idea of a truly decentralized anonymous marketplace isn't new, it has a long history among cypherpunk and crypto communities. There were various attempts in the past to make it a reality, including Satoshi Nakamoto, the original bitcoin author, who also tried to implement a marketplace in bitcoin code. However, presumably due to complexity associated with such an implementation, the code was later removed.


We believe in free market and that freedom of exchanging goods and services is a fundamental human right. What you buy or sell should be up to you. Our solution is built on pure Peer-To-Peer infrastructure: desktop software for Windows, Linux and MacOS. No central authority or servers, which means that the marketplace doesn't have a single point of failure and can't be easily shut down. No KYC data required. Ever. The app is built with the focus on crypto to precious metals trading but it is not limited to just that. You basically are able to trade anything else. FreeMarketOne uses $XRC as the settlement-layer for all deals made on the marketplace. There are no fees to list items, and no fees when an item is sold.

FreeMarketOne will be great for those who:
• Want to trade freely without limits and restrictions.
• Want to be protected from surveillance by governments, institutions and other individuals.
• Do not want to pay unnecessary fees.
• Do not want to provide any personal data (no KYC).

To ensure that FreeMarketOne users stay completely safe and anonymous we're using some innovative solutions as well as one of the best privacy protection technology like tor.

Double blockchain solution. The app features the revolutionary implementation of two blockchains running side by side. First one is a base blockchain and it stores information about users' encrypted data, reviews, ranks system etc. Those records are permanent. Second blockchain is using float genesis block and contains data about offers and trade history. It expires in approximately 3...6 months. This means that that the public records of transactions on the main blockchain where transactions between peers are recorded, will be wiped out clean periodically thus producing a clean slate for the traders with the generation of a new periodic genesis block thus neutralizing the snoopy eyes of unfriendly entities who believe that they have not only the right to know everything about what you do in life, but are also entitled to a share of everything you earn. However, the rating system of traders which will be based on the volume and performance of achieved trades cumulatively, will be upheld in a parallel [first] blockchain, that will preserve the details and the rating of each trader, while wiping out the record for the trades they have made before the new genesis block is generated.

Integrated tor client. FreeMarketOne is built on top of tor, and thus inherits its censorship resistance. The application connects to tor automatically when it starts, so you don't have to to do anything to make it work.

Encrypted chat. Communicate privately with sellers or buyers using end-to-end encryption. Messages are only seen by who you send them to and no one else.

Efficiency. There is no waste of energy in the app. Blocks are mined "on demand" if there is a new item entry or a change and every user is able to mine it. Blockchain is using time in blockchain consensus to accept new block after "block time". It is some kind of hybrid solution between Proof Of Work and Proof of Time.

Click on image to view in full size

Latest release: v1.1 (changelog).


2  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / 🔶 [ANN][XRC] Bitcoin Rhodium — 2,1 juta XRC. PoW. Hadiah triwulanan on: February 09, 2020, 11:07:58 AM


Tentang XRC

Mata uang kripto yang sederhana dan transparan dengan visi jangka panjang bagi para investor dengan jumlah yang langka dan terbatas untuk membantu mengendalikan nilai harganya.

Terbatas - Langka - Terdesentralisasi. Hanya akan ada 2,1 juta XRC, atau sepersepuluh dari Bitcoin. XRC adalah komoditas kripto baru, mata uang kripto yang langka dan terbatas untuk disimpan  dan bernilai di masa depan. XRC bertujuan untuk menyediakan tidak hanya metode pembayaran, tetapi sebagai komoditas yang nyata dan berharga, yang akan menjadi elemen investasi yang menjanjikan sama seperti BTC.
Bitcoin Rhodium menggunakan blockchain uniknya dengan total pasokan 2,1 juta XRC. Diprogram dalam bahasa C# dan hanya POW.
Semua pemegang jangka panjang memenuhi syarat untuk Strong Hands Program yang menjamin ROI yang signifikan setiap siklus 3 bulanan. P2P Bitcoin Rhodium — Pasar Logam yang akan menghubungkan dunia kripto dengan dunia investasi logam tradisional yang saat ini sedang dikembangkan untuk memperkuat penggunaan Bitcoin Rhodium secara nyata.

Bitcoin Rhodium juga akan bergabung dengan salah satu ruang anonimitas berikut: CoinJoin atau Transaksi Rahasia.


Solusi unik bagi para investor

1. Hadiah triwulanan

Kami menyebutnya sebagai “Strong Hands Program” yang dirancang untuk semua orang.
Program ini mulai diluncurkan pada 1 Januari 2019. Program Strong Hands Bitcoin Rhodium adalah fitur inovatif, yang memberikan hadiah kepada pemegang XRC yang proaktif serta untuk merangsang investasi baru. Setiap 3 bulan anda bisa mendapatkan persentase pembagian dari 16072 XRC yang akan didistribusikan melalui dividen pada setiap siklus programnya.

Sangat mudah seperti yang terdengar

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang Strong Hands Program di situs web resmi dan halaman yang dibuat komunitas.

Platform perdagangan P2P berbasis anonim-TOR untuk perdagangan logam mulia di seluruh dunia. Teknologi di balik FreeMarket ONE: transaksi pada platform ini tidak dapat dipulihkan dan terdesentralisasi menggunakan teknologi blockchain. Anonimitas penuh dan masking pada alamat IP dapat dicapai melalui implementasi teknologi Tor. Platform ini juga menggunakan teknologi Microsoft NET Core untuk memastikan fungsionalitas platform-independen pada Windows, Linux atau MacOS.

Situs web FreeMarket ONE

3. Crypto Trinity
XRC juga menganut filosofi yang kuat pada Crypto Trinity, berdasarkan pada konvergensi alami antara XRC, Bitcoin, dan Litecoin. Ketiga koin ini membentuk ekosistem berbentuk piramida yang efisien yang dapat memfasilitasi spektrum secara menyeluruh bagi para investor dengan preferensi investasi yang berbeda-beda.


Dompet Penyimpanan


Semua XRC pools pada MiningPoolStats

Perangkat Keras Penambangan
Baikal Giant+: 1.6 GH/s
Baikal Quad Cube: 1.2 GH/s
Baikal Giant: 900 MH/s
Baikal Quadruple Mini Miner: 600 MH/s
Baikal Miner Cube: 300 MH/s
Baikal Mini Miner: 150 MH/s

Panduan penambangan

Untuk Pengembang

Source codeFull nodeAPIsTestNet

Spesifikasi Teknis

Ticker koin: XRC
Pasokan Maksimum: 2,1 juta koin
Sumber terbuka: YA
Bahasa: C #
Blok Genesis: 20 Oktober 2018 pukul 18:16:18 UTC
Algoritma PoW Hash: x13
Waktu Blok: 10 menit
Ukuran Blok: 4MB
Hadiah Blok: 2,5 XRC
Halving: setiap 210,000 blok
Hadiah setelah Halving: 1,25 XRC
Penyesuaian tingkat kesulitan: setiap 2016 blok

BitcoinTalk ANN



3  Local / Altcoins (criptomonedas alternativas) / 🔶 Bitcoin Rhodium [XRC] PoW, X13 on: October 02, 2019, 05:45:54 PM


Bitcoin Rhodium es un nuevo producto de criptomoneda, criptomoneda rara, limitada y resistente para almacenar valor para el futuro. Su objetivo es proporcionar no solo un método de pago, sino un producto real y valioso, que se convertirá en un elemento de inversión próspero junto con BTC. Bitcoin Rhodium utiliza su blockchain única con un suministro total de 2.1 millones de XRC. Está programado en el lenguaje C# y es POW. Todos los titulares a largo plazo son elegibles para el programa Strong Hands que garantiza un ROI significativo cada ciclo de 3 meses. P2P Bitcoin Rhodium-Metals Mercado que conectará el mundo de las criptomonedas con el mundo de la inversión tradicional se está desarrollando actualmente para reforzar el utilidad de Bitcoin Rhodium.

Bitcoin Rhodium también se unirá a uno de los siguientes espacios de anonimato: CoinJoin, Confidential Transactions o MimbleWimble.

Solo habrá 2.1 millones de XRC, o una décima parte de Bitcoin.

Además del escaso suministro, que ya lo convierte en una moneda de acceso para algunos inversores, XRC tiene varias características distintivas.

Dividendos Airdrop para los titulares de XRC cada 3 meses
El más destacado es el programa Strong Hands que ya se lanzó el 1 de enero de 2019. El programa Bitcoin Rhodium Strong Hands es una característica innovadora de caso de uso, que recompensa a los titulares proactivos y estimula nuevas inversiones. Cada 3 meses puede ganar una pieza de 8036 XRC distribuida a través de recompensas por cada ciclo de programa.

Crypto Trinidad
XRC también adopta una fuerte filosofía de Crypto Trinidad, basada en la convergencia natural entre XRC, Bitcoin y Litecoin. Las tres monedas forman un ecosistema eficiente en forma de pirámide que puede facilitar todo el espectro de inversores con diferentes preferencias de inversión.

P2P mercado
Además, XRC está buscando expandir su utilidad y admitir la aceptabilidad de las criptomonedas a través de la implementación de un mercado descentralizado P2P para inversores en criptomonedas y metales preciosos.



Piscinas mineras
Official XRC Pool


Especificaciones técnicas
2.1 millones de XRC
C# código fuente abierto GitLab
Intervalo de bloqueo objetivo 10 minutos
El tamaño del bloque es 4 MB
Ajuste de dificultad cada 2016 bloques

Programa de embajadores
Hemos abierto el Programa de Embajadores, buscando partidarios entusiastas, youtubers, vloggers, influenciadores.
Más sobre el Programa Embajador:
Formulario de aplicación:



4  Local / Anunturi Monede Alternative / [ANN ]Bitcoin Rhodium [XRC] Limitat - Rare - Rezistent, PoW, X13 on: October 02, 2019, 05:44:06 PM


Bitcoin Rhodium este o nouă marfă de criptocurrency, rară, limitată și rezistentă pentru a stoca valoare pentru viitor. Acesta își propune să ofere nu doar o metodă de plată, ci o marfă reală, valoroasă, care va deveni un element investițional prosper, împreună cu BTC. Bitcoin Rhodium își folosește blockchain-ul său unic, cu o ofertă totală de 2.1 milioane de XRC. Este programat în limba C# și este doar POW. Toți deținătorii pe termen lung sunt eligibili pentru programul Strong Hands care garantează ROI semnificativ la fiecare ciclu de 3 luni. P2P Bitcoin Rhodium-Metals Market care va conecta lumea criptomonedei cu lumea investițiilor tradiționale este în prezent dezvoltată pentru a consolida utilizarea Bitcoin Rhodium.

Bitcoin Rhodium se va alătura și unuia dintre următoarele spații de anonimat: CoinJoin, Confidential Transactions sau MimbleWimble.

Nu vor exista vreodată decât  2,1 milioane XRC, sau o zecime din Bitcoin.

Pe lângă oferta redusă, ceea ce o face deja o monedă exclusivă pentru unii investitori, XRC are mai multe caracteristici distinctive.

Dividende Airdrop către deținătorii de XRC la fiecare 3 luni
Cel mai proeminent este programul Strong Hands care a fost lansat deja la 1 ianuarie 2019. Programul Bitcoin Rhodium Strong Hands este o caracteristică inovatoare a cazurilor de utilizare, care răsplătește deținătorii proactivi și stimulează investițiile noi. La fiecare 3 luni puteți câștiga o bucată de 8036 XRC distribuită prin recompense pentru fiecare ciclu de program.

Rapoarte ale programului Strong Hands
#   DataCantitate   Procent
114/04/2019   8036 XRC1,5%PDF
214/07/20198036 XRC1,3%PDF

Crypto Trinity
XRC îmbratişează, de asemenea, o filozofie puternică a Crypto Trinity, bazată pe convergența naturală între XRC, Bitcoin și Litecoin. Cele trei monede formează un ecosistem eficient, în formă de piramidă, care poate facilita întregul spectru de investitori cu preferințe de investiții diferite.

Piaţă P2P
Mai mult, XRC încearcă să-și extindă utilitatea și să sprijine acceptabilitatea criptomonedelor prin implementarea unei piețe descentralizate P2P pentru investitori în criptomonede și metale prețioase.



Pool-uri pentru Minat
Official XRC Pool


Specificatii tehnice
2.1 milioane XRC
C# cod open source GitLab
Intervalul Block-ului  10 Minute
Dimensiunea Block-ului 4 MB
Ajustarea dificultăților la fiecare 2016 block-uri

Programul de ambasador
Am deschis Programul Ambasador - căutând susținători entuziaști, youtuberi, vloggeri, influenceri.
Mai multe despre Programul Ambasador:



5  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 🔶 大使计划 - 比特铑币(XRC) - 为我们未来 财富保值 on: June 01, 2019, 09:56:07 AM


创世纪块:2018年10月20日下午6:16:18 UTC
集体奖励:2.5 XRC
减半后的奖励:1.25 XRC


比特铑币 是一种新的加密商品,稀有,限量 和 抗审查性 的加密货币, 为未来财务保值. 它不仅是提供一种支付方式,而且提供一种真正有价值的商品,它将与比特币一起成为宝贵的投资. 比特铑币使用其独特的区块链 其总供应量为2.1百万枚XRC. 它用C#语言编程,并通过工作量证明(Proof-of-Work,PoW)来产生区块. 所有长期投资者都可参与”强手储蓄计划” 每3个月分红,股利保证高投资回报率. 目前正在开发的用例, 包括点对点 铑币-金属 市场 将把加密世界与传统投资世界联系起来. 比特铑币也将使用 其中一个匿名保密编码: CoinJoin 或 Confidential Transactions. 阅读更多:

1. 基于Tor的P2P交易平台
在全球P2P市场交易贵金属的匿名市场。 FreeMarket ONE背后的技术。 使用区块链技术,该平台上的交易是不可逆的且分散的。 IP地址的完全匿名和屏蔽是通过实施Tor技术实现的。 该平台还使用Microsoft NET Core技术来确保Windows,Linux或MacOS上与平台无关的功能。

2. “强手”储蓄计划 – 储蓄 及 奖励计划
比特铑币 “强手”储蓄计划是一个创新的用例 奖励积极储户 并刺激新的投资. 每3个月周期就可以从 8036XRC分配到股息.
在8年期间 每3个月股息将发放一次 (共32个发放周期) 在每个周期结束后的2周内发放. 第一个自动快照是从 2019年1月1日 到 2019年4月1日. 下一个周期从 2019年4月1日 至 2019年7月1日. 唯一的例外是下一张快照是在2019年7月7日; 在这特殊宽限期内, 如果需要的话, 资金可从 2019年7月1日 到 转移到硬件钱包,而不影响储积计划.

Learn more about Strong Hands Program on official website and community-created page.

3. 加密三位一体
XRC还秉承加密三位一体  的强大理念,基于XRC,比特币和莱特币之间的自然融合。 这三个硬币形成了一个有效的金字塔形生态系统,可以为具有不同投资偏好的所有投资者提供便利。



Official XRC Pool



了解我们的大使计划。 申请表格:



6  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / 🔶[ANN] Bitcoin Rhodium [XRC] PoW X13. Выплаты холдерам каждые 3 месяца on: March 11, 2019, 07:45:05 PM


Максимальная эмиссия: 2,1 млн XRC
Алгоритм: PoW x13
Расчетное время блока: 10 минут
Размер блока: 4 МБ
Корректировка сложности: каждые 2016 блоков
Монет в обращении: меньше 1 млн из максимальных 2,1 млн XRC
Исходный код: GitLab


Новая криптовалюта, не форк биткоина. В основе лежит свой уникальный блокчейн, написанный на C#. Изначальное распределение состоялось при помощи эирдропа в начале 2018 года. Держатели биткоина, зарегистрировавшие свои адреса, получили Биткоин Родиум в соотношении 10 XRC за 1 BTC.

Для того чтобы усилить варианты использования Биткоин Родиума, в настоящее время идет разработка приложения пирингового рынка криптовалют и драгметаллов, который свяжет криптовалюту с миром традиционных инвестиций.

В ближайшем будущем планируется внедрить один из следующих протоколов для конфиденциальности транзакций: CoinJoin или CT.

Выплаты холдерам
Все держатели имеют право на участие в программе вознаграждения, которая гарантирует значительный возврат инвестиций каждые 3 месяца (от 0,5% до 30%). Нет никаких требований по минимальному балансу и никаких дополнительных действий совершать не требуется. Единственное условие — избегать отрицательного движения баланса за период в три месяца с момента снимка. Точные сроки, подробности и примеры на официальной странице или сайте созданным сообществом.



Official XRC Pool


BitcoinTalk ANN



7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Bitcoin Rhodium [XRC] Refferal game! on: January 29, 2019, 10:07:46 PM

The next round of our Referral Games starts on February 1st and will last until February 28th. The winners will get Bitcoin Rhodium coins in the amount of $10.000.
Read more:

Stay updated:
Official main page:
8  Local / Alternatif Kripto-Paralar / BITCOIN RHODIUM [XRC] Sınırlı - Nadir - Dayanıklı on: January 17, 2019, 07:47:11 AM
image loading...

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Sınırlı - Nadir - Dayanıklı

Bitcoin Rhodium, kesinlikle Bitcoin Forku değildir. Bitcoin Rhodium yeni bir kripto para varlığıdır. ne Rhodium nede Bitcoindir  Bitcoin+Rhodium”dur.

Bitcoin Rhodium (BTR ve XRC kısaltma adlarıyla bilinir), dünyadaki en popüler şirketlerden biridir. BTR adet bakımından çok nadir bulunur.

Başlangıçta 2,1 milyon adet tedarik olmak üzere toplamda sadece 2,1 milyon adet mevcuttur. BTR bir bitcoin forku değildir. Eşsiz bir blockchain alt yapısına sahiptir.  Bitcoin Rodyum, Beyaz Kitabımızı okuyun:

Bitcoin Rhodium yalnızca 2,1 milyon adet olacak yahut bitcoinin onda biri kadar adet sayısı olacak.

Durumlarda kullanın

Sinirli arzın yanı sıra, halihazırda bazı yatırımcılar için bir madeni para haline getiren BTR, birçok ayırt edici özelliğe sahiptir.

a) En belirgin olanı 1 Ocak 2019'da çıkan Strong Hands programıdır.

b) BTR, BTR, Bitcoin ve Litecoin arasındaki doğal yakınlaşmaya dayanan güçlü Crypto Trinity felsefesini de içerir. Üç sikke etkili, piramit şeklinde bir ekosistem oluşturur.

c) Ayrıca, BTR kripto ve değerli metal yatırımcıları için merkezi olmayan bir P2P pazarıdır.

Daha fazla bilgi için şu adresi ziyaret edin:


BTR'yi  merkezsiz borsa olan Bisq'de satın alabilirsiniz! 0.9.3 sürümü adresinde yayınlanmıştır.

Bitcoin Rhodium BISQ``den ekleme talimati BISQ Ayarlarından Alcoin ekle> Bitcoin Rodyum [XRC] Ekle ->

Yakinda eklenecek olan borsalar Sistemkoin:
17 Ocak 2019, 10:00 UTC, Bitcoin Rhodium (XRC) çok yakında BTC ve TRY perleri ile borsamızda listelenecektir.

ve P2PB2B'de.


Yeni maden havuzunu adresinde bulabilirsiniz.


9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / The Crypto Trinity (BTC, LTC, XRC) on: December 06, 2018, 11:18:57 AM
image loading...
Bitcoin Rhodium presents: The Crypto Trinity

Bitcoin Rhodium is a new crypto commodity, rare, limited and resistant cryptocurrency to store value for the future. It aims to provide not just a payment method, but a real, valuable commodity, which will become a prosperous investment element along with BTC. Bitcoin Rhodium uses its unique blockchain with total supply of 2.1 million XRC. It is programmed in C# language and is POW only. All long-term holders are eligible for Strong Hands programme which guarantees significant ROI every 3-month cycle. P2P Bitcoin Rhodium-Metals Market which will connect crypto world with world of traditional investment is currently being developed to reinforce Bitcoin Rhodium’s use case.

XRC with its use case fills the gap in the crypto market and together with BTC and LTC forms an efficient ecosystem,
the Crypto Trinity, that fulfils needs of most investors.

BTR’s inherent qualities naturally discern it from the plethora of altcoins available on the market that lack any viable use case.
But more importantly, they are the bases to a natural convergence with Bitcoin and Litecoin.
The three coins (XRC, BTC, LTC) form an efficient ecosystem that can facilitate users/investors with different needs and preferences.

Where LTC has traditionally provided its users with primarily transactional properties and BTC still fails to find its appeal for traditional investors,
XRC emerges as the natural complement to meet the demand for long-term security investments, investment diversification, a coin that is tightly held and transparent towards its users.
For these reasons XRC represents the final piece of the puzzle, the Crypto Trinity, whose efficient co-existence satisfies the complete spectrum of investors and their diverse needs.

Trade Satoshi

Web wallet

Bitcoin rhodium pool


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10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / ⛏ [X13 MINING] BITCOIN RHODIUM [XRC], PoW x13 on: November 16, 2018, 04:29:51 PM


Main Thread

Bitcoin Rhodium is a community developed cryptocurrency. Not a fork. Max supply 2.1 million coins. It aims to provide not just a payment method, but a real, valuable commodity, which will become a prosperous investment element along with BTC. All long-term holders are eligible for Strong Hands Program which guarantees significant ROI every 3-month cycle. P2P Bitcoin Rhodium-Metals Market which will connect crypto world with world of traditional investment is currently being developed to reinforce Bitcoin Rhodium’s use case.


Technical Specifications
Coin ticker: XRC
Max supply: 2,1 million coins
Open source: YES
Language: C#
Bitcoin fork: NO
Genesis block: October 20, 2018 at 6:16:18 PM UTC
PoW Hash algorithm: x13
Block time: 10 minutes
Block size: 4MB
Block reward: 2.5 XRC
Halving: every 210,00 blocks
Reward after halving: 1.25 XRC
Difficulty adjustment: every 2016 blocks

Bitcoin Rhodium Mining Hardware
Baikal Giant+: 1.6 GH/s
Baikal Quad Cube: 1.2 GH/s
Baikal Giant: 900 MH/s
Baikal Quadruple Mini Miner: 600 MH/s
Baikal Miner Cube: 300 MH/s
Baikal Mini Miner: 150 MH/s

Official XRC Pool


Trade Satoshi


11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Marketplace (Altcoins) / Bitcoin Rhodium [XRC] - Brand Ambassadors on: November 16, 2018, 02:12:30 PM

Join us! We at Bitcoin Rhodium are now actively searching for BTR Ambassadors. Please DM us with your proposal!
Or DM us to our Twitter

Limited - Rare - Resistant

Bitcoin Rhodium is not a fork of Bitcoin. It is a new crypto asset. Bitcoin+Rhodium, not only Rhodium, not only Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Rhodium (known as BTR, available on exchanges under XRC ticker) is a store-of-value cryptocurrency with a strong appeal for investors looking for long-term investment in crypto securities. BTR is hard to come by. Its total supply is limited to 2.1 million units only, with the initial supply distributed exclusively through an airdrop and some 825.000 currently in circulation. BTR is not a Bitcoin fork. Its unique blockchain is based on the X13 PoW protocol with a block size of 4 MB and the source code to be released publicly very soon. To find out more about Bitcoin Rhodium, read our White Paper:

There will only ever be 2.1 million BTR, or one-tenth that of Bitcoin.

Use Cases

Besides the scarce supply, that already makes it a go-to coin for some investors, BTR has several distinguishing features.

a) The most prominent one is the Strong Hands programme that was launched already on January 1st, 2019. It will reward proactive holders and stimulate new investment, making it possible to earn between 0,5% and 30% in return on one’s holdings every year.

b) BTR also embraces strong philosophy of Crypto Trinity, based on natural convergence between BTR, Bitcoin and Litecoin. The three coins form an efficient, pyramid shaped ecosystem that can facilitate the whole spectrum of investors with different investment preferences.

c) Furthermore, BTR is looking to expand its use case and support crypto acceptability through implementation of a decentralised P2P market place for crypto and precious metals investors.

For further information, visit:


You can buy BTR at Bisq, first decentralized exchange! Release 0.9.3 is out at
Add Bitcoin Rhodium [XRC] in BISQ Settings -> Add Altcoins

You can trade on one of the TOP 20 exchanges on CMC, P2PB2B:
Next one is at


You can mine BTR at new mining pool where you can find tutorial and support:

Community and useful links

A copy of the Bitcoin Rhodium white paper is linked here:

Twitter feed:

Discord channel:

BitcoinTalk BTR project thread:

12  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / [ANN] BITCOIN RHODIUM (XRC) PoW x13 - "强手"储蓄计划 - 储蓄 及 奖励计划 on: November 15, 2018, 03:47:05 PM
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比特铑币 技术规格

2.1 百万 XRC
工作证明 X13
C# 开源代码 GitLab
区块间隔 target 目标10分钟 : 区块间隔 目标10分钟
数据块大小 4 MB
难度调整 每2016块
阅读官方铑币白皮书. 允许将此材料用于公关用途. 白皮书

随着Coinium采矿池软件架构引起的技术问题, 及Miningcore软件的落实, 哈希值暴涨带给矿工无与伦比的兴趣

交易所 - 比特铑币 (代码 XRC):,, Trade Satoshi, Bisq

用 例
比特铑币 是一种新的加密商品,稀有,限量 和 抗审查性 的加密货币, 为未来财务保值. 它不仅是提供一种支付方式,而且提供一种真正有价值的商品,它将与比特币一起成为宝贵的投资. 比特铑币使用其独特的区块链 其总供应量为2.1百万枚XRC. 它用C#语言编程,并通过工作量证明(Proof-of-Work,PoW)来产生区块. 所有长期投资者都可参与"强手储蓄计划" 每3个月分红,股利保证高投资回报率. 目前正在开发的用例, 包括点对点 铑币-金属 市场 将把加密世界与传统投资世界联系起来. 比特铑币也将使用 其中一个匿名保密编码: CoinJoin, Confidential Transactions 或 MimbleWimble. 阅读更多:

"强手"储蓄计划 - 储蓄 及 奖励计划
比特铑币 "强手"储蓄计划是一个创新的用例 奖励积极储户 并刺激新的投资. 每3个月周期就可以从 8036XRC分配到股息.

在8年期间 每3个月股息将发放一次 (共32个发放周期) 在每个周期结束后的2周内发放. 第一个自动快照是从 2019年1月1日 到 2019年4月1日. 下一个周期从 2019年4月1日 至 2019年7月1日. 唯一的例外是下一张快照是在2019年7月7日; 在这特殊宽限期内, 如果需要的话, 资金可从 2019年7月1日 到 转移到硬件钱包,而不影响储积计划.

 快照: 07/07/2019
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / BitCoin Rhodium [BTR] - Exclusive BOUNTY Opportunity for Top Influencers on: March 19, 2018, 07:23:19 PM

BitCoin Rhodium is a new crypto commodity, rare, limited and resistant cryptocurrency to store value for the future.
The goal is to provide not just a payment method, but a real, valuable commodity, which will become a prosperous investment element, along with BTC.

Because the mainnet is launched, OTC market is growing, mining is on, we have re-opened bounty program again. Twitter or FB or Articles... Send your proposal (audience, link to account) to, and we will look at it, for BTR reward only.

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14  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 第二轮空投——2天倒数|比特币铑金【BTR】—有限—稀有 on: January 07, 2018, 11:07:44 PM

比特币铑金 (BTR)










15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / 🔶🔷 [ANN][XRC] xRhodium -> Wrapped XRC is here! 🔶🔷 on: December 02, 2017, 06:01:03 PM

Decentralized Opensource Ecosystem: Open-source, tor-based, peer-to-peer trading platform. The best way to trade goods & services worldwide, completely anonymously.

xRhodium: WebsiteTwitterDiscordTelegram
FreeMarket OneX: WebsiteTwitter

The idea of a truly decentralized anonymous marketplace isn't new, it has a long history among cypherpunk and crypto communities. There were various attempts in the past to make it a reality, including Satoshi Nakamoto, the original bitcoin author, who also tried to implement a marketplace in bitcoin code. However, presumably due to complexity associated with such an implementation, the code was later removed.


We believe in free market and that freedom of exchanging goods and services is a fundamental human right. What you buy or sell should be up to you. Our solution is built on pure Peer-To-Peer infrastructure: desktop software for Windows, Linux and MacOS. No central authority or servers, which means that the marketplace doesn't have a single point of failure and can't be easily shut down. No KYC data required. Ever. The app is built with the focus on crypto to precious metals trading but it is not limited to just that. You basically are able to trade anything else. FreeMarketOne uses XRC as the settlement-layer for all deals made on the marketplace. There are no fees to list items, and no fees when an item is sold.

FreeMarketOne will be great for those who:
• Want to trade freely without limits and restrictions.
• Want to be protected from surveillance by governments, institutions and other individuals.
• Do not want to pay unnecessary fees.
• Do not want to provide any personal data (no KYC).

To ensure that FreeMarketOne users stay completely safe and anonymous we're using some innovative solutions as well as one of the best privacy protection technology like Tor.

Double blockchain solution. The app features the revolutionary implementation of two blockchains running side by side. First one is a base blockchain and it stores information about users' encrypted data, reviews, ranks system etc. Those records are permanent. Second blockchain is using float genesis block and contains data about offers and trade history. It expires in approximately 3...6 months. This means that that the public records of transactions on the main blockchain where transactions between peers are recorded, will be wiped out clean periodically thus producing a clean slate for the traders with the generation of a new periodic genesis block thus neutralizing the snoopy eyes of unfriendly entities who believe that they have not only the right to know everything about what you do in life, but are also entitled to a share of everything you earn. However, the rating system of traders which will be based on the volume and performance of achieved trades cumulatively, will be upheld in a parallel [first] blockchain, that will preserve the details and the rating of each trader, while wiping out the record for the trades they have made before the new genesis block is generated.

Integrated Tor client. FreeMarketOne is built on top of Tor, and thus inherits its censorship resistance. The application connects to Tor automatically when it starts, so you don't have to to do anything to make it work.

Encrypted chat. Communicate privately with sellers or buyers using end-to-end encryption. Messages are only seen by who you send them to and no one else.

Efficiency. There is no waste of energy in the app. Blocks are mined "on demand" if there is a new item entry or a change and every user is able to mine it. Blockchain is using time in blockchain consensus to accept new block after "block time". It is some kind of hybrid solution between Proof Of Work and Proof of Time.

Additional links: WhitepaperRoadmapExplorerSource code

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