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1  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / South Korea's financial service provider's decision on: February 01, 2018, 08:26:30 AM
South Korea’s biggest banks, along with other financial service providers have started to support cryptocurrency businesses and investors.

news are available here :

what do you think can this fact encourage investments?
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / N I T R O on: May 23, 2017, 08:13:46 PM

The evolution of cryptocurrency has always been a product of great innovation, challenges, and discoveries that fuel new technologies and creative ideas. It is the spirit of invention that drives new altcoins to seek out and master new methods of security and effectiveness, to continually strive for greater degrees of efficiency, and to ultimately deliver something that is truly praise-worthy to the community and to the world.

Scrypt PoW/PoS

Name: NitroCoin

Ticker: XTR

Block Time: 600 sec.

Block reward: 400

Premine: (16%)

Min. stake age: 5 hours

Max. coin age: unlimited

PoS: Yearly Interest 40%

RPC Port: 21818

Network Port: 21819

3  Economy / Goods / Bitcoin ATM Cards on: March 15, 2014, 02:59:27 AM
The final product is in, so we are doing a little promotion for American Bitcoin QR ATM/Deposit cards. The cards are PVC plastic like a normal ATM card and are personalized with your name, business/other, and public key. Card numbers across the front are variable. The QR code does not have to be a bitcoin wallet, it can be any coin you would like. You can contact me here or order from the website
or EBAY is available as well

Deals are as follows:

Bronze Card 1 for 1   $7 or  0.01112 BTC

Silver Card 1 for 1 $10 or 0.01588 BTC

Gold Card 2 for 1 $15 or 0.02382 BTC

BLACK Card 3 for 1 $22 or 0.03494 BTC

2 for 1s and 3 for 1s include multiple wallet address and any color desired

Free Shipping...

4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / MAXCOIN TRADING ON MCXNOW.COM!!! on: February 07, 2014, 07:13:52 AM
The fastestm, most secure exchange in the world has now listed MAXCOIN. The exchange is MCXNOW.COM, its coded in PURE C++ and and has a 3 tier security network. Funds, interface, account info are all stored on separate servers. No LAG like Shytsy and you are even PAID just for chatting. We want to buy your MAXCOINS!
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / MAXCOIN AND DOGE TO BE ADDED AT MCXNOW.COM on: February 06, 2014, 01:35:22 AM
Just an announcement that RealSolid, the genius behind the fastest most secure exchange in the world will be adding dogecoin and maxcoin as soon as its available. No identity is needed for signup
6  Bitcoin / Hardware / KNC NEPTUNE UPDATE 2/4/14...Thoughts? on: February 05, 2014, 07:33:29 AM
Any Neptune Pre-Order have thoughts on the update released today regarding Plan B? Are you going to use Plan B or have them ship you your Neptunes...any input?
7  Bitcoin / Mining speculation / KNC NEPTUNE PRIVATE BATCH SALE on: January 27, 2014, 02:50:51 AM
I got an offer for 25k, and on the surface its good, but no one really knows what will happen for future coins and a very powerful sha miner will probably come in handy after bitcoin becomes unprofitable...any input?
8  Bitcoin / Mining / Could KNC Neptune be 5 TH/s on: January 23, 2014, 09:20:03 AM
Obviously the the Saturn and Jupiter doubled in hashrate than what originally advertised. Is it technically possible for the Neptune to nearly double in hashing as well upon release?
9  Economy / Goods / Hydro Gear- on: January 21, 2014, 06:21:59 AM
Im breaking down my grow and I have thousands of dollars worth of gear. If anyone is looking for anything that can be shipped, let me know. Im in the Los Angeles Area for local pickup

-Caps Environmental controller
-blower fans
-4 burner propane CO2
-Sulfur burner
-5 6oo watt everything
-3 400 watt everything
-4 1000 watt everything-
-500 pounds of hydroton
-3 Ebb and Flow systems
-10 x 10 grow tent
-XXXL/Raptor Hoods
-Every size charcoal filter
-All sorts of nutes
-flood tables
-Hepa filter
-RO Fiters

and more...
10  Economy / Goods / Turned My Ebay Store into a Bitcoin Store on: January 17, 2014, 08:27:02 PM
Hey selling all of my Oliver Peoples Frames and what nots for bitcoin....adding more everyday. Oilver Peoples are the glasses worn in most of the films. Fight Club, Iron Man, Oceans 11,12,13, James Bond, Burn Notice, Spiderman, etc etc.....Maybe get something lekker for your lady...Prices are negotiable to a point
11  Economy / Goods / Personalized Bitcoin ATM Cards- American Bitcoin Inc on: January 15, 2014, 01:05:28 AM
25% off for for Bitcointalk clients.

Hello fellow bitcoiners, here is a little more detail regarding the personal QR ATM/Membership Card. 

The card is personal to you and in its purest form it is simply a more convenient way to accept bitcoins. You dont have to boot up your phone, enter in your long passphrase or submit your 2FAuth in order to accept bitcoin deposits. Basically, its a back up to your phone, or just a more convenient alternative. The bottom line is phones die, and now with the all of the functions batteries dont last very long. Well, that can be a problem if you want to do transactions in bitcoin. Even when I dont have my phone with me, someone can still hand me a dollar. This isnt the case when it comes to bitcoin. You have to have a way of accepting bitcoin even when you dont have your phone with you. This is where the ATM/Deposit card comes in.

The card also acts as a membership. We lack the development knowledge to do a coinkite POS feature, but it is a possibility in the future. The member services are pretty basic at this point. Depending on your membership level, the fees that coincide with the services will vary. For instance, all BLACK card members are offered free Escrow Services with $500 USD in insurance to assure the seller their coins are safe at all times. A lot of people obviously offer this in this forum. However, American Bitcoin Inc is obviously an officially registered business within the United States. Therefore, your options of recourse should anything go wrong, are much greater as well. In simplest terms, American Bitcoin is not only accountable to you, we are accountable to the US Justice Dept. That should help all buyers and sellers sleep just a little better at night. Then we also offer a snapcard feature, but without all the bells and whistles. You would have to submit the link to the item you wish to buy, and we would make sure everything goes smoothly...better rates than snapcard as well depending on your membership level. Then there is a chat, forum, you set up your own profile, charts, and a very large directory of all business that take bitcoin, gambling sites, bitcoin faucets, and we will have bitcoin give-away contests for fun etc etc...

Now this is the very beginning, so we only have about 35 paying members so far and most have splurged for the BLACK card. Which isnt bad at all considering we have only been taking pre-orders. The site is up, we have not disclosed the domain yet to members; but you can check it out

Now, Im changing this proof slightly but you can get the idea of what the card will look like. It will be printed on a lithograph printer so it will have the same professional detail as a standard credit card, as well as the embossed lettering and numbering. Below is the Gold, Silver, and Bronze sample of what my card will look like.

Thanks for checking us out!
inquire with in...

12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Is Coinye dead or whats the deal? on: January 14, 2014, 10:02:55 PM
Whats going on with coinye...i dont have 4 hours to go thru 80 pages of crap. Thanks
13  Other / Meta / How do I add a picture and advertise at the bottom of my posts?? on: January 08, 2014, 08:19:11 PM
Am I fucking retarded or something? I cant find it anywhere in profile options...thanks
14  Economy / Service Discussion / How does blockchain wallet and kryptokit make money? on: January 07, 2014, 02:52:07 PM
So these are just open source wallet platforms that dont charge for services. So how do they make money?
15  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Bought a while back on: January 05, 2014, 07:24:09 AM
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding what I should do with it. Or does anyone want to develop it into something? It can mean a lot of things in bitcoin.
16  Bitcoin / Press / The COIN Enquirer 2nd Edition is Out! NSFW Extremely Offensive on: January 02, 2014, 02:11:36 PM
17  Bitcoin / Legal / I would love to speak to a bitcoin lawyer on: December 13, 2013, 10:27:57 PM
I just need some minor law advice regarding FinCen and regulations. Or if anyone has knowledge regarding regulation please message me. Thanks
18  Bitcoin / Project Development / Looking for a website designer that knows bitcoin on: December 10, 2013, 09:28:39 PM
Hey now, so Im looking for a decent American website designer for my website. The nuts and bolts of the site are already up. I just need help listing the products for sale, checkout with bitcoin, and basic upkeep. Now, the thing is I dont just need it set up, I kind of need it monitored as well. Therefore, I would ideally like to make someone a partner, and give them a percentage of the profits. I would handle marketing, production, and creativity. I just need someone with enough time to help out with website upkeep. I am doing everything myself, and its becoming too much to keep track of. I started selling my products on ebay about a week ago, and Ive sold roughly $600 worth so far. With very little of the population knowing what a bitcoin is, thats not bad. The real money will roll in after people start showing the products to their friends, and the community involved starts catching on. The website looks something like this,  and I just need some fine tuning, design help and some SEO work (Im ok) to help people find it. I wanted to officially launch 1/1/14. If anyone is interested and wants to get in on a startup that is already making money, please PM me. The ideal candidate would already have a fairly decent stash of bitcoins and just wants to get involved for the sake of being involved, and wants to help get more Americans get involved. Im trying to not make this all about money. We make money by more people buying bitcoins, so Im trying to streamline that. This is highly geared toward Americans, from our products to our company name. However, some sales have been from Russians and Germans. People across the globe know the products, if they are familiar with American culture. The name of the company is actually American Bitcoin Inc. If any of this peeks your interest, please feel free to message me. Thanks

Update: Make that $657 in about a week, and thats in preorders.
Update; $677
19  Bitcoin / Project Development / I need a faucet installed on my website on: December 05, 2013, 02:00:17 AM
I know there is an public script for faucets. However, the faucet I want to add is for my website and is for members only, so a username and password would need to be entered. The site is new, so I have not signed anyone up yet which should make it easier. I was wondering if there is anyone that can help me out. I can pay for the time, I just want to get it done. Thanks
20  Economy / Service Announcements / AmBit BLACK, Gold, Silver, Bronze QR Cards Now Available on: November 23, 2013, 11:30:16 PM
Up for purchase is a personalized AmBit BLACK, Gold, Silver and Bronze QR Membership Cards. The only way to show off your ever growing bitcoin wealth. This card includes membership into the most trusted bitcoin community in the world, and comes with a lot of perks. Feel free to check us out on indiegogo.  This card works as a contact card as well as a QR bitcoin deposit/cold storage wallet card. All American Bitcoin Association membership cards will have the members name, member #, and optional phone #. In addition to, members can personalize 2 possibly 3 QR codes, 1 on the front and 1 or 2 on the back.

20% off on all bitcoin purchases.





Indiegogo Campaign and a lot more information
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