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1  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / alternative cheat-proof method? on: July 17, 2011, 07:03:08 PM

I've done some reading on various possibilities in order to prevent pool-hopping.
At some point I had my own idea and I'd like some feedback, may be I'm
missing something.

userScore = t //seconds since round start for the submitted share

after the round is finished all scores of the user and the totalScore
will be summed up, resulting in:

reward = userScore/totalScore*50

Any ideas about what I'm missing?
Eliel_ in the irc already pointed out that may be miners
don't want to mine at the start of a round.
But sadly I have not enough data, to do some simulations.
2  Bitcoin / Mining support / [ERROR] Pushpoold "unkown-work" $50 Bounty on: July 08, 2011, 12:24:57 PM

i've played a bit aroung with pushpoold and everything worked just fine.
But when I asked a friend for a little test something strange happened.
I have about 100MH/s my friend has 1500MH/s.
As soon as my friend joined for testing i got a lot of stales,
I looked it up in the datase and the reason is "unknown-work".
Where does this come from?

Help with this would be really nice.

regards, redshark1802

ps: things I've tried so far with help from the irc-channnel
-checking that the blockchain is complete
-checking if the time is correct
-decreased the speed from my friend to 300MH/s

-my friend has no problems at all
-unknown is like 90% of the work sent
3  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / blkmond crypto.hash SHA256 error on: June 08, 2011, 06:46:15 PM

i wanted to test pushpoold and blkmond.
But when i want to open, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./blkmond", line 18, in <module>
    from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
ImportError: No module named Crypto.Hash

Can someone help me please Smiley

regards, redshark1802
4  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / How do pools handle the fees? on: June 05, 2011, 06:31:39 PM

I did some testing and as far as i know there is currently now way to disable the fees completely.
Resulting in, that the pool(admin) has to pay the fees, or missed I something?

regards, redshark1802
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