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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Beware of airdrop scam on: June 02, 2018, 03:07:31 AM
It goes like this, I joined an airdrop and it sent me an email said that they want to verify my identity, at the end of the verification, it said i need to sign a message by my private key.It's a fake MEW address, and the domain name is extremely similar.
I'm writing for those who are enthusiastic for airdrops, never give your private key to others.
2  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 想建个空投群或者加个 on: May 03, 2018, 10:00:53 AM
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / A system based on blockchain and face recognition.will it be possible? on: April 07, 2018, 09:17:02 AM
I want to develop a ticket system which is based on face recognition and blockchain.Major points are listed as follow:

To use the system:
1.Users just need to shot a picture of their own,then the valid facial data will be encrypted and used as a wallet (I think a sidechain of EOS is capable for this system)
2.A mobile app is used as tickets stand.Once a ticket is sold,it will be sended to the private wallet which is bonded to personal facial data.(I don't know if ERC-721 standard can be used in EOS,please tell me if you know more details)
3.When someone wants to get into a theater/concert/amusement park/airplane,will be recognized automatically by the hardware and give the access.The private wallet is used as bakup if the machine goes wrong

How system works
1.Check the facial data is not matched with someone on Criminal and threat lists (I think this list should be maintained by a community worldwide to obviate prosecuting,It might like a wikipedia of criminals,Machine learning will help to judge who will carry a rifle or a bomb.)
2.Every transaction is recorded and encrypted by blockchain,Everyone will know a wallet has bought something but no one will know who you are.
3.Hardware detects human face and upload the facial data to local IPFS node
4.Get the data and check the facial data-bonded wallet's ERC-721 tokens
5.Zero—Knowledge Proof is used to ensure that the ticket is valid

Why I choose EOS,IPFS and ERC-721:
EOS is most suitable for this high-speed transaction system
IPFS can relief the aftermath of central server hacking,and it also can be used to develop Dapps based on locations,which will help advertising.
ERC-721 can record the seats,which is a must for tickets

Why I want to develop this system:
Face recognition machines will surely be used in most countries in few years because its convenience (maybe more effective survillence),however,give our data to centralized system is absolutely dangerous .For instance,If someone wants to know your sexual orientation they just need to check your face.Meanwhile someone annocing that public safety is based on sacrifice of privacy (I think is certainly a fraud).If there is a technique to protect privacy and public safety at same time,I think it's blockchain.Don't proof I'm innocent,just prove I'm not on blacklist.
Please tell me if there're errors in my design,and if you want to join my project I will give you my Slack workspace.
Apologies for my English,I'm still learning.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / A system based on blockchain and face recognition.will it be possible? on: April 07, 2018, 03:08:01 AM
I want to develop a ticket system which is based on face recognition and blockchain.Major points are listed as follow:

To use the system:
1.Users just need to shot a picture of their own,then the valid facial data will be encrypted and used as a wallet (I think a sidechain of EOS is capable for this system)
2.A mobile app is used as tickets stand.Once a ticket is sold,it will be sended to the private wallet which is bonded to personal facial data.(I don't know if ERC-721 standard can be used in EOS,please tell me if you know more details)
3.When someone wants to get into a theater/concert/amusement park/airplane,will be recognized automatically by the hardware and give the access.The private wallet is used as bakup if the machine goes wrong

How system works
1.Check the facial data is not matched with someone on Criminal and threat lists (I think this list should be maintained by a community worldwide to obviate prosecuting,It might like a wikipedia of criminals,Machine learning will help to judge who will carry a rifle or a bomb.)
2.Every transaction is recorded and encrypted by blockchain,Everyone will know a wallet has bought something but no one will know who you are.
3.Hardware detects human face and upload the facial data to local IPFS node
4.Get the data and check the facial data-bonded wallet's ERC-721 tokens
5.Zero—Knowledge Proof is used to ensure that the ticket is valid

Why I choose EOS,IPFS and ERC-721:
EOS is most suitable for this high-speed transaction system
IPFS can relief the aftermath of central server hacking,and it also can be used to develop Dapps based on locations,which will help advertising.
ERC-721 can record the seats,which is a must for tickets

Why I want to develop this system:
Face recognition machines will surely be used in most countries in few years because its convenience (maybe more effective survillence),however,give our data to centralized system is absolutely dangerous .For instance,If someone wants to know your sexual orientation they just need to check your face.Meanwhile someone annocing that public safety is based on sacrifice of privacy (I think is certainly a fraud).If there is a technique to protect privacy and public safety at same time,I think it's blockchain.Don't proof I'm innocent,just prove I'm not on blacklist.
Please tell me if there're errors in my design,and if you want to join my project I will give you my Slack workspace.
Apologies for my English,I'm still learning.
5  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 持现过年?狗庄可不一定这么想 on: February 04, 2018, 06:35:04 AM
6  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 量子计算会对加密货币造成多大的冲击? on: January 06, 2018, 01:44:38 PM
7  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 数字货币有可能取代法币吗? on: December 20, 2017, 09:45:04 AM
8  Local / 中文 (Chinese) / 量子链疯了 on: December 19, 2017, 01:09:18 PM
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