Firstly I would like to say I don't care about one coin from another. All I want is utility. I want to be able to pay someone for services rendered.
THAT'S ALL I CARE ABOUT.. I have no loyalty to any coin.
I don't have a Facebook account. But I'm going to get one because of Libra.
I see a business opportunity with Libra and that's that. Some business opportunity bear fruit some don't. You could say that's my own business which I'm not going to discuss here.
OK.. Why will Libra be a game changer.
Because over night millions of people who have no understanding of coins are suddenly going to. And developers are going swarm to Libra..
Let me ask you this, do you actually use a coin? Do you ask for a service and pay for that service or product with any coins. I would bet you don't. Some may. And good on them. But the vast majority here ( bitcointalk ) don't. ( I maybe wrong)
But people are going to use Libra. Its not investment. Its a tool. A stable tool.
That other day I used Iota as a tool. And it worked for me. I asked for a service and received a service. And I payed for that service in Iota.
I was lucky, I found a person with a skill set and the ability to accept payment in the currency I had. Iota...
Soon millions of people with the skill set I need will be able and willing to accept payment from me.
Libra may not be a game changer for you. But it is for me.