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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Some useful conclusion from Bitcoin on: March 31, 2015, 08:54:22 PM
Admittedly the least conclusion, however,
considering intrinsic greed of people there isn't any "hidden" technology out there owned by secret organisation capable of holding up bitcoin mining.
No E.T. technology out there to build  easily and anonymously a proper btc to fiat bank account
Very disappointing. Only a couple of strictly random or well known btc pool keeping mining with heavy dinosaur sha rigs .... snif.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [GIVEAWAY] Receive 5 Premine [PMC] --> get your wallet now ! on: January 25, 2014, 06:36:02 PM

ANN Thread


Distribution: PoW
Algorithm: SHA256
Total coins: 500,000
Premined: 100%
Block Reward: TX Fees Only
Block Time: Variable
Trade Confirms: 6 blocks
P2P Port: 9336
RPC Port: 9335

So, what ?

I am giving away 30 * 5 PMC. + 20 * 5 on behalf of Nullu

So, How ?
Post your wallet,
you must have at least an activity > 20

If you own more than 200, you shouldn't probably participate.
If you read until here, with a fun picture, you'll have 2 extra.

Edit : Nullu added 100 PMC : so we'll have 20 more lucky people
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The new Alt production line ongoing trend on: December 22, 2013, 03:28:16 PM
What is the point now for all those alts and what are we doing exactly now in the alt community ?

- Coin devs are reducing Alt coin quality . From total inital joke coins like the doge or the bernanke, we now see coins where authors either directly discard them (ulicoin) or do not have a clue what a coin is made of (saw some student posting a binary coin who didn't know what a conf file was today),
or without any source (, or old known scammer pushin a new revolutionnary premined coin (
It is is obvious they don't care as probably other scam miners will throw instantly 200 Mh on it in attempt to sell any outcome instantly scamming other people. And the operation happens now on very short time frames  probably wasting all this energy for a a few $.

- Trade sites owners are calling for new those alt shit coins for listing for "only" 5BTC. Or do they sometimes just run away with your coins. Or do they just bullshit you selling you ahead participations for something that is not going to last more than 2 weeks. Or do they simply don't care at all to program something not buggy because it is not the objective to go for the longer term.

- pool owner running away with the few coins you made of a shitcoin premined and that you tried to sell at an overpriced value on a trade site owned by someone thinking about running away and traded to someone trying to pump and dump the coin.

- Miners, are mining any alt shit coin that is out. They want to have their Windows sexy GUI wallet because they tend to be computer illiterate. They are ready to mine coins that are infllationnist ( probably have no clue what it means in terms of ROI for them) Other with infinite supplies ... . They will then go in forums trying to scam you or they will go on the other trade exchange sites owned by scammer and to meet other  scammers

- you can now see threads asking about the worst alt logo and nobody trying to share any idea of what could give a value to a coin.

So in short everyone scamming everyone, just role playing, I'd love to see a real bitcoin alternative in here. but looks like it shifted to something weird.

Season's greetings.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / New alt crypto ? on: December 07, 2013, 12:37:07 PM
Physical gold always, beyond its scarcity, always offered an intirinsic value. Leisure, arts, medicine, chemistry, research, beyond the currency, gold was searched for because there was a demand for it.

What about a coin with a similar intirinsic value ?

A coin where users would buy the coin because it gives a direct service ?

What could be the intrinsic value of crypto ?

Actually it has an intrinsic value, the network hash power. Rather tahn turning this network power into wasted power , this power could give a service.

I always dreamt of a coin where you would have to pay using the coin to buy a SH256, Encrypted chain network brute force, maybe starting with lower diff rate  ? Is that ever possible ? That way, it give an intrinsic value, something making people buying the coin to get the service.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / On : BTC withdrawal is disabled 因系统负荷较高,虚拟币提取暂停,稍后开启,请给我们一୅ on: November 28, 2013, 07:44:34 PM
I get now that chinese msg on bter. I don't get how they handle the load for the deposits but not for the withdraw ? that doesn't really make sense, right ?

I got that notificationafter sending some coins there of course.

Scammy also or just a temp issue ?

It is crazy that there are more scammy things than fair things out there in our crypt world ? How could btc become viable with such things, my banker may be a robber but at least he is not totally foooling all my money
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / If I was a cloud service provider, if I was a gpu manufacturer ... on: November 17, 2013, 09:37:30 AM
I'd pay guys to feed crypto community constantly with new alternate crypto coins . changing parameters, pushing "innovations" , whatsoever that make you feel the need to buy


7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Sell 40.7 PTS @ 0.007 each on: November 09, 2013, 10:09:53 AM
for a total of rounded 0,28 BTC

Pm me if interest.

Since I was scammed here recently with a similar transaction, I ask the buyer either to setup any reliable escrow or take the risk or to proceed with limited exchanges step by step (5PTS by 5 PTS).   

BTC : 165sBm8mohPjjF1oxmXNbK36kgc9SpPD23
PTS : PYYhQPWdWQnMdjnMG6eYk6unu541jcG7zu
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