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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / [WTS/WTT] Coin Collection All/Parts on: January 01, 2014, 01:14:25 AM
I have some odds and ends coins I've accumulated and will take offers on all/any parts of my current coin collection. Balances are:

1024.00 ATO (Atom)

0.08868397 CRC (Craftcoin)

151798.98274665 TIPS (Fedoracoin)

10.00 Fz (Frozen)

0.18466597 GPL (GoldPressedLatinum)

10031.572191 GRA (Grain)

3000.00 HYK? (Hayekcoin)

0.45679093 ICOIN (iCoin)

1568.00 MOL (Molecule)

50000.00 PRT (Particle)

750.00 RVD (RVDcoin)
2  Economy / Currency exchange / WTB 0.1 btc - verified paypal - current coinbase or bitstamp + on: December 07, 2013, 09:58:12 AM
I am looking to buy 0.1 btc (or equivalent ltc) at current coinbase or bitstamp rates.

Did a small buy on coinbase ... did not realize they then require 30 days to make the next purchase ... wanted to get more in total.

I have verified paypal and will send first escrow gift whatever is deemed necessary to trusted seller Smiley
3  Economy / Currency exchange / WTB bitcoin or litecoin - btce spot paypal verified on: November 27, 2013, 07:18:20 PM
Am looking to get some more $ into coins - Not big here - Looking to pick up $50 ish for now?

Have paypal verified and 97+ 100% ebay

Willing to send first to established sellers - Can do small amounts if need be
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / WTS 250 Datacoin on: November 21, 2013, 01:21:36 PM
Selling 250 Datacoin. Asking 0.25BTC obo also willing to take litecoin / other alt currencies, so long as equivalent value. I realize I'm new, so will agree to send first in the trade to anyone with established creds. Will send first in multiples of 10 datacoin at a time with anyone with low or 0 cred.
5  Economy / Invites & Accounts / WTS UltimaOnline UO Accounts on: November 21, 2013, 11:32:13 AM
I am looking to sell off my 4yr old Ultima Online (UO) Pandora Accounts! 5 accounts in total. PandoraUO is a private donations based Ultima Online Shard - the only private free to play per month shard with full constant update support and active admins. While you all were mining for coins - I was mining for iron ore gold and gems (ha!) Played this game at a very high level. Total donation goods $ in excess of $1000. Awesome massive landholdings - vendor house in Luna , Castle(S), Keep(S), private island, and much much more. Total estimated value of donation items, donation money, raw gold, gems, imbuing material, land, superrare decor items, weapons/armor gear, and 1 extremely skilled warrior character I'd put at $2000 minimum. Asking 2BTC OBO! A steal for 4yrs of grinding and building up a dominant UO account. Fantastic game for you miners out there to play - easy on computer resources as it is the original mmorpg but it's great fun super addictive way better than wow or other graphics pretty mmorpgs.
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