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1  Local / Deutsch (German) / Steuererklärung - Wie die Anlage SO - Privateveräußerungsgeschäfte ausfüllen? on: June 25, 2017, 11:15:33 AM
Wie man im Bild sieht, müsste ich so nach diesem Formular jeden Verkauf einzeln angeben.

Ist dies tatsächlich der Fall oder kann man irgendwo Gewinn und Verlust zusammengefasst angeben z.B. in Zeile 43?

Ich denke die meisten hier, haben mehr als zwei, drei Trades im Jahr. Cool

Wer hat eine Idee.

PS: Ich verwende ElsterFormular.

2  Local / Presse / [2017-05-15] JAXenter: Blockchain und die Bitcoin-Plattform (detailliert) on: May 16, 2017, 08:10:43 AM

Ein m.E. guter und detaillierter Artikel. Fängt da an wo andere aufhören.
3  Bitcoin / Project Development / IntTrader - Bitcoin market trading application and API in development (GitHub) on: December 22, 2014, 09:05:50 PM
I'm currently developing a Bitcoin trading application and API, written in C#. For the front end WPF is used.
The main goal of IntTrader, is to have one application for all relevant exchanges and it currently supports Bitfinex and Kraken.
The whole project is open source and can be found here on GitHub: including a more detailed explanation.
I also posted IntTrader on reddit:

The main application aims for Windows 7 and above (.Net 4), but the API should be compatible with Mono (Linux, Mac) too.

Before you test the application read the part "Unfinished Features" on GitHub Wink and when you add actual API Keys for trading, please use trading only keys if possible.

Also I assume no warranty for possible programming errors and if you trade, you do it on your own risk.

Feel free to leave feedback here, on reddit or on GitHub Wink

Open known Issues:
  • Fix price grouping algorithm for the order book.
  • Fix auto calculation for orders.
  • Implement multi price orders. (stop-losss-limit; conditional close etc.)
  • Implement proper order notifications. (has the order gone through, if no, why?)
  • Performance/Proper engine to update the UI with actual data.

And now some pictures:

Exchange view of Bitfinex

Exchange view of Kraken with updated UI
4  Economy / Services / Offering my (C#) Software Developer skillz ;-) on: September 11, 2014, 04:28:25 PM

I'm a software developer specialized in C# and I'm looking for interesting projects, where I can offer my knowledge.

I allready started developing a trading tool in C# and WPF, that should give you an Idea about my skills. If you want to know more about me or my other projects, contact me here or via pm.

This is the tool I'm refering to:

I'm familiar with other languages like Java, JS, PHP, HTML and many more too  Roll Eyes.

5  Bitcoin / Project Development / Cryptocoin Trader is there interest in releasing it ? [C#] on: August 19, 2014, 11:14:46 AM
Hey community,

I'm currently developing a cryptocoin trader written in C#/WPF and basically want to know if there is any interest in releasing it sooner or later.
While releasing it, I would make it open source as well.

The first exchange going to be implemented is Bitfinex.

This is how the UI currently looks like:

I'm looking forward for any feedback.
6  Local / Deutsch (German) / Warnung vor btc_333_de Verdacht auf Malware (Java Applet Malware Downloader) on: December 05, 2013, 05:43:12 PM
Hallo Zusammen,

bei ausführen der Java Anwendung auf der Seite von btc_333 werden versucht diverse Registry Einträge zu setzen die u.a. Taskmanager und UAC deaktivieren und es werden diverse .jars nachgeladen und ausgeführt.

Aussehen der Seite am 2013-12-05:

Vermutlich wurde die Domain unter falschem Namen registriert und nun für Bitcoin Klau missbraucht.

Edit: Hier ein Ausschnitt des Codes:

Hinter dem Base64 verbirgt sich eine update2.jar, die versucht wird herunterzuladen und auszuführen.
Möglicherweise hat der Hoster schon reagiert, da die .jar nicht mehr zu finden ist.
7  Other / Beginners & Help / Starting Development of a trading tool (?) on: November 22, 2013, 07:31:23 PM
Hello community,

I'm currently undecided if I should spend a bunch of time in developing a trading tool.

So when there is general interest in new trading tools, I might find the motivation to start the project and release it sooner or later  Smiley

My last project was a notifier for the guild wars 2 market and it was fairly successful in my opinion.

So if you have any suggestions, ideas or other feedback, I would be glad in hearing it from you.

Thank You!

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