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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / ★★★ Dice - Social Gaming Platform ★★★ on: March 13, 2019, 11:14:42 AM is a decentralized social gaming platform, providing a space for provably fair games, powered by the EOS blockchain. A portion of all our profits are shared with staked holders of our DICE token in the form of hourly payouts. This token is available on multiple exchanges, which can be found on our “Partners” page:

For the most up-to-date news, please join our news channel:

For price-related discussion, join our (unofficial) price channel:

For Dice-related backgrounds, join our materials channel:

If you are interested in listing apps on Dice. Please join this group:

On March 14th at 04:00-UTC, we'll be releasing:
DICE Distribution Update
VIP Update
DICE Jackpot
Lottery Update
Payout Pool Update
Profit Leaderboard Removal
Wager Leaderboard Update

2  Economy / Trading Discussion / Are traders born or made? on: February 11, 2019, 09:06:25 AM
For those of you who’ve walked the trader’s path, you’ll know how daunting it can be. Standing in the footsteps of legends, wondering which strategy to follow, what concepts to learn and--more importantly--whether you really have what it takes to be a trader.

When your emotions are raging like a rollercoaster, a trading win can lead to a euphoric high. And a loss? A plummeting low that makes you doubt your ability and courage to stay in the game. 

But can you learn to overcome your emotions, bide your time, fight against your urge to buy or sell, and figure out how to read the markets? Can you teach yourself to be a trader?

When you’re filled with self-doubt and overwhelmed by a plethora of trading tools and options, you may find yourself asking the question: are traders born or made?
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