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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / GForce gtx2070 and gtx2080 launching in USA in April ? See link on: February 09, 2018, 05:50:11 PM
And the beginning of the rumors begin...

From the article
It has begun folks. The leak season for NVIDIA’s upcoming Ampere architecture is officially open for business. Fresh from 3DCenter, a rumor which states that the next generation lineup for NVIDIA will be based not on Volta, but on the Ampere micro-architecture. Not only that, but if the rumor is to be believed then GP102 has already been transitioned to EOL (End of Life) and will be replaced with the GA series soon.

NVIDIA’s Ampere micro-architecture will succeed Pascal, GA104 GPU allegedly launching on April 12, GP102 production has halted
here's the link to the article
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Help My GUI wallet wont connect on: February 03, 2018, 10:17:31 PM
I'm been mining to the official sumokoin gui wallet for over a month now.  For the last two days, when I try to open my wallet, I put in my password and it is accepted.  The network shows synchronized.

However, it gets stuck at 'loading wallet'

I googled this issue and reddit said to run it with admin permissions.  I did that but no luck. 

I've not found anymore help online.

Has anyone else had this issue?
3  Economy / Speculation / Resources for Technical Analysis on: January 25, 2018, 04:19:29 PM
"Old" man here, doing a little mining, putting a little money in a few coins.

I've come to realize that I need to understand Technical Analysis of market conditions and trade history.  Can anyone point me towards some good resources on that?  Not only web based, but physical books, pdf files, etc as I do enjoy reading when not at the computer.  Telegram , discuss etc are fine as well , but i've been hesitant of getting involved in groups as I think there are quite a few people out there looking to take advantage of we who are new to this.  If anyone can suggest a 'reputable mentor/teacher' to follow, I will certainly take a look at it.  Twitter accounts, seems like a BUNCH of 'actors' out there and tons of people trying to pump their own stuff. 

Thank you
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Mining Difficulty Spikes - help me understand on: January 25, 2018, 03:11:47 PM
I've been mining for about a month now, so I am still very new.

For two weeks, I've been mining SUMO on Fairpool.  I'm quite happy with the pool, at least in my limited knowledge and experience, I think I am happy.

However, I've noticed the difficulty takes HUGE swings every day.  I'm not talking about the difficulty that I see on my end, but rather the total mining difficulty.  As an example, here is what I see currently on which has real time stats available.

Current block 95 005 difficulty is 11,064,293,607 ~ 39.84 MH/s

'normal' difficulty seems to be around 6-8,000,000,000 at a 20-25MH/s speed

However, every single day I notice the total hash rate (for all mining on the coin in total as I understand it as the fairpool hash is 4-5MH/s generally) suddenly jumping by huge amounts.  As an example right now, it has almost DOUBLED from where it was an hour ago.  Of course this makes the difficulty jump up.

My question is, what causes this?  Is this a result of some huge mining farm owner running a miner that automatically jumps from coin to coin based on what is currently most profit?  It seems this super high difficulty will last for an hour, two, maybe 6 hours and then total MH/s will drop back down to 'normal levels' of 25MH/s or so.

I have read that cryptonight do have this auto scaling difficulty to prevent 'raids' on it's system? is that the right words?

This is how I've interpreted what is happening.  Could someone add more to this ?

Thank you.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Riser problems? Help pls on: January 19, 2018, 12:20:56 AM
Today, I attempted to install a third gpu.  There was not physical space on the motherboard due to width of other cards.

I ordered a set of 6 risers via amazon prime.  They have 4 caps, 2 chips, and Sata power adaptor plugs.

First install, windows showed all three gpu..  anti software only showed one.  
Unplugged, reseated everything.

Eventually I got all three cards recognized by both windows and Radeon software

Turned on miner... started mining, crashed in 30 seconds ..  bsod video error reported

Pulled everything out, reseated, tried again,

Same issue.

Did I get bad risers?

Edit... two cards remain in mb.  Only trying one card via riser
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / The GPU market - summer 2018 on: January 17, 2018, 07:08:51 PM
I've been mining one month. I have up to 6K USD to put in a mining rig next month.  I believe that there is still money to be made in mining and there always will be.  After all, if no one is mining, the entire system collapses.

I'm trying to see into the future and guess what cards to buy right now that I can flip when Volta hits.  I expect it to launch in March or April.  As soon as those cards launch, I will ensure I am in a position to buy  at least 6 immediately. 

The question is - what cards can I buy NOW that will still have a decent resale value once the new NVIDIA cards hit.

My thinking is only the very high end cards will still be desirable, 1080ti of course, but which others?  However, I also wonder this.... so many gamers have not updated cards due to none being available... does this mean the market for used 1060 or 1070 will remain strong for several months after the next launch?

I feel like If I could buy 6 1080ti for 800-900 each, that I might be able to sell them for 650-750 or more, even after the new line launches.  What about buying 15 1060, my brain tells me the 1060 would be riskier.

One thing for sure, the 570s and 580s are probably NOT the thing for me to buy.  I have a three gpu rig now with amd. 

Opinions? Guesses?
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Disappointed with msi armor oc Rx570 hynix on: January 16, 2018, 04:50:29 PM
I'm new at this.  I've been mining monero with a 460 and a 560.  Ordered a Msi Armor OC RX570 from newegg at a decent price.

Got it installed last night and it's pretty miserable.  It's hynix memory.  I was getting 330h/s with my 560 and 380h/s with a 460.  I was expecting 700 from this.

I'm getting 513 Sad

I tried to bios mod it.  Bricked it first time.  Fixed that.  Changed memory straps, flashed it again and it went from 520 down to the 513 where it is now.  I've sent the bios off for Matthev to work his magic.  Hope he is able to make this card perk up !
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / first post, probably dumb question (but not the typical new guy stuff) on: January 03, 2018, 08:39:08 PM
I'm just dipping my toes into mining.  More curiosity that anything else.  However, I'm considering getting a little deeper in.  I dont currently have a high end video card as my gaming days are behind me.  What I do have is a beast of a cpu machine.  Which I realize is all wrong, but it's what I have at this point while I sit here watching daily prices on gpu

I first started mining monero with the windows MinerGate app and my Intel 6800K.  After a few days of that, I decided to try Claymore's CryptoNote CPU Miner and settled on a 7 thread option. Might be able to tweak a bit better but this is 'ok' for now.
Wow hashrate def improved! I had the minergate ap running on 11 threads supposedly.    My question is, should I be seeing radically different hashrates each time I get a new job recieved?

I get hashrates on Claymore that fluctuate from 275-355.  Most seem to be in the 320-340 range, but sometimes it drops as low as 275 for a 'cycle' (probably not right word)

When I was mining with the minergate app, my hashrates were constant displayed at 245.  They never seemed to change.

If I look at the minergate 'dashboard' located at while mining with Claymore( I'm pool mining with minergate) , the rates change often but I see rates above 500 or as low as 200.

How do I know my exact hashrate? Am I supposed to have this much variance?

Thanks in advance!

edited to add : i6800k 6 cores, 12 threads, 15m l3 cache, overclocked on water to 4.0 ghz.  32g of ram (not that that matters)
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