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1  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / CROSS POST: Quad 6870 Rig for Sale on: July 08, 2011, 01:01:26 AM
Selling my 4x 6870 rig here:

2  Economy / Goods / WTS Bitcoin Quad 6870 Mining Rig - $900 - OBO on: July 08, 2011, 12:40:57 AM
Asking $900 OBO -  will accept BTC/MtGox USD/Paypal at current exchange rate.
Please PM ALL offers!
Selling my Quad 6870 GPU bitcoin mining rig.
Put into production on May 23rd 2011 in air-conditioned/climate controlled datacenter.
Runs like a Dream, no issues.
Ships with Ubuntu 10.10 and  -ready to mine out of the box
Never Overclocked, though cards support several options.

Rig at stock clockspeed does 1100-1200 M/hash on deepbit
Cost $1500+ to build in parts alone

Have done 1 deal on #bitcoin-otc
Also have stellar ebay feeback:

Specs are as follows.

4x ATI Saphire Extreme 6870
1024 MB/1050  Mhz Mem clockspeed
900 Mhz Core clockspeed
PCI Express 2.0 x16

MSI AM3 USB 3.0 + Sata 6GB

Cooler Master Silent Pro M100 1000W PSU

Quadcore AMD Phenom II X4 955  Black Edition 3.2 Ghz

Patriot Memory 'Sector 5' G Series 4GB

COOLER MASTER HAF 932 Advanced RC-932-KKN5-GP Black Steel ATX Full Tower

IMATION SATA2 64GB SSD (pretty nice)
3  Other / Beginners & Help / BTC volatility index on: June 12, 2011, 04:52:34 PM
We really need an equivalent of the VIX for BTC.  Anyone have ideas about how to implement this? Anyone want to take this on? I might be willing to offer a bounty for this, server to host.
4  Other / Beginners & Help / Mtgox support issues/ transfer issues on: June 12, 2011, 11:03:45 AM
So - because of the new restrictions I have no place to post this where it MIGHT reach magical tux/ improve the mtgox support situation. 50 posts is a pretty high bar for relevancy considering this is the defacto all of bitcoin support and community forum.

I transfered a large amount of USD to Mutum Sigilum's ( mtgox) dwolla account on June 9th. This amount has still not been credited to my account. I have sent 2 emails to support. Initially I received a canned response that I would hear from support in 36-48 hours. When 48 hours had passed without satisfaction, I emailed again. This time I got a zendesk ticket. Mtgox had obviously changed its ticket system - thats great. Problem is, it has been another 24 hours now and I still have received 0 communication from mtgox on this issue.  Anyone else having support and or transfer issues with mtgox?
5  Other / Obsolete (selling) / SELLING : Unlocked Samsung Nexus S Android Phone - 55 BTC on: May 28, 2011, 04:34:15 PM
Minimally used unlocked Samsung Nexus S Android phone, for sale. 55 BTC.
FACTORY unlocked for use with ANY  GSM network

3g will ACCORDING TO THIS FORUM only work on tmobile in the US.
ATT in the US will get data at Edge speeds...

stock samsung charger + extra travel charger
12 GB micro SD card
original box and documentation
original headphones
'Invisible Shield' screen protector installed.
Will come with factory defaults

 Selling because I switched to Verizon/CDMA. Its a fantastic phone, I would say the flagship of all Gingerbread android phones. See pictures of actual device.

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