Very few people have heard about Rchain but I think a lot of people will hear about it soon
But let’s first look at why other well-known blockchains will not manage to scale:
– Ethereum: Ethereum will certainly improve when it comes to scaling thanks to sharding, however it’s limited by a lot of legacy design choices:
Solidity for example was not initially designed to achieve massive scale, but it’s not like Ethereum can abandon the support for the language since it is now live since many years
- 以太坊:由于将使用分片技术,以太坊的可扩展性将会有一定的改进,然而它仍然受到许多固有设计决策的限制:
– IOTA: They claim that their chain can scale infinitely, however there are a lot of issues which I have outlined in previous articles. The main issue is that there is just no way that every node can store such a large amount of IoT data (potentially infinite because of lack of fees) forever.
- IOTA:IOTA声称他们的链可以无限扩展,但是我在之前的文章中已经对此观点提出很多问题。其中最主要的是,每个节点都不可能永远存储这么多的物联网数据(由于没有手续费,所以数据量可能是无限的)。
So what is the real solution that everyone has been missing so far and that RChain has? The solution is concurrency. It basically means that you can operate in parallel.
The most technical of my readers who have some background in development can understand the idea of concurrency as in developing an application that instead of operating with multithreading operates with a single tread by exclusively using non-blocking operations.
To make it simple for people that are less technical let’s imagine that you have a road. Without concurrency you can have only one lane. You can increase the speed at which the vehicles run, but still each vehicle is going to be behind the previous one. With concurrency you can have multiple lanes, meaning that the vehicles don’t need to be one behind the other in a serial order.
The only other chain which I believe can scale effectively even if it’s a different model is Polka. Polka uses a different model which is called parachains, basically it allows different applications to create their own chain running on the Polka consensus mechanism in parallel.
If we want to push the metaphor forward it could look like this:
– Ethereum/IOTA: Single threaded operations
– Polka: Multithreaded operations
– Rchain: Nonblocking operations (Concurreny)
- 以太坊/ IOTA:单线程操作
- 波卡:多线程操作
- 日链:无阻塞操作(并发性)
Multithreading is basically like having several single-threaded operations in parallel to avoid the bottleneck of a single thread.
Concurrency instead is not having the bottleneck at all.
RChain is born from day one with concurrency in mind, that’s something that Ethereum cannot do as it’s extremely difficult to maintain compatibility with legacy code. For the people of my generation you probably remember how hard it was to manage more than 640kb of RAM before Windows 95
日链从诞生的第一天开始就考虑到了并发性,因为以太坊需要与旧代码保持兼容,所以无法做到完全的并发性。对于我这一代人来说,你可能记得在Windows 95之前管理超过640kb的RAM有多难:-)
Bill Gates
The lead developer has been working with Vlad Zamfir (the person behind PoS and sharding for ETH) for years developing technologies to create a scalable blockchain:
主要开发人员一直在与Vlad Zamfir(以太坊PoS和分片技术的幕后人员)合作多年,他们致力于开发可扩展的区块链技术:
Vlad Zamfir与日链合作开发
日链宣布与Vlad Zamfir合作,Vlad Zamfir因致力于以太坊POS开发工作而闻名。
Vlad Zamfir Joins the RChain Cooperative
The RChain Cooperative announces that Vlad Zamfir, known for his work on proof-of-stake for the Ethereum Foundation…
Rchain vs. ETH
RChain is currently trading with the symbol RHOC on the exchange KuCoin
A full analysis and comparison between BTC, ETH and Rchain can be seen here: