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1  Local / Альтернативные криптовалюты / ⚒【ANN】【ICO HAS STARTED】🌟🌟🌟ProProfi🌟🌟🌟 - строительный проект on: March 01, 2017, 05:27:45 PM
Англоязычная ветка -


Нашим гарантом будет выступать SebastianJu. Его ветка на форуме с отзывами: [ANN] SebastianJu - Free Legendary Escrow Service - Escrowed over 8150 BTC.


Проверяйте, что бы ваш перевод был зачислен на адрес гаранта и уведомите его, если этого не произошло!

Пожалуйста, инвестируйте средства в проект только после прочтения условий возврата платежей и ознакомлением с комиссией гаранта. Подробная информация

Пожалуйста, проверяйте что бы адрес гаранта в его сообщении совпадал с адресом, указанным в шапке темы.


Баунти Кампания ProProfi
(28 февраля - 30 апреля)

Вы можете получить Leadium за участие в рекламной кампании проекта

Общий бюджет баунти компании - 360 000 LDM

За любую деятельность в рамках рекламной кампании вы получаете доли. После успешного окончания ICO весь баунти пул каждой категории будет распределен между участниками пропорционально количеству их долей в ней.


Переводы сайта и тем на форуме

Вознаграждение за переводы - 75 000 LDM

- перевод должен быть качественным, полным и точно передающим смысл исходного текста, а не сделанным с помощью Google Translate

- 150 долей за перевод вебсайта
- 150 долей за перевод Bitcointalk ANN (с созданием темы)

Список необходимых переводов: Ссылка

Пользователи, заинтересованые в создании переводов, могут связаться с нами через ЛС на Bitcointalk или через почту и по возможности прислать примеры предыдущих работ.

Переводчики также смогут получить вознаграждение за модерацию и популяризацию темы (управление локальным сообществом), условия - ниже.


Управление локальным сообществом

Вознаграждение за управления локальным сообществом - 35 000 LDM

- вы получаете доли за каждое оставленное вами или другими пользователями сообщение в локальной теме.

- 5 долей за каждое сообщение

Пользователи, заинтересованные управлением локальным сообществом, могут связаться с нами через ЛС на Bitcointalk или через почту .

Список модераторов: Ссылка


Подписная и аватар баунти кампания

Вознаграждение за подписную и аватар кампанию - 95 000 LDM

- пользователь должен установить и подпись и аватар
- запрещено менять подпись или аватар до окончания ICO
- допускаются участники с уровнем не ниже Member
- пользователи должны быть активными (разместить минимум 50 сообщений за период баунти кампании)

- 20 долей за 1 неделю размещения подписи и аватара для пользователей Member и Jr. Member
- 40 долей за 1 неделю размещения подписи и аватара для пользователей Full member
- 70 долей за 1 неделю размещения подписи и аватара для пользователей Sr. Member, Hero и Legendary

Мы будем случайным образом проверять всех наших участников раз в неделю.

Для участие в подписной кампании, заполните форму: Ссылка

Список участников: Ссылка

Аватар на форуме

Подпись на форуме для Member and Jr. Member — first home improvement project | ICO

[center][url=][b][/b][/url] — first home improvement project | [url=][b]ICO[/b][/url][/center]

Подпись на форуме для  Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero and Legendary
The first home improvement service cryptocurrency project
ICO | Discuss on Forum

[center][table][tr][td] [size=24pt][b][url=][color=#ffaf00]Pro[color=#4d4d4d]Profi[/color].com[/color] [/url][/b][/size][/td] [td][center][b] [size=12pt][color=navy]The first home improvement service cryptocurrency project[/color][/size][/b]
[b] [url=][size=12pt][color=orange]ICO[/size][/url] | [url=][size=12pt][color=orange]Discuss on Forum[/color][/size][/url][/b][/center][/td] [/tr] [/table][/center]


Написание и размещение статей

Вознаграждение за написание и размещение статей - 35 000 LDM

- допускаются тематические площадки на следующих языках: русский, английский, китайский и испанский
- минимальный размер статьи - 1000 знаков
- минимальная посещаемость ресурса - 300 человек в сутки
- в статье должна быть обязательно кликабельная ссылка на
- статья должна быть уникальная

- 100 долей за каждые 1000 знаков статьи (максимум 5 000 знаков)
- 200 долей за каждые 100 человек свыше 300 в сутки (по данным google analytics, общеизвестным счетчикам или по сайту
- для крупных медиа проектов условия размещение обсуждаются индивидуально

Перед размещением статьи пришлите нам площадку в ЛС на Bitcointalk или на почту

Список статей: Ссылка


Реклама Twitter

Вознаграждение за рекламу в Twitter - 30 000 LDM

Никогда не пропускайте ни одного из наших обновлений! Подписывайтесь на наш Twitter!

- запрещены ботоаккаунты
- запрещены аккаунты с количество подписчиков меньше 50
- запрещено использование сервисов накрутки

- 10 долей за 50 - 250 подписчиков на Twitter аккаунте
- 30 долей за 251 - 1000 подписчиков на Twitter аккаунте
- 50 долей за 1001 и больше подписчиков на Twitter аккаунте

Для участие в Twitter кампании, заполните форму: Ссылка

Список участников: Ссылка


Реклама Facebook

Вознаграждение за рекламу в Facebook - 30 000 LDM

Следите за новостями и узнавайте все самыми первыми. Подписывайтесь на нашу группу в Facebook!

- запрещены ботоаккаунты
- запрещены аккаунты с количество друзей меньше 100
- запрещено использование сервисов накрутки

- 10 долей за лайк каждой записи с нашей страницы
- 20 долей за каждый комментарий  к записям в нашей группе (более 30 символов)
- 30 долей за репост из нашей группы (учитывается при наличии не менее 100 друзей)

Для участие в Facebook кампании, заполните форму: Ссылка

Список участников: Ссылка


"Реклама на заборе"

Вознаграждение за рекламу "на заборе" - 60 000 LDM

- нарисовать, набить тату, нацарапать, выгрызти, слепить надпись ProProfi и прислать качественное фото (минимальное разрешение 1024 на 768)
- других правил нет, креатив приветствуется

- 100 долей за нарисованую надпись на бумаге
- 150 долей за нарисованую надпись на асфальте
- 200 долей за нарисованую надпись на заборе
- 250 долей за надпись, которую лично вы выгрызли или нацарапали
- 350 долей за слепленный логотип
- 2000 долей за тату
- отдельно обсуждается креативные и интересные идеи!)

Для участие в "на заборе" кампании, заполните форму: Ссылка

Список участников: Ссылка



Как переводятся доли в LDM после ICO?

К примеру размер баунти пула выбранной категории был 1000 LDM.
Количество участников: 3.
У первого участника 100 долей, у второго 150 долей, у третего - 250 долей.
Выплаты на момент окончания ICO:
- 200 LDM первому участнику
- 300 LDM второму участнику
- 500 LDM третьему участнику

Какая минимальная сумма необходима для успешного ICO?

Минимальная собранная сумма, при которой ICO состоится - 35 BTC, в противном случае собранные средства будут возвращены инвесторам.

Сколько токенов доступно для продажи на ICO?

Общее количество токенов - 12 000 000. Из них 82% доступны для покупки на ICO, 10% зарезервированы для команды проекта на его развитие, 5% - на маркетинг, а 3% - для баунти кампании. Подробная информация указана на сайте, там есть раздел посвященный токену Leadium.

Что будет с непроданными на ICO токенами?

Они будут уничтожены.

Вы указали планку в 35BTC для успешного ICO. Это примерно 400 000 токенов. Выходит помимо этого 1.2 млн токенов будет у команды проекта, 360 000 - у участников баунти кампании. Таким образом инвесторы при минимальных сборах на ICO будут контролировать менее 20% токенов?

Нет, расчеты неправильные. Проценты будут зависеть от финального количества монет в момент окончания ICO. Другими словами при условии сбора 35BTC за которые инвесторы купят 400 000 токенов, общее количество монет в обороте будет 400 000 / 0.82 = 487 804 токена. Из них у инвесторов будет 400 000 токенов (82%), 48 780 токенов будет у команды проекта, 24 390 токенов будут отложены на маркетинг, 14 634 токена - награда за баунти компанию согласно процентам и долям, описаных выше. Однако, мы планируем собрать не 35BTC, а полную сумму во время ICO.

Кто будет гарантом?

Нашим гарантом будет выступать SebastianJu, подробная информация -
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / ⚒【ANN】【ICO HAS STARTED】🌟🌟🌟🌟ProProfi🌟🌟🌟🌟 - home improvement project!⚒ on: March 01, 2017, 12:39:52 AM


Our escrow is SebastianJu. His servicethread for reviews: [ANN] SebastianJu - Free Legendary Escrow Service - Escrowed over 8150 BTC.

The bitcoin escrow address is ***NOT FOR DIRECT INVESTING***:

Check if your investment is forwarded to the escrow address and alarm him when this did not happen!

ONLY invest after reading his terms regarding how to invest so that a refund can happen for you because you sent your investment provable. Check the safety he can provide, the refund terms and the refund fees, including the minimum refund fee: #####Link post#####

Please check occassionally that the escrow address in OP is the same like it is in escrow post and inform him quickly and negrep the dev if it changed.


The ProProfi bounty campaign
(28th February - 30th April)

You can get Leadium for participation in project advertising campaign

Total budget for bounty campaign - 360 000 LDM

For any efforts under advertising campaign you get shares. After successful ICO, total bounty pool of every category will be apportioned according to their shares in it.


Translation of web-site and topics on forum

Total reward amount available for translation - 75 000 LDM

- the translation have to be high quality, complete and exactly comply with the original text, but not a Google Translate

- 150 shares for web-site translation
- 150 shares for translation in Bitcointalk ANN (with posting topic)

Users, who are interested in translation, can contact us on PM on Bitcointalk or via mail and send an examples if possible.

The list of necessary translations: Link

All users who translate could be rewarded for moderation and popularization of topic (manage local community), the term as below


Local community management

Total reward amount available for manage local community - 35 000 LDM

- you get shares for all your posted messages or messages posted by others in local topic.

- 5 shares for every message

Users, who are interested in managing local community can contact us on PM on Bitcointalk or via mail

List of moderators: Link


Signature and avatar bounty campaign

Bounty reward amount available for signature and avatar bounty campaign - 95 000 LDM

- user have to set a signature and avatar
- it is forbidden to change signature or avatar till the end of ICO
- users with not below Member level are allowed
- users have to be active (leave at least 50 messages during bounty campaign)

- 20 shares for the first week of set signature and avatar for Member and Jr. Member users
- 40 shares for the first week of set signature and avatar for Full Member users
- 70 shares for the first week of set signature and avatar for Sr. Member, Hero and Legendary users

All users will be checked once a week randomly.

To take part in signature campaign, fill the form: Link

List of participants: Link

Avatar on forum

Signature on forum for Member and Jr. Member users — first home improvement project | ICO

[center][url=][b][/b][/url] — first home improvement project | [url=][b]ICO[/b][/url][/center]

Signature on forum for Full Member, Sr. Member, Hero and Legendary users
The first home improvement service cryptocurrency project
ICO | Discuss on Forum

[center][table][tr][td] [size=24pt][b][url=][color=#ffaf00]Pro[color=#4d4d4d]Profi[/color].com[/color] [/url][/b][/size][/td] [td][center][b] [size=12pt][color=navy]The first home improvement service cryptocurrency project[/color][/size][/b]
[b] [url=][size=12pt][color=orange]ICO[/size][/url] | [url=][size=12pt][color=orange]Discuss on Forum[/color][/size][/url][/b][/center][/td] [/tr] [/table][/center]


Write and post articles

Reward amount available for Writing and posting articles - 35 000 LDM

- only thematic web-sites permitted in languages: russian, english, chinese, spanish
- minimum lengh of the article - 1000 characters
- minimum web-site attendance - 300 person per day
- the article must contain the active link
- an article must be unique

- 100 shares for every 1000 characters of article (maximum 5 000 characters)
- 200 shares for every 100 people but over 300 per day (based on google analytics, crowdcounters or using web-site
- the terms of placing for large media projects are discussed individually

Before the article posted please send the web-site on PM on Bitcointalk or on mail

List of articles: Link


Advertisement on Twitter

Reward amount available for advertisement on Twitter - 30 000 LDM

Never skip any of our updating! Subscribe to our Twitter!

- botaccounts are forbidden
- accounts with less then 50 followers are forbidden
- cheating programs are forbidden

- 10 shares for 50 - 250 followers on Twitter
- 30 shares for 251 - 1000 followers on Twitter
- 50 shares for 1001 and more followers on Twitter

To take part in Twitter campaign, fill the form: Link

List of participants: Link


Advertisement on Facebook

Reward amount available for advertisement on Facebook - 30 000 LDM

Keep up with news and always be the first to know. Subscribe to our group on Facebook!

- botaccounts are forbidden
- accounts with less then 100 friends are forbidden
- cheating programs are forbidden

- 10 shares for new like of any posts on our page
- 20 shares for any comment on post in our group (not less 30 characters)
- 30 shares for repost from our group (take into account: only for users with more than 100 friends)

To take part in Facebook campaign, fill the form: Link

List of participants: Link


"Advertisement on wall"

Reward amount available for advertisement on wall - 60 000 LDM

- draw, make tatoo, scratch, chew out, shape the inscription ProProfi and send a quality photo (minimum resolution 1024 x 768)
- there is no other regulations, creativity encouraged

- 100 shares for pictured inscription on paper sheet
- 150 shares for pictured inscription on asphalt
- 200 shares for pictured inscription on wall
- 250 shares for inscription, that you chewed out or scratched personally
- 350 shares for shaped logo
- 2000 shares for tatoo
- creative ideas could be discussed individually!)

To take part in Twitter campaign, fill the form: Link

List of participants: Link



How to tranfer shares to LDM?

For example, bounty pool of category is 1000 LDM.
Number of participants: 3.
The first participant has 100 shares, the second 150 shares, the third - 250 shares.
Total payment in the end of ICO:
- 200 LDM first participant
- 300 LDM second participant
- 500 LDM third participant

What is the minimum amount required for successful ICO?

The minimum amount whereby the ICO is to be held - 35 BTC, otherwise all funds will be returned to investors.

How many tokens available for selling on ICO?

Total quantity is 12 000 000 tokens. Among them 82% are available for purchasing on ICO, 10% reserved for project team and project development, 5% reserved on marketing, 3% - for bounty campaign. Detailed information is on site, there you find section focuses on token Leadium.

What happens to unsold tokens after ICO?

They'll be destroyed.

You raised the bar to 35BTC for successful ICO. It's approximately 400 000 tokens. Moreover, 1.2 mln tokens are held by team, 360 000 - bounty campaign. As a result, no more than 20% control investors in case of minimum gathering on ICO?

No, it's wrong calculation. All percentages depend on total amount of coins at the end of ICO. In other words, in case of gathering of 35BTC, which is equal to 400 000 tokens, the total coin amount in turnover is 400 000 / 0.82 = 487 804 tokens. 400 000 tokens have investors (82%), 48 780 tokens has ProProfi team, 24 390 tokens - for marketing, 14 634 tokens - a reward for bounty campaign according to shares, mentioned above. But we plan to collect all summ instead of 35BTC.

Who will be an escrow?

Our escrow is SebastianJu, additional info -
3  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Technical advice needed for bitcoind on: November 29, 2013, 03:34:01 PM

I am desesperatly trying to do the following :

- Check if an incoming transaction is coming into a bitcoin public address
- Without owning the corresponding private key

I dont want to rely on an external website to do that like

Is there a way to do that ? So far I am struggling. I have tried both "listreceivedbyaddress" and "getreceivedbyaddress" commands but none of them is helpful since they work only if the client have the private key in him.

Please help Sad This is for a bitcoin exchange btw. Else we have no other solution than put the private key in the production wallet but this is something that we want to avoid for optimal security.

4  Economy / Gambling / BTC Oracle - binary options trading - provably fair on: August 19, 2013, 12:08:17 PM
Can you predict where the bitcoin price is going ?

Now you can bet on it at ! The leading bitcoins binary options platform 100% operating in bitcoins.

- No account required
- Completely provably fair (all timestamp and prices can be easilly verified)
- Almost instant betting

There has been more than 400 bitcoins won so far with some players earning more than 20 bitcoins in net profit !

We have been running for 3 months now without any major issues.

Try it now !
5  Economy / Securities / BTC Oracle - binary options trading - provably fair on: August 19, 2013, 12:07:44 PM
Can you predict where the bitcoin price is going ?

Now you can bet on it at ! The leading bitcoins binary options platform 100% operating in bitcoins.

- No account required
- Completely provably fair (all timestamp and prices can be easilly verified)
- Almost instant betting

There has been more than 400 bitcoins won so far with some players earning more than 20 bitcoins in net profit !

We have been running for 3 months now without any major issues.

Try it now !
6  Economy / Gambling / Can you predict where the bitcoin price is heading ? on: July 15, 2013, 11:15:48 AM

Now you can bet on it at ! The leading bitcoins binary options platform 100% operating in bitcoins.

- No account required
- Completely provably fair (all timestamp and prices can be easilly verified)
- Instant betting on the blockchain

There has been more than 400 bitcoins won so far with some players earning more than 20 bitcoins in net profit !

We have been running for 3 months now without any major issues.

Try it now !
7  Local / Discussions générales et utilisation du Bitcoin / BTCOracle - Pariez sur le cours du bitcoin on: May 23, 2013, 09:56:35 PM
Bonjour les amis,

J'ai monté un service avec un ami qui permet de parier à la hausse ou à la baisse sur le cours futur des bitcoins (comprendre comme les options binaires Wink)

On a fait une update assez majeure donc voilà si vous pouviez nous faire des feedback merci d'avance !

Désolé pas de versions francaise pour l'instant mais si vous avez des questions on est là Smiley

cf :

Hello guys, we just did a major update with all of the following :

We have just proceeded to a major upgrade including the following changes :

Added 2 new time frames : 15 minutes and 1 day
Improved leaderboard
Improved address selection system
Added Coinbase support
Added live chat
Added history page
Improved FAQ

Tell us what you think :-)
8  Economy / Speculation / BTCOracle - Bet on the bitcoin price ! on: May 16, 2013, 03:47:55 PM
Hello guys,

I am just posting to let you know that we recently started a new service, BTCOracle, that allow to bet on the price of bitcoin.
So far only for 3 hours.

We would be very happy if you tried Smiley We welcome all feedback !

9  Economy / Service Announcements / BTCOracle - Bet on the bitcoin price ! on: April 24, 2013, 01:23:50 PM

We are launching a new service, BTCOracle, that allow users to bet on the future price of bitcoin

Right now we only have two possible types of bets as the site is in the beta phase :

- Bet that the price will rise in the next 3 hours
- Bet that the price will go down in the next 3 hours

Please dont hesitate to make us feedback we welcome all of them ;-)
10  Economy / Gambling / BTCOracle : Bet on the future price of bitcoin ! on: April 24, 2013, 01:05:34 PM

We are launching a new service, BTCOracle, that allow users to bet on the future price of bitcoin

Right now we only have two possible types of bets as the site is in the beta phase :

- Bet that the price will rise in the next 3 hours
- Bet that the price will go down in the next 3 hours

Please dont hesitate to make us feedback we welcome all of them ;-)

Edit :

We have just proceeded to a major upgrade including the following changes :

Added 2 new time frames : 15 minutes and 1 day
Improved leaderboard
Improved address selection system
Added Coinbase support
Added live chat
Added history page
Improved FAQ
11  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Problem using accounts on: April 23, 2013, 11:51:51 AM

We are trying to use the bitcoind official client (last version) to automate payments, using the command line API.

We are encountering the following (very annoying) issue :

"bank" is having 0.0995 from the "bitcoind getbalance"

This is what we have from the "listgrouping" :


Now when we do this :
console/ bitcoind sendmany "bank" '{ "1bankbMhn2zg35UcHYNS83YkD3WoDv9p6":0.0995}'
=> tid: 497e4049a290195609216079297c78703dbd10c439b6c0a3cf48cde192d8da37

This should not work as we have to pay the transaction ID, but the client is taking the 1 bitcoin FROM the "up3h" account to send them to 1bankbMhn2zg35UcHYNS83YkD3WoDv9p6, when we never specified this account.

Is this a bug ? Is there a way to ensure that all accounts are well separated, ie that the client will never take coins from account A if we tell me it to take it from account B, independently of any situation ?


12  Economy / Service Discussion / Be careful with matthew's bet on: August 22, 2012, 03:09:33 PM
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Proposal for increased security : delayed transactions on: March 11, 2012, 02:07:15 AM
If you plan to comment, read at least this Abstract :

I am proposing a simple "cancellation" of orders based on the following mechanism :

- A new set of address is created, those address have a associated "timestamp" value. Lets call them "safeAddress".

- When making a transaction from a safeAddress to a normal bitcoin address, the coin are "blocked" for a period of time corresponding to the timestamp.

- At any time, a safeAddress can be "destroyed", and all coin in the address AND all coins in transfer from this safeAddress are send back from the previous address where they were received.

- This dont impact at all "normal" feature of bitcoin (transfer from "normal" address are still instantaneous) but allow for a very safe banking system, no trust required on a single party, and finally make it very easy for casual users to have a very safe account.

In my opinion, the multi signature solution is aimed at a more expert population and I am not sure it can address the case where a user has a single bitcoin-machine and is totally neophyte. As well, it handles the cases where someone is asked with a gun to give his credentials and to transfer its bitcoin.

Would you rather prefer to be able to send 100k instantly all the time or would you rather prefer that for huge amounts a "rollback" period  would be possible ?
Honnestly, how often do you really need huge amount to be confirmed instantly versus the safety of your stash ?

I am sure that most people would of course prefer the second option.
But my solution does not remove the freedom that bitcoin provides as old address can still be used, it merely gives people more freedom over how they wanna store their bitcoins.

Old post (more detailed) below :


I am an avid bitcoin supporter since almost a year. And I am French as well, so don't feel offended by my bad grammar Smiley In my opinion, the biggest issue with bitcoin is still his security : While the anonymity and easy to transfer mechanisms bitcoin provides are very useful, they are also a goldmine for crooks and malevolent hackers.

This is in my opinion a problem for casual bitcoin users as it requires very secure bitcoin usage and this in turn requires users to be very knowledgeable to use bitcoin safely.

This problem is even worse for people wanting to use bitcoin as a store of value or banks : banks needs to have a huge level of trust in all its employee and security while users wanna store big value in bitcoin needs to be very safe in their usage.

My proposal aim to raise bitcoin to a new level of security while still retaining the current mechanism bitcoin offers.

This is an idea I have been having for almost 6 month now, and I think it is a very good one, provided it can be integrated into the bitcoin protocol without many technical issue. I have started to think about it for quite some time but only find the motivation to write about it just now, following the yet another theft of the linode / bitcoinica coins.

I know there has been some talk about multi key transaction, but as I am not totally aware of the consequences of this evolution I wont comment on this. However I don't think this evolution can address all the points my proposal is aiming to achieve.

Aims :

Specifically, I would like the following points to be possible :

ex A - I am having a party at my house with all top hackers in the worlds, which are all evil and dream of stealing my bitcoins. My wallet is open on my computer and I am having post it with the password all other my house. I still dont wanna loose my precious coins Smiley

ex B - Hazardous events like thief of a mtgox wallet can be not much of an issue.

ex C - Malicious users inside a huge banking compagny running with bitcoin does not raise any security issue.

ex D - Death or an accident (a compagny office burning with keys) does not threatens the wallet. Same thing if some exchange owner (like mtgox) dies or any other hazard happens.

ex E - Loss probability of wallet is almost impossible.

To adress points such as eD & eE, the only solution is to have many many duplicate of the key. Which raise the probability of theft in turn... How can we overcome all these problem at once ?

Onto my proposal, having a new set of address that allows the following :

pA - Allow “destruction” of address that send back coins where they came from. This of course requires a “timeframe” within which transactions are not yet confirmed.

pB - Allow cancelation of address, since we now have non instantaneous transactions for some bitcoin address. These address are only meants to be used for stash and exchanges, as they are not meant to be instanaous payments, but rathers transactions within trusted peers.

Implementation :

Create a new set of addresses which have an associated integer that encodes a timeframe where transactions can be cancelled.
Coins can still be received instantly (the delay depends on the origin address not on the incoming).

We now have two sets of address :

- The "old" ones, which can send bitcoins instantly.
- The new ones, which can send bitcoins with a delay defined by a time identifier (for example
address CHARGEBACK-1WEEK-12WG4sSQ4aJs7ELWyLSG2EkovRAobHYem4)

For example, I could use for my stash wallet a timeframe of 3 month : This essentially means that if I try to move coins from this wallet to another adress, the transaction will only be effective in 3 month. In the meantime, the transaction can be canceled at will.

In case of thieft, as there is no way in the protocol to distinguish between the original owner of the adress and the thief, we need to have a special mechanism thats left to be determined that allow any of the address owner (the legitimate or the thief) to “cancel” the address.

This mechanism can be to send a number of coins to a special address or anything special in the protocol (or for example 2 cancellation in a row, etc.). If this mechanism is raised, all the coins in the address are transferred back from where they were sent.

In case where an address has received 100 coins but for example only have 75 lefts those 75 coins can be spreaded evenly as if they were 100 (meaning each coin received from an address get 0.75 coins)

Example :

- So what does this mean ? Say all my coins stored on my personnal 3-month wallet have been received from mtgox. If someone now hacks my wallet, I now have 3 month to activate the mechanism that “destroy” the address and all the current transactions will be cancelled while all the coins will be then sent back to the mtgox address from where they were received.
This would create a bit of hassle for mtgox in this example but would still be far far better result than having my coins stolen.

- So now I want to have a very very safe wallet. How can I do this ?
I make a 1 month wallet, while I ask two of my friend Kris and Adrien to do the same. Now I send my coins from mtgox to the Kris wallet, then Kris send them to Adrien, then Adrien send them to my 1 month address.

Now if a hacker wants to get my coin, he has to hack me, I would then destroy the address, then he would have to hack Adrien, then Kris, then mtgox itself etc.
This makes my coins impossible to steal. And I can now use a simple passphrase that I can copy paste everywhere at my home so I’ll never forget it, so the risk of loss is even further reduced.

Now I can have my big party with hackers in the house and feel safe ! Smiley

But most importantly, this would make bitcoin so much better for banks...

Banks could use interconnected wallet network (mtgox send money to bitcoinica which send money to i-dont-know-who) where all the “big” wallets require something like a week to confirm transactions. Now any issue of the wallet security for banks is almost solved. Keys can be duplicated many times and trust amount employee does not need to be so paramount.

Even “hot wallet” can still be configured to be able to cancel transaction for one hour or so.

Conclusion :

As demonstrated in my examples, I think this proposal would make bitcoin incredibly secure and allowing it to be more newbie friendly as well as newbie would not have to worry too much about security as well. Instead they would just have to check their wallet from time to time to see if nothing is unusually missing, as they are doing with a normal bank account.

This would as well make the life of bitcoin banks very much easier as the amount of trust thats needs to be put on employees would be minimal. Any theft could be seen and undone very fast.

Ultimately, this would destroy most of the incentive for malicious hacker. With low chance of being successful at theft those would be reduced drastically.

All those aspects combined with the limited money supply from bitcoin protocol could make bitcoins a incredibly strong store of value.

Remarks :

- I don't think it is worth creating a new currency just for this. I really dislike the idea of many peer to peer currency nearly equivalent to bitcoin. I think more trust is gained by having a single powerful currency.

- I don't think this idea goes against the philosophical roots of bitcoin : users are still in control without central entities, most address for day to day uses can still stay “normal” address with no cancel of transaction possible. And merchants would be advised to refused cancellable transactions as payments.

Much love to all the bitcoin supporters !
12tJv59aMdYt7figQ2BnHG2sHmcEdUYMW6 Smiley
14  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Transaction chain on: May 19, 2011, 11:06:02 PM
Hello all,

First let me tell you all that i love the bitcoin concept. I wont detail the reasons as others have already did this numerous times, however i have a little concern.

How is the transaction chain gonna scale if at times the whole earth use it ?

It would becomes really hard to have and store the chain, and as well, could become hard to "keep up" for the network if transactions are created faster than it happens. I know, seems hard, however i work in finance and see daily algorithm doing like 1 million orders daily, making huge logs and huge database of which only a fraction of information is finally kept.

What are the technical solution that can be implemented to counter this eventual problem ?
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