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Are there any plans to create a subforum for TREZOR?
There are plans for other clients to become compatible with TREZOR devices, and it would be handy to have one place where that information may be found.
When I have Bitcoin Core running, Armory tells me to close it so it can do its thing, but when I close it, it says that Bitcoin Core doesn't appear to be installed.
What's going on here?
WARNING: Using TrueCrypt is not secure as it may contain unfixed security issues
This page exists only to help migrate existing data encrypted by TrueCrypt.
The development of TrueCrypt was ended in 5/2014 after Microsoft terminated support of Windows XP. Windows 8/7/Vista and later offer integrated support for encrypted disks and virtual disk images. Such integrated support is also available on other platforms (click here for more information). You should migrate any data encrypted by TrueCrypt to encrypted disks or virtual disk images supported on your platform.
Today I opened Bitcoin Core to find a 0.00 BTC balance.
After initially slightly freaking out, I click the Transactions tab, and find that my transactions are there, but the status had changed to "conflicted".
This wallet has been "handed down" through the differing versions of the reference client since 2011.
The transactions are well past "confirmed", so why the "conflicted" status now?
After several years of trolls, scams, ups and downs, and general tomfoolery and whathaveyou, and without trying in the slightest, I have attained the esteemed rank of Hero Member.  I just thought that all of you should know.
Mi tradukis "Bitcoin Wallet for Android" (mi nomis ĝin "BitmonMonujo" en mia traduko), sed mi bezonas iun por relegi, kaj korekti mian tradukon uzante la retejo "". Fakte, laŭ la retejo, mi bezonas du personojn.
Se vi povas legi ĉi tiun, vi povas helpi la verdan lingvon kaj ankaŭ Bitmonon se vi preni iom da tempo por korekti kaj provlegi mian tradukon.
Kiam vi finis, vi ankaŭ povas helpi mian tradukon de "", se vi povas kaj volas.
Multan dankon!
I have a fresh install of Linux Mint 15, and I finally got Bitcoin-QT installed and fully synced, and was going to install Armory to use it as an online, watching-only wallet to create transactions (using an offline computer to sign the transactions), but I have been having trouble getting any of the Linux releases of Armory to work.
Any ideas what the issue is?
Apparently a police chief in Kentucky is going to be receiving his paychecks in bitcoin. See story below: Cris Ritchie The Hazard Herald VICCO, Ky. — The city commission in Vicco approved a measure on Monday to begin paying the city's police chief in a virtual currency, a move officials say is likely the first of its kind in the nation. Police Chief Tony Vaughn appeared before the commission last month to officially request that his salary be paid to him in Bitcoin, a new virtual currency which exists only on the Internet and this year has gained significant traction, with its value rising by the end of November to more than $1,000 per coin, according to USA Today. The currency was valued at less than $100 at the beginning of the year. The city commission in Vicco opted last month to hold off on approving Vaughn's request in order to research the issue. Commissioner Claude Branson on Monday said officials did their homework, and there doesn't seem to be any logistical or legal issues to paying Vaughn in Bitcoin. "We done a checkup on it, and that's the way he wants paid, and that's the way the city is going to pay him," Branson said. Only Vaughn's take-home pay will be issued in Bitcoin, explained Mayor Johnny Cummings. All applicable federal and state taxes will be removed before Vaughn's salary is then converted electronically to Bitcoin and deposited in an online account for the city of Vicco. The currency then will be instantly transferred to Vaughn's own Bitcoin account. While Bitcoin is neither regulated nor recognized as an official currency by the federal government, Cummings said there shouldn't be any legal obstacles for the city. He noted several businesses across the country are accepting Bitcoin or have plans to do so. He added Vaughn could begin receiving his salary in Bitcoin as early as this month. "Basically his next paycheck," Cummings said. "They've set up the accounts for Vicco and for Tony, so it can be transferred." Vaughn added, however, that the city is going to continue to check into the payment system and further ensure that no barriers exist before he receives his first Bitcoin transfer. "The reason they wanted to pass the ordinance is this allows us greater latitude as far as finding out the legalities of it," he said. Vaughn said during last month's meeting that the city stands to make history with this transaction, as there is no record of a government entity paying one of its employees in Bitcoin. "I'm excited about it; it's a first for Vicco again," Vaughn said, referring to the city's fairness ordinance passed in January that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. The city was the first in the region to approve such a law, and at the time only the third in Kentucky. But Cummings added that publicity isn't necessarily the only reason for the city to take such a step. Since the city's passage of its fairness ordinance and a subsequent appearance on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report," officials have received several donations, including several pieces of playground equipment for a new park near City Hall. And now the city's upcoming website will be set up to accept Bitcoin donations, something Cummings said could help the small town of 300 people better afford projects to improve local infrastructure. "We just want to be on top of things, and up-and-coming and more progressive as a city," Cummings said. ___ McClatchy-Tribune News Service Ccopyright 2013 The Hazard Herald
Is there a site where I can check the average bitcoin price on any given date?
I would like to be able to find the price history of certain days in the past, for either the MTGOX rate, or an average.
Does anybody know of such a place?
I am buying XRP with BTC, for those who are interested.
PM me and we'll do business!
Well? OSTP’s Associate Director for National Security and International Affairs Dr. Patricia Falcone provided keynote remarks yesterday at a ribbon-cutting ceremony celebrating the opening of the US Army Research Laboratory’s (ARL) new supercomputing center at Aberdeen Proving Ground in northern Maryland...
The new ARL Supercomputing Center—containing two new IBM iDataPlex computers with the capacity to perform 50,000 trillion floating point operations per second, or 50 petaflops—will provide state-of-the art high performance computing capabilities as well as extraordinary capacities in advanced high-speed networking and data analysis, providing unprecedented benefits to the Army, the Department of Defense, and the Nation as a whole.
Successful trade with: bdub
I was just wondering if these two sites were the only ones of their kind.
Do any other sites "read" the blockchain?
I noticed on, the last block is showing as being 1 hour 33 minutes ago (block #230145), which got me wondering:
What has been the longest time in between blocks?
I know there is a dumpprivkey command in the console, but is there a way to show all the private keys for all addresses in the wallet?
I went to check a balance on and I used the firstbits previously given by for said address, and the firstbits were not found. I tried several different bitcoin addresses which were previously given "firstbits" by, and some "firstbits" were no longer there, and some were changed (shortened).
Any idea why?
I need to buy a new computer this week anyway, so I figured I'd ask the great minds of the forum here if there were any computers available, that are available in a local Best-Buy-type store, that have decent enough GPUs straight from the store? Or do the desktops like the ones I'm seeing on Best Buy's site all sell with GPUs that aren't suitable for mining, and one must purchase a better GPU separately and then install it and a new power supply or whatever?
Obviously I'm not a huge miner or anything, nor a gamer or super techy person, but since I need a new computer, I thought I might as well give it a shot as long as I don't have to install anything other than mining software.
tl;dr - what's a decent computer that's ready to mine that's for sale at my local Best Buy or somewhere?
Hey everybody!
While pondering how I might offer my own humble contribution to the bitcoin economy, it dawned on me that I have, in my attic, several boxes full of vintage Playboys, Penthouses, etc. from the 1960's-1990's (hey, they were inherited, lol).
I have full years of some, nearly full years of others, and many assorted magazines of different publishers and various years.
This is a particularly excellent offer for collectors, or would-be collectors, or people who are missing certain issues, or just someone who wants to turn their bitcoins into something tangible, and something with nekkid womens in it! They are no longer being made, obviously, and many are hard to find anywhere else!
***Some are first editions of certain publishers!***

All are in good to very fine condition!This thread is to gauge interest, so if you are at all interested PM me and/or reply to this thread!  
I have several boxes of vintage adult magazines (Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, and others) from the 1960's-1990's that I inherited and would be interested in trading for BTC. If collectors are looking for a particular issue, I could check and see if it is one that I have. Otherwise, I can trade random issues, or an issue from a specific year or publisher, etc. I don't have a set "price", but if you wish to trade BTC for my magazines (one, several, or all), I'm sure we can negotiate a fair trade.  Also, I am registered on bitcoin-otc, and have positive rating on the OTC Web of Trust, under the same name I post under here. If interested, reply to this thread or contact me via PM. I'm tryin' to stimulate the bitcoin economy!