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1  Economy / Scam Accusations / [SCAM] Boomcoin proven to be completely rigged on: June 25, 2019, 06:49:48 AM
Closed source wallet - should have been a warning sign in the first place...

In short, there are hardcoded "VIP accounts" that can mine at 10x,100x,1000x,10000x the capacity
plus two UBER Instamine accounts


Also, upon further analysis of the blockchain, it became evident that the "dev team" made heavy use
of 1000x mining accounts. Roughly 50% of all blocks forged were done with these.

Some stats:

V1: 977 blocks have been mined at factor 1000xV2: 74 blocks have been mined at 1000x

That’s almost 50% of all blocks since release!

I propose to close the thread:
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Burstcoin Airdrop/Giveaway on: November 01, 2018, 11:24:32 AM
As per the rules here, the giveaway is running off-site


Self-moderated and locked.
3  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Shillt euren Altcoin hier: on: March 02, 2018, 03:12:31 PM

Dann haben wir wenigstens Alle was zu lachen.
Momentan ist ja der erste Platz gebührend vergeben.  Cool
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Announcing the PoC Consortium Stage 2: The Burst Dymaxion on: December 27, 2017, 11:01:23 AM
Only 138 days ago, we announced the PoC Consortium Stage 1: BURST
In this we said

"We came to lead BURST to its rightful place among other

Today, we can speak openly about where we think that place is.

We started the process by which BURST will inherit the best traits and
technologies of the most promising cryptocurrencies. The combination
of these technologies will result in significant synergistic
gains - the whole being more than the sum of its parts.

The Burst Dymaxion is an arbitrary scalable, energy efficient and
anonymous transaction network based on colored tangles.
It consists of Dymaxion layers - basically tangle-based lightning
networks - that are above the Burst blockchain which is used for
bookkeeping the opening and closing of these layers.

Read the white paper here:

We therefore present nothing short of an energy-efficient
cryptocurrency that is able to sustain the total global load of
non-cash transactions.

We chose to implement the Dymaxion on the Burstcoin network for
several reasons. First and foremost, we believe that its
Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) consensus algorithm is currently the best
answer to the energy consumption problems of Proof-of-Work and to the
centralization and fairness issues of Proof-of-Stake. Burst also
implements data scrubbing to reduce blockchain bloat. Moreover, Burst
has smart contracts and is able to make Atomic Cross-Chain
Transactions. The coin has more than three years of heritage and a
community to bootstrap with, yet it is small enough to allow for
significant improvements without a long and paralyzing scaling debate.

In the past months, we worked hard to prepare the Burst wallet for
this herculean task. We were given the baton of responsibility for
core wallet development by the former development group, burst-team.

We are honored by this sign of trust and invite everyone to join the
Burst community on its way to the very top. Because for an
energy-efficient cryptocurrency with truly global scalability, there
is no other place to be.

The PoC Consortium (aka PoCC)
5  Economy / Exchanges / Kraken - these incompetent Macaques! on: November 28, 2017, 06:11:59 PM
I swear - if I ever find out whom @ Kraken to punch in their primate face so they start getting their shit right - I will do it!

This shit doesn't work 90% of the time. And support is like

To permanently resolve the issue, we are working on infrastructure updates and an overhaul of the trading engine.

for months!

My god ask at least some Bonobos for help!
6  Local / Alternatywne kryptowaluty / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Polish on: October 12, 2017, 06:57:41 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Polish?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.

=> Leass provided a translation today! Thank you very much, Polish will be supported as of the next release (~week).
7  Local / Alt Coins (Nederlands) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Dutch on: October 12, 2017, 06:55:52 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Dutch?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
8  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Hebrew on: October 12, 2017, 06:55:33 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Hebrew?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
9  Local / 대체코인 Alt Coins (한국어) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Korean on: October 12, 2017, 06:43:09 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Korean?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
10  Local / Alt-Currencies (Italiano) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Italian on: October 12, 2017, 06:43:02 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Italian?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
11  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Indonesian on: October 12, 2017, 06:42:49 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Indonesian?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
12  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Croatian on: October 12, 2017, 06:42:44 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Croatian?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
13  Local / Altcoins (Ελληνικά) / BURST mobile wallet -> localization into Greek on: October 12, 2017, 06:39:56 PM

would please anyone here be so kind to translate the "en.json"
(in the folded box) into Greek?

It's around 600 words and would certainly help to have a truly
global BURST mobile payment wallet.

In case you are interested, please state so here, or just
reply with the translation here.

Thank you.
14  Economy / Exchanges / FUCK YOU KRAKEN! on: October 03, 2017, 06:55:14 AM
820: Internal error
What it means: Our service failed for an unpredictable reason, for example the response from the exchange’s API was garbled.
What you can do: Wait and try again. If it happens repeatedly, please contact support.

So I did. The answer is a measly copy&paste:

Gil (Kraken Support)
Oct 2, 07:58 PDT


We understand your frustration and appreciate your patience. We're very sorry that your orders were not executed within your expectations. We recognize the trading engine issues during periods of high volume, and are hopeful that the new trading engine being implemented will help alleviate the problems. Though we strive to offer the best service for our clients, performance can never be fully guaranteed. This is the risk of electronic trading, especially on an online platform.

Please let us know if you have any further issues.

" This is the risk of electronic trading, especially on an online platform."

Yes, but you faggots forgot to mention that you hereby shift the full risk to the customer. Why am I paying a Kraken Fee again?

I will transfer my funds again away from Kraken and after that I hope they go down the drain. What good is it if you know when to trade when Kraken doesn't let you and then mocks you with "the risk of electronic trading".

Fucking morons. No, that's the risk being on an exchange that had their system implemented by chimps.

15  Local / 山寨币 / [ANN] PoC 财团第一阶段声明:BURST on: August 11, 2017, 08:21:24 PM
PoC 财团第一阶段声明:BURST



-以NXT为基础:不是比特币的简单复制,而是拥有自己的安装启用,包括分散市场(market),第三方托管(Escrow),资产(Assets),众筹(Crowdfunding),智能合约(smart contracts)。从而常被称为比特币2.0版。


遗憾的是,从那以后BURST的发展一直不温不热的,以至于BURST没有得到像这么一个有潜力的货币所应得 的开发量与资历。更糟的是,比起致力开发BURST,后人更热衷于争论它。



首先,我们相信,BURST将会展现如同现今NXT的重要性。这个假设是立足于它的历史遗产与独特的PoC 特性,而并非空穴来风。




我们已经开始缩短BURST的落后程度。我们提供了一个⟪企业(Enterprise)⟫钱包,从1.2.9发展而来的1.3.0cg,为不稳定的H2更换了MariaDB/MySQL后端。你可以从以下地址得到最新的版本: 我们将继续努力开发钱包。


我们在世界各地聚集了不同的服务器来运行钱包的软件,每一个都有优越的连通性。我们主要的钱包(运行1.3.2cg)是。附带一提,这是众所周知的92.43.104.34,曾经(在14%的运用高峰期)单独轻易抵御了1TB/天的垃圾邮件的攻击。我们其他的钱包容量也已经成倍的扩展了。这个钱包通过Gbit Uplinks时时与200-300Peers保持连通。我们确信已经在BURST网络结构内创建了一个相当稳定的“中流砥柱”。





PoC 财团成员
16  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / [ANN] PoC Konsortium Stufe 1: BURST on: August 11, 2017, 10:04:47 AM
Ankündigung des PoC-Konsortiums. Stufe 1: BURST

Am 10. August 2014 wurde eine NXT-basierte Kryptowährung mit dem Namen
BURST von einem unter dem Pseudonym "Burstcoin" bekannten Entwickler
vorgestellt. Die Identität des oder der Entwickler ist bis heute
unbekannt. Der Coin wurde ohne ICO oder Premine gestartet.

        Der Genesis-Block wurde am 11. August 2014 veröffentlicht.

Mithin heute vor drei Jahren, begann BURST als vielversprechender
Coin, welcher (im Hinblick auf den technischen Aspekt) alles hatte,
was man sich von einer Kryptowährung zu diesem Zeitpunkt wünschen

 * NXT-Basis: Nicht einfach ein Bitcoin-Klon, sondern eine eigene neue
   Implementierung einschließlich dezentralem Marktplatz, Escrow,
   Assets, Crowdfunding und Smart Contracts. Oft auch als Bitcoin 2.0

 * PoC (Proof-of-Capacity): Im Gegensatz zum oligarchischen
   Proof-of-Stake (PoS) von NXT bietet BURST eine bis dato
   einzigartige Möglichkeit Mining mittels Massenspeicher zu
   betreiben. Dieser Ansatz macht BURST wesentlich energieeffizienter
   als Proof-of-Work (PoW) vieler anderer Kryptowährungen.

Dies machte BURST zum Zeitpunkt seiner Einführung zu einem der technisch
modernsten Coins.

Seitdem sind drei Jahre vergangen. Ein Jahr nach der Ankündigung und
Präsentation von BURST, verließ der anonyme Schöpfer die Bühne und die
weitere Entwicklung hing von denjenigen ab, welche die Stafette
übernehmen sollten.

Leider ist bei BURST der Fortschritt seitdem bestenfalls als lauwarm
zu bezeichnen. Rückblickend und bei der Bewertung, wo BURST heute
steht, wurde dem Coin weder die Entwicklungskapazität noch die
Kompetenz, die für eine so vielversprechende Währung notwendig ist,
zuteil. Noch schlimmer wiegt, dass bei BURST dieser Mangel an der
Entwicklungsfront durch eine "Dramafront" überkompensiert worden zu
sein scheint.

Wir interessieren uns nicht für Drama. Es ist uns egal, wer es
angefangen hat und warum. Sicherlich werden wir nicht daran
teilnehmen. Wir sind zukunftsorientiert und jeder kompetente,
rationale Mensch der bereit ist mit uns zusammenzuarbeiten, ist
willkommen und wird von uns mit einer wohlwollenden Einstellung
begrüßt. Darüber hinaus gibt es weder in der BURST-Community noch
sonstwo niemanden, der uns bedrohen, ernsthaft ärgern oder mit anderen
Mitteln verscheuchen könnte.
Genug dazu.


Wir - das PoC-Konsortium - sind eine Gruppe von hoch qualifizierten
und finanziell gut ausgestatteten Personen. Investoren,
Führungskräfte, Unternehmer, Entwickler, Admins, Designer und
Studenten. Wir sind gekommen, um BURST zu seinem rechtmäßigen Platz
unter den anderen Kryptowährungen zu führen und wir glauben, dass
dieser Platz nirgendwo sonst ist, als aufwärts von wo sich BURST heute
befindet und aufwärts von dort, wo er morgen sein wird.

Wir glauben, BURST sollte - fürs Erste - in der Lage sein, dieselbe
Bedeutung zu erreichen, die NXT heute hat. Wir halten diese Annahme
angesichts der gemeinsamen Grundlagen und der einzigartigen PoC
Attribute für realistisch.

Wir sind uns über die vielen anderen bestehenden Kryptowährungen
einschließlich intimer Details zu ihrer Architektur, Community und
damit Perspektive im Klaren. Wir sind uns gleichermaßen des bislang
beklagenswerten Zustandes von BURST bewusst. In den ersten 3 Jahren
seines Bestehens ist BURST in vielen Aspekten hinter NXT
zurückgefallen - insbesondere wegen des Mangels an Entwicklung. Wir
werden dieses Manko ändern und wir werden es schnell ändern, denn
nicht einmal NXT hat die Entwicklungskapazitäten, die wir jetzt

Weder fordern noch erwarten wir für unsere Entwicklungsbemühungen
irgendwelche Entlohnung aus der BURST Community. Wir werden keinen
"Entwickler-Fonds" - wie von der Community diskutiert - aufsetzen noch
uns aus einem solchen bedienen. Wir sind hochbezahlte Profis und wir
sind hier nicht für Peanuts.

Stattdessen haben wir BURST gekauft. Millionen davon und wir werden
weitere akquirieren.  Wir behalten uns vor kleinere Pakete zu
verkaufen, sobald der BURST-Preis in den folgenden Monaten im Bereich
zwischen 1000 und 2500 Satoshi / BURST liegt, ansonsten gehen wir
Long. Wir müssen diesen Sachverhalt offen kommunizieren, denn wenn wir
dies nicht täten, könnten einige unserer Transaktionen rechtlich
als Insiderhandel ausgelegt werden. Sollte Jemand glauben, dass es
sich bei unserem Engagement um eine Art Pump&Dump Schema handelt,
unterliegt er einem außerordentlich schrecklichen Irrtum.

Wir haben bereits einige kleine Entwicklungsanstrengungen unternommen,
um BURST wieder auf Kurs zu bekommen. Nach dem Spam-Angriff auf BURST
haben wir eine "Enterprise"-Version der BURST Wallet 1.3.0cg erstellt,
welche auf der offiziellen 1.2.9 basiert, allerdings ein mariaDB /
MySQL-Backend verwendet statt der fadenscheinigen H2 Datenbank, die
bislang Verwendung fand.
Die Wallet ist hier verfügbar:
Wir setzen unsere Wallet-Entwicklungsanstrengungen mit Nachdruck fort.

Wir hosten einen BURST Mining-Pool unter
mit 0% Gebühr, überragender Performance und Verfügbarkeit. Wir
betreiben Miner für experimentelle Zwecke mit einer kleinen Kapazität
von 200TB.

Wir hosten überdies einen geographisch verteilten Cluster von Wallets
an verschiedenen Servern, die alle über herausragende Konnektivität
verfügen. Unsere öffentliche Haupt-Wallet (ab sofort Version 1.3.2cg)

Dies ist im Übrigen der "well-known Peer", der mit
Leichtigkeit (bei 14% Auslastung während der Spitze) eine Netzlast von
1TB / Tag während des Spam-Anschlags bewältigte. Unsere sonstige
Wallet-Kapazität beträgt mittlerweile ein Vielfaches hiervon. Diese
Wallets sind über GBit Uplinks auch ständig mit 200-300 Peers
verbunden. Wir glauben also, dass wir ein sehr widerstandsfähiges
"Kern-Rückgrat" der BURST Netzwerkinfrastruktur aufgebaut haben.

Gemeinsam mit der BURST-Community sind wir froh, dass diese Bemühungen
und die daraus resultierende Stabilisierung des Netzwerks es Größen
wie Poloniex ermöglichten, den BURST-Handel wieder vollständig

Darüber hinaus sind wir stolz darauf, unseren eigenen BURST Block
Explorer vorstellen zu dürfen:
Jeder ist herzlich eingeladen ihn zu testen. Er wurde von Grund auf
neu geschrieben und obwohl noch in der Entwicklung, glauben wir, dass
Leistung und Verfügbarkeit gefallen werden.

Wir freuen uns besonders bekannt machen zu dürfen, dass sich unsere
mobile Wallet für BURST (Android und iOS) in Entwicklung befindet und
wir glauben, dass dieses Projekt für die BURST Kryptowährung neue
Möglichkeiten erschliessen wird. Unser Benchmark ist die mobile BTC
Wallet Mycelium

All dies geschieht jetzt und ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Weitere
BURST-bezogene Projekte sind in der Pipeline und werden bald bekannt
gegeben. Alle diese Projekte hier zu beschreiben würde den Umfang
dieser Ankündigung sprengen, daher werden wir die Details dieser
Projekte fortlaufend kommunizieren.

Es ist ziemlich wichtig, dass diese Ankündigung auch richtig
verstanden wird. Wir kündigen keine einmalige Sache an. Wir verkünden
den Anfang eines Prozesses. Ob wir an die Zukunft dieser PoC
Kryptowährung glauben? Nein! Wir müssen nicht glauben, weil wir
wissen. Wir müssen nicht hoffen und darauf warten, dass die Zukunft
geschieht. Ja, wir sind zuversichtlich: Wir werden ihre Zukunft

Für das PoC Konsortium
    und weitere
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / [ANN] PoC Consortium Stage 1: BURST on: August 11, 2017, 10:04:43 AM
Announcing the PoC Consortium. Stage 1: BURST

On August, 10th 2014 a NXT-based cryptocurrency by the name BURST was
introduced to the general public by the original developer who is
known under the alias "Burstcoin". His or their real identity is still
unknown today. The coin was launched without an ICO or premine.

        The genesis block was published on August, 11th 2014.

So today, three years ago, BURST started as a very promising coin
which (looking at the technical aspect) had everything you could
desire from a cryptocurrency at that time:

 * NXT basis: Not a simple Bitcoin clone, but a completely new
   implementation including market, escrow, assets, crowdfunding and
   smart contracts. Often referred to as Bitcoin 2.0

 * PoC (Proof-of-Capacity): Contrary to the oligarchic Proof-of-Stake
   (PoS) of NXT, BURST offers a unique way of ensuring the
   cryptographic consistency of the transactions in its blockchain by
   allocating a non-trivial amount of disk space. This approach makes
   BURST much more energy efficient than Proof-of-Work (PoW) of many
   other cryptocurrencies.

This made BURST at the time of its introduction one of the technically
most advanced coins.

Three years have passed since then. One year after announcing and
presenting BURST, the anonymous creator left the stage, so further
development depended on whomever might pick up the baton.

Unfortunately, BURST evolution since then was tepid at best. In
retrospect and when evaluating where BURST stands today, it has been
given neither the development capacity nor the competence that is
necessary for such a promising coin. Even worse, what BURST was
lacking on the development front seems to have been overcompensated on
the drama front.

We are not interested in drama. We do not care who started it and why.
Most certainly we will not participate. We are forward-looking and
everyone competent, rational and willing to cooperate with us is
welcome and will be met with a benevolent attitude.  Other than that,
there is no one in the BURST community or elsewhere who could threaten
or fatally annoy us or "make us go away" by any other means.
Nuff said.


We - the PoC Consortium - are a group of highly skilled and well
funded individuals. Investors, executives, entrepreneurs, developers,
admins, designers and college students. We came to lead BURST to its
rightful place among other cryptocurrencies and we believe that place
is nowhere else than upwards of where BURST is today and upwards of
where it will be tomorrow.

We believe, BURST should - for starters - be able to reach the same
significance as NXT has today. Given the BURST heritage and its unique
PoC atribute makes this a realistic assumption.

We are aware of many other existing cryptocurrencies including
intimate details about their architecture, community and thus
perspective.  We are equally aware of the hitherto wretched state of
the BURST cryptocurrency. In its first 3 years of existence BURST has
fallen behind NXT in many aspects, mostly because of said lack of
development. We will change this and we will change it fast, because
even NXT has not the development capacities we are bringing to the
table right now.

Neither do we expect nor require payment from the BURST community for
our development efforts. We will not set up or take from a "Developer
Fund" as has been discussed in the community here and there. We are
highly-paid professionals and we are not here for peanuts.

Instead, we have bought BURST. Millions of them and we will continue
doing so. We may cash out small packages when the BURST price will hit
the corridor between 1000 and 2500 Satoshi/Burst in the following
months, but we are in it for the long game. We have to tell you this,
because if we didn't, some of our engagement could be legally
construed as insider trading. If you think this is just some sort of
pump&dump scheme, you are terribly, terribly mistaken.

We have done already some small development efforts to get BURST back
on track. Following the spam attack on BURST, we provided an
"Enterprise" BURST wallet 1.3.0cg, which was based on the official
1.2.9, but has a mariaDB/MySQL backend instead of the flimsy H2
database used in BURST so far.
You can get it here:
We continue with our wallet development efforts forcefully.

We are hosting a BURST mining pool at
with 0% fee, superior performance and availability. We operate miners
for experimental purposes with a small capacity of 200TB.

We are hosting a geographically distributed cluster of wallets on
various machines, all of which have superior connectivity. Our main
public wallet (running 1.3.2cg as of now) is This is BTW the
"well known peer" that single-handedly (at 14% capacity
usage during the peak) took a 1TB/day network load during the spam
attacks. Our provided wallet capacities are meanwhile a multiple of
that. These wallets are also constantly connected to 200-300 peers via
GBit uplink. We thus do believe to have set up a very resilient
"Core-Backbone" of the BURST network infrastructure.

Together with the BURST community we are happy to see that these
efforts and the resulting stabilization allowed players like Poloniex
to resume BURST trading in full again.

Furthermore, we are proud to present our own BURST block explorer and you are welcome to give
it a try. It has been written from scratch and although still WIP,
we believe you will appreciate it's performance and availability.

We are especially pleased to announce the in-development status of
our mobile wallet for BURST (Android and iOS) which we believe will
enable and catalyze new oportunities for the BURST cryptocurrency.
Our benchmark is the BTC wallet Mycelium

All this is only the tip of the iceberg what's happening right
now. More BURST-related projects are in the pipeline and to be
revealed soon. Listing all these projects would burst (pun intended)
the scope of this writing, so we will communicate the details of the
projects as we go.

Now it is quite important that you do understand this announcement as
what it is and what it is not. It's certainly not some sort of
one-time event or snapshot. We are announcing the beginning of a
process. Do we believe in the future of this PoC cryptocurrency? No!
We do not need to believe, because we know. We do not have to hope
and to wait for the future to happen. Yes, we are confident: we will
make its future.

For the PoC Consortium
    and others

18  Bitcoin / Hardware / U.N.B.E.L.I.E.V.A.B.L.E. (Alpha-t) on: August 04, 2017, 09:10:11 AM
From time to time - say once in 6-12 months - I have a look if Alpha Technology still exists.
Fortunately I never preordered their hardware (which must have been back in 2013 when they offered it)

I think my last lookup is now over a year back and while cleaning up my browser bookmarks and stumbling across their, I had a look:

Not only do they exist, they even still pretend operation and business "as usual", developing their Scrypt miners.
I believe this must be the longest delay in the history of Crypto Mining Hardware - even surpassing legendary BFL.

Should be over 4 years of delay by now.

"We have always been honest with our delays, transparency has always been our company policy from day one."

If there is something like a running gag materialized in a web page, Mohammed Akram has achieved it.
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / BURST mining exploit or botnet? on: June 26, 2017, 09:10:59 AM
I'm observing some weird happenings on the BURST network for the past 2 days.
Searching for reasons, I stumbled across this:
(need Account, Twitter Account or use Google Cache)

Can someone please comment on that? Is BURST doomed? Seems after the rally of the past week, we're about to see some bloody waterfalls.
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / BURST to $1 when? on: June 22, 2017, 09:24:53 AM
Prepare to be quoted for future reference.  Wink
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