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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / My A2 fun on: June 14, 2016, 08:07:16 PM
While most everyone knows how I like to mess with stuff, I decided the next step would be to outfit a hash board with digital pots so I could adjust the voltage and tinker more, I had a board extra to tinker with so I had some small boards fabed to hold them and hooked one up and it did work , somehow I let a ground wire get loose on the voltage going to the hash board from the raspi, well when this happened all I can guess is a lot of ground current went through the pot back to the raspi and caused the dc-dc to fry and then I guess it decided to let the mosfets short out and start a fire. Needless to say it is a hard fire to put out when you have it on a 100A supply.

I asked in another forum if anyone had and dead , broken hash boards that they might want to part with , I am sure we could come up with something of a deal. I'd like to get this to work maybe to determine the most efficient voltage to run at,

2  Economy / Computer hardware / [WTB] A2 terminator hash boards working / non-working on: June 13, 2016, 02:45:17 AM
Hello everyone I was looking to see if anyone had any old boards they had sitting around and wanted to possibly sell them. I am looking for boards of any kind, if you have some and can tell me a bit about them (color, number of chips, what it did/does). I have been able to repair a few that I have gotten and would like to get better at working on them. If you have any or want to ask anything else you can PM me, I am located in the USA so that may play a factor as well.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / A2 hash board versions on: December 09, 2015, 06:01:51 PM
I have two boards at the moment a green one that says it is official(v3.0) and a blue(20140625) one that has 12 chip pads and 10 chips. What I am wondering what are peoples experiences with these boards? What I have found out so far is the green board has a HW reset ran to the 10 pin connector in pin 1 a  low->high will reset board , even though it was not connected at the connector. The blue board has the same thing but will not reset it, looking at it, for some reason it traces out to pin 15 on the MCU which is not the reset but right beside it, it needed to be on pin 14, at little solder bridge seems to fix it. I know the software has a --hwreset which is what toggles this and keeps from a total power down cycle. Anyway what I am noticing if I had an A2 unit that has boards like either one of these , anytime I stopped hashing for any reason I would have to reboot it, is that the case?
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / A2 Terminator Controller Board on: November 25, 2015, 03:27:39 AM
I am looking for some real good photos of this board I want  to replicate one, I don't have a miner and it looks like it is not going to be coming, I might be able to get some boards to play with, most of it seems pretty simple. I have found them on aliexpress but would rather not buy one if I don't have to. Looking at the limited photos it looks like it uses more than just the SPI interface from the raspberry Pi, I am guessing power is backfed to the pi. Anyway any help or pointing me in the correct direction thanks in advance.
5  Other / Beginners & Help / Hi everyone on: August 21, 2013, 02:02:44 AM
I have to say there is a lot of information on here. I have been messing around with the open FPGA core and have built it for a few different Altera dev. Boards with some success. Recently I have been interested in modifying a block erupter, I know changing oscillators and power requirements, what I was going to try is to replace the core psu with the nice bench supply I have and running the clock form the signal generator. I plan to use a TEC to maintain it at a decent temperature. I know there is a pretty good thread on both subjects. Hope to be able to contribute some.
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