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1  Other / Off-topic / Mobile device remote control. on: January 06, 2014, 05:28:21 PM

Very interesting app

I have some troubles with install USB driver for Nexus 7 (2012) wifi ...

will test
2  Local / Other languages/locations / 조선민주주의인민공화국 Democratic People's Republic of Korea on: January 04, 2014, 08:34:54 AM
Hi, friends!
3  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / DOUBLE DISSIPATION RADEON R9 290X on: January 03, 2014, 11:28:04 AM

Dust-Free IP-5X Fan


2nd generation GCN Architecture for AMD’s unified graphics processing
and compute cores that allows them to achieve higher utilization for
improved performance and efficiency.

GCN Architecture with a new compute core.
28 Nanometers
512-bit Memory
PCI Express 3.0 - 32GB/s bandwidth & 8GHz)
Up to 4GB Memory On-Board

4  Local / 한국어 (Korean) / CPU 클라우드 마이닝 on: January 01, 2014, 08:30:09 PM
CPU 클라우드 마이닝
5  Local / Mining et Hardware / Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X OC on: January 01, 2014, 07:55:59 PM

6  Local / Hardware y Minería / Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X OC on: January 01, 2014, 07:47:28 PM

7  Bitcoin / Press / 2013-12-30 FocusTaiwan - Government warns of risk in dealing with Bitcoin on: January 01, 2014, 10:47:58 AM
Government warns of risk in dealing with Bitcoin
2013/12/30 23:12:49
Taipei, Dec. 30 (CNA) Taiwan's central bank and Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) on Monday warned the public of the high risk of Bitcoin, saying that investors will bear full responsibility for any losses themselves.

FSC officials said the Central Bank of the Republic of China (CBC) has established that bitcoins do not constitute a currency and that banks certainly should not accept it.

The officials said Bitcoin is a highly speculative "virtual product" that lacks a mechanism to protect transactions.

Because Bitcoin is highly volatile, investors who invest in or trade bitcoins will have to fully assume the trading risk themselves.

The officials also said that financial institutions should be on the watch for money laundering, noting that other countries have been found to have used Bitcoin as a tool for drug trafficking, money laundering and smuggling.

The central bank said that after China announced its restrictions on the virtual currency, its price has plunged.

The CBC has collected regulations on Bitcoin from other countries, including China, Indonesia, Thailand, Norway, Denmark, and the United States.

In China, where Bitcoin transactions are the highest in the world, the price dropped to US$690 on Dec. 25 after peaking on Nov. 29 at an equivalent of US$1,242.

According to the information collected by the CBC, the price of Bitcoin was only US$13 early this year.

(By Stacy Wu, Kao Chao-fen and Lilian Wu)

   Reuters Taipei, Dec. 30 - "Taiwan's central bank," said Monday that close attention bitcoin (Bitcoin) development in Taiwan, if its development threaten financial stability, then the FSC adopted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to further regulation.     Vice president "of Taiwan's central bank," said Yang Jinlong, Bitcoin is not money, but is highly speculative digital "virtual goods" and urged consumers should pay attention to if accepted, trade or hold bitcoins, should pay attention to risk. "We do not prohibit financial institutions (launched Bitcoin-related businesses), but if the problem is serious not excluded." Yang Jinlong said.     The Chinese central bank in early December when the express, financial institutions and payment institutions may not conduct business associated with bitcoins. Bitcoin is not the true meaning of money, present the financial institutions are not directly involved in Bitcoin trading and investment activities.     Yang Jinlong said Bitcoin regulations such as the Central Bank Act involves 2,13,35 article, management of foreign exchange regulations, the FSC organization law, banking law, finance and other consumer protection laws, will be based on relevant laws, to take necessary measures if necessary.     Central Bank press release also said that Bitcoin price volatility, may have investment risk or currency exchange risk. And stored in the electronic wallet of Bitcoin, with the risk of hackers stealing vulnerable to virus attacks for no risk of disappearance, and easily become illegal trading tools, but also the lack of specific legal protection.     "Taiwan's central bank" in the Legislative Yuan, president of previously accepted transponder has called bitcoin as bubbles.
8  Other / Off-topic / Daily new videos from Russia with extreme situations. on: December 31, 2013, 12:10:40 PM
9  Local / 媒体 / 侮辱国旗 on: December 30, 2013, 02:43:58 PM

10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Mining (Altcoins) / Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X OC on: December 30, 2013, 08:32:48 AM

Who will publish first picture of mining rig on this GPU?  Tongue
11  Local / Майнеры / Sapphire Radeon R9 290 Tri-X OC on: December 30, 2013, 08:21:03 AM

12  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Raffreddamento aria geotermica. on: December 28, 2013, 08:52:18 PM
Chi ha la propria casa in campagna, puo' organizzare il raffreddamento dei miners con un sistema di scambio aria-terra.

"Horizontal air-ground heat exchanger"
13  Local / Майнеры / Геотермальное охлаждение. on: December 28, 2013, 08:33:24 PM
Если у Вас свой дом и есть немного земли, то можете устроить геотермальное охлаждение ферм.
Горизонтальный воздушно-грунтовой теплообменник
"Воздушно-грунтовой теплообменник представляет собой вентиляционную систему с предварительно подключенным подземным всасывающим каналом, который нагревает или охлаждает атмосферный воздух. Эта энергия земли используется для защититы вентиляционной системы от промерзания зимой, а также для охлаждения атмосферного воздуха летом. Трубы необходимо прокладывать под наклоном и на голубине минимум 1,5 м. Для дома на одну семью необходимо предусмотреть минимум 30 м в длину при диаметре трубы 300. Это означает необходимость проведения дополнительных земляных работ, наличие большой площади и равномерного наклона, необходимого для стока конденсата."
14  Bitcoin / Mining / Geothermal air cooling. on: December 28, 2013, 07:13:10 PM
Many of you can use geothermal cooling for your miners.

"Horizontal air-ground heat exchanger"
15  Local / Mining (Italiano) / 4x R9 290 in Cooler Master HAF XB on: December 13, 2013, 12:48:46 AM
Possono stare 4xR9 290 su Gigabyte Z87X-OC in Cooler Master HAF XB con ventola da 20"?

Se il raffreddamento non bastera', c'e' un altra soluzione:

16  Local / Майнеры / Gigabyte Z87X-OC on: December 12, 2013, 09:39:56 PM
Gigabyte Z87X-OC $220.17

Есть какие нибудь противопоказания?

Хочу поставить две Gigabyte AMD HD7990 в Cooler Master HAF XB
17  Local / Майнеры / Нельзя задерживать монеты на пуле. on: December 09, 2013, 11:32:46 PM
К сожалению, произошла ошибка, и некоторым пользователям было начислено в тысячи раз больше положенного. Некоторые из них сделали операцию вывода, тем самым опустошив наш горячий кошелек. Если вы один из выводивших, очень просим вас вернуть средства обратно и надеемся на вашу честность. Эти средства принадлежат не вам и не пулу, а другим участникам, таким же как вы.

Уже несколько таких случаев нашёл, это такое частое явление?
18  Local / Майнеры / R9 280X на Амазоне on: December 09, 2013, 11:00:29 PM
XFX RADEON Double D R9 280X 1 new from $473.70

Gigabyte R9 280X GDDR5-3GB 1 new from $849.99

ASUS R9280X-DC2T-3GD5 1 new from $370.95

AMD Radeon VisionTek Radeon R9 280X 3GB 2 new from $309.00

Asus AMD Radeon R9 280X  $346.84 & FREE Shipping  Temporarily out of stock.
19  Local / Mining (Italiano) / Ka-Band Internet providers in Italia. on: December 08, 2013, 02:54:58 PM
 Ka-band internet.
20 GigaByte di traffico inclusi" 36,90*€ al mese IVA esclusa
(1) Se il totale del traffico (somma di download e upload) eccede i 20 Gigabyte compresi nella tua quota mensile
la velocità della connessione sarà limitata a 250 Kbps in download e 128 Kbps in upload, senza interruzione del servizio,
 fino alla fine del mese di fatturazione in corso.

26,90€ al mese IVA esclusa
10 GigaByte
 Se il totale del traffico (somma di download e upload) eccede i 10 Gigabyte
compresi nella tua quota mensile la velocità della connessione sarà limitata a
250 Kbps in download e 128 Kbps in upload, senza interruzione del servizio,
fino alla fine del mese di fatturazione in corso.

Da leggere, se si sceglie SKYDSL.

Ampiezza di banda fino a 6.000 Kbps in ricezione dati e fino a 1.000 Kbps in invio dati (bidirezionale)
Prezzo / Mese   
26,90 € dopo il 12° mese 16,90 €
tutti i prezzi sono IVA esclusa (19%)

Potete scegliere di ordinare l'hardware occorrente con l'acquisto a rate e pagare il materiale
 in comode rate mensili. L'hardware rimane di proprietà della skyDSL Europe B.V..
Se volete terminare la vostra durata contrattuale prima del pagamento integrale dell'hardware,
potete saldare subito l'importo rimanente e acquistare l'hardware oppure semplicemente restituirlo,
 col pagamento di un piccolo contributo. Nel caso di acquisto o acquisto a rate non è prevista alcuna cauzione.

Da leggere, se si sceglie SKYDSL.

D-Star.  IP Access
20  Other / CPU/GPU Bitcoin mining hardware / Cooler Master HAF XB on: December 07, 2013, 10:30:07 PM
Case for two HD 7990.
Cooler Master HAF XB

Is OK for two HD 7990?
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