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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / WAVES has come A LONG WAY in the last two and half years! on: December 13, 2018, 11:29:05 AM
While Ethereum's launch started 'Blockchain2', with the on-chain computational possibilities, it dropped the ball with regard to performance and cost. Whilst all the hype and pump was happening, not just with Ethereum but also all the 'cutnpaste' uncompliant ICOs, people overlooked the severe performance issues and high transactional costs. It's disappointing that with all the resources they had available, the Ethereum team didn't address these issues and are now late to the party.

Before Waves launched in 2016, the founders realised the importance of the features that Ethereum spearheaded and employed but realised that the platform would need to be able to satisfy 3 key citeria;

1: Mass uptake ready - the blockchain would need to be the fastest available and highest capacity available. Basic features like token creation and trading would need to be native to the system - enabling highest performance and lowest transactional cost. Sponsored transactions were needed so that businesses could launch a token and take care of transaction costs as part of their business model.

2: The consensus algorithm would need to be POS - and the current Leased POS was employed. A new model for Smart Contracts was needed (especially after the DAO) that promoted safe code and reasonable cost of computation.

3: The user software, API's and documentation would need to be state of the art and World class.

Initially many ideas were taken from NEXT and Ethereum to acheive these goals, but the software itself was developed using the SCALA language to provide the best balance of performance, stability and portability. All the UI elements were built out using best practices in HTML5/Node stacks.

Whilst other platforms, much newer than Ethereum or Waves gave up on basic cryptocurrency red lines, for example distributed nodes and permissionless models, Waves, like Ethereum, has stayed true to the Open, Distributed and Permissionless model which is what makes cryptocurrency so cool.

Waves is not hyped - the team prefer to just develop and build a strong community - but for anyone who hasn't heard of Waves or has, but never investigated the potential - check out the user software at Or download the world class mobile app on Play or App store. You'll be blown away by how far Waves has come in the last two and a bit years. While you are at it - check out the quality and care of documentation and other support services.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Ethereum - Peak Desperation! on: August 28, 2018, 08:25:31 AM
The tone of the shills attempting to keep the Ethereum bubble inflated has changed markedly since the price of Ethereum fell under $300.

They still swamp BitcoinTalk Alt forums with their passive-aggressive threads and posts - predominantly in their own version of weird and poor English - but the tone has become a sort of desperate, pleading wishful thinking.

Get ready for $10 Etherium!
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Cardano #1 Waves #2 Lisk #3 BlockChain Ranking by Dev activity on: January 19, 2018, 12:21:04 PM

Cardano (ADA), Waves (WAVES) & Lisk are the top ranked blockchains for developer activity.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The plague of success; Gridlocked transactions & inappropriately high fees on: January 19, 2018, 12:12:20 PM
Chains like BTC and Ethereum have achieved a huge degree of success and Media coverage - however that success has come at a price;
Very slow transactions and confirmations for extended periods and huge transaction fees.

Developments in scaleability and affordability appear to be glacial with Bitcoin and are lagging in Etherium. I am sure these issues will, eventually, be solved and I predict new highs for both of these chains in 2018.

Waves Platform have gone a long way towards solving the scaleability issue and is currently world leader in this field;

with their implementation of WavesNG protocol (Based on BitcoinNG). This technology, since activation in Waves Feature Activation Protocol is performing, very much according to plan, and has gone through a further 6 iterations of release. This makes Waves the fastest distributed blockchain the world has seen.

Fees are also very low - less than a $1 cent currently. Mass payments can be much cheaper by using fee token issued by a large node operator.

Smart Contract development continues apace and is expected in Q1 this year. Coupled with the consumer grade wallets and easy near instant token creation, along with the DEX (Distributed Exchange) featuring many, many pairs and high volume this all makes Waves a very presently undervalued platform.

2018 is set to be the year of WAVES!

5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Crypto today reminds me of the 'Web', early to mid nineties. on: September 22, 2017, 10:52:38 AM
This time in crypto reminds me of the web days in the nineties. We had WAIS/Gopher in early nineties that remind me of things like Paypal. Then we had HTTP/HTML Mosaic which, I guess, is akin to the rise of Bitcoin - open source, distributed. Like Bitcoin it was ubiquitously used by geeks but was largely unknown and unused by the general population. By the start of the mid nineties they all had heard of 'The Web' largely through stories in the press about porn and criminality.

Eventually, by mid nineties, we had platforms like navigator, opera, explorer which allowed interaction and scripting - these remind me of platforms like Etherium, Waves, Ardor, Lisk - however the real massive growth and disruption were the things running on those web platforms - like Yahoo, Amazon, Alta Vista.

Sasha Ivanov, of Waves, alluded to this in the context of cryptos when he said "We’re starting a new cryptocurrency and we don’t want it to be used as currency."

However, back in the nineties, people who invested in Intel, Dell, Netscape or Microsoft didn't get stupidly rich like the people who privately invested in Amazon or Google but they didn't do badly either.

So, my advice would be, pick good platforms like Eth or Waves but also look closely at what people are going to be doing on these platforms in future. It really does remind me of the mid nineties days of the Web - the negative mainstream press, governments panicking about legislation/regulation and the steady uptick of major players entering - like financial institutions with Eth and Waves and even Burger King! I feel we are on the cusp.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Waves Platform [WAVES] - Featured on Nasdaq News on: December 01, 2016, 02:38:34 PM
From Nasdaq.Com: News

The Waves platform , for example, was designed to bridge the gap between the complexities of the 21st century monetary system and the blockchain, as well as allowing new financial instruments like gold and silver on the blockchain, and much else besides.

Thus blockchain won’t necessarily replace money as we know it. But it will make it more like money should be and needs to be in order to work as it was originally conceived.

Read more:
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Incent ICO is into it's last week on: November 24, 2016, 12:44:30 PM
Incent ICO is into it's last week.

The first, universal merchant-backed loyalty platform.

Estimated worth of the current US loyalty-rewards industry is $65Bn and projections out to 2020 see this building to $100Bn.

That's only US loyalty Industry and Incent is a World-wide offering!  Cheesy

To date, most quality ICO's see a huge uptake of investors at the end of the ICO - However the Incent team will be doing a 'Black Friday' bonus and this is probably the last chance to participate over the current 6000/BTC price - like many others I was waiting until the end but for the sake of a few days will check out tomorrow's bonus!

8  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Plea for Devs to remove Mac clients on: March 09, 2014, 11:10:43 AM
Given Apple's rabid and oppressive stance towards Bitcoin - why do Bitcoin developers persist in offering Mac wallet clients?

Proud not to include a Mac client.

Come on Devs - let's not support those who bully us!
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / It's time to stop offering MAC Wallets for Alt Coins on: March 09, 2014, 11:08:52 AM
Given Apple's rabid and oppressive stance towards Bitcoin - why do Alt developers persist in offering Mac wallet clients?

Proud not to include a Mac client.

Come on Devs - let's not support those who bully us!
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / LeadCoin [LDC] Several pairings listed at the C-CEX - Start trading! on: March 06, 2014, 11:24:56 AM

LeadCoin [LDC] Several pairings listed at the C-CEX - Nice UI and Integrated Chat!

45 Pairs at present!

See the news story on the LeadCoin website -

Lot's of other pairs as well! Not just Lead!
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / GlobalCoin is on the launchpad, about to take off! on: March 04, 2014, 01:03:57 PM
I would get in quick if I were you - interest is bubbling into a froth regarding Global Coin GLC

It's already up 70 odd percent on

Lot's of talk on the IRC about this coin - also with all the interest in Icelandic coins it is the next logical choice if you are not Icelandic! (Along with WorldCoin and TerraCoin that is!)  Grin
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Lots and lots of people are quietly solo mining LeadCoin! on: February 20, 2014, 09:05:46 PM
There is also a new LeadCoin faucet at the MultiCoin Faucet!

Follow LDC on Twitter!

Like LDC on Facebook!

To solo mine for Noobs!

Download the wallet!

LeadCoin Solo Mining Example with CGMiner under Windows Vista/7/8

Download the wallet and set it up as described here.

Paste the text into the leadcoin.conf as so;

rpcallowip=192.168.* Adjust for your network
 Change the text in red – ie your username, password and your actual network. If you are unsure of your network search and run cmd and type ipconfig and hit return – This will give you your IP address. Example: If it is then change the rcpallow to 10.100.*.

Once your LeadCoin wallet has been restarted and is synced to the network (Green Tick) it is good to go and can be left running.

Next, download the CGMiner. Note this has to be version 3.7.2 or less.

Again, it will normally be downloaded into your ‘Downloads’ folder and so will need to be ‘unzipped’ into your choice of location. Also it is a good idea to make a short-cut to the cgminer.exe which can then be used to add command line options when running the file. The command line in the shorcut properties will look something like this, below;

C:\Users\jimc\documents\cgminer-3.7.2-windows\cgminer.exe –scrypt -o -u jimc.1 -p pass

When running this you should get a DOS window showing various info including a hash rate – like 211KHs.

Congratulations! You are mining LeadCoin! Every so often you will ‘win’ a block and receive coins into your wallet!

Please post your individual mining configs and command lines - Share the joy!
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / LeadCoin [LDC] - Now on the NewAltex Exchange! Check it out while still cheap! on: February 08, 2014, 01:03:10 PM

LeadCoin [LDC] - Now on the NewAltex Exchange! Check it out while still cheap!
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / CoinMarket Cap down due to febrile and unsubstantiated rumours about Mt.Gox on: February 07, 2014, 01:09:16 PM
It will all soon blow over when Gox fixes its Hot Wallet payout issues.

Still! When BTC sneezes Alts catch a cold!  Grin

15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / XIVRA and QQCoin are the new DOGES IN TOWN - GET READY, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1... on: February 07, 2014, 01:16:15 AM
Get in at the start! ZIVRA and QQ are getting ready to hit the big time!

Don't come back to this thread in a week and cry!  Sad
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / The Alt Crypto Market is normalising - HUGE OPPORTUNITIES!! on: February 06, 2014, 12:21:50 PM

A pattern is emerging, in my opinion, in the Alt Crypto market.

This pattern started mid January and is accelerating daily. It comprises two elements;

1:) There is a gradual disconnect between BTC and Alt Cryptos. Before the new year the alt markets were locked tightly to the fortunes of BTC/USD.
The cycles were locked together - the alts moved in the same cycle as BTC/USD with winner and loser alts only marginally competing.
Now, more and more we have favoured Alts moving opposite the BTC/USD cycle. I think some of this can be put down to influences like who list Alts in USD$ rather than the traditional Alt exchanges who list in BTC. This trend will accelerate as more Fiat gateways open for Alts and more pairs open up in Exchanges.

2:) Up till (and including) middle of Jan a huge proportion of trading was driven by Hypes, Pumps and big BTC holders 'playing' with the ALT markets. A case in point was PROTO, Quark, NXT, DOGE (I list these coins because of past events I am not predicting their future status!) - the list goes on. Now, an inexorable and increasing trend is that trading is driven by fundamentals and the whole market is up for grabs. 1st tier coins are increasingly being traded purely on fundamentals and not their glorious past. 3rd tier coins that are battle weary and proven are also being traded on their fundamentals. Everything is up for grabs and 1st tier coins will sink - 3rd tier will rise purely on fundamentals!  Smiley I see this as the market 'growing up'. The changes to the rules on this forum also encourage trading on fundamentals.

By fundamentals I mean;
The technical aspects of the coin - usability, supply, hash protocol etc
Technical Innovation
The name of the coin
Distributed or Centralised
The network hashing power and distribution
The ethos of the coin - Premine, No Premine, etc etc
The support infrastructure for the coin - Devs, Webmasters, Pools, Services
The Coin Community
The USD$ price of the coin

I see more of this analysis going into trading nowadays and I believe this trend will go on.

For example; Why are Protoshares with a 1.5M supply $12 and yet Vertcoin with 1.5M is still only $6? Well, until January 2014, the answer would have categorically been - because Protoshares is a 2nd Tier Alt and Vert is a 3rd tier stupid!
However I now believe that this is 'yesterdays thinking' and these prices will meet very quickly! The fundamentals of Vertcoin are pretty strong so, personally, I think that Vertcoin will surpass Protoshares. Another trader looking at Protoshares may disagree and argue that the fundamentals give Proto the edge. The point here is that the coins released pre September 2013 have to fight for their status on the basis of fundamentals ONLY!  Smiley

Now I am not saying that 1st and 2nd tier coins WILL fall - I just say that their place in the pecking order us being re-evaluated. I actually believe that some coins with a chequered past and some infamy will do well in this new Paradigm.

So! You haven't read this rant & rave this far not to be given a list of coins that I believe have good fundamentals for very strong growth in the short term eh? That would not do at all! We would have nothing to argue about on this thread!

I'll keep it brief; I leave out coins that are already at what I consider 'normal market price' based on their fundamentals. (IMHO of course)

Quark      [QRK] - Yes, that shocked you didn't it! It may have previous misdemeanours, real or perceived but this is the here and now. It's shaken off its past, anyone can mine it, it was first to use 9 rounds and it is very cheap.

Ripple      [XRP] - Well, another shock! It's not even a proper cryptocurrency. However I believe that it has a very strong chance of taking a huge chunk of Paypal and EMV merchant business. I wish I had more than a few hundred! (I think I will put my BTC where my mouth is!)

VertCoin  [VTC] - A good example of the new Paradigm in the alt markets - Excellent fundamentals and cheap compared to 1st/2nd tier currencies. Still room for strong                       growth

Frozen    [FZ] - A bit like Quark this one! Had a bit of a dodgy start but was taken over by an excellent and talented community. The fundamentals are strong on this one and, despite its relative rarity, its very cheap!

Netcoin   [NET] - All fundamentals look good with this - apart from no major innovation - could say the same about LTC! A nice touch is the 'foundation' who actually show their faces! Very Cheap!

Memory [MMC]  As above and with good innovation. Very Cheap! (Bloody hell! I had better buy some of these myself!)

eMark    [DEM] A difficult one this. I believe that BTC needs some alt SHA256 coins to survive long term - a bit like the birds who pick ticks off of the crocodiles!  Grin The alt winner(s) will show strong growth - I think DEM has those fundamentals but it could be another like freicoin (motivation/cause) or Asic (does what it says on the tin).

eToken    [ETOK] - Another contender for very strong growth short term. Good fundamentals and very cheap. Could get a kick from another exchange listing.

Argentum [ARG] - Ditto above! (Again! I had better get some of these in!)

Xivra       [XVR] - I saved the best for last! This little gem has excellent fundamentals! It is low diff and new with excellent devs and roadmap/services. Anyone who mines or buys this over the next few weeks is going to do very very well in my opinion!

QQC is also worth a look IMHO

To sum up my analysis - Alt trading is shifting to a more mature level. Fundamentals are more important than age or hype/pump. Don't buy anything from the above list before a:) you research that coin and b:) you agree with my analysis!  Wink

Research! Research! and then buy/mine!  Grin

17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / HBN HoboNickels - Why is the price soaring? on: February 06, 2014, 02:06:30 AM
Does anyone have any info on why HBN has taken off?  Smiley
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / LDC Faucet [OUT OF CONTROL!!!] EVERYONE IS WELCOME INSTANT PAYOUT!!!! on: February 04, 2014, 11:02:23 AM
Hello!  Smiley

Everyone is welcome at the LeadCoin Faucet

It's OUT OF CONTROL!!!  Grin Grin Grin

Also, Please like us on facebook and follow us on twitter!!  Grin

If you haven't done so already please add yourself to the Cryptsy and Reddit threads!!

Many Thankz!!!!!  Smiley
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [LDC] LeadCoin Miners! Please switch some MHs to coinminer on: February 03, 2014, 01:12:23 PM
LeadCoin miners - please switch some MHs from forkpool to

No sign up required!

Forkpool currently has over 51% !!  Shocked

Also LeadCoin needs at least 1 more pool! Hash Rate is rising quickly!!!  Shocked
I will promote your pool on the leadcoin website!

Thanks!  Cheesy
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Leadcoin [LDC] New Website, new faucet, foundation members needed! on: January 31, 2014, 05:16:05 PM
There is a new website for LeadCoin at

There is also a new LeadCoin faucet at the MultiCoin Faucet!

It would be great if you could follow LDC on Twitter.
(100 Coins for every address tweeted who then follows lead_coin until further notice!)

Also it would be cool if you could like us on Facebook! A like and a comment with your address = 100 coins until further notice!

Don't forget we have our solo miner call to arms thread here on Bitcointalk!

And we are still active with our reddit and cryptsy requests -

We are also looking for people to help with this coin and/or join the foundation!  Cheesy

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