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I'm planning to setup around 20 full nodes, and in order to make the process as fast as possible I was looking for a way to speed the "bootstrap" process.
Last time I did this there was a torrent regularly updated I think, as well as a site with a public download.
That was quite a few years back - now I've found a few of them, but I'm unsure if any of them are maintained by the community / a trusted community member, as I'd obviously prefer to use a trusted data source.
LA CAMPAÑA DE BOUNTIES ESTÁ EN CURSO1ª Venta Global ICO comenzará el: 27 de Junio ~ 10 de Julio2ª Venta Global ICO comenzará el: 16 de Julio ~ 10 de Agosto"Redefiniendo la Cuarta Revolución Industrial" Una nueva revolución ha comenzado con tecnología Blockchain

La misión del Proyecto ABLE es proveer servicios financieros integrados en la Blockchain. Todos los criptoactivos serán administrados mediante contratos inteligentes. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABLE va a empezar si Programa Oficial de Bounties para recompensar a sus seguidores con tokens. ¡¡La cantidad total de monedas ABLE distribuidas variará dependiendo del número total de participantes activos!!
0~200 participantes : $150,000 USD 200~300 participantes : $200,000 USD 300~500 participantes : $250,000 USD 500+ participantes : $300,000 USD
¡¡Haz correr la voz sobre nuestro programa de bounties para ganar más tokens ABLE/stake!!El programa durará 8 semanas. Las bounties serán distribuidas en un plazo de 30 días tras el final de la Venta de Tokens. Distribución General de la Bounty:  * Tenga en cuenta que los resultados se subirán tras el final de cada semana de una vez tras comprobar la validez TIENE QUE POSTEAR UN REPORTE DEL TRABAJO SEMANAL COMPLETADO al FINAL de la SEMANA EN CURSO EL DOMINGO, ANTES DE LAS 23:59 (UTC +0). CITAR ("Quote") o EDITAR REPORTES ANTERIORES NO ESTÁ PERMITIDO. CADA SEMANA, UN REPORTE DEBE SER ENVIADO HACIENDO POST NUEVO. SUS STAKES NO SERÁN CALCULADAS SI VIOLA ESTAS REGLAS.
Semana 1: 11 de Junio - 17 de Junio Semana 2: 18 de Junio - 24 de Junio Semana 3: 25 de Junio - 1 de Julio Semana 4: 2 de Julio - 8 de Julio Semana 5: 9 de Julio - 15 de Julio Semana 6: 16 de Julio - 22 de Julio Semana 7: 23 de Julio - 29 de Julio Semana 8: 30 de Julio - 5 de Agosto ____________________________________________________________________  Se pagarán stakes dependiendo de la cantidad de followers. 250-749 followers: 1 stake por retweet+me gusta | 2 stake por respuesta | 3 stake por tweet 750-1999 followers: 2 stake por retweet+me gusta | 4 stake por respuesta | 6 stake por tweet 2000-4999 followers: 4 stake por retweet+me gusta | 8 stake por respuesta | 12 stake por tweet 5000-9999 followers: 5 stake por retweet+me gusta | 10 stake por respuesta | 15 stake por tweet 10,000+ followers: 6 stake por retweet+me gusta | 12 stake por respuesta | 18 stake por tweet por usar el logotipo y la imagen de fondo de ABLE (ÉSTE ES EL ENLACE) en su cuenta de Twitter, será acreditado con 50% stakes adicionales semanalmenteNo hay cantidades mínimas para retweets, respuestas y tweets Se aceptan como máximo 3 retweets, 3 respuestas y 1 tweet al día.Solicitud: 1. Siga ABLE en Twitter 2. Rellene y envíe ESTE FORMULARIO3. Envíe su trabajo cada semana en el post "Campaña: Twitter Usuario de Bitcointalk: Enlace al Perfil de Twitter: Número de seguidores: Semana#: Links: 1. <fecha> <link> 2. <fecha> <link> 3. <fecha> <link> …" Reglas: 1. Siga ABLE en Twitter 2. Publique tweets informativos (no menos de 200 carácteres) sobre nuestro proyecto sobre un tema relevante (a la sola discreción del Bounty Manager/ABLE): la Venta de Tokens, aspectos del Whitepaper, tecnología relacionada, etc. usando las siguientes imágenes >>> con un enlace al sitio web de ABLE o al grupo de Telegram Y al menos 2 de estos hashtags: #Crypto #Blockchain #TGE #ICO #Crowdfunding #ethereum #ABLE #ABLEProject #TokenLaunch #TokenSale #BusinessProcess Tweets como "buen proyecto", "buen equipo, proyecto prometedor", "me encanta este proyecto", o cualquier otro tweet irrelevante y tweets sin enlaces y hashtags no serán contados como válidos. 3. Responda a nuestros tweets (no menos de 60 carácteres) en un tema del tweet original | explicado aquí -> | Respuestas como "buen proyecto", "buen equipo, proyecto prometedor", "me encanta este proyecto", o cualquier otra respuesta irrelevante no será contabilizada como válida. No responda a nada más antiguo a 7 días, NO será contado. 4. Retweet y de Me gusta a nuestras últimas publicaciones EN INGLÉS. NO añada nada a ello, en caso contrario sus stakes no serán calculados. No haga retweet en nada más antiguo a 7 días, NO será contado. Los retweets tienen que estar separados entre ellos al menos con una hora con un máximo de 3 al día. 5. Su puntuación de twitter audit ( debe ser al menos 85% y sólo los seguidores reales del último audit contarán. 6. Cuentas con seguidores falsos serán descalificadas. Perderá los stakes ganados si Twitter le banea durante la campaña. 7. Citar o editar reportes anteriores no está permitido. Cada semana, un reporte debe ser enviado haciendo un nuevo post. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________  Se pagarán stakes dependiendo de los amigos/seguidores. 100-500 Seguidores/Amigos: 1 stake por compartir+me gusta / 2 stake por comentario / 4 stake por post. 500-1500 Seguidores/Amigos: 2 stake por compartir+me gusta / 4 stake por comentario / 8 stake por post. 1500-3000 Seguidores/Amigos: 4 stake por compartir+me gusta / 8 stake por comentario / 16 stake por post. Más de 3000 Seguidores/Amigos: 6 stake por compartir+me gusta / 12 stake por comentario / 24 stake por post. por usar el logotipo y la imagen de fondo de ABLE (ÉSTE ES EL ENLACE) en su cuenta de Facebook, será acreditado con 50% stakes adicionales semanalmenteNo hay cantidad mínima para reposts, comentarios y posts Se aceptan como máximo 3 compartir+me gusta, 3 comentarios y 1 post al día.Solicitud: 1. Siga y de "Me gusta" a la página de Facebook de ABLE 2. Rellene y envíe ESTE FORMULARIO3. Registre su participación cada semana en el post "Campaña: Facebook Usuario de Bitcointalk: Enlace al Perfil de Facebook: Semana#: Links: 1. <fecha> <link> 2. <fecha> <link> 3. <fecha> <link> …" Reglas: 1. Siga y de a "Me gusta" a ABLE en Facebook. 2. Publique tweets informativos (no menos de 400 carácteres) sobre nuestro proyecto sobre un tema relevante (a la sola discreción del Bounty Manager/ABLE): la Venta de Tokens, aspectos del Whitepaper, tecnología relacionada, etc. usando las siguientes imágenes >>> con un enlace al sitio web de ABLE o al grupo de Telegram Y al menos 2 de estos hashtags: #Crypto #Blockchain #TGE #ICO #Crowdfunding #ethereum #ABLE #ABLEProject #TokenLaunch #TokenSale #BusinessProcess Posts como "buen proyecto", "buen equipo, proyecto prometedor", "me encanta este proyecto" o cualquier otros posts irrelevantes y posts sin enlaces y hashtags no serán contabilizados como válidos. 3. Deja un comentario significativo en nuestros posts (no menos de 60 carácteres) en un tema del post original. Comentarios como "buen proyecto", "buen equipo, proyecto prometedor", "me encanta este proyecto", o cualquier otro comentario irrelevante no será contabilizado como válido. No comente en nada más antiguo a 7 días, NO será contado. 4. Comparta y de "Me gusta" las últimas publicaciones de ABLE EN INGLÉS con un enlace al sitio web de ABLE o al grupo de Telegram Y al menos 2 de estos hashtags: #Crypto #Blockchain #TGE #ICO #Crowdfunding #ethereum #ABLE #ABLEProject #TokenLaunch #TokenSale #BusinessProcess. DEBE INCLUIR ÉSTOS EN SUS POSTS/SHARES (COMPARTIDOS), en caso contrario sus stakes no serán contabilizadas.No repostee nada más antiguo a 7 días, NO será contado. Los reposts tienen que estar separados entre ellos al menos con una hora con un máximo de 3 al día. 5. Las cuentas con amigos/seguidores falsos serán descalificadas. Perderá los stakes ganados si es baneado por Facebook durante la campaña. 6. Citar o editar reportes anteriores no está permitido. Cada semana, un reporte debe ser enviado haciendo un nuevo post. _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________  Comuníquese en el grupo oficial en Inglés de ABLE y hágase embajador. recompensa básica - 1 mensaje constructivo / informativo: 10 stakes recompensa adicional: pago único de 250 stakes si se convierte en embajador y 50% de participación adicional en la recompensa básica semanalmente si quiere ser embajador debe editar la información de su nombre en Telegram según el siguiente ejemplo: SU_NOMBRE | ABLE Project - The New Era of Crypto Finance y cambiar su avatar al logotipo de ABLE (AQUÍ ESTÁ EL ENLACE)recompensa máxima semanal: 700 stakesSolicitud1. Rellene y envíe ESTE FORMULARIO2. Contacte con @Carmen_ABLE ( a través de Telegram y cambie su avatar si quiere ser embajador 3. No hace falta hacer reportes ya que, al final de la semana, su actividad será manualmente evaluada por los bounty managers. Reglas1. Responda las preguntas de los demás participantes, genere la actividad cuando lo crea necesario, exprese su opinión sobre ABLE en este chat Solo se aceptarán posts significativos. 3. Use el avatar durante al menos una semana para recibir el pago único de 250 stakes. 4. Si usted es embajador, el spam e insultar a otros participantes están estrictamente prohibidos. En este caso, quedará descalificado y perderá todos sus stakes. ___________________________________________________________________  Esta recompensa consiste en dos tareas: 1. Traducción del hilo de ANN y Bounties 2. Traducción de Whitepaper a los siguientes idiomas: español, chino, ruso, japonés 3. Traducción del sitio web a los siguientes idiomas: español, chino, ruso, japonés *No estamos planeando traducir a otros idiomas además de los mencionados anteriormente.Traducción del sitio web: 50 stakes Hilo de ANN y Bounty: 50 stakes + 5 Stakes por post válido (ambos hilos deben ser traducidos) Traducción del Whitepaper: 200 stakesSolicitud: 1. Envíe un PM a @Carmen_ABLE ( con los siguientes detalles: Idioma nativo Parte de la bounty por la que hace la solicitud (ANN/WP/Sitio Web) Experiencia de Traducción/moderación (si la tiene) Usuario de Bitcointalk Enlace a su Perfil de Bitcointalk Dirección de wallet ERC-20" 2. Si es aceptado, le enviaremos un PM en Telegram o un email. 3. Tras ser aceptado y completar la traducción, postéela en este hilo con un enlace al hilo traducido o whitepaper. Reglas: Se requiere que los participantes mantengan vivo el hilo local y los grupos de Telegram publicando y traduciendo actualizaciones periódicas, noticias o cualquier anuncio importante. Se rechazarán los hilos con un sólo post. 2. Las traducciones automáticas (Google o similares) o traducciones con baja calidad serán rechazadas. 3. Los posts innecesarios o repetidos serán rechazados para la contabilización de stakes. 4. Solo las publicaciones escritas por el OP contarán. _________________________________________________________________  Distribución de stakes de acuerdo al nivel del usuario: Jr. Member: 10 stakes/semana Member: 20 stakes/semana Full Member: 50 stakes/semana Sr Member: 60 stakes/semana Hero: 70 stakes/semana Legendary: 100 stakes/semanaSolicitud: 1. Añada la firma de su nivel, avatar y texto personal 2. Rellene y envíe ESTE FORMULARIO3. No hace falta hacer reportes ya que, al final de la semana, su actividad será manualmente evaluada por los bounty managers. Rules: 1. La firma, avatar y texto personal deben mantenerse hasta que los stakes hayan sido calculados tras el final de cada período semanal. 2. Un mínimo de 15 posts significativos por semana debe ser realizado durante este período. Off-topic, spam and posts sin significado no serán contabilizados. Los posts en este hilo así como postear la mayoría de sus posts semanales un el mismo hilo no será contabilizado. 3. Crear más de 30 posts semanales hará que la cantidad de stakes ganados se doble. 4. Los posts realizados en las siguiente secciones (y todos sus subforos) no serán contados como posts válidos: Marketplace; Off-topic; Archival; Marketplace (Altcoins). 5. Los posts deben tener una longitud mínima de 70 carácteres. 6. Los participantes deben tener al menos nivel Jr. Member en el foro. 7. Cada participante con nivel Full Member y mayor debe usar nuestro avatar. 8. No se aceptarán participantes con Participants with puntuación de confianza (trust score) en rojo. *Avatar Personal: ABLE: The New Era of Crypto Finance *Firmas Jr. Member able | New Era of Crypto Finance [center]able | New Era of Crypto Finance[/center] Membera b l e / ♦ \ New Era of Crypto Finance [ J O I N N O W ] [center]a b l e / ♦ \ New Era of Crypto Finance [u] [/u] [ J O I N N O W ] [u] [/u][/center]
Full Member[center][url=]a b l e[/url] / ♦ \ [url=]N e w E r a o f C r y p t o F i n a n c e[/url] [u] [/u] [ [url=]J O I N N O W[/url] ] [u] [/u] [url=]Whitepaper[/url] [url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url] [url=]Github[/url] [url=]Youtube[/url] [url=]Kakaotalk[/url] [url=]Medium[/url] [url=]Linkedin[/url] [url=]Telegram[/url] [url=]Reddit[/url] [url=]ANN Thread[/url][/center]
Senior Member[center][b][url=][font=century gothic][color=#0066AE]a b l e[/color][/font][/url] [color=#0066AE]/ ♦ \[/color] [url=][font=montserrat,arial][color=#010036]N e [color=#15164D]w E [color=#23205A]r a [color=#2E2A65]o f [color=#393470]C r [color=#4D4685]y[/color] p t[/color] o F[/color] i n[/color] a n[/color] c e[/color][/font][/url][/b] [color=#45B5FF][u] [/u] [ [url=][font=arial black][color=#006FB7]J [color=#0086D1]O [color=#2DA7F5]I [color=#45B5FF]N[/color] N[/color] O[/color] W[/color][/font][/url] ] [u] [/u][/color] [font=arial narrow][b][url=][color=#0066AE]Whitepaper[/color][/url] [url=][color=#45B5FF]Facebook[/color][/url] [url=][color=#0066AE]Twitter[/color][/url] [url=][color=#45B5FF]Github[/color][/url] [url=][color=#0066AE]Youtube[/color][/url] [url=][color=#45B5FF]Kakaotalk[/color][/url] [url=][color=#0066AE]Medium[/color][/url] [url=][color=#45B5FF]Linkedin[/color][/url] [url=][color=#0066AE]Telegram[/color][/url] [url=][color=#45B5FF]Reddit[/color][/url] [url=][color=#0066AE]ANN Thread[/color][/url][/b][/font][/center]
Hero Member ███ ██ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ | | ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ | | | | | | | | █▀▀▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄▄▄▄ | | ▀▀▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄▄▄█ | | | | |
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Legendary Member ███ ██ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ █ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ | | ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ █ ██ ███ ██ ███ ██ ███ | | | | | | | | █▀▀▀▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄▄▄▄ | | ▀▀▀▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄▄▄▄█ | | | |
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¿El Proyecto ABLE? - Soluciona el problema de los actuales servicios bancarios con los márgenes de spread y los servicios financieros centralizados de criptomonedas. - Desarrolla un sistema de emparejamiento que conecta a depositantes y prestatarios para proveer soluciones bancarias fiables y una plataforma de inversión en el ABLE DEX. Características del Proyecto Able - Permite tanto a depositantes como a prestatarios acordar una tasa de interés propuesta sin intermediarios. - Previene el riesgo moral del administrador y la piratería de los servidores manteniendo la inversión del usuario en el sistema descentralizado. Hoja de ruta del Proyecto ABLE  - El ecosistema crece a medida que se agregan más productos financieros como fondos mutuos en el ABLE DEX. - El objetivo final es construir una plataforma financiera descentralizada basada en la banca. Equipo Del Proyecto ABLE- El equipo de ABLE se especializa en diversos sectores financieros, incluido el Servicio Nacional de Impuestos y el Servicio Nacional de Pensiones. - Especialistas en finanzas, informática (IT) y marketing comparten su mejor visión para crear la experiencia bancaria perfecta. - Asesores de derecho, finanzas e inversión participan para prestar un servicio financiero de alto nivel de forma segura. ¡¡Haga click aquí y únase al Programa de Bounties de ABLE!![Información de Venta del Proyecto ABLE]¡¡Más de 10,000 ETH recaudados!!Primera Pre-Venta Hardcap AlcanzadoFecha: 27 de Marzo (confirmado) Pre-Venta estará disponible en Token Bank: (permite idioma Inglés) * Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.0015 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: Aproximadamente 1000 Ethereum (variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum y otras monedas consideradas * Participación mínima: 0.1 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: dentro de 2 semanas tras la ICO.Segunda Pre-Venta Hardcap Alcanzado en sólo 57 min.!!!!!!Fecha: 26 de Abril (TokenBank), 28 de Abril (CoinRail) (confirmado) La Pre-Venta estará disponible en Token Bank: (permite idioma Inglés), y CoinRail : * Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.0017 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: Aproximadamente 2000 Ethereum (variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum y otras monedas consideradas * Participación mínima: 0.5 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: dentro de 2 semanas tras la ICO.1ª Venta Pública (3ª Pre-Venta será dividida en 2~3 ventas públicas)Hardcap Alcanzado en sólo 12 horas!!!!!!Fecha: 8 de Mayo (confirmado) La Venta Pública estará disponible en CoinRail : Official Notice : * Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.0018 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: Aproximadamente 2000 Ethereum (variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum y otras monedas consideradas * Participación mínima: 0.5 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: dentro de 2 semanas tras la ICO.2ª Venta Pública (3ª Pre-Venta será dividida en 2~3 ventas públicas)Hardcap Alcanzado en sólo 17 min.!!!!!!Fecha: 16 de Mayo (confirmado) La Venta Pública estará disponible en CoinRail : Official Notice : * Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.0019 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: Aproximadamente 2000 Ethereum (variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum, Bitcoin * Participación mínima: 0.5 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: dentro de 2 semanas tras la ICO.3ª Venta Pública (3ª Pre-Venta será dividida en 2~3 ventas públicas)Hardcap Alcanzado en sólo 1 min. 40 seg!!!!!!!!!Fecha: 24 de Mayo (confirmado) *Sale Method: Sets Daily Hardcap, only sold in weekdays. Total 3000 ETH La Venta Pública estará disponible en CoinRail : Official Notice : * Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.0020 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: Aproximadamente 3000 Ethereum (variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum, Bitcoin * Participación mínima: 0.5 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: dentro de 2 semanas tras la ICO.1ª Venta GlobalFecha: 27 de Junio ~ 10 de Julio del 2018 (confirmado) La Venta Pública estará disponible en nuestro SITIO WEB OFICIAL* Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.00205 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: 4000 Ethereum (12.7 Billiones de tokens ABLE) (=Aproximadamente $ 2,400,000 USD variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum, Bitcoin * Tipo de Cambio de ABLE: Precio del ETH y BTC del 25 de Junio * Participación mínima: 0.5 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: Finales de Agosto 2ª Venta GlobalFecha: 16 de Julio ~ 10 de Agosto del 2018 (confirmado) La Venta Pública estará disponible en nuestro SITIO WEB OFICIAL* Precio de Pre-venta = estimado en $0.00215 por 1 ABLE * Volumen total de emisión: 25 billones de ABLE (distribución pública total: 15 billones) * Hard Cap de la Pre-Venta: 11000 Ethereum (33.5 Billiones de tokens ABLE) (=Aproximadamente $ 6,600,000 USD variando de las condiciones del mercado) * Criptomonedas Aceptadas: Ethereum, Bitcoin * Tipo de Cambio de ABLE: Precio del ETH y BTC del 14 de Julio * Participación mínima: 0.5 ETH * No hay participación máxima Calendario de distribución de las tokens: Finales de Agosto [Proyecto ABLE]¡¡Haga click aquí y únase al Programa de Bounties de ABLE!!Sitio web:[Canales Sociales del Proyecto ABLE]Medium - Relacionados:[El Proyecto ABLE en Comunicados de Prensa]"ABLE, marca el momento del Banco de Blockchain para la 4ª Revolución Industrial" - AltCoinToday…y muchos más. Puede comprobar la información de nuestros comunicados de prensa en nuestro sitio web oficial:※ Si tiene cualquier pregunta sobre el Proyecto ABLE, puede encontrar al equipo de ABLE en Telegram, Twitter, Facebook. Gracias. Este hilo no es oficial. Es una traducción del original en Para contactar directamente con el equipo de ABLE, únase al canal oficial de Telegram.
BOUNTY CAMPAIGN FINISHED ON MARCH 9THYou may now remove your signatures and avatars. 540000 USD BOUNTY CAMPAIGNANNOUNCEMENT THREAD The bounty structure is as follows: Avatar and signature campaign (25%, 135000 USD) Translations campaign (17%, 91800 USD) Articles and Blogs campaign (15%, 81000 USD) Facebook campaign (10%, 54000 USD) Twitter campaign (10%, 54000 USD) Reddit campaign (10%, 54000 USD) Telegram presence campaign (3%, 16200 USD) SPECIAL Telegram/Slack group Campaign (5%, 27000 USD) Miscellaneous bounty (5%, 27000 USD)Weeks are defined as Monday to Sunday. The bounty campaign will end after the Silver Token ICO ends. The USD amounts are calculated based on the HARDCAP amount. Avatar and Signature Campaign (25%, 135000 USD)We will reward people who change their signature and avatar to those provided below. To ensure a fair distribution, we will use a points/stakes system. Remember not to remove the signature until the ICO ends and the spreadsheet is updated with the final distribution of points/stakes, so as to ensure counting is done properly.Rewards Jr. Member: 10 points/week Member: 20 points/week Full Member: 40 points/week Sr. Member: 40 points/week Hero Member: 60 points/week Legendary: 60 points/week
Wearing our avatar: 20% extra points.
How to join the Avatar and Signature campaign?- Change the signature (and avatar, if you want to participate on that campaign) to the one corresponding to your rank- Fill in this form. - The spreadsheet will be updated to show your Approved or Declined status.
If you join 3 days or less before the weekly accounting period ends, your stakes will be issued regardless of whether you do or don't reach the minimum 10 posts. Of course, from that week onwards all rules apply.
* Minimum 10 posts per week to be able to receive stakes. At least 6 of them must be in the Alternate cryptocurrencies forum (in English). * Posts must be constructive (over 100 characters) and On-topic. Spam, abuse, low-quality posts, copy and paste posts, offtopic, and insults will result in a ban. * Posts in following Discussion Boards: Politics and Society, Off-topic, Archival, Auctions, Lending, Beginners and help, Micro Earnings, Games and Rounds, Investor-based games and Gambling discussion will not count towards your weekly minimum. * Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * The signature code/avatar must be used exactly as provided. It is not allowed to make any changes or add anything else to your signature/avatar. Changing the signature/avatar before the ICO ends will disqualify you from the signature campaign. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification.
HERO/LEGENDARY [center][table][tr][td][font=courier][size=2px][color=#019] ▄█ ▄█ █ ▄█ ▒█ █ █ ▄ ▒█ ▒▒ ▒█ █ ▄ █ ▒▒ ██ ▒█ █ ▐█ ▒ █▒ █▒ ▒█ ▒ ▐█ ▒ █▒ █ █▒ █▒ ▐ ▒█ ▒▒ ▒█ █▒ ▒ █ ██ ███ ▒█ ▒██ █ █ █ ██ ▒█ ▒█ ▒ ██ ██ ██ ▒█▒ ███ █ ▒ ▒██▒███▒ █ ▒█ █▒ ██ █ █ ██ ▒██ ▒██ █ █ ██ ██▒ ███ ██ ▒██ █▒ █ ██ ▒▒ █▒ ██ ▒█ █▒ █ ██ ▒██ ▒██ ██ ▒█ ██ ▒█ ███ ██▒ █▒█ █ █ █ █ █ █▒ █▒ █ ▒ ▒█ █▒ ▒█ █ ▒ ██ ▒█ ▒█ █ ▀ █ █ ██ █▒ █ ▀ █ █ ▒ ▒ █[/td][td][url=][size=23px][b][color=#019]QUANTUM[color=#9999a3]1[/color]NET[/url] [size=10px][b] ICO STARTS IN 2ND OF FEBRUARY[/td][td][size=32px]•[/td][td][center][url=][font=Arial][Size=16px][b][glow=#223,2][size=14px][color=#fff] QUANTUM HACKING IS COMING. ARE YOU READY? [/glow] [size=19px][b][color=#019]GET QUANTUM PROTECTED[/td][td][size=32px]•[/td][td][center][url=][size=2px][tt][color=#019]▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████████▄ ▐██████████████████████████████▌ ▐█████████████████████▒░█████████▌ ████████████████▒░ ██████████ ▐███████████░░ ░██████████▌ ████████░ ░████████████ █████████▓░░ ░█████████████ █████████████▓░ ██████████████ ▐██████████████▒ ░█████████████▌ ███████████████▒ ░██████████████ ▐███████████████░ ░██████████████▌ ▐██████████████████████████████▌ ▀████████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████▀ ▀▀████████████▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀[/td][td][center][url=][tt][size=2px][color=#000]▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████▄ ▄███████████▒░ ░ ░ ░████▄ ▄███████████░ ░██████▄ ▐██████████░ ░ ░███████▌ ▐███████████░ ░█████████████▌ ███████████░ ░███████████████ ▐███████████░ ░███████████████▌ █████████░ ░███████████ █████████░ ░███████████ █████████▓▓▓░ ░▓▓▓▓▓███████████ ▐███████████░ ░███████████████▌ ███████████░ ░███████████████ ▐██████████░ ░██████████████▌ ▐█████████░ ░█████████████▌ ▀████████░ ░████████████▀ ▀██████░ ░██████████▀ ▀████░ ░████████▀ ▀▀░ ░████▀▀[/td][td][center][url=][tt][color=#019][size=2px] ▄▄▄████████▄▄▄ ▄▄██████████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████████▄ ███░▒██████████████▒ ░██████████ ▓███░ ░███████████ ░▒██████▓ █████░ ██████░ ▓██████ ▄█████░ █████░ █▒▓█████▄ ██████░ █ ░█░ ▓ ▓██████ ██████░ █ ░█░ ▒█░ ▓██████ ██████░ █ ░█▒ ▓▓ ▓██████ ██████░ ████▒ ░█ ▓░ ▓██████ ▀█████░ ████████▒█▓ ▓█████▀ ███████▒░ ███████████▓░ ▓█████ █████████▓░ ███████████████░ ▓████ ████████████████████████████████ ▀████████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████████▀ ▀▀██████████████████▀▀ ▀▀▀████████▀▀▀[/td][td][center][url=][tt][size=2px][color=#000]▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████▄ ▄███████████████ ░░ ██▄ ▐███████████████░ █████░ ░███▌ ▐███████████████░ ███████████████▌ ██████████░ ░▒██████████ ▐██ ███▌ ███ ░███ ███░ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ░████ ████░ ▒▓▓░ ░▓▓▓ █████ ▐███▒ ░████▌ ████░ ▒▓░ ░▓▓ ░█████ ▐█████ ░▓▓▓▓▓░ ██████▌ ██████░ ░███████▌ ▀████████████▒░▒▒████████████▀ ▀████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████▀ ▀▀████████████▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀[/tr][/table][/center] SR. MEMBER [center][table][tr][td][font=courier][size=2px][color=#019] ▄█ ▄█ █ ▄█ ▒█ █ █ ▄ ▒█ ▒▒ ▒█ █ ▄ █ ▒▒ ██ ▒█ █ ▐█ ▒ █▒ █▒ ▒█ ▒ ▐█ ▒ █▒ █ █▒ █▒ ▐ ▒█ ▒▒ ▒█ █▒ ▒ █ ██ ███ ▒█ ▒██ █ █ █ ██ ▒█ ▒█ ▒ ██ ██ ██ ▒█▒ ███ █ ▒ ▒██▒███▒ █ ▒█ █▒ ██ █ █ ██ ▒██ ▒██ █ █ ██ ██▒ ███ ██ ▒██ █▒ █ ██ ▒▒ █▒ ██ ▒█ █▒ █ ██ ▒██ ▒██ ██ ▒█ ██ ▒█ ███ ██▒ █▒█ █ █ █ █ █ █▒ █▒ █ ▒ ▒█ █▒ ▒█ █ ▒ ██ ▒█ ▒█ █ ▀ █ █ ██ █▒ █ ▀ █ █ ▒ ▒ █[/td][td][url=][size=23px][b][color=#019]QUANTUM[color=#9999a3]1[/color]NET[/url] [size=10px][b] ICO STARTS IN 2ND OF FEBRUARY[/td][td][size=32px]•[/td][td][center][url=][font=Arial][b][size=14px][color=#223]QUANTUM HACKING IS COMING. ARE YOU READY? [size=19px][b][color=#019]GET QUANTUM PROTECTED[/td][td][size=32px]•[/td][td][center][url=][size=2px][tt][color=#019]▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████████▄ ▐██████████████████████████████▌ ▐█████████████████████▒░█████████▌ ████████████████▒░ ██████████ ▐███████████░░ ░██████████▌ ████████░ ░████████████ █████████▓░░ ░█████████████ █████████████▓░ ██████████████ ▐██████████████▒ ░█████████████▌ ███████████████▒ ░██████████████ ▐███████████████░ ░██████████████▌ ▐██████████████████████████████▌ ▀████████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████▀ ▀▀████████████▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀[/td][td][center][url=][tt][size=2px][color=#000]▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████▄ ▄███████████▒░ ░ ░ ░████▄ ▄███████████░ ░██████▄ ▐██████████░ ░ ░███████▌ ▐███████████░ ░█████████████▌ ███████████░ ░███████████████ ▐███████████░ ░███████████████▌ █████████░ ░███████████ █████████░ ░███████████ █████████▓▓▓░ ░▓▓▓▓▓███████████ ▐███████████░ ░███████████████▌ ███████████░ ░███████████████ ▐██████████░ ░██████████████▌ ▐█████████░ ░█████████████▌ ▀████████░ ░████████████▀ ▀██████░ ░██████████▀ ▀████░ ░████████▀ ▀▀░ ░████▀▀[/td][td][center][url=][tt][color=#019][size=2px] ▄▄▄████████▄▄▄ ▄▄██████████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████████▄ ███░▒██████████████▒ ░██████████ ▓███░ ░███████████ ░▒██████▓ █████░ ██████░ ▓██████ ▄█████░ █████░ █▒▓█████▄ ██████░ █ ░█░ ▓ ▓██████ ██████░ █ ░█░ ▒█░ ▓██████ ██████░ █ ░█▒ ▓▓ ▓██████ ██████░ ████▒ ░█ ▓░ ▓██████ ▀█████░ ████████▒█▓ ▓█████▀ ███████▒░ ███████████▓░ ▓█████ █████████▓░ ███████████████░ ▓████ ████████████████████████████████ ▀████████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████████▀ ▀▀██████████████████▀▀ ▀▀▀████████▀▀▀[/td][td][center][url=][tt][size=2px][color=#000]▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄████████████▄▄ ▄████████████████████▄ ▄████████████████████████▄ ▄███████████████ ░░ ██▄ ▐███████████████░ █████░ ░███▌ ▐███████████████░ ███████████████▌ ██████████░ ░▒██████████ ▐██ ███▌ ███ ░███ ███░ ▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ░████ ████░ ▒▓▓░ ░▓▓▓ █████ ▐███▒ ░████▌ ████░ ▒▓░ ░▓▓ ░█████ ▐█████ ░▓▓▓▓▓░ ██████▌ ██████░ ░███████▌ ▀████████████▒░▒▒████████████▀ ▀████████████████████████▀ ▀████████████████████▀ ▀▀████████████▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀[/tr][/table][/center] FULL MEMBER [center][font=lucida sans unicode][b][url=][color=#061b90]QUANTUM [color=#ccd]1[/color]NET • [/color][color=#000] QUANTUM HACKING IS COMING. ARE YOU READY? [color=#061b90]• QUANTUM [color=#ccd]1[/color]NET [/color] [color=#000]▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [color=#061b90]GET QUANTUM PROTECTED[/color] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/url] [color=#000][url=][color=#061b90]TELEGRAM[/url] ▬ [url=][color=#000]FACEBOOK[/url] ▬ [url=][color=#061b90]MEDIUM[/url] ▬ [url=][color=#000]REDDIT[/url] ▬ [url=][color=#061b90]WEBSITE[/url][/center] MEMBER [center][url=]QUANTUM 1NET • QUANTUM HACKING IS COMING. ARE YOU READY? • QUANTUM 1NET ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ GET QUANTUM PROTECTED ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬[/url] [url=]TELEGRAM[/url] [url=]▬ FACEBOOK[/url] [url=]▬ MEDIUM[/url][url=] ▬ REDDIT [/url][url=]▬ WEBSITE[/url][/center] JR. MEMBER [center][url=]QUANTUM 1NET • QUANTUM HACKING IS COMING. ARE YOU READY? • QUANTUM 1NET [/center] Avatar Click here to see the spreadsheet.Translations (17%, 91800 USD)We will need your help to ensure our website, announcement thread, bounty thread and whitepaper is translated to several languages.RewardsWhitepaper: 1000 pointsANN+Bounty: 200 pointsWebsite: 300 pointsModeration: 25 points/week. ANN+Bounty translators must actively moderate their threads.Join the translation campaignFill in this form. The spreadsheet will be updated to show your Approved status. You will be contacted by PM. From that moment, you will have 72 hours (7 days for whitepaper) to translate what you applied for. If you fail to send the translations on time, they will be assigned to a different translator.Rules* No automated translations. * Moderations: minimum 2 posts per week, in the translated language. Only 100+ characters posts. Must ensure questions asked on the thread of the translator are answered. * If the English version of the threads is updated, translators must update their own threads at least once a week. * Moderation, with all its requirements, is not optional if you are translating the announcement post or the bounty thread. Failure to follow the moderation requirements will disqualify you. Click here to see the spreadsheet.Twitter and Facebook (20%)Help us get the word out about Quantum1Net and be rewarded. Twitter (10%, 54000 USD)Rewards For each tweet/retweet: >=200 followers: 1 point >=1000 followers: 2 point >=5000 followers: 5 point >=10000 followers: 10 point >=20000 followers: 20 point
Reply positive comment with Hashtag >=200 followers: 1 point >=1000 followers: 2 point >=5000 followers: 5 point >=10000 followers: 10 point >=20000 followers: 20 point Join the Twitter campaign
- Fill in this form. - Every week, post the links to the Twitter tweets/retweets you perform in a single post report, using this format:
Twitter - from 22/09 to 28/09 User: twitteruserexample Followers: 1204 Posts: 1. 2. ... Rules* No accounts whose only purpose is to post advertising, fake or inactive. The followers must be real. TwitterAudit must be over 70%. * Accounts spamming tens of ICOs posts will be disqualified. * 5 posts/retweets minimum weekly. * 2 posts/retweets maximum daily. * 14 posts/retweets maximum weekly. * Tweets must be original. * Tweets need to be constructive and not simply spam * For your content/tweets to be qualified, you need to choose at least one of these three content types below: a. Raise discussion about the Quantum1Nets quantum key encryption being unhackable and brings 100% privacy. b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Quantum1Net Convertible Silver Token contribution event. c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc. Ex. Quantum1Net has the first convertible token in the ICO world, Quantum1Net is doing a quantum safe bitcoin fork ). * Do not Retweet and Share Older than a week posts. * You must reference @quantum1net and use hashtag #Quantum1Net in all your posts * Must post about the Quantum1Net ICO, follow our account and retweet our tweets. * Do not try to quote your previous shares with added tweets or re-tweets that is beyond the inclusive week. Any attempt to break this rule just to cheat and get more stakes will result in a disqualification. * Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * Reports will be accepted until 24 hours after the ICO ends. However the links in the reports must have been created before the ICO finished. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification. Click here to see the spreadsheet.Facebook (10%, 54000 USD)RewardsFor each post/share: 1 point 1 extra point for every 1000 friends you have. 2 Points if you post in active facebook groups that are ICO, TOKEN SALE or CRYPTO CURRENCY related. Group minimum members: 2000Join the Facebook campaign
* Fill in this form. * Every week, post the links to the Facebook posts/shares you perform in a single post report, using this format:
Facebook - from 22/09 to 28/09 Link to your Facebook account: Friends: 1204 Posts: 1. 2. 2. ... Rules* No accounts whose only purpose is to post advertising, fake or inactive. The friends must be real. You must have over 250 friends. * Accounts spamming tens of ICOs posts will be disqualified. * 5 posts/shares minimum weekly. * 3 posts/shares maximum daily. * 21 posts/shares maximum weekly. * Posts must be public. Also, if any of the interactions (likes,comments,shares...) aren't public we will be unable to verify them. * Must post about the Quantum1Net ICO, like us on Facebook and like our posts. * Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification. * Report your group posts with a screenshot link from gyazo in this BitcoinTalk bounty thread - Download here -> Screenshot needs to look like the one in this example: points are added weekly so the only activity taken into account is the one available on submission. Click here to see the spreadsheet.Reddit (10%, 54000 USD)Rewards* Follow our subreddit REWARD: 1 point.
* Positive post about Quantum1net REWARD: 3 points/Post with >3 upvotes + 15 points per every 10 upvote(Capped at 100 upvotes) Only in subreddits different than the Quantum1net subreddit, and they must be related to cryptocurrencies / ICOs. Extra +1 point for each comment your post receives. Only comments viewable with default filters and from accounts with 100+ karma will qualify.
* Reply to posts about or mentioning Quantum1net REWARD: 1 points/reply with >3 upvotes + 10 points per every 10 upvote(Capped at 100 upvotes) Extra +1 point for each comment your post receives. Only comments viewable with default filters and from accounts with 100+ karma will qualify.
* All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by Quantum1Net staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification. You can, however, use our official images, logos, graphics, and other branding materials from our website and in the ANN thread.
BONUS Accounts with 1000 and above karma will receive a 20% bonus to their reward.
Submit work for the Reddit campaign
* Fill in this form when you subscribe to our subreddit/for each post/reply you make on Reddit. * Every week, post the links to all your Reddit posts in a single post report, using this format:
Reddit - from 22/09 to 28/09 Did you subscribe? YES Posts: 1. 2. 2. Replies: 1. 2. 2. ... Rules* No accounts whose only purpose is to post advertising, fake or inactive. * 3 posts maximum daily. * 21 posts maximum weekly. * Posts must be publicly available. * Must post about the Quantum1Net ICO and link to one of our official URLs. * Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification. * Only one reddit account per person * Minimum 100 karma * No flaming, spamming or abuse * Posts receiving negative karma will not be counted * Posts to be made in active subreddits with a minimum of 500 subscribers Click here to see the spreadsheet.Articles and Blogs (10%, 81000 USD)We will reward authors who help spread the word on our ICO and generate quality content. RewardsOver 300 words: 1 stake Over 500 words: 2 stakes Over 900 words: 4 stakes Submit an Article or Blog Rules* Must stay online until the end of the ICO. * No copied content. No content translated automatically. * All content must be original. Plagiarizing, copying, or translating existing content, including content published by Quantum1Net staff, is prohibited and will lead to disqualification. * For your content/tweets to be qualified, you need to choose at least one of these three content types below: a. Raise discussion about the Quantum1Nets quantum key encryption being unhackable and brings 100% privacy. b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Quantum1Net Convertible Silver Token contribution event. c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events (token advantages, team members, business model, etc. Ex. Quantum1Net has the first convertible token in the ICO world, Quantum1Net is doing a quantum safe bitcoin fork ). * Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * Must contain at least 2 links to* Must be publicly and freely available. * No illegal, unethical or unsafe for work sites/domains. * We reserve the right to reject any article/blog/website. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification. Telegram (3%, 16200 USD)We will reward active users in our telegram channel. Make sure to stay in the channel until the end of the ICO to receive tokens. RewardsBeing active at least once a week: 2 points
+1 point/week extra for also joining the Official Group
+1 point/week extra for also adding to your telegram name. For example, if your name is usually John Doe, change it to: "John Doe -")Join the Telegram campaign* Fill in this form. * Join the official Telegram group. * Join the bounty Telegram group. * Change your Telegram name and add "" to it. For example, if your name is usually John Doe, change it to: "John Doe -". Click here to see the spreadsheet.Rules* Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification. SPECIAL Telegram/Slack Group Campaign (5%, 27000 USD)We want to spread awareness about Quatum1Net and the coming Quantum computing era in Telegram and Slack. Post about us in groups and help us spread awareness to get Rewards, Rewards>=200 group members: 1 points >=500 group members: 2 points >=1000 group members: 4 points >=3000 group members: 6 points >=5000 group members: 10 points >=10000 group members: 20 points >=20000 group members: 40 points
>> DOUBLE POINTS (X2) between 7 Feb - 17Feb!<<Rules* Post in 5 groups minimum weekly * Post in active groups that are ICO, TOKEN SALE or CRYPTO CURRENCY related * For your post to be qualified, post must contain and link to one of our official URLs and you need to choose at least one of these three content types below: a. Raise discussion about the Quantum1Net quantum key encryption being unhackable and brings 100% privacy. b. Encourage or provide persuasive reasons for why people should participate in the Quantum1Net Convertible Silver Token contribution event. c. Provide a constructive comparison with other token contribution events, (token advantages, team members, business model, etc. For example: Quantum1Net having the first Convertible Token in the ICO and Token Sale, Quantum1Net is doing a quantum safe bitcoin fork). * Members with negative trust cannot join our campaign. If you have negative trust at any time of our campaign you will be disqualified. * Slander, racism, hate speech... will yield to campaign disqualification. * No flaming or abuse * Report your posts with a screenshot link from Gyazo in the BitcoinTalk bounty thread - Download here -> Screenshot needs to look like the one in this example: Join the SPECIAL Telegram/Slack campaign* Fill in this form. * Report your posts here, in this thread, in a weekly report, each with a screenshot link from Gyazo in the BitcoinTalk bounty thread - Download here -> needs to look like the one in this example: Click here to see the spreadsheet.General Rules of Conduct1. The team reserves the rights to amend the rules should the need arise 2. Be polite and professional at all times when participating in any bounty program 3. Judgements made by the team may be appealed once. Rude and abusive appeals will be ignored. 4. No hate speech, slurs or hurtful language will be allowed under any circumstances 5. Material posted shall be worksafe 6. Moderation decisions may be subjective, what we believe to be common sense will be taken into consideration when making a ruling 7. Any malicious activity or links will lead to instant exclusion from the bounty program. 8. Weeks run from Monday to Sunday. We will await until Monday 23:59h London time (in the next week) for sending reports, and the spreadsheets will be updated 1-2 days later with all the earned points.
Is there any calculator which allows me to choose inputs and lets me know the minimum viable fee?
I mean, I understand how fees work, that's why the calculator must have input chooser.
Please post here if your account was disabled.
We need to know how many people are really affected.
A few months ago I read about a way to send fees for an existing transaction in a different one. I don't remember where I read that though. Is that already possible?
¿Qué sitios conocéis para vender Bitcoins por Hal-Cash?
Remember Bitcoins are not like PayPal or any other e-money.
There is no way to recover lost Bitcoins. Make sure to save and store backups safely. Your wallet is your money.
Most wallets offer a recovery seed. Treat the recovery seed like your Bitcoins themselves.
Remember whoever has your backups or recovery seed basically owns your Bitcoins.
Looks like they're getting tired of answering so many tickets of angry customers. They have emailed this warning: There has been an increase in fraudulent sites and phishing scams targeting Bittrex users with the intent of obtaining usernames, passwords, and two factor codes. To protect yourself; When you want to visit the Bittrex site, type directly into the browser address bar and then bookmark the site. Only use the bookmark to visit the site. Be vigilant when using links and check the full URL address before entering your credentials. The only real Bittrex site is at and our support site located at Do not deposit funds to a wallet address that you receive in email, Slack, or social media. Bittrex will never tell you to do this. Bittrex actively monitors and takes down fraudulent sites that are maliciously or erroneously using the Bittrex brand. If you see one of these sites, please report it to us via twitter to @BittrexExchange.
I will be curating a list of exchanges which allow you to deposit fiat currency (like USD, EUR, GBP, JPY...) and buy Bitcoins, and/or sell your Bitcoins for fiat currency. Exchange | Fiat Currencies | Cryptocurrencies | Since | Country | Deposits (fees, if any) | Withdrawals (fees, if any) | | EXMO
Mirror domain | USD EUR RUB UAH | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, WAVES, ZEC, Monero, Tether | 2014 | GB  | USD: Wire Transfer Capitalist Epay Perfect Money Money Polo AdvCash FasaPay OKPAY Neteller Payeer EUR: SEPA Capitalist CryptoCapital OKPAY AdvCash Perfect Money Money Polo Epay Neteller RUB: Capitalist AdvCash Yandex Money Payeer OKPAY MoneyPolo UAH: AdvCash Visa/MasterCard Variable fees | USD: Wire Transfer Paypal, Payza Visa/MasterCard, Capitalist, Epay, Perfect Money Money Polo, AdvCash, OKPAY, Payeer, Webmoney, CryptoCapital EUR: SEPA, PayPal, SEPA (Germany), Visa/MasterCard, Payza, Webmoney, Capitalist, Epay, CryptoCapital, OKPAY, AdvCash, Perfect Money, Money Polo RUB: Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex Money, Visa/MasterCard, Capitalist, AdvCash, Payeer, OKPAY, MoneyPolo, Билайн, Мегафон, MTC Банковский перевод UAH: Visa/MasterCard, AdvCash Variable fees |
| Kraken | USD EUR JPY CAD | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, EOS, Stellar/Lumens, Ethereum Classic, Augur REP tokens, ICONOMI, Melon, Zcash, Ripple, Dogecoin, Tether, Gnosis | 2011 | US  | EUR: SEPA Bank Wire USD: Domestic Transfer ($5) GBP: NOT RECOMMENDED* Domestic Transfer (£5) JPY: Domestic Transfer CAD: Wire | EUR: SEPA (€0.09) EUR SWIFT (€60) USD: USA Domestic ($5) USD SWIFT ($60) GBP: GBP SWIFT (£60) JPY: Domestic Transfer (¥300) CAD: EFT ($10 CAD) |
| LiveCoin | USD EUR RUB | Bitcoin and 100+ altcoins | 2015 | GB  | USD: Wire Transfer ($50) Perfect Money (1.5%) Capitalist EUR: Wire Transfer (€10) Perfect Money (1.5%) Capitalist RUB: Capitalist | USD: Wire Transfer (1.5% + $9) Perfect Money (0.5%, min $1) Capitalist EUR: Wire Transfer (€15) Perfect Money (0.5%, min $1) Capitalist RUB: Capitalist |
| Gemini | USD | Bitcoin, Ethereum | 2015 | US  | USD: ACH Bank Wire | USD: ACH Bank Wire |
| YoBit | USD | Bitcoin, too many altcoins to list here | 2015 | RU  UA  | USD: PerfectMoney Payeer (2%) Capitalist | USD: PerfectMoney (3%) Payeer (1%) Capitalist (3%) |
| Coinbase | USD EUR GBP | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin | 2012 | US  | Bank Account Credit/Debit Card PayPal (US only) | Bank Account |
| BitStamp | USD EUR | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple | 2011 | LU  | EUR: SEPA Bank Wire (0.05%, min 7.50, max 300) USD: Bank Wire (0.05%, min 7.50, max 300) | EUR: SEPA (€0.90) Bank Wire (0.09%, min 15) USD: Bank Wire (0.09%, min 15) |
| QuadrigaCX | CAD USD | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin | 2013 | CA  | CAD: EFT (5%) INTERAC® Online (1.5% min $5) Bank Wire Crypto Capital USD: Bank Wire Crypto Capital
| CAD: Rapid Bank Transfer (5%) Express Bank Transfer (2%) Interac e-Transfer (2% + $5) Cash Delivery (2% + $20) Direct Bank Transfer / EFT Bank Wire Crypto Capital USD: Bank Wire Crypto Capital | WebMoney
English website | USD RUB UAH EUR Gold UZS VND KZT BYR +Info | Bitcoin, Ethereum | 2015 | RU  | Mostly through third parties.
Yandex.Money, QIWI, Skrill, PayPal, AliPay | Mostly through third parties.
Yandex.Money, QIWI, Skrill, PayPal, AliPay |
| BitFinex | USD | Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, Zcash, OmiseGO, EOS, Dash, Ethereum Classic, Santiment, Iota | 2012 | US  | USD Wire (0.100%, min $20.00) Not working as of replies. | USD Wire (0.100%, min $20.00) USD Express Wire (1.000%, min $20.00) May not work. |
| LocalBitcoins | Any currency | Bitcoin | 2012 | FI  | Any payment method (price set by seller) | Any payment method (price set by seller) |
Please let me know of any other exchanges you know and I'll list them here. *Kraken: GBP may be possible to be deposited, but can not be traded and withdrawals cost £60.
In order to help mitigate the strain on our platform caused by recent exponential growth, we are delisting some of our illiquid trading pairs and temporarily suspending all advanced order types. These changes will go into effect on Tuesday, August 22 around 6 am UTC (Monday August 21 around 11 pm Pacific).
The following pairs will be delisted with all outstanding orders being canceled
The ability to create new advanced orders will also be temporarily suspended (so you will only be able to create basic limit and market orders)
Open orders will remain open until cancelled or executed, but you will no longer be able to create new orders in any of the following advanced types:
Stop Loss Take Profit Stop Loss, Take Profit Stop Loss, Take Profit Limit Stop Loss Limit Take Profit Limit Trailing Stop Trailing Stop Limit Stop, Limit
This suspension is temporary only. Advanced orders will return in a month or two as soon as we are better able to process them. We know that many of our clients like the advanced orders, but they are used much less frequently than basic limit and market orders while taking more system resources to process.
The above changes will go into effect on Tuesday, August 22 around 6 am UTC (Monday August 21 around 11 pm Pacific).
We apologize for the inconvenience but we think that immediate action is needed to help alleviate the current strain on our platform. We may take further action if these changes aren’t enough. Our overall plan is to reduce the load on our current platform until upgrades can be made that will enable us to smoothly scale capacity.
Thank you for choosing Kraken,
The Kraken Team
In order to help mitigate the strain on our platform caused by recent exponential growth, we are delisting some of our illiquid trading pairs and temporarily suspending all advanced order types. These changes will go into effect on Tuesday, August 22 around 6 am UTC (Monday August 21 around 11 pm Pacific).
The following pairs will be delisted with all outstanding orders being canceled
The ability to create new advanced orders will also be temporarily suspended (so you will only be able to create basic limit and market orders)
Open orders will remain open until cancelled or executed, but you will no longer be able to create new orders in any of the following advanced types:
Stop Loss Take Profit Stop Loss, Take Profit Stop Loss, Take Profit Limit Stop Loss Limit Take Profit Limit Trailing Stop Trailing Stop Limit Stop, Limit
This suspension is temporary only. Advanced orders will return in a month or two as soon as we are better able to process them. We know that many of our clients like the advanced orders, but they are used much less frequently than basic limit and market orders while taking more system resources to process.
The above changes will go into effect on Tuesday, August 22 around 6 am UTC (Monday August 21 around 11 pm Pacific).
We apologize for the inconvenience but we think that immediate action is needed to help alleviate the current strain on our platform. We may take further action if these changes aren’t enough. Our overall plan is to reduce the load on our current platform until upgrades can be made that will enable us to smoothly scale capacity.
Thank you for choosing Kraken,
The Kraken Team
  You send a Western Union (WU) or MoneyGram(MG) transfer. I send you Bitcoins (BTC), Litecoins (LTC) or Ethereum (ETH). Please save the receipt when sending the money. I say "within the next 24h" to cover for any possible delays on money transfers. Most transfers take less than that. I do not work on weekends. Send me a Private Message (PM) to start an exchange transactionMy price is EXMO +10% when buying Bitcoins. The price is set at receipt of the funds. Ask for a quote first.If you are buying Litecoins or Ethereum, please ask for a quote first.
TREZOR Firmware Security Update — 1.5.2
Today, SatoshiLabs released a security update to your TREZOR; a new firmware version — 1.5.2 — was pushed out to all users. This update fixes a security issue which affects all devices with firmware versions lower than 1.5.2.
TREZOR Wallet will notify you about this update. Please make sure you have your recovery seed nearby, before starting the update process. Refer to the User Manual if you need assistance with the firmware update. For users with Bootloader version 1.3.0, please consult this guide first.
It is important to note that this is not a remote execution attack. To exploit this issue, an attacker would need physical access to a disassembled TREZOR device with uncovered electronics. It is impossible to do this without destroying the plastic case.
If your device does not leave your presence, your coins are safe. Moreover, if you have a passphrase enabled and actively use it, your coins are safe. Yet, we strongly recommend you to update your TREZOR anyway.
We are not releasing a detailed description of the issue today to give enough time for users to update and for other hardware wallets based on TREZOR to distribute an update. We will publish a detailed report in the coming days.
How do I know that my TREZOR has not been broken into? In order to exploit this issue, an attacker would have to break into the device, destroying the case in the process. They would also need to flash the device with a specially-crafted firmware. If your device is intact, your seed is safe, and you should update your firmware to 1.5.2 as soon as possible.
With firmware 1.5.2, this attack vector is eliminated and your device is safe.
TREZOR Firmware Security Update — 1.5.2
Today, SatoshiLabs released a security update to your TREZOR; a new firmware version — 1.5.2 — was pushed out to all users. This update fixes a security issue which affects all devices with firmware versions lower than 1.5.2.
TREZOR Wallet will notify you about this update. Please make sure you have your recovery seed nearby, before starting the update process. Refer to the User Manual if you need assistance with the firmware update. For users with Bootloader version 1.3.0, please consult this guide first.
It is important to note that this is not a remote execution attack. To exploit this issue, an attacker would need physical access to a disassembled TREZOR device with uncovered electronics. It is impossible to do this without destroying the plastic case.
If your device does not leave your presence, your coins are safe. Moreover, if you have a passphrase enabled and actively use it, your coins are safe. Yet, we strongly recommend you to update your TREZOR anyway.
We are not releasing a detailed description of the issue today to give enough time for users to update and for other hardware wallets based on TREZOR to distribute an update. We will publish a detailed report in the coming days.
How do I know that my TREZOR has not been broken into? In order to exploit this issue, an attacker would have to break into the device, destroying the case in the process. They would also need to flash the device with a specially-crafted firmware. If your device is intact, your seed is safe, and you should update your firmware to 1.5.2 as soon as possible.
With firmware 1.5.2, this attack vector is eliminated and your device is safe.
TREZOR Firmware Security Update — 1.5.2
Today, SatoshiLabs released a security update to your TREZOR; a new firmware version — 1.5.2 — was pushed out to all users. This update fixes a security issue which affects all devices with firmware versions lower than 1.5.2.
TREZOR Wallet will notify you about this update. Please make sure you have your recovery seed nearby, before starting the update process. Refer to the User Manual if you need assistance with the firmware update. For users with Bootloader version 1.3.0, please consult this guide first.
It is important to note that this is not a remote execution attack. To exploit this issue, an attacker would need physical access to a disassembled TREZOR device with uncovered electronics. It is impossible to do this without destroying the plastic case.
If your device does not leave your presence, your coins are safe. Moreover, if you have a passphrase enabled and actively use it, your coins are safe. Yet, we strongly recommend you to update your TREZOR anyway.
We are not releasing a detailed description of the issue today to give enough time for users to update and for other hardware wallets based on TREZOR to distribute an update. We will publish a detailed report in the coming days.
How do I know that my TREZOR has not been broken into? In order to exploit this issue, an attacker would have to break into the device, destroying the case in the process. They would also need to flash the device with a specially-crafted firmware. If your device is intact, your seed is safe, and you should update your firmware to 1.5.2 as soon as possible.
With firmware 1.5.2, this attack vector is eliminated and your device is safe.