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1  Other / Beginners & Help / Newbies, be careful! Recommendations on: February 21, 2018, 11:20:11 PM

1. Don't store digital money on unsecured systems. (Windows, partially OS X)
2. Store digital money only on an open source wallet and without centralized control of funds
3. Make a backup copy.
4. Backups if you store on cloud storage, encrypt.
5. Don't store digital money on online purses. Your money can be frozen and never returned. (especially do not recommend the purse XAPO)
6. Do not store digital money on illegal exchanges (btc-e, bter, etc.) (your money can be irretrievably lost)
7. It is not recommended to trade on illegal stock exchanges (see item 6) (your money can be irretrievably lost)
8. Try to trade only on decentralized exchanges. for example or (beta) If you want on regular, then only on legal exchanges (example (but remember, your money can be frozen and never returned. See paragraph 5)
9. Download software only from. sources. (ideally from repositories)
10. Use the on-screen keyboard to enter the password.

More detailed.

1. For working with crypto-currencies, it's best to start a separate computer with Linux OS. If there is no such possibility. Then put yourself on the computer second Linux system (when you turn on you can choose which OS to run). And hold storage, trade, transactions, etc. in it. (I recommend using Linux mint or Ubuntu
Note: This is the best step to safety, following this point you increase your security by 90%.
2. Keep your digital money on wallets, the source code of which is open. And on purses that do not store your passwords on remote servers and do not have access to your funds. How to determine? Go to and click on the wallet you like. A window pops up in front of the icon with the key. If it's written in green "Controlling your money", then third parties do not have access to your funds - it's safe. If it says "Money under the control of a third party" in yellow, it means that the creators of your wallet have access to your money - it's not safe.
3. Make backup copies of wallet.dat purse, and also recommend printing your private keys on paper. Get a special flash drive for backups and encrypt.
4.Clear important information, wallets, passwords using encryption software. Encrypt the program for open source
5. Do not store your money on online purses. Especially those who have access to your tools and your passwords.
6 and 7. By trading or keeping money on illegal exchanges, no one gives you guarantees. If the creator of the exchange wants to take your money, you can never return it. In ordinary words, you simply give money to a stranger without any guarantees, documents, etc. in the hope that he will return them to you.
8. If you trade in crypto currency, then try to trade on decentralized exchanges (for example, on the embedded exchange in Nxt and other cryptographic platforms). If there are not those pairs on the decentralized exchanges for which you wanted to trade, then trade on legal exchanges, but there is another danger: your funds can be blocked by the exchange administration or the state.

Good luck in earnings and take care of your savings!  Wink
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