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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Vega HD Audio Controler trouble, please help.. on: May 18, 2018, 06:04:22 PM
Have been trying for 5 days now to get my 6 Vega 64 rig to accept any AMD drivers without fail.
Using an Asus B250 mining exp. evga1600, new risers.

Mobo recognises all, Win 10 (1083) recognises the cards as basic adaptors and when i update to any AMD drivers the HD Audio Controler in Device Manager shows the triangle fault as 5 of them go into a disble/enable loop.
Happens with one gpu or more.

I notice that win updates gpus as soon as they detected and uploads a version of adrenalin i presume, which i ddu and reinstal blockchain or the new drivers.
Have tried EVERYTHING:
reinstall Win10 with updates and without
new risers
update all drivers in device man
uploaded realtech
uploaded visual studio c++
new intel graphics drivers
changing mobo pcie ports
etc etc

SO I GAVE UP and got another rig thats been collecting dust (not enough power to the house, fixing it) to replace
this is the same mobo, same prep, 5 x 64 STRIX
switch it on,
AMD not wanted drivers auto instal, ddu, instal blockchain and booom the same fucking problem on another completly separate rig


any ideas, im going crazy


2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / VEGA 64 mining FREE WISDOM on: December 08, 2017, 06:11:07 PM
Hi all,

With this thread i intend to pass on the knowledge i and my bro attained by building running and maintaining VEGA 64 rigs.

Allow me to introduce myself

i am an average joe with no particular expertice in programming although i do have a solid background in computing (my first contact over 30 years ago on the BBC and Amstrad programming in BASIC)
Being involved in the financial world for longer than i care to remember, the opportunity and future of the cryptocurrency phenomenon struck a cord in me as a viable alternative to the financial bondage all humanity is under via the current fiat central banking fractional reserve SCAM.

This is my way of giving back to those whom might listen.
i spent well over 8 months researching the topic of crypto currency mining going over everything and anything to do with the subject after finaly making my decision to dive in. Living in Norway provides the 2 central pillars (in my view) to succesful mining of which i will get into detail later.

Deciding what GPU's to buy was the most difficult question to be answered as concerns of what to mine and energy use came into play.
The VEGA 64 system is a giant in disquise, the hardware capabilities are currently severly under run  (manufacturer intent) by less than optimal drivers on the RADEON, WINDOWS and Mother Board sides. This is the secret as to why one is hard pressed to find 64's on the market today as few like myself know the secret and are buying them in any quantity as they become available no matter the price.  

i view ASIC mining as a future derivative of the current financial system with 1 compnay BITMAIN (ie Federal Reserve) controling BITCOIN etc via the few huge mining farms (mostly in China) whereas GPU mining can be profitable in small scale by orndinary people in their home.
For me GPU mining is TRULY decentralised and peer assisted instead of a handful of huge well funded 'special' interest groups controlling the market (discussion on this is welcome).

Currently we are running/testing 2 rigs: AsusB250 mining expert mobo with 8 64's and Asrock H110 BTC Pro mobo with 10 64's

Enough fluf, lets get down to it....

after around 8 pages of this thread, this is the result:

enjoy the read!!!

Update 25Apr18
FREE WISDOM up to pg 12 post#238, after that the Vega Token is born and topic takes a turn,

QMS first look:

QMS coin/miner switching:
Pg18 post#349 is my final post on this thread

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